Harris’s two most replayed speech points: are they inconsistent or a nuanced view of reality?

Don't be jealous.

She likely accomplished more in her professional career than you have before entered the legislative branch. She was more than accomplished enough to take on Pence, who gets the advantage coming in because he likes to hang his hat on "God."


You hate it that others live life differently than you. Makes sense.

You should be happy about that. She runs right of many who would've run against her.

The notion that Vance would destroy her in a debate is laughable. Have you heard him speak? LOL The MF'er is awkward as hell when he's off script.
Wait - you think Kamala makes sense when she goes off script? Where have you been the last 4 years. She got destroyed by Tulsi in a debate - Vance will make mincemeat of her.

Vance is a Yale Law School grad and Kamala flunked the BAR the first time she took it.

It'd have been no contest.
Like I said, keep telling yourself that. Young people and people of color are extremely energized. She certainly wasn’t my top choice, I never said she was. But I think she’s got a decent chance of beating Trump and that’s all I care about. Come on. You seriously believe the VP has power to make policy? Just like Pence was the Covid Czar right? It’s ceremonial.
Keep telling yourself that
Meidas 🤣🤣🤣. Soooooooo dumb

I knew your feed was fckd to be as clueless as you present
Of course she’s a terrible candidate. Anyone with an ounce of objectivity recognizes that. She has a 38 percent approval. When she ran on her own and wasn’t anointed was nowhere close to winning. The most high profile task she was charged with is the border and it’s an abject failure and remains a top voter priority. It’s okay to recognize that and still vote for her. Dems could put a chimp up for election and you’d claim it’s the perfect candidate. Good lord.

Hell I’d vote for Shapiro Kelly manchin and many others over trump and I’m conservative. I recognize trump’s a shit candidate. It’s okay to not be just blindly loyal. You sound like a fool
Was she really in charge of the border? I agree. Likely not the best candidate but not sure if the border thing is entirely true.

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Was she really in charge of the border? I agree. Likely not the best candidate but not sure if the border thing is entirely true.

I think you can get lost in the weeds a bit on her role but it’s easy to argue that she was part of the admin that made the changes that gave rise to the spike in numbers then was appointed point person and look how many got through. I suspect the reality is that once the changes were made Superman couldn’t have stemmed the tide

I still think choosing someone unaffiliated with this admin would have wiped the slate clean
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This is hilarious.

In 2021, Axios reported that Kamala Harris had become the administration’s “border czar.”


Today, they did two interesting things. First, they ran a story that Republicans were falsely calling her the Border Czar.


Naturally, gobs of people were dunking on them for this. So what did they do? Scrubbed it out of their own 3 year old story!


I always think of things like this when MSMers put themselves on a pedestal and rail on others for being hacks.

(FTR, there is no federal job title that is “Border Czar”, or any other “Czar” for that matter…it’s always been a colloquial thing).
Yeah, reminds me of somebody parroting "Make America Great Again" over and over and over and over.

Then you ask when it was, seemingly (to him) in the far distant past, that America was great.

Your hear


Some of us believe that America is great RIGHT NOW, and also that it can get better, amazingly.
Lmao...ok smarty.
#1 Maga is a slogan,not rehearsed and recycled line from many different speeches.
#2 America was great when people took responsibility for themselves and their families. When people looked out for one another. When people still had hope for their own,and their kids future. When families could afford to take vacations together. When hard work paid off for the person who did it,not for the person who watched them do it. When we didn't have drag shows in schools,or books depicting sex and sexual scenarios to 2nd graders. When teachers feared parents coming to school,and not vice versa. When working a full time job,meant you had enough to have a place to live,and food to eat,and clothes on your back.(unlike most of you uppidity privileged fools,that is not the case for millions). When you could say the truth,without being mocked,canceled,or called an idiot,by people whose feelings are hurt by reality. When we didn't have 1 party,that was so terrified of losing their power and ability to influence the American people,that they lie,deceive,fabricate,and try to kill their political enemy. When we didn't have a government that forgot about letting the people decide their own fate,instead of being forced to "abide". When we had a strong majority of people who could think for themselves,and do it without thinking of the things that will benefit themselves specifically.
I'm so glad my Grandpa doesn't have to see the way things are right now. I never saw him cry,and I wouldn't want to,but I'm 100% positive he would. It's hard not to. Also,you should be ashamed of yourself for even asking the question. This country was great,until the people with the pussy ass mentality of thinking everything should be easy,and free,were coddled enough to feel vindicated. If you honestly believe it's better now than it was in the past,there's proof all over the internet that tells you otherwise. Republicans may not be the answer to all of the problems,but democrats sure the hell are the cause of the vast majority of them,and they are just getting worse.

I think you can get lost in the weeds a bit on her role but it’s easy to argue that she was part of the admin that made the changes that gave rise to the spike in numbers then was appointed point person and look how many got through. I suspect the reality is that once the changes were made Superman couldn’t have stemmed the tide

I still think choosing someone unaffiliated with this admin would have wiped the slate clean
Becket Adams made a really good point earlier on this: If the border hadn’t become such a mess in the past few years, does anybody think she’d be running away from the moniker?

I doubt it. It’s been a mess and a political millstone for Biden. So of course she’s disowning it. But I doubt she’ll be very successful at that - with the interviews and news stories from the time.
Dude. You have no idea who I am what I do and why would I be be jealous of some dumb B who has been propped up her life and is part of the elite establishment. You can save your Psychoanalytical BS..

What does Pence have to do with this?
Part of The Clap Clan don't worry about him.
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Lmao...ok smarty.
#1 Maga is a slogan,not rehearsed and recycled line from many different speeches.
#2 America was great when people took responsibility for themselves and their families. When people looked out for one another. When people still had hope for their own,and their kids future. When families could afford to take vacations together. When hard work paid off for the person who did it,not for the person who watched them do it. When we didn't have drag shows in schools,or books depicting sex and sexual scenarios to 2nd graders. When teachers feared parents coming to school,and not vice versa. When working a full time job,meant you had enough to have a place to live,and food to eat,and clothes on your back.(unlike most of you uppidity privileged fools,that is not the case for millions). When you could say the truth,without being mocked,canceled,or called an idiot,by people whose feelings are hurt by reality. When we didn't have 1 party,that was so terrified of losing their power and ability to influence the American people,that they lie,deceive,fabricate,and try to kill their political enemy. When we didn't have a government that forgot about letting the people decide their own fate,instead of being forced to "abide". When we had a strong majority of people who could think for themselves,and do it without thinking of the things that will benefit themselves specifically.
I'm so glad my Grandpa doesn't have to see the way things are right now. I never saw him cry,and I wouldn't want to,but I'm 100% positive he would. It's hard not to. Also,you should be ashamed of yourself for even asking the question. This country was great,until the people with the pussy ass mentality of thinking everything should be easy,and free,were coddled enough to feel vindicated. If you honestly believe it's better now than it was in the past,there's proof all over the internet that tells you otherwise. Republicans may not be the answer to all of the problems,but democrats sure the hell are the cause of the vast majority of them,and they are just getting worse.
Holy Grand Slam, Well Said!!! Hear Hear
I doubt it. It’s been a mess and a political millstone for Biden. So of course she’s disowning it. But I doubt she’ll be very successful at that - with the interviews and news stories from the time.
Becket Adams made a really good point earlier on this: If the border hadn’t become such a mess in the past few years, does anybody think she’d be running away from the moniker?

I doubt it. It’s been a mess and a political millstone for Biden. So of course she’s disowning it. But I doubt she’ll be very successful at that - with the interviews and news stories from the time.
You know I post and do everything with countless distractions. I’m trying to get some sexting goin, have partners popping in, on the phone, have the US game on in the background, messaging friends, etc, but what caught my attention is that sure she’s horrible but it doesn’t matter. Harris Shapiro beshear none of it matters. It’s trump vs the dem apparatus. Media will perform a glow up. Those once critical will fall in line. We see that here. Money will flow in. A full political makeover. Debating her competency and shortcomings is pissing in the wind. It’s trump vs the dem party. Odds I’d say 50/50 if I had to drop 10k on it I’d take Harris
  • Wow
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You know I post and do everything with countless distractions. I’m trying to get some sexting goin, have partners popping in, on the phone, have the US game on in the background, messaging friends, etc, but what caught my attention is that sure she’s horrible but it doesn’t matter. Harris Shapiro beshear none of it matters. It’s trump vs the dem apparatus. Media will perform a glow up. Those once critical will fall in line. We see that here. Money will flow in. A full political makeover. Debating her competency and shortcomings is pissing in the wind. It’s trump vs the dem party. Odds I’d say 50/50 if I had to drop 10k on it I’d take Harris

Maybe. But social media has radically altered the media landscape.

If this Axios thing had happened in earlier election cycles, I doubt anybody even knows about it…let alone be able to make enough noise to get them to wipe egg all over their own face.

It’s really something to behold.

I’m sure there will be similar whitewashing going on with Trump, too.
Some of us believe that America is great RIGHT NOW, and also that it can get better, amazingly.

POTUS is a potato. Had to drop out. Wasn't charged with crimes b/c he was found "incompetent."

Inflation has been out of control. SOme feel we are in a mini recession.

Gas prices, grocery prices are through the roof. Mortage rates more than tripled.

Country has never been more divided----and I mean, "your side" aint helpin' matters by calling their opponent , "hitler"---a thrat to society, and democracy---A need for a bullseye-----then he gets shot. I mean had Trump said this, you dudes would be blaming him for Biden getting shot.

If this is great.....JFC. I'm gonna hate to see bad.
You know I post and do everything with countless distractions. I’m trying to get some sexting goin, have partners popping in, on the phone, have the US game on in the background, messaging friends, etc, but what caught my attention is that sure she’s horrible but it doesn’t matter. Harris Shapiro beshear none of it matters. It’s trump vs the dem apparatus. Media will perform a glow up. Those once critical will fall in line. We see that here. Money will flow in. A full political makeover. Debating her competency and shortcomings is pissing in the wind. It’s trump vs the dem party. Odds I’d say 50/50 if I had to drop 10k on it I’d take Harris
I hate to see what happens,if that prediction comes to fruition
This is hilarious.

In 2021, Axios reported that Kamala Harris had become the administration’s “border czar.”


Today, they did two interesting things. First, they ran a story that Republicans were falsely calling her the Border Czar.


Naturally, gobs of people were dunking on them for this. So what did they do? Scrubbed it out of their own 3 year old story!


I always think of things like this when MSMers put themselves on a pedestal and rail on others for being hacks.

(FTR, there is no federal job title that is “Border Czar”, or any other “Czar” for that matter…it’s always been a colloquial thing).
Dems, and the msm. Like 2 filthy fish stinking lesbo pals. Is that about right? Complete BS
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Maybe. But social media has radically altered the media landscape.

If this Axios thing had happened in earlier election cycles, I doubt anybody even knows about it…let alone be able to make enough noise to get them to wipe egg all over their own face.

It’s really something to behold.

I’m sure there will be similar whitewashing going on with Trump, too.
Look at Biden’s condition and that coverage. Sharpest I’ve ever seen him. Morning Joe and the rest. There’s zero journalistic integrity at this point. On either side.
I hate to what happens,if that prediction comes to fruition
It’ll suck. And if stay at home Pete is picked just 24/7 woke bs and incompetence. But the country will survive. Democracy will survive. As it would with trump and his insanity
Look at Biden’s condition and that coverage. Sharpest I’ve ever seen him. Morning Joe and the rest. There’s zero journalistic integrity at this point. On either side.

It’ll suck. And if stay at home Pete is picked just 24/7 woke bs and incompetence. But the country will survive. Democracy will survive. As it would with trump and his insanity
Trump is far from insane. Know how I know? Because if I had people making shit up about me,trying to prosecute me for the same things that every other president in history has done,had the fbi work with the opposing campaign(TWICE) to try to keep me out,then I probably would be insane. Yet Trump got shot,and had every opportunity to turn the heat up on the division of the country(like they all say he will do) and really show how much influence he had on some bad people,and he has yet to say 1 incendiary comment or phrase. So please stop with the BS about Trump is insane,Trump is a dictator,Trump is going to cause wars. It's all BS,and we all have 4 years of his 1st presidency as proof. The wars started under Bidens watch. Biden forced people inside and to wear masks. Biden is obviously senile. Wait...everything they said Trump was going to do...Biden actually did. That's why they call him racist too,when they support planned parenthood(who was founded by a devout racist). Everything they accuse Republicans/Trump of doing,is because they are actually doing it and want to deflect attention. And yet so many are still so blind. It's really sad.
Trump is far from insane. Know how I know? Because if I had people making shit up about me,trying to prosecute me for the same things that every other president in history has done,had the fbi work with the opposing campaign(TWICE) to try to keep me out,then I probably would be insane. Yet Trump got shot,and had every opportunity to turn the heat up on the division of the country(like they all say he will do) and really show how much influence he had on some bad people,and he has yet to say 1 incendiary comment or phrase. So please stop with the BS about Trump is insane,Trump is a dictator,Trump is going to cause wars. It's all BS,and we all have 4 years of his 1st presidency as proof. The wars started under Bidens watch. Biden forced people inside and to wear masks. Biden is obviously senile. Wait...everything they said Trump was going to do...Biden actually did. That's why they call him racist too,when they support planned parenthood(who was founded by a devout racist). Everything they accuse Republicans/Trump of doing,is because they are actually doing it and want to deflect attention. And yet so many are still so blind. It's really sad.
He's right Murt. What did you mean by that? Now according to The Clap Clan he is, but they are programmed.
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So please stop
damn you're coming in hot. i'm voting for trump. i can't stand biden/harris. i like trump a lot. probably a personality defect on my part but i find people like him immensely entertaining. i have friends who know him. old bosses. and have seen him personally carry guests' golf clubs at his course. he's a populist who is outside of dc and a rabble rouser and again i'm voting for him. but he's not a good president. covid showed as much. and he's way too old. and he's a narcissist. and he has zero self-awareness and little common sense when it comes to unifying. a president should be for the entire country. but again i think progressives are worse for the country so i will vote for trump. and only bc the alternative is progressive politics not bc i think he is a good leader. he's not.
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There’s zero journalistic integrity at this point. On either side.

Truer words…

I’ve basically come to see every news outlet more as vehicles for advocacy than for news and information. They do report actual news - but always with an easily spotted slant and agenda. They’re more interested in influencing their audience than informing them.

If there’s one exception I might make to that, it’s C-Span. But I’m not sure it’s even right to call it a news outlet.
Truer words…

I’ve basically come to see every news outlet more as vehicles for advocacy than for news and information. They do report actual news - but always with an easily spotted slant and agenda. They’re more interested in influencing their audience than informing them.

If there’s one exception I might make to that, it’s C-Span. But I’m not sure it’s even right to call it a news outlet.
it's a significant problem and i don't know how we fix it. any old remedies like the fairness doctrine are both outmoded and impractical
damn you're coming in hot. i'm voting for trump. i can't stand biden/harris. i like trump a lot. probably a personality defect on my part but i find people like him immensely entertaining. i have friends who know him. old bosses. and have seen him personally carry guests' golf clubs at his course. he's a populist who is outside of dc and a rabble rouser and again i'm voting for him. but he's not a good president. covid showed as much. and he's way too old. and he's a narcissist. and he has zero self-awareness and little common sense when it comes to unifying. a president should be for the entire country. but again i think progressives are worse for the country so i will vote for trump. and only bc the alternative is progressive politics not bc i think he is a good leader. he's not.
I accidentally tagged the wrong post. My apologies
damn you're coming in hot. i'm voting for trump. i can't stand biden/harris. i like trump a lot. probably a personality defect on my part but i find people like him immensely entertaining. i have friends who know him. old bosses. and have seen him personally carry guests' golf clubs at his course. he's a populist who is outside of dc and a rabble rouser and again i'm voting for him. but he's not a good president. covid showed as much. and he's way too old. and he's a narcissist. and he has zero self-awareness and little common sense when it comes to unifying. a president should be for the entire country. but again i think progressives are worse for the country so i will vote for trump. and only bc the alternative is progressive politics not bc i think he is a good leader. he's not.
I'm not a Trump guy either. He says things that draw attention,without having any benefit. And he is divisive. I would have preferred Vivek myself. Having said that, almost any republican,is better than almost any democrat. One party is destroying the country on purpose. I'm voting for the other
Trump is far from insane. Know how I know? Because if I had people making shit up about me,trying to prosecute me for the same things that every other president in history has done,had the fbi work with the opposing campaign(TWICE) to try to keep me out,then I probably would be insane. Yet Trump got shot,and had every opportunity to turn the heat up on the division of the country(like they all say he will do) and really show how much influence he had on some bad people,and he has yet to say 1 incendiary comment or phrase. So please stop with the BS about Trump is insane,Trump is a dictator,Trump is going to cause wars. It's all BS,and we all have 4 years of his 1st presidency as proof. The wars started under Bidens watch. Biden forced people inside and to wear masks. Biden is obviously senile. Wait...everything they said Trump was going to do...Biden actually did. That's why they call him racist too,when they support planned parenthood(who was founded by a devout racist). Everything they accuse Republicans/Trump of doing,is because they are actually doing it and want to deflect attention. And yet so many are still so blind. It's really sad.
You just may be insane.
What does personal wealth have to do with running the country? The Clintons weren't rich when Bill became President.

Significant negative net worth isn't a great sign. I'm not talking about modest wealth being an issue.
You just may be insane.
Ok. have never been able to dispute a word I have said. You just come back with pathetic attempts at insulting me that most little kids would consider lame. You are a Democrat. You do all the exact same s*** as them,and you are obviously dumb as s***. Therefore,you are. Also...since you can't even refute anything I say to have a conversation so you can realize that you are a dumbass,I'm hitting the ignore button. Your pathetic little dem brain isn't worth my time. ✌️
Ok. have never been able to dispute a word I have said. You just come back with pathetic attempts at insulting me that most little kids would consider lame. You are a Democrat. You do all the exact same s*** as them,and you are obviously dumb as s***. Therefore,you are. Also...since you can't even refute anything I say to have a conversation so you can realize that you are a dumbass,I'm hitting the ignore button. Your pathetic little dem brain isn't worth my time. ✌️
LOL! Dispute?!? 90+ percent of what you post is total misinformation and lies fed to you by Trumpster wingnut sources. This is the craziest phenomenon I’ve ever seen. I laughed at the moonbats when they posted stupidity and ridiculousness, but you Trumpster nuts embarrass me because you claim to be Republican. You are as dumb any poster that has ever infested this site - left or right. And a loon.
Truer words…

I’ve basically come to see every news outlet more as vehicles for advocacy than for news and information. They do report actual news - but always with an easily spotted slant and agenda. They’re more interested in influencing their audience than informing them.

If there’s one exception I might make to that, it’s C-Span. But I’m not sure it’s even right to call it a news outlet.
Yes, but if Fox did something like that.......
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By the way, politically, I’m not sure she’s a good enough communicator to speak in these kind of abstract terms and still be able to connect with an audience that is not already predisposed to like her. Nor do I think they should substitute for concrete policy positions that are very important right now.
It will be interesting.
Ok. have never been able to dispute a word I have said. You just come back with pathetic attempts at insulting me that most little kids would consider lame. You are a Democrat. You do all the exact same s*** as them,and you are obviously dumb as s***. Therefore,you are. Also...since you can't even refute anything I say to have a conversation so you can realize that you are a dumbass,I'm hitting the ignore button. Your pathetic little dem brain isn't worth my time. ✌️
Just ignore Aloha...part of The Clap. If you mention the word Trump in a post he gets triggered and makes a mess of himself! Stage 5 TDS. He'll never recover. And it'll bring out a side of you thats probably rare. Thats all he and The Clap Clan know.