White House Budget Office Orders Pause in all Federal Loans and Grants, effective today (NYT)

There will absolutely be a brain drain in the United Stares if Academic Researchers can’t receive federal grants. If they can’t continue important research such as medical research they will eventually pack up and go to other countries that will support their work. Why else would they stay here? The United States will fall behind other countries and it won’t take long. We have many friends that work for IU and are already feeling the affects of every grant being scrutinized. One of our best friends teaches oncology and does research. She is scared she will lose her position. She sees patients only one day a week while receiving grant money to pay her salary. This is not sustainable. Academics is under attack. Why would the future generation go to college if their career aspirations can’t be supported?
There will absolutely be a brain drain in the United Stares if Academic Researchers can’t receive federal grants. If they can’t continue important research such as medical research they will eventually pack up and go to other countries that will support their work. Why else would they stay here? The United States will fall behind other countries and it won’t take long. We have many friends that work for IU and are already feeling the affects of every grant being scrutinized. One of our best friends teaches oncology and does research. She is scared she will lose her position. She sees patients only one day a week while receiving grant money to pay her salary. This is not sustainable. Academics is under attack. Why would the future generation go to college if their career aspirations can’t be supported?
“Higher education sucks. Grants are wasted money. Colleges and universities are indoctrination centers. The state needs to control what’s taught there.” -Idiots

Grant amount: $362,047,237

All taxpayer funded
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I think the more Trump digs and puts under public sunlight, we are on the edge of finding out that our un-elected federal agencies have molded themselves into a cow with 30 teets, all that have back door hidden ways to collect the "milk". And they don't want to let that scheme go.
Welcome to the REAL deep state. $ for nothing, is hard to let go of!
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It's likely behind a paywall. My wife is a NYT subscriber, so I will post it.

For those of you not wanting to read it, the reason is a war on the woke bogeyman. Yes, all federal finds, such as for basic biomedical research, are somehow going to promote things like transgenderism! Who knew?

From my experience there are a few research grants out there that ask you questions in the application about whether the research can have an impact on health care disparities. For example, a lung cancer drug would disproportionately benefit black Americans merely because they have a much higher mortality rate from smoking. Can’t have that! Another… there is a grant to the University of Florida to operate a mobile cancer screening RV to go to poor areas (often with high minority populations) and to Indian reservations, to identify earlier rather than later cancers. Can’t have that! Another: there are grants to upgrade teaching resources at community colleges disproportionately serving minorities. Buy them a microscope! Can't have that!

the article:
The White House budget office has ordered a pause in grants, loans and other federal financial assistance, according to a memo sent to government agencies on Monday, potentially paralyzing a vast swath of programs and sowing confusion and alarm among the array of groups that depend on them.

The directive threatened to upend funds that course throughout the American economy: Hundreds of billions of dollars in grants to state, local and tribal governments. Disaster relief aid. Education and transportation funding. Loans to small businesses.

But the two-page memo from Matthew J. Vaeth, the acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, left the scope of the pause, and much else, unclear.

Among the uncertainties was whether President Trump has the authority to unilaterally halt funds allocated by Congress. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader in the Senate, said in a statement that the memo “blatantly disobeys the law.”

“Congress approved these investments and they are not optional, they are the law,” Mr. Schumer said, adding that “Donald Trump must direct his administration to reverse course immediately and the taxpayers’ money should be distributed to the people.”

In his memo, Mr. Vaeth directed federal agencies to “temporarily pause all activities related to obligation or disbursement of all federal financial assistance,” and any other programs that included “D.E.I., woke gender ideology and the Green New Deal.”

“The use of federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism and Green New Deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve,” Mr. Vaeth said.

It was not immediately clear what programs would fall under those categories. The Green New Deal, for example, was a policy proposal that never became law.

The memo, which was reported earlier by the journalist Marisa Kabas, specifies that programs that support nongovernmental organizations would also be affected. Nonprofit groups reacted with alarm.

“This order is a potential five-alarm fire for nonprofit organizations and the people and communities they serve,” Diane Yentel, the chief executive of the National Council of Nonprofits, said in a statement.

“From pausing research on cures for childhood cancer to halting food assistance, safety from domestic violence and closing suicide hotlines, the impact of even a short pause in funding could be devastating and cost lives,” she added. “This order could decimate thousands of organizations and leave neighbors without the services they need.”

The memo cited “more than $3 trillion” in federal financial assistance that could be affected by the directive, but the source of that number was unclear, and another figure the memo cited for total federal spending was significantly inflated. Government analysts estimated the budget for fiscal year 2024 at $6.75 trillion, while Mr. Vaeth’s memo asserted the government spent “nearly $10 trillion” in that fiscal year.

The budget office memo carved out an exception for “assistance received directly by individuals,” as well as Medicare and Social Security benefits. The memo also seemingly acknowledged the legal limits of executive power to interfere in legally mandated programs, saying that agencies should carry out the pause “to the extent permissible under applicable law.”

It was also unclear what fell under the definition of individual assistance, and the memo did not provide examples of what programs would or would not qualify. Many farmers and small-business owners take out loans and receive grants from the federal government, but it is unclear if those would count as individual assistance or assistance to a business.

Congress, for example, established a program decades ago that provides farm loans for women, racial minorities and Native Americans — a program that the first Trump administration had participated in. That program could theoretically be put under scrutiny for its perceived similarities to “woke,” “D.E.I.” or “Marxist equity.”

Karl Scholz, the president of the University of Oregon, said Monday’s directive was “generating plenty of questions.” But he, like many others in academia and government, was still trying to interpret the memo and its consequences, saying researchers were already experiencing “considerable unease along with a deep interest in getting greater visibility about what is actually happening.”

text of the memo:
WTF do they just make shit like this up? I mean it has to be intentional. Is it just the Bannon style?

Nov 16, 2021 — “The Democrats don't matter,” Bannon told Lewis. “The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.”

The amount of completely fabricated numbers that have been released by the regime over the last week is really something
They do it for the same reason they lied about the 2020 election being stolen for voter fraud. The most easily duped faction of the base believes it without any supporting evidence, and they get all riled up about it. It increases support for everything they do. It gives them an enemy (Dems/Dims/Deep State) to focus on rather than to care about the truth of what they're told. They're all riled up about the $50 million in condoms to Gaza lie as well. I saw memes on Facebook repeating those two lies and more in just the last couple days. Their minds will not be changed once they believe the lies.

To give some credit to Musk, he said yesterday that the condoms to Gaza information was incorrect and that they weren't going there. As some of us speculated they were going to Africa as part of the effort to fight HIV/AIDS, which has been very successful. President GW Bush deserves a lot of credit for that - along with former Presidents Clinton and GHW Bush (RIP). To give some criticism of Musk, he needs to verify information instead of spreading false information which will live forever.

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