Trump fires 17 independent inspectors general

@Bowlmania carry a conversation 🤣🤣🤣. Dumb and no personality doesn’t lend itself to those ends
Payback, mcnutty, for my comment in another thread? You’re nothing if not predictable.

Let me explain something, not that you’ll understand it. Trump’s the current President. He’s also a former President. In between, he was running for president while his business organization was convicted of crimes and he personally was repeatedly indicted and later convicted on 34 felony counts. He is the most controversial and talked-about figure of our time. My concomitant posts are somewhat more relevant than your drivel about clothes, your favorite Bravo shows and your unending, fictionalized accounts of your life.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. There’s an easy solution that will prevent your triggered episodes. Put me on ignore. I highly recommend this, as I’m just getting warmed up with my Trump commentary.
Payback, mcnutty, for my comment in another thread? You’re nothing if not predictable.

Let me explain something, not that you’ll understand it. Trump’s the current President. He’s also a former President. In between, he was running for president while his business organization was convicted of crimes and he personally was repeatedly indicted and later convicted on 34 felony counts. He is the most controversial and talked-about figure of our time. My concomitant posts are somewhat more relevant than your drivel about clothes, your favorite Bravo shows and your unending, fictionalized accounts of your life.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. There’s an easy solution that will prevent your triggered episodes. Put me on ignore. I highly recommend this, as I’m just getting warmed up with my Trump commentary.
Bwahahaha continue to support what most of us already know. You’re both dumb and mentally weak. Feeble old man shouting about trump.

Looking forward to your next little triggered indirect attack. See I’m direct pussy boy. I’d smash you old man

Take jdb’s advice. Introspection
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From where do IG’s derive their constitutional authority and why is it so hard for Presidents to fire them?

Reagan and H.W. both tried to clean house on IG’s as well. Except they were more or less cajoled into submission by congress. Reagan was more successful.

Look. Congress has their own subpoena power and investigatory powers. If they want to look into a department, they can do so.

If IG’s serve at the pleasure of the President, then canning them should be made simple as a stroke of the President's pen.

We CANNOT have people running amok in government with no defined entity to report to. Even if they are supposedly rooting out waste, fraud and abuse.

Lastly, since ‘78 when the first IG went into place, have we seen a precipitous drop in waste fraud and abuse?

The answer to that is no we haven’t. Time to end this charade once and for all. Jimmy Carter continues to rat f*ck the country from the grave
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Our Lord and Savior is speaking to the House of Representatives right now! It’s a breath of fresh air to listen to someone who can put a sentence together without losing their train of thought!
It flows from deliberate wrongful conduct by governments officials , or seriously gross incompetence. IG’s ougtbto be in a position to address pr these problems.

I neglected to mention, the DoD, our largest agency, failed 7 annual audits.

We need a fresh look at the entire oversight and accountability system.
These firings don't eliminate the departments, so I'm not sure how much of a fresh look is going to happen. Maybe there is more coming?

If your concern is that the IGs aren't doing enough to check Presidential/executive action, I'm not sure how placing loyalists in these spots or solidifying the unitary executive theory could possibly alleviate that concern.

If Trump and Republicans are successful in this endeavor to remake the executive branch, I wonder if anyone is thinking about what the Democrats will do with this precedent the next time they are in office. Do any politicians ever consider that anymore?

I firmly disagree with you that people can't "ignore their biases," if by that you mean they can't compartmentalize their job from their political positions, and act to execute at their job without being moved by those political positions. That's pretty much the definition of a good judge (and lawyer), isn't it? Go too far down this road, CoH, and you're going to be an illiberal postmodernist.
What was the old joke, if you’re stuck on the course during a lightning storm, just hold up a 1 iron. Not even God can hit a 1 iron.

My best friend, who is a way better golfer then me, has a 2 iron in his bag.

I hit it once last year... went about 230 but probably never got higher then about 15 feet off the ground. It also went right, which i tend to hit a little baby slice. Never again.
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My best friend, who is a way better golfer then me, has a 2 iron in his bag.

I hit it once last year... went about 230 but probably never got higher then about 15 feet off the ground. It also went right, which i tend to hit a little baby slice. Never again.
The flatter the stick, the farther right I go when trying to find my ball.
I firmly disagree with you that people can't "ignore their biases," if by that you mean they can't compartmentalize their job from their political positions, and act to execute at their job without being moved by those political positions. That's pretty much the definition of a good judge (and lawyer), isn't it? Go too far down this road, CoH, and you're going to be an illiberal postmodernist.
At the appellate level, I don’t think judges try to overcome biases. The higher the court, the larger role biases play. Experts say the strongest bias we have is confirmation bias. Appellate judges wear such biases on their sleeves. A clear example of biased judging is the Court of Appeals decision on presidential immunity.

I do recognize, however, not every issue lends itself to a bias driven result.
At the appellate level, I don’t think judges try to overcome biases. The higher the court, the larger role biases play. Experts say the strongest bias we have is confirmation bias. Appellate judges wear such biases on their sleeves. A clear example of biased judging is the Court of Appeals decision on presidential immunity.

I do recognize, however, not every issue lends itself to a bias driven result.
A clear example of biased judges is alito and the corrupt clarence thomas
At the appellate level, I don’t think judges try to overcome biases. The higher the court, the larger role biases play. Experts say the strongest bias we have is confirmation bias. Appellate judges wear such biases on their sleeves. A clear example of biased judging is the Court of Appeals decision on presidential immunity.

I do recognize, however, not every issue lends itself to a bias driven result.
How many issues do federal appeals courts decide each year? You've given one example against that (an example that isn't necessarily politically biased).

Do appellate courts decide issues based on the gender of the parties? The color their skin? On the church they attend or don't attend? Etc. You recognize, I assume, that the vast majority of judges can control those biases, but don't think they can based on the political party they belong to. You might be projecting, here.
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Do appellate courts decide issues based on the gender of the parties? The color their skin? On the church they attend or don't attend?
When those issues are the crux of a case, of course appellate courts show their biases. We have come to expect that and even encourage it. I vividly remember when Obama appointed Sotomayor, he said something to the effect that justices should use their life experiences in deciding cases. I don’t know about you, but when I was in law school the life experiences of a judge is not a factor when interpreting or applying a statute, contract, or constitutional provision. Obama implied bias is fine.

Don’t like my example? Try the Hobby Lobby case.

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