Who is legacy media? ABC, NBC, CBS? I've got a big issue with everybody (both sides, without a doubt) blaming "the media".It’s still underwhelming Marv. Money can’t remedy the imbalance in a cycle when you’re competing against the legacy media AND Hollywood and its media reach. It’s really the abuse that at one time the fairness doctrine sought to address but today is just unfettered
We all get our news from wherever we want to get our news now, right?. I just have a hard time believing that Nightly News with Lester Holt is all that pervasive. And for every CNN or MSNBC, there is a Fox News, WSJ, etc. The media has to bend to society's will (bye bye cable packages, for example).
We all need to be better at understanding the difference between opinion and fact, and understand CNN or Fox or whoever may not mention something because it would turn off their viewers and therefore affect their bottom line. It's all about $$$$$$$$. Don't care if you are a lib or MAGA. $$$$$$ Rules the world.
One of my favorite words of wisdom from my dad was "You can trust your mother, and maybe your father. That's it."