Kamala Harris hits a home run in her first appearance as Candidate

That’s the thing about the passage of time. It makes you a better debater and gives you less time off the branch of the coconut tree, so you can be what you need to be unburdened by what has been and isn’t there something just great about a yellow school bus? They’re big, much like Russia is a big country and Ukraine is a small country. But the Venn diagram between a Big Country like Russia and a School bus, that is also big, has two circles with one of those circles in the middle.
I’ll raise you with : They want you to say what they want you, what they want to have you say. And we’re not going to let that happen. You’re going to say as you want and you’re going to believe in God.
And then something about the hero Hannibal Lector.
Care to guess who?
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trump loves the adoration of hte public above all things. zero chance there will be a national abortion ban. zero. we can bet anything you want. that's how certain i am.
No he wants the adoration of his base. He could care less what the majority want or care about.
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Why would they have no stake in America? No wonder women are organizing like crazy. Just wait.?
Because if you have no offspring you are inherently living in the here and now. You will do what is pleasurable in the moment and reckon less with future effects of your actions. Or the possible unintended consequences on the world around you. Impulsive. Like a child. Parents are a check on impulse.

You have no vested interest in the future unless you’re really close with your niece and nephew or something, but that would be a pathetic and sad way to live. It just means you want your own child but can’t figure out how.
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Wow....Awesome. Lets elect someone b/c they don't say anything bad, mean, or dumb....that seems sane.....And of course, b/c we (personally) don't like the other guy.

JFC....Sounds like a solid plan.
What are you talking about? Let’s elect someone who isn’t a criminal, isn’t a sexual abuser, isn’t dumb as a rock and unfit for office ( according to his staff) , isn’t corrupt. Shouldn’t be that hard.
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Because if you have no offspring you are inherently living in the here and now. You will do what is pleasurable in the moment and reckon less with future effects of your actions. Or the possible unintended consequences on the world around you. Impulsive. Like a child. Parents are a check on impulse.

You have no vested interest in the future unless you’re really close with your niece and nephew or something, but that would be a pathetic and sad way to live. It just means you want your own child but can’t figure out how.
Do you have a child?
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Because if you have no offspring you are inherently living in the here and now. You will do what is pleasurable in the moment and reckon less with future effects of your actions. Or the possible unintended consequences on the world around you. Impulsive. Like a child. Parents are a check on impulse.

You have no vested interest in the future unless you’re really close with your niece and nephew or something, but that would be a pathetic and sad way to live. It just means you want your own child but can’t figure out how.
That’s total and utter rubbish. Most Everyone has young people they have a vested interest in.
Well the Dems have managed to get more votes in every presidential election since 1992 - with the lone exception of 2004.

IUFB is more like the Green Party
Pffffttt geee wonder what's up with that? They are killing cities all over the USA and get re-elected, people must love chaos, murder, death, crime, homeless, uneducated, food stamps, welfare, junkies, tents, human feces, and whatever else I left off like gay pride parades and trans reading to children story hour which are so healthy for the human mind. You sign your kids up for that yet? Inner city Americans must be that stupid, I have no other explanation.
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she's one of the worst public speakers i've ever heard. at once vapid and off-putting with her awful affectations from the nervous laugh to pretending the audience is a classroom of toddlers. i'll take trump any day. and yes his stream of consciousness is brutal

i love how the left all of the sudden are pretending harris is something new. she crapped out when she ran and was elevated for her skin color and has been a nothing of a vp
You listen to today’s speech?
No he wants the adoration of his base. He could care less what the majority want or care about.
why do you interject your own beliefs when the party platform is literally telling you otherwise. that it should be left to the states. not a ban. that's the platform. you're hte same one who is on here going on and on about how biden is fine, he's just the same is trump, he's totally fine. absurd nonsense
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You listen to today’s speech?
i've listened to her to the extent they let her talk for three and half years of nonsense. now tonight you want me to believe she's something different than what she's been? a person who had no chance at the election when she ran on her own, was selected vp based on her race and gender, did nothing as vp, had a horrible approval rating, yet was just foisted into the spot.
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Can't you read? Try comprehension 101 and get back to me.

The Biden admin threatened the 1st amendment, intimidated parents, threw grandma's in jail, had vaccine mandates, crime ran rampant, the border is wide open and innocents were killed unnecessarily, gas is still high, walking out of the grocery store still hurts, nobody can buy a house unless you're loaded which leaves my kids screwed, and we arrest and spy on political opponents, and the PUB front runners life was just in jeopardy due to an assassination attempt under a DEI USSS hire...

I left out there were no wars under Trump and now we have Ukraine and Israel. And that awesome Afghan pullout.

What can't you comprehend?
Whew boy. Lol
I actually think she can win. So long as she doesn’t say anything particularly egregious and presents herself as more or less sane (and selects a running mate that doesn’t frighten uptight midwesterners), I’ll not be at all surprised to see her win. People are starved for an alternative to Trump. She’ll be a media darling from now to November.

“The Trump campaign should take her seriously, not because she is a good candidate but because she will automatically have the vote of the millions of people who would vote for anyone other than Trump.”
why do you interject your own beliefs when the party platform is literally telling you otherwise. that it should be left to the states. not a ban. that's the platform. you're hte same one who is on here going on and on about how biden is fine, he's just the same is trump, he's totally fine. absurd nonsense
Because I know enough to not trust anything Trump said and I know many people who will push him on this.
I kind of think the opposite.... She was pretty terrible first couple years but seems a little more confident this last year or so.
What Is It Reaction GIF by Nebraska Humane Society
That’s total and utter rubbish. Most Everyone has young people they have a vested interest in.
I’ve been trying to help you learn for years but the sorority girls, or grammar school students or nieces and nephews are fleeting.

They will come into and out of your life in ways that are often beyond your control. But they will not be there always. You may love some of them unconditionally, I know I do.

But they’re not yours. They never will be. There’s only one way to have your own family Zeke.
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i've listened to her to the extent they let her talk for three and half years of nonsense. now tonight you want me to believe she's something different than what she's been? a person who had no chance at the election when she ran on her own, was selected vp based on her race and gender, did nothing as vp, had a horrible approval rating, yet was just foisted into the spot.
I listened to her and was mightily impressed in Senate hearings. Biden had no chance when he ran before. Until he ran against Trump. So was Vance chosen for his race and gender? You know gotta stick with the white guys. White boy summer!!! Trump/Vance
She just scored the largest money haul ($81 million) in a 24-hour period by any candidate in American history. 880,000 of those donors were small-donor supporters, with 60% making their first contributions in the 2024 election cycle.

Election '24: The Prosecutor versus The Felon: Bring it on!
Donors are relieved
I’ve been trying to help you learn for years but the sorority girls, or grammar school students or nieces and nephews are fleeting.

They will come into and out of your life in ways that are often beyond your control. But they will not be there always. You may love some of them unconditionally, I know I do.

But they’re not yours. They never will be. There’s only one way to have your own family Zeke.
Thanks, I’ve got mine. Interesting enough for you to lecture on this when guess what…. You don’t. lol
why do you interject your own beliefs when the party platform is literally telling you otherwise. that it should be left to the states. not a ban. that's the platform. you're hte same one who is on here going on and on about how biden is fine, he's just the same is trump, he's totally fine. absurd nonsense
The "platform" doesn't mean shit. It's little more than a wish list that his low-information base will lap up.

The real platform is Project 2025!
How was she a disaster? VP’s are not disasters or successes. They are just there.

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The 2020 election was not about Biden at all. "he stayed in his basement" as the MAGA supporters said. The 2020 election was about Trump. And the US voters rejected him. I've asked my kids in their 20's what do they think of Biden. They hated him. Too old. I've asked them about the tone for Harris. They are saying kids their age are excited again. We'll see.....
I don’t think Trump would destroy the country. But I do think he’ll do (additional) long term damage to the party. He has been, and will continue to be, a disaster for Republicans. The dude needs to disappear.
He would do his best to destroy the country if he thought there was even a small chance of it benefiting himself.
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What are you talking about? Let’s elect someone who isn’t a criminal, isn’t a sexual abuser, isn’t dumb as a rock and unfit for office ( according to his staff) , isn’t corrupt. Shouldn’t be that hard.
So we elected someone who simply wasnt convicted b/c he was incompetemt….Whos son was in cahoots with China...with smoke al around his pops being involved. You really think Joe Bidens hands are clean? Selling millions of dollars of oil to china owned companies----Naaaah, nothing there to see.

Biden will never be a convicted criminal, simply because his brain has turned to mush.

Again, as POTUS, what did that dumb guy do, that hurt this country? Was inflation at record highs under him? Was the boreder being over ran? Did he fumble the withdrawl of soilders, leading to the deaths of many? Were groceries up 37%? Was gas pushing $4 a gallon? How much unrest was their overseas during his presidency?

Every answer you or others give pertains to HIM----not his policies. Not his tenure as President. Its a personal thing. This dude could cure cancer, world hunger, etc......and you'd still vote for a frog----And simply b/c you don't like him.

How is he anymore unfit for office than Biden? Biden falls off a bike, and is out of commission for a week---Trump gets shot in the ear, and has a rally the next day or so.

Thing is, the same people that HATE him now for his demeanor, etc, etc.....loved him before he ran for office. And now that he fractures peoples feelings, well, he bad guy.

My goodness, lets act as if the WH is full of fukin saints....

Fukin sheep
He would do his best to destroy the country if he thought there was even a small chance of it benefitting himself.
Example....Guy is worth billions. Hes not your typical politician====who enters office making $140K a year---and leaves 30 years later, worth $54 million.

In his 4 years, what did he do that was putting this country on a path of destruction? In comparison to now? You don't think this country is headed in such a path? You really think this current administration has made this a better place to live?
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