Kamala Harris hits a home run in her first appearance as Candidate

Biden's worst debate performance in the history of politics overshadowed how terrible Trump was in that debate.
Right. Not that the Ds are good at politics, but isn’t the strategy to turn all of the Biden is senile and old straight onto Trump? They should be hammering his age and babbling speeches. Parse every time he misspeaks. Flip the script. This ain’t hard.
Right. Not that the Ds are good at politics, but isn’t the strategy to turn all of the Biden is senile and old straight onto Trump? They should be hammering his age and babbling speeches. Parse every time he misspeaks. Flip the script. This ain’t hard.
While Biden remains in office? And you've been referring to him as sharp, on top of things, etc.?
The only reason she is the nominee is none of the real candidates wanted to sacrifice themselves for an unwinnable election.
Right. The guy who has never gotten above about 40% positives is unbeatable. He’s never even attempted to expand his base. He’s good just attracting the nutcases.
While Biden remains in office? And you've been referring to him as sharp, on top of things, etc.?
Yes while he’s in office. Who cares? He’s not running again. Trump is. He’ll do nothing but get older , fatter, and crazier.
Yes while he’s in office. Who cares? He’s not running again. Trump is. He’ll do nothing but get older , fatter, and crazier.
Who cares if our sitting President is not up to the job mentally?

I think a lot of people care about that, actually. I think (or hope) they also care that people like Kamala Harris lied about it for the last months or years, who knows how long.
Did she say women can have brackets for the tourney this year? Big progress. A regular Churchill
Before 2022 the term "March Madness" could not be used with respect to promoting the women's tourney. That's what she was supposed to say but she screwed up. That was in the media draft of her remarks. It happens. I'm not sure if she's much of a sports person or not, but she probably should have sat that one out.

2022 and beyond, the NCAA revised the trademark and both men and women could use the term in promotions.

When you learn the facts it doesn't seem so ridiculous, right? But yes, it was an error on her part.
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Before 2022 the term "March Madness" could not be used with respect to promoting the women's tourney. That's what she was supposed to say but she screwed up. That was in the media draft of her remarks. It happens. I'm not sure if she's much of a sports person or not, but she probably should have sat that one out.

2022 and beyond, the NCAA revised the trademark and both men and women could use the term in promotions.

When you learn the facts it doesn't seem so ridiculous, right? But yes, it was an error on her part.
Shut up. Nerdy fck
I don't think so. I think if you continually bring it up vs. Trump, you risk reminding the electorate of your deception and cover up, not to mention, if you're not calling for Biden to resign now, you look like you're a liar or a hypocrite.
It’s a cynical world man. You punch what’s in front of you, not what’s in the rear view.
Who cares if our sitting President is not up to the job mentally?

I think a lot of people care about that, actually. I think (or hope) they also care that people like Kamala Harris lied about it for the last months or years, who knows how long.
Who has said he is not up to it now? He’s not up to it for the next four years. Whether it’s true he’s not up to it now, I don’t know. His last several speeches have been mostly fine.
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It’s a cynical world man. You punch what’s in front of you, not what’s in the rear view.
Look at the size of the windshield vs the size of the rear view mirror and act accordingly.

-- paraphrasing Dave Ramsey
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Yeah, the political professions have long been a haven for bullshit artists -- which is why I've always gotten a chuckle out of so many of them squawking about Donald Trump being a bullshit artist. Well, he is clearly that. They're not wrong. In fact, most pols are rank amateurs compared to that guy. But let's not pretend he's unique in that regard. He just takes it to a higher level.

And I say that as somebody who has voted for him, despite knowing full well that he's nothing more than a performance artist...a WWE heel in a tailored suit.
Not well tailored. That he wears suits and a haircut that look like crap is almost disqualifying alone. Who the heck taught him to wear a tie long enough to fall between his legs?
Not well tailored. That he wears suits and a haircut that look like crap is almost disqualifying alone. Who the heck taught him to wear a tie long enough to fall between his legs?
he could walk to worth or have them come to him with bespoke everything htat fits perfectly. weirdest shit ever
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ha i bet he is indeed wearing brioni. they have a location literally on worth. not a chance in hell the tailors at brioni don't know that his suits don't fit. he likes that fit
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She flunked the bar exam. She often speaks in abstract nonsense when she is off script. During her failed campaign for President, she often displayed knowledge of the issues an inch deep. She is neither knowledgeable or smart.

And electric school busses? Is there a bigger waste of the rare earths that go into electric vehicles than a school bus which set idle most of the time?
Well, she knows Russia is a big country
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Who cares if our sitting President is not up to the job mentally?

I think a lot of people care about that, actually. I think (or hope) they also care that people like Kamala Harris lied about it for the last months or years, who knows how long.
Brad, I’m starting to get tired of you throwing water on our campaign strategies. I am comforted in knowing you’re smarter than Trump and his advisers, however. 😊
Because paying prostitutes for sex while married and sexual assault (grabbing random women by the pussy) is the same as a woman having sex outside of marriage?

It wasn't sex outside a marriage, Skippy. Willie was married.
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Ahh sorry. Legendary prof at IU. Taught trial process. Real gruff. Real neat. Hilarious. In a community of Ivy League faculty he went to Ohio state undergrad and law. When his kid graduated high school he said he was in a jam bc there was no one to grade papers. If a student was in peta his hypos would be real horrible fact scenarios for duress and shit involving animals. Legend. The type that could try a case in Beverly Hills or Paducah