Harris Presidency Goals and Positions

All the rest is just noise. Harris would essentially be the torch bearer for the Squad implementing far left policies. She has obama’s endorsement as well. She is the candidate.

Climate - hardcore lefty who wants 10 trillion to fight climate change. Attack on fossil fuel continuation
Going to be dead before the $hit really hits the fan, so you don't care about it.

Border - part of the administration that gave rise to the massive crossing spike and was charged with addressing it and did nothing to fix it whether at the border or at the root cause level as funding stopped and she basically abdicated her role and the admin’s promises re root causes
Did the House get the border bill passed yet, or is Trump still holding it up so he can run on border policies?


Taxes - will significantly raise Corp taxes, individual taxes, etc
BS on the individual tax rate. You don't make enough for your taxes to be raised. You're safe!

Crime - supported defunding police and bail projects. Today we will see
Odd you think adding funding for more community based programs involving the police is defunding, but keep checking off those talking points. The politics of 2020 aren't necessarily the politics of 2024. Defunding wasn't about cutting money. It was about changing how it was spent, including efforts to get more police into communities proactively, which ebbs and flows over time due to budgets, vs. just when tensions arise and crimes are committed.

Welfare - will increase social welfare expansion and a return to the 2020 objectives
Pro-birth guy right here. @Aloha Hoosier

Foreign policy - I don’t know.

Culture - woke heavy on race/gender identity politics
Self-marginalized white man, says what?

Taken together the left have elevated a squad representative as their candidate. The most liberal senator. As the kids say don’t get this twisted. A far left progressive is the policy platform we’ll be looking at. And that, not words, not insults, is what will impact all of our businesses and lives. Policy is all that matters….
Her job as a Senator is to act in the best interest of her state. Just like those loser legislators who vote against funding bills, then brag about the money they brought to their communities.
They talk about the Rebublican party gravitating toward the far right. Equally, the Dems have embraced the extreme far left which permeates what I call their own new platform of MAHA. That’s not a typo. MAHA = Make America Hate Again.
Always using every opportunity to throw gasoline on the fire. Standing behind deadbeat protesters (do any of those people have f@&$ing jobs? - always out in the middle of a work week and no employment).
Extreme hatred for this country. Embracing organizations that go against every core belief they supposedly hold dear.
Gays for Gaza? Are you kidding me?
Hamas throws gays off of buildings. They literally kill homosexuals and have zero tolerance for that. They hate women. And, both the Palestinian people who elected Hamas and Hamas itself have unequivocally stated the end goal is to wipe Israel and the Jewish people from the face of the earth.
The Squad and all of the progressives have a deep, intense hatred for the U.S. and its core beliefs and want it replaced and it is absolutely sickening. They are truly a huge threat to democracy and seek to subvert anything to do with tolerance.
You must be smoking some good pot.
Going to be dead before the $hit really hits the fan, so you don't care about it.

Did the House get the border bill passed yet, or is Trump still holding it up so he can run on border policies?


BS on the individual tax rate. You don't make enough for your taxes to be raised. You're safe!

Odd you think adding funding for more community based programs involving the police is defunding, but keep checking off those talking points. The politics of 2020 aren't necessarily the politics of 2024. Defunding wasn't about cutting money. It was about changing how it was spent, including efforts to get more police into communities proactively, which ebbs and flows over time due to budgets, vs. just when tensions arise and crimes are committed.

Pro-birth guy right here. @Aloha Hoosier

Self-marginalized white man, says what?

Her job as a Senator is to act in the best interest of her state. Just like those loser legislators who vote against funding bills, then brag about the money they brought to their communities.
Murt isn’t pro life. Unless I’m mistaken.
Oh you want to be honest. You want to yabbut. I didn’t bring up trump. I brought up 8 billion and the number of chargers. You imputed to trump. This has been widely reported with zero to do with trump
That came directly from Trump, at least I watched him say it. It’s widely and dishonestly “reported” on MAGA sites and Twitter mostly. I’ve not seen it reported elsewhere.
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Going to be dead before the $hit really hits the fan, so you don't care about it.
not in the least. an administration that virtue signals as top priority isn't competent to spend ten trillion of our dollars. where is hte global buy-in. we don't live in a dome. billions and we have 7 chargers for ev in years. the infrastructure bill this admin didn't understand hte delay - they required US made without a clue where anything gets made. they throw numbers out with no clue as to what they are doing other than taking money they didn't work for and pissing it away.
Did the House get the border bill passed yet, or is Trump still holding it up so he can run on border policies?
what was in place was working. remain in mexico, wall funding, title 42, and the asylum agreements. biden reversed. appointed kamala who abdicated, then in an election year tried to pass a shitty bill so they had something to run on. to add insult to injury then biden had the temerity to say he can close hte border himself lol. don't post on subjects when you are so uninformed.
BS on the individual tax rate. You don't make enough for your taxes to be raised. You're safe!
i have equity interests in five companies. good try. that looks different than the high school paychecks you cash as a sub. she's raising taxes.
Odd you think adding funding for more community based programs involving the police is defunding, but keep checking off those talking points. The politics of 2020 aren't necessarily the politics of 2024. Defunding wasn't about cutting money. It was about changing how it was spent, including efforts to get more police into communities proactively, which ebbs and flows over time due to budgets, vs. just when tensions arise and crimes are committed.
police fundijng was both re-allocated and reduced. a billion dollars in nyc alone. we've belabored the shit out of this. we provide you with links. you don't learn. this is your same recalcitrance with crt in schools. we show you but you can't seem to learn. so stop wasting the time of smarter people. the attack on cops owing in part to harris contributed to defunding police, bail projects, as well as an unprecedented number of early retirements. no one wants to work when they are being attacked.
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Self-marginalized white man, says what?
It's obvious they don't talk to many women. The vagina-phobes and incels are in for one hell of a surprise.

Chicken Don is a wussy .. note the couch humper in the background. lol ..

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Thanks. It supports exactly what I said, they didn’t spend all the money (Trump said $9 billion) on 8 stations. That is exactly what Trump claimed. That’s only the start. It’s an honest criticism that it’s a slow start. This is not unusual in today’s government reality. We built the Pentagon in 18 months during WWII. Today it would 4 years before they they turned the first shovel and 10 years to complete.

I’d think we could agree on this.
not in the least. an administration that virtue signals as top priority isn't competent to spend ten trillion of our dollars. where is hte global buy-in. we don't live in a dome. billions and we have 7 chargers for ev in years. the infrastructure bill this admin didn't understand hte delay - they required us made without a clue where anything gets made. they throw numbers out with no clue as to what they are doing other than taking money they didn't work for and pissing it away.
Is there a remote chance you could write in some of informal grammar?

We do kind of live in a dome, more of a sphere.

I would say there is global buy-in, but of course because China or Russia (maybe India) doesn't or hasn't means we shouldn't, I guess.

what was in place was working. remain in mexico, wall funding, title 42, and the asylum agreements. biden reversed. appointed kamala who abdicated, then in an election year tried to pass a shitty bill so they had something to run on. to add insult to injury then biden had the temerity to say he can close hte border himself lol. don't post on subjects when you are so uninformed.
Wouldn't the idea also be trying to keep people in their countries, vs. just keeping them in Mexico?

i have equity in five companies. good try. that looks different than the high school paychecks you cash as a sub.
I enjoy the day gig. Still need to make a little money. Congratulations on the equity in five companies. LOL

police fundijng was both re-allocated and reduced. a billion dollars in nyc alone. we've belabored the shit out of this. we provide you with links. you don't learn. this is your same recalcitrance with crt in schools. we show you but you can't seem to learn.
Keep searching on that. LOL

so stop wasting the time of smarter people.
This ain't you.

the attack on cops owing in part to harris contributed to defunding police, bail projects, as well as an unprecedented number of early retirements. no one wants to work when they are being attacked.
Keep searching. Could be those who took the early retirement were part of the problem.
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I want to stay on topic in an honest way. You brought up Trump’s speech lie, not me. I just happened to have watched it. I want to have honest conversation rather than deal with lie after lie.
What policy positions of Trumps do you dislike?

What policy positions of Harris's do you like?
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Will you take a selfie of your head exploding for us to see?
My head isn’t going to explode if she pulls an upset. Thankful I sold my practice. If she wins I won’t have to deal with all the pissed off taxpayers.
Is there a remote chance you could write in some of informal grammar?

We do kind of live in a dome, more of a sphere.

I would say there is global buy-in, but of course because China or Russia (maybe India) doesn't or hasn't means we shouldn't, I guess.

Wouldn't the idea also be trying to keep people in their countries, vs. just keeping them in Mexico?

I enjoy the day gig. Still need to make a little money. Congratulations on the equity in five companies. LOL

Keep searching on that. LOL

This ain't you.

Keep searching. Could be those who took the early retirement were part of the problem.
You’ve been presented with data on defunding numerous times. You don’t learn. You did the same on CRT. The border. I’m not wasting more time with you. You’re a moron.
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What policy positions of Trumps do you dislike?

What policy positions of Harris's do you like?
What are his second term policies? I listened to Trump’s speech Wednesday and very little was about policy. He focused on how awesome it was when he was President compared to now (no, we did not have the greatest economy in history, etc.) and how he would instantly shut down the border, build a wall and deport all the illegals, and miraculously ending war even before in office somehow. Mostly it was bragging about himself and his gigantic crowds, whining about how unfairly he’s treated, childish and dishonest personal criticisms of Kamala (purposefully mispronouncing her name) and Joe and inane riffs on all sorts of comically dumb stuff. The decision is easy on Trump, he’s unfit in every way mentally and in character to be President.

Don’t really know what her policies are yet. I’ve seen the characterization of some of them here. I’m likely to dislike a majority of them when they’re fleshed out because I’m not a Democrat and especially not a liberal one.

In the end, I’ll probably write in a name, hope for Trump to lose and rid the party of all his worst traits and characteristics (which I’ve spelled out several times already) and tolerate four more years with a Democratic President.
Don’t really know what her policies are yet. I’ve seen the characterization of some of them here. I’m likely to dislike a majority of them when they’re fleshed out because I’m not a Democrat and especially not a liberal one.

It’s dancing. Dancing to feel good is a major policy she has:


That’s an amusing little story. Why don’t you dig into it and see what really is going on with that program. I’m sure every delay is because of Democrats or Mayor Pete personally. Where do you think he gets money for diapers and daycare?!? Go get ‘em Joe!
I hear you, and what you’re saying is that you’ll dig to support the dems, and stop JUST short of the uncomfortable truth. Got it.
It’s your investigative prowess that started this. Just go a little further Don Lemon. You can do it, we know you can. We have faith in you.
Don aloha Don aloha Don aloha!!!
No doubt slow to start. That’s an honest criticism (mostly of the states, probably) but what he said was a lie. An obvious one.

Wish we used the term "liar" less frequently in our political exchanges and just acknowledged candidates on both sides aren't as informed on what they are talking about as they should be.

Worst of all, their supporters just buy their put downs and mistakes as facts without realizing they don't really have the whole story.
I hear you, and what you’re saying is that you’ll dig to support the dems, and stop JUST short of the uncomfortable truth. Got it.
It’s your investigative prowess that started this. Just go a little further Don Lemon. You can do it, we know you can. We have faith in you.
Don aloha Don aloha Don aloha!!!
Nope. Not what I said even a little bit. Why don't you actually look into something for yourself for a change.
Wish we used the term "liar" less frequently in our political exchanges and just acknowledged candidates on both sides aren't as informed on what they are talking about as they should be.

Worst of all, their supporters just buy their put downs and mistakes as facts without realizing they don't really have the whole story.
What should we call it when people intentionally say something that isn't true?
not in the least. an administration that virtue signals as top priority isn't competent to spend ten trillion of our dollars. where is hte global buy-in. we don't live in a dome. billions and we have 7 chargers for ev in years. the infrastructure bill this admin didn't understand hte delay - they required US made without a clue where anything gets made. they throw numbers out with no clue as to what they are doing other than taking money they didn't work for and pissing it away.

what was in place was working. remain in mexico, wall funding, title 42, and the asylum agreements. biden reversed. appointed kamala who abdicated, then in an election year tried to pass a shitty bill so they had something to run on. to add insult to injury then biden had the temerity to say he can close hte border himself lol. don't post on subjects when you are so uninformed.

i have equity interests in five companies. good try. that looks different than the high school paychecks you cash as a sub. she's raising taxes.

police fundijng was both re-allocated and reduced. a billion dollars in nyc alone. we've belabored the shit out of this. we provide you with links. you don't learn. this is your same recalcitrance with crt in schools. we show you but you can't seem to learn. so stop wasting the time of smarter people. the attack on cops owing in part to harris contributed to defunding police, bail projects, as well as an unprecedented number of early retirements. no one wants to work when they are being attacked.
Got damn fire all six at once coach!!!! I hope they read this slow, as their political aspiration forces complete bodily function shut down.
It’s painful to watch in a loved one, total joy in an aggressor. “Allow misery to be slow, agonizing and continuous to my enemy”.
Cited- Joe hoopsier; 2024. The water cooler
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He said $9 billion for 8 chargers. I was watching this at the hotel bar in Arlington and everyone at the bar chuckled at that obvious lie. I looked it up on my cell and found Congress did allocate $7.5 billion to provide states funding to build charging charging stations and the bill’s goal is actually 500,000 of them by 2030. The 8 (with 29 chargers actually) are just the first ones completed. The cost is $60K to $150K each depending on wattage and cost of labor and materials. Ohio is one of those that completed one so far. Anyone think Ohio spent a billion bucks on it? Thousands more are in progress or will be soon.

I’m guessing you didn’t believe Trump, but your Dream Teamers won’t question him even after 10s of thousands more are built with part of that $7.5 billion.
. 😄
lol….you’re beyond ridiculous. So we’re 3 years in and they have made 8, when they should be at 150,000 chargers. Instead of being pissed at government waste, you say but Trump. I can’t believe anyone would say you’re a shit lib 🙄
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What should we call it when people intentionally say something that isn't true?

That is easy.

Just consider the strong possibility they don't know what they are talking about.

In my book this is even worse than lying, as lying shows he knows better.
What are his second term policies? I listened to Trump’s speech Wednesday and very little was about policy. He focused on how awesome it was when he was President compared to now (no, we did not have the greatest economy in history, etc.) and how he would instantly shut down the border, build a wall and deport all the illegals, and miraculously ending war even before in office somehow. Mostly it was bragging about himself and his gigantic crowds, whining about how unfairly he’s treated, childish and dishonest personal criticisms of Kamala (purposefully mispronouncing her name) and Joe and inane riffs on all sorts of comically dumb stuff. The decision is easy on Trump, he’s unfit in every way mentally and in character to be President.

Don’t really know what her policies are yet. I’ve seen the characterization of some of them here. I’m likely to dislike a majority of them when they’re fleshed out because I’m not a Democrat and especially not a liberal one.

In the end, I’ll probably write in a name, hope for Trump to lose and rid the party of all his worst traits and characteristics (which I’ve spelled out several times already) and tolerate four more years with a Democratic President.
You don’t know what either of their policies are. Fair.

Do you care?
lol….you’re beyond ridiculous. So we’re 3 years in and they have made 8, when they should be at 150,000 chargers. Instead of being pissed at government waste, you say but Trump. I can’t believe anyone would say you’re a shit lib 🙄
You’re a real ankle biting ass. Why don’t you admit Trump was lying and move on? You really are not right in the head.
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