Kamala Harris hits a home run in her first appearance as Candidate

So we elected someone who simply wasnt convicted b/c he was incompetemt….Whos son was in cahoots with China...with smoke al around his pops being involved. You really think Joe Bidens hands are clean? Selling millions of dollars of oil to china owned companies----Naaaah, nothing there to see.

Biden will never be a convicted criminal, simply because his brain has turned to mush.

Again, as POTUS, what did that dumb guy do, that hurt this country? Was inflation at record highs under him? Was the boreder being over ran? Did he fumble the withdrawl of soilders, leading to the deaths of many? Were groceries up 37%? Was gas pushing $4 a gallon? How much unrest was their overseas during his presidency?

Every answer you or others give pertains to HIM----not his policies. Not his tenure as President. Its a personal thing. This dude could cure cancer, world hunger, etc......and you'd still vote for a frog----And simply b/c you don't like him.

How is he anymore unfit for office than Biden? Biden falls off a bike, and is out of commission for a week---Trump gets shot in the ear, and has a rally the next day or so.

Thing is, the same people that HATE him now for his demeanor, etc, etc.....loved him before he ran for office. And now that he fractures peoples feelings, well, he bad guy.

My goodness, lets act as if the WH is full of fukin saints....

Fukin sheep
Trumper calling other sheep. Good one.I never loved him. I’ve known who he was for years. A racist, sexual abuser, cheated people and workers out of there money. For heavens sake , do you think you know him better than the people who worked for him? Why do you think so many of them say he is unfit? You think you know him better? Duped by a used car salesman. Cult
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Kamala Harris hits a home run in her first appearance as Candidate​

Only scored a home run if we have dancin' Kamala


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They let her just go out and do rally speeches on abortion since Dobbs, much more her comfort zone than talking about immigration
As president she’ll need a bit more breadth than her current comfort zone. She’s a disaster of a pick and the Dems are missing a real opportunity to 1) get someone competent and 2) guarantee a victory over trump.

I give this 50/50 on who wins. Flip a coin
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So we elected someone who simply wasnt convicted b/c he was incompetemt….Whos son was in cahoots with China...with smoke al around his pops being involved. You really think Joe Bidens hands are clean? Selling millions of dollars of oil to china owned companies----Naaaah, nothing there to see.

Biden will never be a convicted criminal, simply because his brain has turned to mush.

Again, as POTUS, what did that dumb guy do, that hurt this country? Was inflation at record highs under him? Was the boreder being over ran? Did he fumble the withdrawl of soilders, leading to the deaths of many? Were groceries up 37%? Was gas pushing $4 a gallon? How much unrest was their overseas during his presidency?

Every answer you or others give pertains to HIM----not his policies. Not his tenure as President. Its a personal thing. This dude could cure cancer, world hunger, etc......and you'd still vote for a frog----And simply b/c you don't like him.

How is he anymore unfit for office than Biden? Biden falls off a bike, and is out of commission for a week---Trump gets shot in the ear, and has a rally the next day or so.

Thing is, the same people that HATE him now for his demeanor, etc, etc.....loved him before he ran for office. And now that he fractures peoples feelings, well, he bad guy.

My goodness, lets act as if the WH is full of fukin saints....

Fukin sheep
A MAGAdiot calling someone else a sheep.

Will Ferrell Lol GIF
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As president she’ll need a bit more breadth than her current comfort zone. She’s a disaster of a pick and the Dems are missing a real opportunity to 1) get someone competent and 2) guarantee a victory over trump.

I give this 50/50 on who wins. Flip a coin

I agree. But that mistake was made 4 years ago. Biden should have run with Klobuchar.
Example....Guy is worth billions. Hes not your typical politician====who enters office making $140K a year---and leaves 30 years later, worth $54 million.

In his 4 years, what did he do that was putting this country on a path of destruction? In comparison to now? You don't think this country is headed in such a path? You really think this current administration has made this a better place to live?
Compared to the shitshow of trump's administration, biden has been awesome.

Although that is coming from someone that understands that the president doesn't control inflation or price of gas.

Btw, you should google how the trump's profited off the white house. I have a feeling you might be shocked if you ever did some real research
So we elected someone who simply wasnt convicted b/c he was incompetemt….Whos son was in cahoots with China...with smoke al around his pops being involved. You really think Joe Bidens hands are clean? Selling millions of dollars of oil to china owned companies----Naaaah, nothing there to see.

Biden will never be a convicted criminal, simply because his brain has turned to mush.

Again, as POTUS, what did that dumb guy do, that hurt this country? Was inflation at record highs under him? Was the boreder being over ran? Did he fumble the withdrawl of soilders, leading to the deaths of many? Were groceries up 37%? Was gas pushing $4 a gallon? How much unrest was their overseas during his presidency?

Every answer you or others give pertains to HIM----not his policies. Not his tenure as President. Its a personal thing. This dude could cure cancer, world hunger, etc......and you'd still vote for a frog----And simply b/c you don't like him.

How is he anymore unfit for office than Biden? Biden falls off a bike, and is out of commission for a week---Trump gets shot in the ear, and has a rally the next day or so.

Thing is, the same people that HATE him now for his demeanor, etc, etc.....loved him before he ran for office. And now that he fractures peoples feelings, well, he bad guy.

My goodness, lets act as if the WH is full of fukin saints....

Fukin sheep
You seem to have a blind eye to Jared and the Saudi's. He makes Hunter's transgressions look like a speeding ticket. You seem to have a blind eye to Trump doing Putin's bidding. Wanting to take the US out of NATO etc....
Compared to the shitshow of trump's administration, biden has been awesome.

Although that is coming from someone that understands that the president doesn't control inflation or price of gas.

Btw, you should google how the trump's profited off the white house. I have a feeling you might be shocked if you ever did some real research
Still wondering why Hunter's laptop was such a big deal but Jared's profiting from the Saudi's is looked over.
I agree. But that mistake was made 4 years ago. Biden should have run with Klobuchar.
I’ve loved that woman ever since I heard she whipped binders at her incompetent staffers.

Talk about a task master that pays attention to detail.

I say this unironically, she would’ve gotten my vote at the head of the ticket in 2016.
Still wondering why Hunter's laptop was such a big deal but Jared's profiting from the Saudi's is looked over.
Because you know absolutely nothing about the Kushner/ PIF deal. The amount of approvals and hoops it had to go through to get done. Especially considering Kushner’s position. It’s all well documented. Readily available. Would you like me to share with you? After about 24 hours of public disclosures would you possibly shut the hell up?
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why do you interject your own beliefs when the party platform is literally telling you otherwise. that it should be left to the states. not a ban. that's the platform. you're hte same one who is on here going on and on about how biden is fine, he's just the same is trump, he's totally fine. absurd nonsense

Murt you still have plenty of time to bang ladies in their 20s.
Still wondering why Hunter's laptop was such a big deal but Jared's profiting from the Saudi's is looked over.
Jared successfully ran debt, equity, and real estate funds for years before his father in law entered politics. He had a track record of decent returns without political leverage.

Hunter...I dunno...arranged meetings, with his old man, he called Pedo Pete, with foreign luminairies...for multi-million dollar board positions? Expertise or track record unknown.

What did Hunter do, outside of arranging shady quid pro quo deals tied to Pedo Pete?
I’ve loved that woman ever since I heard she whipped binders at her incompetent staffers.

Talk about a task master that pays attention to detail.

I say this unironically, she would’ve gotten my vote at the head of the ticket in 2016.

She ran in 2020, not 16.

The GOP can't even manage to field a sacrificial candidate to run against her in this year's Senate race.
Jared successfully ran debt, equity, and real estate funds for years before his father in law entered politics. He had a track record of decent returns without political leverage.

Hunter...I dunno...arranged meetings, with his old man, he called Pedo Pete, with foreign luminairies...for multi-million dollar board positions? Expertise or track record unknown.

What did Hunter do, outside of arranging shady quid pro quo deals tied to Pedo Pete?
The correct term here concerning Jared is "conflict of interest".
A MAGAdiot calling someone else a sheep.

Will Ferrell Lol GIF
Here is the irony with this....You remark about Trump calling people names----But...………...You do this?

Do you not see this? Its the hypocrisy that gets me. The exact things you accuse Trump of, you yourself do.

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You seem to have a blind eye to Jared and the Saudi's. He makes Hunter's transgressions look like a speeding ticket. You seem to have a blind eye to Trump doing Putin's bidding. Wanting to take the US out of NATO etc....
Cone on now...

And the Putin thingy, again.
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Here is the irony with this....You remark about Trump calling people names----But...………...You do this?

Do you not see this? Its the hypocrisy that gets me. The exact things you accuse Trump of, you yourself do.

I have no respect for anyone that supports Trump.

you should check out the hypocrisy of calling people sheep while worshipping trash
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Respect is earned.

I have none for anyone that supports Trump
I have a ton of respect for many Biden supporters in my life. A lot of people that I have just connected with and learned from, but I find at some point we don’t share the same politics. Oh well. Life goes on.

That’s a shame you couldn’t find some you respect in the 80+ million that will vote for Trump. The problem is definitely with the 80 million.
Respect is earned.

I have none for anyone that supports Trump
Sure.....Where did I say I support Trump? Im asking questions. I am pointing out your hyprocisy. I am asking what he did as POTUS that ruined the country----ya know like record high inflation, out of control borders, high gas prices, grocery, etc...

What has Biden done in his four years that makes you feel the country is better? What is it every morning that makes you think---"thank you President Biden...."----Is it when at the gas pumps, and it cost you $100 for a full tank? Or is when you go to the grocery, pick up some grapes, eggs, bread----and it runs you $40?

Just asking questions.

And nice try bud. You guys always have an excuse as to why you act just like Trump
I listened to her and was mightily impressed in Senate hearings. Biden had no chance when he ran before. Until he ran against Trump. So was Vance chosen for his race and gender? You know gotta stick with the white guys. White boy summer!!! Trump/Vance
Angry white boys with small penises summer...
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Sure.....Where did I say I support Trump? Im asking questions. I am pointing out your hyprocisy. I am asking what he did as POTUS that ruined the country----ya know like record high inflation, out of control borders, high gas prices, grocery, etc...

What has Biden done in his four years that makes you feel the country is better? What is it every morning that makes you think---"thank you President Biden...."----Is it when at the gas pumps, and it cost you $100 for a full tank? Or is when you go to the grocery, pick up some grapes, eggs, bread----and it runs you $40?

Just asking questions.

And nice try bud. You guys always have an excuse as to why you act just like Trump
It's when I look at how much more money I am making now, how much my 401k has increased and how my student loan balance is now $0 for starters. Thank Brandon!!!!
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I have no respect for anyone that supports Trump.

you should check out the hypocrisy of calling people sheep while worshipping trash
I don't think that word means wht you think it means...

I don't worship any person. Maybe that's your problem. You seem angry. Maybe its because you're getting called out? Funny. You talk about how Turmp calls people names----but do it yourself.

I mean you cant make this shit up.

Is this you Joe?
It's when I look at how much more money I am making now, how much my 401k has increased and how my student loan balance is now $0 for starters. Thank Brandon!!!!
You didn’t pay off you student loans. You handed it off to another man clear your debt for you. Forget politics.

Is that something you feel comfortable gloating about?
It's when I look at how much more money I am making now, how much my 401k has increased and how my student loan balance is now $0 for starters. Thank Brandon!!!!
Are you really making more money, though? Getting a raise doesn't mean you MAKING more---just EARNING MORE. Theres a difference.

You are of rthe few whos 401K has increased...So congrats on that.

millions of tax payers say you are welcome for that $0 balance on your loans.---Actually they don't. My son didn't take that handout. Good kid
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you really are like talking to someone from The View. even ignoring the SIGNIFICANT alignment it would require in congress (filibusters etc) there is solid national support AGAINST a national ban. harris knows people like you are out there so she has no inhibitions about lying. no different than tweeting cops are killers etc.
Zeke is actually Joy Behar and I’m beginning to think Whoopie may be posting here under cover as “IU Hickory.”
Are you really making more money, though? Getting a raise doesn't mean you MAKING more---just EARNING MORE. Theres a difference.

You are of rthe few whos 401K has increased...So congrats on that.

millions of tax payers say you are welcome for that $0 balance on your loans.---Actually they don't. My son didn't take that handout. Good kid

The S&P 500 is up 24% this year - you would have to be an idiot not to be making money right now.