Harris Presidency Goals and Positions

You made all the right points on how to attack her, but I'm not sure any of them will be knock-out blows or even land particularly hard except to those who were already unwaverable in voting for Trump. That said, I'm still not sure what to make of Harris to get the independent and suburban vote as a whole, as she'll likely need even more than what Biden got in 2020... that's not going to be easy since Biden may have turned them off, especially in battle-ground states.

She was unpopular at one time among Dems and had a tendency to be perceived as fake. I think a lot of that gets overlooked because of who she'll be up against and that Dems are just relieved she's lightyears better to take a fight to Trump than Biden now.

She'll drive more turnout for Dems than Biden could have this year. But will it be more than 2020? It almost certainly will need to be because Trump has made some gains.
She's much more popular with younger voters, but they are unreliable. It feels like the battle for suburban women will be the key stat this year. That's why stuff like Vance's "cat ladies" line was such a bad self-own. Vance was a terrible VP pick.
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Thanks. Then is your wish comes true, you'll subject us all to more inflation, high gas prices, higher taxes, and government waste of our tax dollars. Increasing corporate taxes will show up in our everyday consumer prices, so you and all of us will pay more at the cash register. So set your hate aside for a minute and realize that what your advocating will hurt all of us. Don't vote for the man, vote for the policy.
You’re new @ulrey is voting trump. He’s a Dream Team. One of the silent assassins
She's much more popular with younger voters, but they are unreliable. It feels like the battle for suburban women will be the key stat this year. That's why stuff like Vance's "cat ladies" line was such a bad self-own. Vance was a terrible VP pick.
I know knives are out for Vance right now. Understandable, he was just selected. Over time he will fade into the non-factor that all VP’s are.

Also, suburban women are married so Vance’s joke shouldn’t offend them.
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  • Wow
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She’s the new modern left. The scary part is she is really dumb and believes all the progressive ideas. Her campaign will be save Democracy, 1st black woman Pres, and abortion. The MSM will drive it home.

I’ll add, I think she’s the favorite to win. The country leans slightly left and a lot of the lefties vote on emotions. She checks all of the correct boxes. It might not be a great fall.
I don't think this is probably accurate, at this point. Her campaign has buzz and energy right now because of how different she is visually, and literally, in so many ways than Trump AND Biden. But as many in this thread have pointed out, her policy positions are even further left than Biden's, on most issues. And some of them are going to be a problem for her.

I do think Trump will say and do enough dumb stuff between now and November to make it a competitive race. But there's too much yet to be determined, too much time, for Harris to be any sort of favorite. She doesn't even have a running mate yet...what if the most helpful candidates all turn her down, and she ends up with Mayor Pete, or Whitmer?

I do think the debates that all the of the candidates have, as much as any recent election, will be pretty consequential. Overshadowed in Biden's epically horrid debate performance, was what would have been a historically bad one from Trump. If Harris can effectively fact check on the fly, and paint any sort of coherent vision for a reasonable future...she could take the race from him with a couple debates. But she was pretty bad in her 2020 debates, so its not a given she'll destroy Trump in a debate.

I suspect most on this thread are starting to get a little worried. Trump probably should be to.

Since I despise Trump...the ideal outcome, for me, would be GOP keeping at least 1 of House or Senate, if not both. And Harris winning.

But if I knew the Democrats were going to take both chambers, I'd want Trump to win.
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I don't think this is probably accurate, at this point. Her campaign has buzz and energy right now because of how different she is visually, and literally, in so many ways than Trump AND Biden. But as many in this thread have pointed out, her policy positions are even further left than Biden's, on most issues. And some of them are going to be a problem for her.

I do think Trump will say and do enough dumb stuff between now and November to make it a competitive race. But there's too much yet to be determined, too much time, for Harris to be any sort of favorite. She doesn't even have a running mate yet...what if the most helpful candidates all turn her down, and she ends up with Mayor Pete, or Whitmer?

I do think the debates that all the of the candidates have, as much as any recent election, will be pretty consequential. Overshadowed in Biden's epically horrid debate performance, was what would have been a historically bad one from Trump. If Harris can effectively fact check on the fly, and paint any sort of coherent vision for a reasonable future...she could take the race from him with a couple debates. But she was pretty bad in her 2020 debates, so its not a given she'll destroy Trump in a debate.

I suspect most on this thread are starting to get a little worried. Trump probably should be to.

Since I despise Trump...the ideal outcome, for me, would be GOP keeping at least 1 of House or Senate, if not both. And Harris winning.

But if I knew the Democrats were going to take both chambers, I'd want Trump to win.
Divided might be best for the country
Nah, it’s a toss up at best, imo.

The Harris camp will hit Trump hard on the election denying, the “felonies”, the “racism” and more.

Trump won’t be able to resist being a self indulgent asshole and he’ll create a TON of sympathy for her with his rhetoric, which the compliant media will trumpet from the rooftops.

I’m with Murt, I think it’s a toss up but I’d give Harris a slight edge.
FDR's New Deal anyone?

I would agree in words the current Dem crop is the most far left in history, but in deeds and action? No.
Deeds and action were ultimately thwarted by manchin then the house. Review year one. Most transformative in history was the goal thus implicating fdr. Can you imagine saying 10 trillion for just climate
Deeds and action were ultimately thwarted by manchin then the house. Review year one. Most transformative in history was the goal thus implicating fdr. Can you imagine saying 10 trillion for just climate
You and I both know not all of that 10 trillion is for climate (eg. the Infaltion Reduction Act nonsense).

A big problem in America is that a not so insignificant portion of our economy is directly dependent on government expenditure. Whether that be shit like the DoD, Medicare, SS or the countless other programs which pump money in to the economy. How do we just turn that off or slow it down? There are probably short term economic implications from these moves that would be devastating to a great many communities across the nation.

We're surely painted ourselves into a corner with little recourse other than to cause pain if we want out of it. You think any politician (Dem or Pub) is going to vote for that? Haha.
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Nah, it’s a toss up at best, imo.

The Harris camp will hit Trump hard on the election denying, the “felonies”, the “racism” and more.

Trump won’t be able to resist being a self indulgent asshole and he’ll create a TON of sympathy for her with his rhetoric, which the compliant media will trumpet from the rooftops.

I’m with Murt, I think it’s a toss up but I’d give Harris a slight edge.
I think her VP pick will be huge. Could be the difference, since Vance is stumbling out of the gate. I’ve seen rumors that Trump might even replace him with Haley. Awkward.
You and I both know not all of that 10 trillion is for climate (eg. the Infaltion Reduction Act nonsense).

A big problem in America is that a not so insignificant portion of our economy is directly dependent on government expenditure. Whether that be shit like the DoD, Medicare, SS or the countless other programs which pump money in to the economy. How do we just turn that off or slow it down? There are probably short term economic implications from these moves that would be devastating to a great many communities across the nation.

We're surely painted ourselves into a corner with little recourse other than to cause pain if we want out of it. You think any politician (Dem or Pub) is going to vote for that? Haha.
I think that there is raising taxes to meet obligations and I think there is significantly raising taxes to attempt to meet aspirations. That’s Harris and the woke left. They’re social workers and not serious people. At least with Biden we had the pretense of him being in charge. With Harris the curtain has been pulled back. Expansive social welfare expansion, climate, race/gender/immigration- large gov infiltration regulation and dependency funded by redistribution
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That would be smart for trump
Yes, but how would that work? Delegates have already approved Vance at their convention. Besides, it’s still going to look bad, especially since we all remember Trump’s cabinet had a revolving door of members. He’s kind of notorious for picking the wrong people to surround him.
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Yes, but how would that work? Delegates have already approved Vance at their convention. Besides, it’s still going to look bad, especially since we all remember Trump’s cabinet had a revolving door of members. He’s kind of notorious for picking the wrong people to surround him.
I don’t if or how that happens procedurally. Trump’s picks/instincts with politicians is really really poor
FDR's New Deal anyone?

I would agree in words the current Dem crop is the most far left in history, but in deeds and action? No.
No less an authority than Bernie himself recently said Joe has been the most progressive president in his lifetime, which technically would include FDR.

And Kamala is quite a bit left of Joe.

She’s the worst. This whole woke left party is the worst. I don’t think we’ll ever have a more influential more important Annual than what will go down in Auburn this fall.
At least us MAGA's want to solve world peace (world Piece if you're the coach). It's odd that the left is running on a platform of world chaos. But here we are.
It appears people prefer Chaos. No MIC and bribe $$ in peace.
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No less an authority than Bernie himself recently said Joe has been the most progressive president in his lifetime, which technically would include FDR.

And Kamala is quite a bit left of Joe.

I’m getting a lot of mixed messages here. If Joe stood on the picket lines and he was for the working class, yet someone here posted a few weeks ago that today’s Democratic Party was now the home of the rich and the Republican Party was for the working class, with MAGAs making up most of that. Is your definition of progressive lacking, because under Biden the top earners did quite well.
All the rest is just noise. Harris would essentially be the torch bearer for the Squad implementing far left policies. She has obama’s endorsement as well. She is the candidate.

Climate - hardcore lefty who wants 10 trillion to fight climate change. Attack on fossil fuel continuation
Border - part of the administration that gave rise to the massive crossing spike and was charged with addressing it and did nothing to fix it whether at the border or at the root cause level as funding stopped and she basically abdicated her role and the admin’s promises re root causes
Taxes - will significantly raise Corp taxes, individual taxes, etc
Crime - supported defunding police and bail projects. Today we will see
Welfare - will increase social welfare expansion and a return to the 2020 objectives
Foreign policy - I don’t know.
Culture - woke heavy on race/gender identity politics

Taken together the left have elevated a squad representative as their candidate. The most liberal senator. As the kids say don’t get this twisted. A far left progressive is the policy platform we’ll be looking at. And that, not words, not insults, is what will impact all of our businesses and lives. Policy is all that matters….
They talk about the Rebublican party gravitating toward the far right. Equally, the Dems have embraced the extreme far left which permeates what I call their own new platform of MAHA. That’s not a typo. MAHA = Make America Hate Again.
Always using every opportunity to throw gasoline on the fire. Standing behind deadbeat protesters (do any of those people have f@&$ing jobs? - always out in the middle of a work week and no employment).
Extreme hatred for this country. Embracing organizations that go against every core belief they supposedly hold dear.
Gays for Gaza? Are you kidding me?
Hamas throws gays off of buildings. They literally kill homosexuals and have zero tolerance for that. They hate women. And, both the Palestinian people who elected Hamas and Hamas itself have unequivocally stated the end goal is to wipe Israel and the Jewish people from the face of the earth.
The Squad and all of the progressives have a deep, intense hatred for the U.S. and its core beliefs and want it replaced and it is absolutely sickening. They are truly a huge threat to democracy and seek to subvert anything to do with tolerance.
Billions for 8 chargers. Can you imagine the waste of 10 trillion. All your businesses siphoned to fund the fairy tales of clueless social workers
He said $9 billion for 8 chargers. I was watching this at the hotel bar in Arlington and everyone at the bar chuckled at that obvious lie. I looked it up on my cell and found Congress did allocate $7.5 billion to provide states funding to build charging charging stations and the bill’s goal is actually 500,000 of them by 2030. The 8 (with 29 chargers actually) are just the first ones completed. The cost is $60K to $150K each depending on wattage and cost of labor and materials. Ohio is one of those that completed one so far. Anyone think Ohio spent a billion bucks on it? Thousands more are in progress or will be soon.

I’m guessing you didn’t believe Trump, but your Dream Teamers won’t question him even after 10s of thousands more are built with part of that $7.5 billion.

Speaking of 10s of thousands, the part where Trump bragged (and lied) about the size of his rallies was hilarious. He claimed he had 55,000 at his rally in Butler. We’ve all seen that video dozens of times. There were less people than could fit in most Indiana High School gyms. 3,000 is a very generous guess. More than 55,000 Trump loyalists will claim they were there and saw him shot. Maybe that’s what he means. 😄
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He said $9 billion for 8 chargers. I was watching this at the hotel bar in Arlington and everyone at the bar chuckled at that obvious lie. I looked it up on my cell and found Congress did allocate $7.5 billion to provide states funding to build charging charging stations and the bill’s goal is actually 500,000 of them by 2030. The 8 (with 29 chargers actually) are just the first ones completed. The cost is $60K to $150K each depending on wattage and cost of labor and materials. Ohio is one of those that completed one so far. Anyone think Ohio spent a billion bucks on it? Thousands more are in progress or will be soon.

I’m guessing you didn’t believe Trump, but your Dream Teamers won’t question him even after 10s of thousands more are built with part of that $7.5 billion.

Speaking of 10s of thousands, the part where Trump bragged (and lied) about the size of his rallies was hilarious. He claimed he had 55,000 at his rally in Butler. We’ve all seen that video dozens of times. There were less people than could fit in most Indiana High School gyms. 3,000 is a very generous guess. More than 55,000 Trump loyalists will claim they were there and saw him shot. Maybe that’s what he means. 😄
No I suspect he understood. This was a 2021 program at 7.5 billion dollars and all these years later we have 7 constructed. My guess is delay is occasioned by regs etc with zero advanced understanding
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He said $9 billion for 8 chargers. I was watching this at the hotel bar in Arlington and everyone at the bar chuckled at that obvious lie. I looked it up on my cell and found Congress did allocate $7.5 billion to provide states funding to build charging charging stations and the bill’s goal is actually 500,000 of them by 2030. The 8 (with 29 chargers actually) are just the first ones completed. The cost is $60K to $150K each depending on wattage and cost of labor and materials. Ohio is one of those that completed one so far. Anyone think Ohio spent a billion bucks on it? Thousands more are in progress or will be soon.

I’m guessing you didn’t believe Trump, but your Dream Teamers won’t question him even after 10s of thousands more are built with part of that $7.5 billion.

Speaking of 10s of thousands, the part where Trump bragged (and lied) about the size of his rallies was hilarious. He claimed he had 55,000 at his rally in Butler. We’ve all seen that video dozens of times. There were less people than could fit in most Indiana High School gyms. 3,000 is a very generous guess. More than 55,000 Trump loyalists will claim they were there and saw him shot. Maybe that’s what he means. 😄
Very fine analysis, deep diving into the #'s, continued research. It is obvious that you are personally vested into this data and are more than willing to do the back room work to investigate. It more than paints an obvious picture of your beliefs and the platform that you are fighting for. Kudos, superb work Aloha.
I think her VP pick will be huge. Could be the difference, since Vance is stumbling out of the gate. I’ve seen rumors that Trump might even replace him with Haley. Awkward.
I was certain Biden would drop out. I’m just as certain Trump won’t replace Vance with Haley.
She’s extremely unlikable. If they run her out there too much, people will be turned off by her personality. She’s also as dumb as a box of rocks. She’s at her high point right now. She should only do worse the more people get to see who she is.

Problem is the DNC knows she's a Cackling Idiot so they'll attempt to simply keep her on prompter [ with a big warning sign saying No Laughing] and don't let her get near any Real reporters [theres always the danger for them that there's one left to have to deal with from NZ or Poland out there somewhere]..., until after November 5th...

They pulled if off with a close to brain dead candidate I'm certain they believe they can do it with a semi/functioning one...

Scares the hell out of me...

You know the left and half the suburban house wives will vote for her solely on identity politics: She'll be the first black/multi-racial female President..., Whoppee!!!
No I suspect he understood. This was a 2021 program at 7.5 billion dollars and all these years later we have 7 constructed. My guess is delay is occasioned by regs etc with zero advanced understanding
No doubt slow to start. That’s an honest criticism (mostly of the states, probably) but what he said was a lie. An obvious one.
I wouldn't be surprised at an announcement that JFK JR will have an admin appointment in the Trump administration. Not saying that it will happen, but it wouldn't surprise me.
You want to bribe him to get him out of the way?
No doubt slow to start. That’s an honest criticism (mostly of the states, probably) but what he said was a lie. An obvious one.
I have no idea. Billions were allocated to date and we have seven. You think we’ll meet other later goals? You want to allocate ten trillion for climate to this gov?Your focus given the topic is a rather odd one to latch onto wouldn’t you say?
No I suspect he understood. This was a 2021 program at 7.5 billion dollars and all these years later we have 7 constructed
yea yea yea... but just give them time... It just takes time. Of course much of that 7.5B is being used wisely for administrative fees, legal expenses, rezoning 12" of dirt for it's proper usage in each areas master zoning plan, local politicians that need to be enticed to support, sticking an extension cord with a credit card reader on it, up through the sidewalk.
Without all of this planning, and oversight, they could literally put a recharge station in between lane 3 and 4 of I465 on the east side at mile marker 192. That actually is more likely to happen due to the over sight than without it, but I digress.
We have well fought for bureaucracies that have been slowly fought for, year after year, that have to be paid off.. I mean brought into the process, to add opacity to the process so that we, the tax payers know that every project, has been used to create wealth in all of the DEI hires that have been gained via fraud and shenanigans.
$7.5B to create generational wealth in the Raphael Warnocks of the USA is money well spent. Right?
It's almost like reparations, to the select few, via the back door. I am so glad that we have some republican investigating this, although it seems the investigation stopped, well before getting to the truth. I wonder if the research only stopped, due to it finding what was intended to find to start with? naaaah a Republican would never do that.
Very fine analysis, deep diving into the #'s, continued research. It is obvious that you are personally vested into this data and are more than willing to do the back room work to investigate. It more than paints an obvious picture of your beliefs and the platform that you are fighting for. Kudos, superb work Aloha.
I’m personally invested in the idea that there are honest criticisms of the other side. Instead it’s deeply dishonest and Trump is the primary culprit on the “Republican” side. His speech would have supported a good drinking game if required to drink every time he told a lie. Would have to be quarter shots or we’d all pass out in 15 minutes.
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You want to bribe him to get him out of the way?
Bribe? POTUS and administration for ALL of America, not just part of America. He could make some very solid progress in areas and is accomplished.
Have You ever been an official, nationally recognized, candidate for the office of the President of the United States? Have your name on the ballot in November for POTUS? Ever?
Don't sell him short.
I’m personally invested in the idea that there are honest criticisms of the other side. Instead it’s deeply dishonest and Trump is the primary culprit on the “Republican” side. His speech would have been a supported a good drinking game if required to drink every time he told a lie. Would have to be quarter shots or we’d all pass out in 15 minutes.
How much was budgeted?
How many Extension cords have they poked up through a sidewalk some where?
TODAY.. How many? Go back into your research mode, how much money has been spent, how much is left to spend? Bring us those #'s. I'm honestly interested.
Problem is the DNC knows she's a Cackling Idiot so they'll attempt to simply keep her on prompter [ with a big warning sign saying No Laughing] and don't let her get near any Real reporters [theres always the danger for them that there's one left to have to deal with from NZ or Poland out there somewhere]..., until after November 5th...

They pulled if off with a close to brain dead candidate I'm certain they believe they can do it with a semi/functioning one...

Scares the hell out of me...

You know the left and half the suburban house wives will vote for her solely on identity politics: She'll be the first black/multi-racial female President..., Whoppee!!!
All we had to do is run Haley, DeSantis or Scott. We didn’t and there’s a good chance Trump will lose again and the GOP will under perform in the congressional races.
How much was budgeted?
How many Extension cords have they poked up through a sidewalk some where?
TODAY.. How many? Go back into your research mode, how much money has been spent, how much is left to spend? Bring us those #'s. I'm honestly interested.
Aloha doesn’t want to stay on topic with policy issues. He wants to but trump. He reads those positions and wants to comment on trump. Absurd
yea yea yea... but just give them time... It just takes time. Of course much of that 7.5B is being used wisely for administrative fees, legal expenses, rezoning 12" of dirt for it's proper usage in each areas master zoning plan, local politicians that need to be enticed to support, sticking an extension cord with a credit card reader on it, up through the sidewalk.
Without all of this planning, and oversight, they could literally put a recharge station in between lane 3 and 4 of I465 on the east side at mile marker 192. That actually is more likely to happen due to the over sight than without it, but I digress.
We have well fought for bureaucracies that have been slowly fought for, year after year, that have to be paid off.. I mean brought into the process, to add opacity to the process so that we, the tax payers know that every project, has been used to create wealth in all of the DEI hires that have been gained via fraud and shenanigans.
$7.5B to create generational wealth in the Raphael Warnocks of the USA is money well spent. Right?
It's almost like reparations, to the select few, via the back door. I am so glad that we have some republican investigating this, although it seems the investigation stopped, well before getting to the truth. I wonder if the research only stopped, due to it finding what was intended to find to start with? naaaah a Republican would never do that.
That’s an amusing little story. Why don’t you dig into it and see what really is going on with that program. I’m sure every delay is because of Democrats or Mayor Pete personally. Where do you think he gets money for diapers and daycare?!? Go get ‘em Joe!
Aloha doesn’t want to stay on topic with policy issues. He wants to but trump. He reads those positions and wants to comment on trump. Absurd
I want to stay on topic in an honest way. You brought up Trump’s speech lie, not me. I just happened to have watched it. I want to have honest conversation rather than deal with lie after lie.
I want to stay on topic in an honest way. You brought up Trump’s speech lie, not me. I just happened to have watched it. I want to have honest conversation rather than deal with lie after lie.
Oh you want to be honest. You want to yabbut. I didn’t bring up trump. I brought up 8 billion and the number of chargers. You imputed to trump. This has been widely reported with zero to do with trump