Random musings

Your #139, and 141, were way off topic. You were not at all responsive to the two links I posted in this thread.

Dont mistake my frustration for me feeling superior. I don’t.
Off topic, somewhere YOU brought up a war on the middle class. I asked for examples, YOU gave them. You then admitted it was all based in law.

Back to your invasion of the body snatchers theme, Bannon developed a theory that a far right conservative could run up such huge margins in small town America they need not attract a single moderate/independent. And in 2016 it worked.

But in doing so, Trump's popularity caps out around 44-45%. As long as that 45% turns out religiously and normal voting happens with the rest, he wins.

The problem is that in really working hard to win Mas' vote, he drives a big wedge into the Twenty and Aloha votes. You blame them entirely. Nope, it is the game plan, Trump does not want their vote.

But the plan falls apart because at some point the rest of America is scared of rule by Mas. So the anti-Trump voting percentage goes way up too.

Name one thing Trump said last night to try and reach out to moderates. Was it the 2 minute Orban infomercial?

So people saw a problem with Biden which depressed his support. Bannon's plan was back on. Biden drops. People may not love Harris, but she was clearly better than Biden. The convention went well, she and her surrogates did a good job of being on message. They see that Trump now seems old and cranky and play to that.

The thing is, Harris' support is soft. People are kicking the tires and slamming the door because they know they hate the cranky old man. They aren't sold on her, but they give her a chance

So you develop your invasion of the body snatchers theme to explain something that is very easily explained. Trump has purposely ignored the moderate vote. So you blame Aloha and Twenty, just as Mas does, for being part of the anti-American deep state. Sure, you don't SAY so, but what other conclusion is there for Aloha's vote being career military?

If there is a deep state it is undoubtedly slow and cumbersome like the state is. No way they were able to move polls across America in a week.

What you saw is very simple, Trump cannot ever get above 44-45 %. Once someone with a pulse entered, the anti Trump vote had somewhere to go.

Sadly for Trump, he may have hardened it some last night. Conservatives seem to love cranky, but I really doubt it played well in moderate circles. He needs to either win moderates or get them to be willing to stay home. Last night did not do that. Running with Orban and sticking with the pet thing after Vance backed away wasn't a winning look.

It would be amazing that the state moves like a slug but the deep state is the Flash. Nope, you just saw the speed of Trump hate.
Off topic, somewhere YOU brought up a war on the middle class. I asked for examples, YOU gave them. You then admitted it was all based in law.

Back to your invasion of the body snatchers theme, Bannon developed a theory that a far right conservative could run up such huge margins in small town America they need not attract a single moderate/independent. And in 2016 it worked.

But in doing so, Trump's popularity caps out around 44-45%. As long as that 45% turns out religiously and normal voting happens with the rest, he wins.

The problem is that in really working hard to win Mas' vote, he drives a big wedge into the Twenty and Aloha votes. You blame them entirely. Nope, it is the game plan, Trump does not want their vote.

But the plan falls apart because at some point the rest of America is scared of rule by Mas. So the anti-Trump voting percentage goes way up too.

Name one thing Trump said last night to try and reach out to moderates. Was it the 2 minute Orban infomercial?

So people saw a problem with Biden which depressed his support. Bannon's plan was back on. Biden drops. People may not love Harris, but she was clearly better than Biden. The convention went well, she and her surrogates did a good job of being on message. They see that Trump now seems old and cranky and play to that.

The thing is, Harris' support is soft. People are kicking the tires and slamming the door because they know they hate the cranky old man. They aren't sold on her, but they give her a chance

So you develop your invasion of the body snatchers theme to explain something that is very easily explained. Trump has purposely ignored the moderate vote. So you blame Aloha and Twenty, just as Mas does, for being part of the anti-American deep state. Sure, you don't SAY so, but what other conclusion is there for Aloha's vote being career military?

If there is a deep state it is undoubtedly slow and cumbersome like the state is. No way they were able to move polls across America in a week.

What you saw is very simple, Trump cannot ever get above 44-45 %. Once someone with a pulse entered, the anti Trump vote had somewhere to go.

Sadly for Trump, he may have hardened it some last night. Conservatives seem to love cranky, but I really doubt it played well in moderate circles. He needs to either win moderates or get them to be willing to stay home. Last night did not do that. Running with Orban and sticking with the pet thing after Vance backed away wasn't a winning look.

It would be amazing that the state moves like a slug but the deep state is the Flash. Nope, you just saw the speed of Trump hate.
This is all very interesting, but I don’t see the connection with point of the links I provided and my argument about an unaccountable and uncontrolled government.

people all over the globe have had it with big unresponsive governments. The administrative (deep) state is a real thing and is a real problem. This has nothing to do with expert review of a new drug and has everything to do with the know -it-alls who are destroying localities and municipal budgets with uncontrolled illeagal immigration- contrary to the will of the people. The Biden/Harris administration profoundly increased federal rules, regulations and controls of everything. Meritocracy in government is disappearing while the private sector is returning to it.

Democrats have no limiting principle when it comes to the size, scope, and authority of government. The right track/ wrong track polls are a reflection of massive government policy incompetence while it seeks more and more control.
This is all very interesting, but I don’t see the connection with point of the links I provided and my argument about an unaccountable and uncontrolled government.

people all over the globe have had it with big unresponsive governments. The administrative (deep) state is a real thing and is a real problem. This has nothing to do with expert review of a new drug and has everything to do with the know -it-alls who are destroying localities and municipal budgets with uncontrolled illeagal immigration- contrary to the will of the people. The Biden/Harris administration profoundly increased federal rules, regulations and controls of everything. Meritocracy in government is disappearing while the private sector is returning to it.

Democrats have no limiting principle when it comes to the size, scope, and authority of government. The right track/ wrong track polls are a reflection of massive government policy incompetence while it seeks more and more control.
Immigration is a problem for Democrats because they cannot frame it correctly. We need greatly increased legal immigration. To do that we need greatly reduced illegal immigration. But it is a problem for Republicans, where was your protests when Melania's family chain immigrated into America. That isn't the vision of chain immigration that scares people for some reason.

8 years ago the fear was taco trucks on every corner. No one pictures Melania in a taco truck do they. Today it is the eating of cats and dogs, probably not her family again.

If it is a Dominican or Cuban who can hit or throw a ball, we will let them in. If they are going to work a normal honest job, we don't want them. Our worker shortage isn't in pro athlete, outside of the South side of Chicago, we have a lot of them.

Bloomington's longest opened pizza place closed a month ago and in a lot of conversations with one of the owners he frequently said he could not hire enough people to stay open. He needed like 26 employees, he had like 13. I really believe that is why they closed. And I know other businesses with similar problems.

Neither side has this right. I don't give a care if people coming in are Haitian, Nigerian, Pakistani, or Swedish. But for some reason we don't demonize Melania's family with made up stories about stealing and eating pets. Any ideas why?

Democrats have to come to grips with legal immigration, Republicans have to come to grips that immigrants are not going to all be blonde haired blue eyed Baptists. The movie Stripes had it right, our forefathers were outcasts kicked out of every decent country.
Immigration is a problem for Democrats because they cannot frame it correctly. We need greatly increased legal immigration. To do that we need greatly reduced illegal immigration. But it is a problem for Republicans, where was your protests when Melania's family chain immigrated into America. That isn't the vision of chain immigration that scares people for some reason.

8 years ago the fear was taco trucks on every corner. No one pictures Melania in a taco truck do they. Today it is the eating of cats and dogs, probably not her family again.

If it is a Dominican or Cuban who can hit or throw a ball, we will let them in. If they are going to work a normal honest job, we don't want them. Our worker shortage isn't in pro athlete, outside of the South side of Chicago, we have a lot of them.

Bloomington's longest opened pizza place closed a month ago and in a lot of conversations with one of the owners he frequently said he could not hire enough people to stay open. He needed like 26 employees, he had like 13. I really believe that is why they closed. And I know other businesses with similar problems.

Neither side has this right. I don't give a care if people coming in are Haitian, Nigerian, Pakistani, or Swedish. But for some reason we don't demonize Melania's family with made up stories about stealing and eating pets. Any ideas why?

Democrats have to come to grips with legal immigration, Republicans have to come to grips that immigrants are not going to all be blonde haired blue eyed Baptists. The movie Stripes had it right, our forefathers were outcasts kicked out of every decent country.
Businesses don't close down because they have too much demand. Also, the racist argument is lame and dumb.
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Businesses don't close down because they have too much demand. Also, the racist argument is lame and dumb.
BTW, why did so many doctors and nurses quit right after COVID?

Stress and burnout are very real things. Try making a veterinarian appointment these days. Vets and vet techs are in real low supply and it is becoming a thing to reduce hours to not lose the vet techs to burnout.
Wanna bet? If you have too much demand, too few workers, and you feel picking up the extra hours yourself is killing you? Yep, closing is an option.
There's a proven formula for finding more employee: pay more

If demand for your product is that great, pay more than the guy next door.

It's Business 101
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BTW, why did so many doctors and nurses quit right after COVID?
They quit/retired for all types of reasons. One of them being the government printed trillions of dollars, which in turn greatly benefited older people who owned assets. Also, those are higher end jobs where people have the ability to quit, retire early, and etc more than a pizza maker. Lastly, what do you think allowing in 10-15 million poor immigrants going to do to the issue? 1st and 2nd generation immigrants walking across the border or coming from Haiti aren’t going to become doctors anytime soon. It’s just going to add more stress on the healthcare sector.
Stress and burnout are very real things.
I’m stressed and burnout. Welcome to life. I work because I have bills to pay.
Try making a veterinarian appointment these days. Vets and vet techs are in real low supply and it is becoming a thing to reduce hours to not lose the vet techs to burnout.
They’re still not going out of business. They can also choose to raise prices and pay employees more instead of working them 40+ hours.
Wanna bet? If you have too much demand, too few workers, and you feel picking up the extra hours yourself is killing you? Yep, closing is an option.
Marv that’s now how businesses work. If they’re profitable they’ll either pay more to attract employees or shorten the hours. The owner is still making money. It’s a great problem to have.
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They quit/retired for all types of reasons. One of them being the government printed trillions of dollars, which in turn greatly benefited older people who owned assets. Also, those are higher end jobs where people have the ability to quit, retire early, and etc more than a pizza maker. Lastly, what do you think allowing in 10-15 million poor immigrants going to do to the issue? 1st and 2nd generation immigrants walking across the border or coming from Haiti aren’t going to become doctors anytime soon. It’s just going to add more stress on the healthcare sector.

I’m stressed and burnout. Welcome to life. I work because I have bills to pay.

They’re still not going out of business. They can also choose to raise prices and pay employees more instead of working them 40+ hours.

Marv that’s now how businesses work. If they’re profitable they’ll either pay more to attract employees or shorten the hours. The owner is still making money. It’s a great problem to have.
You work? I thought you lived off your Bitcoin investments.
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Wait, all those years we were told it was impossible to pay employees more than minimum wage you guys were lying, and it IS possible to pay more?

The simple fact is many Americans are dicks, and people left the food industry to not have to deal with said dicks. Pretty much all restaurants are paying far more than they did in 2019, and are short staffed because some of us are total jerks not just on the internet.

Go ahead, search for restaurant labor shortages
It is real. This article has us 2 million short across the country.

Now that was last year, numbers have gotten a little better but still short.

In fact we are still short a lot of workers, and all of you know that because you read. Who knows, maybe everyone just reads the Archies, but I suspect we read more than that. We know nurses are in real shortage, as are vet techs, and many other jobs. And the labor shortage was one of the huge drivers of inflation. I am pretty sure that was in the news.
Wait, all those years we were told it was impossible to pay employees more than minimum wage you guys were lying, and it IS possible to pay more?

The simple fact is many Americans are dicks, and people left the food industry to not have to deal with said dicks. Pretty much all restaurants are paying far more than they did in 2019, and are short staffed because some of us are total jerks not just on the internet.

Go ahead, search for restaurant labor shortages
It is real. This article has us 2 million short across the country.

Now that was last year, numbers have gotten a little better but still short.

In fact we are still short a lot of workers, and all of you know that because you read. Who knows, maybe everyone just reads the Archies, but I suspect we read more than that. We know nurses are in real shortage, as are vet techs, and many other jobs. And the labor shortage was one of the huge drivers of inflation. I am pretty sure that was in the news.
Yes, shortages in some sectors are real, particularly in the restaurant industry.

Higher pay, as we've said, would alleviate that shortage.

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