Harris Presidency Goals and Positions

My wife's grandpa was in the navy. He actually did something though. He was a machine gunner on a battleship in the Pacific during WW2.
Good for your wife’s grandfather. I appreciate his service. You don’t think people in today’s Navy do anything? What have you done in service of our country?
Harris is now pledging not to ban fracking after previously pledging to ban fracking.

The whole "Flip Flopper! thing aside, why in the world would a political leader be in favor of banning this to begin with? It's never made any sense to me. Naturally, it should be done with environmental safeguards in place -- which goes without saying. Aside from that, how are our national interests served by leaving those minerals in the ground now that this technology has made them technically (and economically) recoverable?
My wife's grandpa was in the navy. He actually did something though. He was a machine gunner on a battleship in the Pacific during WW2.
I think anyone disrespecting a person that served in the way you did should be banished.

Anyone that serves demonstrates a willingness to put their life on the line to defend the country. It should not be called into question by a 2 bit poster line yourself.

My grandpa was a Marine in the Pacific during WW2. My dad was in the Navy just before Vietnam. Both served honorably even though only one saw actual battle.
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Harris is now pledging not to ban fracking after previously pledging to ban fracking.

The whole "Flip Flopper! thing aside, why in the world would a political leader be in favor of banning this to begin with? It's never made any sense to me. Naturally, it should be done with environmental safeguards in place -- which goes without saying. Aside from that, how are our national interests served by leaving those minerals in the ground now that this technology has made them technically (and economically) recoverable?
She took that stance because in the 2020 primary, she was trying to go left and pick up the progressive primary vote. She was getting hammered by the left as a dirty, hypocritical prosecutor. So she flopped around looking for the right combination of policy points, anything in an effort to win votes. It's one of the reasons her campaign was such a failure.
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She took that stance because in the 2020 primary, she was trying to go left and pick up the progressive primary vote. She was getting hammered by the left as a dirty, hypocritical prosecutor. So she flopped around looking for the right combination of policy points, anything in an effort to win votes. It's one of the reasons her campaign was such a failure.
Speaking of progressives cori bush is going to lose. Daniel loeb and a black local billionaire are backing her opponent and bush has the usual progressive sponsors and kyrie Irving 🤣
She took that stance because in the 2020 primary, she was trying to go left and pick up the progressive primary vote. She was getting hammered by the left as a dirty, hypocritical prosecutor. So she flopped around looking for the right combination of policy points, anything in an effort to win votes. It's one of the reasons her campaign was such a failure.
CNN: “Will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking on your first day in office?”

Harris: “Absolutely”

That would put thousands of people out of work
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Yep too late. And he’ll focus on nicknames and other inane shit and sink our ship.
Yep....His ego cannot help itself. The hyperbole shit....the name calling, etc....Just a huge turn off. Just focus on the disaster this past administration was....Focus on grocery prices, gas prices, the border....

But he wont. He cannot help himself.

I found this researching ng prices for drying gas. I honestly didn't realize how much oil we were producing when we were discussing the topic last week.

"Meanwhile, U.S. crude oil production stayed the same for the week ending July 26. Current weekly oil production in the United States, according to the EIA, is now on par with the all-time high of 13.3 million bpd."
Trump is going to absolutely bury her. But @Aloha Hoosier be sure to vote the decent way.

No he’s not, he’s a terrible candidate and is playing this thing completely wrong. His campaigning style makes him look angry and victimized and her look nice in comparison. I saw a panel this morning with independents on cnn and most agreed that the Harris ticket reminds them of Obama in 2008. That’s terrible news for Trump.
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I don't blindly support anyone. Soldiers and elderly can be assholes too.
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No he’s not, he’s a terrible candidate and is playing this thing completely wrong. His campaigning style makes him look angry and victimized and her look nice in comparison. I saw a panel this morning with independents on cnn and most agreed that the Harris ticket reminds them of Obama in 2008. That’s terrible news for Trump.
Democrats are pushing and campaigning for Kamala solely on the fact she’s not Trump….Zero policy discussion at all from her….zero media questioning her stances
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** Stolen from Reddit**
I wonder if anyone has reminded kamala that she is in office right now. She doesn't have to wait to lower my grocery prices. Or "fix" anything else for that matter.
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She’s the new modern left. The scary part is she is really dumb and believes all the progressive ideas. Her campaign will be save Democracy, 1st black woman Pres, and abortion. The MSM will drive it home.

I’ll add, I think she’s the favorite to win. The country leans slightly left and a lot of the lefties vote on emotions. She checks all of the correct boxes. It might not be a great fall.

The country may lean slightly to the left in terms of total population.

However, the electoral college is how presidents are elected. Therefore the swing states will call the winner
** Stolen from Reddit**
I wonder if anyone has reminded kamala that she is in office right now. She doesn't have to wait to lower my grocery prices. Or "fix" anything else for that matter.
Why would you steal that from Reddit. It’s nonsense because the VP doesn’t have Executive Authority or any authority at all over grocery prices.
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The country may lean slightly to the left in terms of total population.

However, the electoral college is how presidents are elected. Therefore the swing states will call the winner
I agree, hoot. Pennsylvania is a must win for Democrats. Nate Silver predicted a 5% chance of Harris winning if she loses it.
No he’s not, he’s a terrible candidate and is playing this thing completely wrong. His campaigning style makes him look angry and victimized and her look nice in comparison. I saw a panel this morning with independents on cnn and most agreed that the Harris ticket reminds them of Obama in 2008. That’s terrible news for Trump.
This is my worry.....Him and his campaign just approaching this so, so badly. Harris should be an easy "W"---a homecoming opponent. But she wont be....I mean IF DJT and his team would simply focus on stuff like this, and quit with the "she's dumb", etc, etc...type of shit---he'd walk to the WH.

A Harris presidency is extrmely bad. She's as radical as they come....Even though she's now trying to hide from that---and the media is certainly doing their best to help. Absolute whack job.
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Deeds and action were ultimately thwarted by manchin then the house. Review year one. Most transformative in history was the goal thus implicating fdr. Can you imagine saying 10 trillion for just climate
Infrastructure in there too? Or was that later? You understand the reason I ask, I presume.