Kamala Harris hits a home run in her first appearance as Candidate

And guess what - Trump just beat Biden. He was beating him so bad, Biden cried No Mas. Trump beat Biden like a drum.

Biden is going out a loser.
No he didn't. Biden got old. Father time is undefeated. If Trump wins he will perform similar to Biden at the end of his term.
The first thing the MAGA folks would do is expose Manchin's shady background regarding the coal industry. He (and his daughter) have some skeletons in his closet...

Admittedly Casten comes from the progressive wing of the Dem Party.. But the reality is if Trump felt threatened MAGA would not hesitate to amplify these charges...

"The truth is, Manchin is best understood as a grifter from the ancestral home of King Coal. He is a man with coal dust in his veins who has used his political skills to enrich himself, not the people of his state. He drives an Italian-made Maserati, lives on a houseboat on the Potomac River when he is in D.C., pals around with corporate CEOs, and has a net worth of as much as $12 million. More to the point, his wealth has been accumulated through controversial coal-related businesses in his home state, including using his political muscle to keep open the dirtiest coal plant in West Virginia, which paid him nearly $5 million over the past decade in fees for coal handling, as well as costing West Virginia electricity consumers tens of millions of dollars in higher electricity rates (more about the details of this in a moment). Virginia Canter, who was ethics counsel to Presidents Obama and Clinton, unabashedly calls Manchin's business operations "a grift." To Canter, Manchin's corruption is even more offensive than Donald Trump's. "With Trump, the corruption was discretionary — you could choose to pay thousands of dollars to host an event at Mar-a-Lago or not," Canter tells me. In contrast, Manchin is effectively taking money right out of the pockets of West Virginians when they pay their electric bills. They have no say in it. "It's one of the most egregious conflicts of interest I've ever seen."

So he has less baggage than either Trump or Harris and certainly a more broad appeal
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They need to show how they are going to pay for all of their policies…and not by accounting gimmicks.

Same with the Pubs.

Then let the people that pay for their bills compare the two.
Most people who struggle paying bills pay little in taxes (broad statement, I know, but I think it's a reasonable opinion). I don't think the math matters to most, when it comes to spending gov't money, because it doesn't affect them as much.

They worry much more about the cost of housing, food, and gas.
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LOL...I'll try to remember that. I've been really out of sorts about my Reaction Score since I started posting again. It's like 'What the hell do I have to do to get some props here, folks?'
Might I introduce you to a term you might not have heard of? GIFs. Those of us that are tech savvy with the Linux and the Google leverage them to help with our RSR.
Because you know absolutely nothing about the Kushner/ PIF deal. The amount of approvals and hoops it had to go through to get done. Especially considering Kushner’s position. It’s all well documented. Readily available. Would you like me to share with you? After about 24 hours of public disclosures would you possibly shut the hell up?
Could care less about all the "approvals and hoops". Still a conflict of interest and that goes for Mnuchin's 2.5 Billion as well.
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Two dork Northwestern students met each other on the dorm room floor freshman year, got together and had me about 15 years later.
So you're the baby of the family? At least you're not a middle child.

I actually don't know what Shapiro is doing here? Ruby Bridges was a national American story about a young black girl integrating a school. What does that have to do with Kamala being born in 64? She clearly has benefitted from the triumph of Bridges, no? Regardless of when she was born or where she went to school.

Did Obama get called out for this?

I think it's a bad play by the right if they try bring race into it. Like stupid bad.

PS. I know it's Shapiro saying it, not you per se.
Trump in 80 degree weather and without an extensive makeup session looks like shit.

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LOL...I'll try to remember that. I've been really out of sorts about my Reaction Score since I started posting again. It's like 'What the hell do I have to do to get some props here, folks?'
Get the administrators to boost your score, like certain posters *cough* did.....
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Yeah, and that just goes to show you how stupid that record numbers of voters really were. Here it is only 3.5 years later and Joe did such a shitty job he's forced out because he has ZERO chance of beating Trump. Let's hope for our country's sake they show better judgement next time.
Biden is dropping out because he's old. Not because he has done a shitty job. Economy is fine.
All valid comments, but she has some fences to mend. She publicly compared border agents to the KKK, she took anti-cop and pro- rioter positions during George Floyd riots, she is pretty conspicuously anti-Israel, and she is very strongly anti-federalism in domestic policy.

She thinks and speaks in platitudes and esoteric nonsense. All campaigns rely on platitudes to some extent, she takes it to excess. That will work to her advantage with the casual or low information voters.
And she's skipping Netanyahu's address to Congress tomorrow.

That's not a good look.
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Of all the Wealth Management companies in all the world they pick Jared. Oh, I forgot, another cool 2.5 Billion to Mnuchin's company. Sure it's well documented. It better be. Can you say conflict of interest?
Already examined and cleared. Your pissing up a rope.
I do remember reading a report (I don't recall if it was ever confirmed, at least by somebody who didn't have an axe to grind) that Trump almost instantly tried to renege on his offer to Pence to be his runningmate in 2016.

So, if that report was true, it's not a stretch to wonder if he might have the same buyer's remorse about Vance. My impression that the Vance pick, as much as anything, was about getting some backing from Thiel and others in Silicon Valley.

But, given that Trump's polling has held up fairly well so far through these recent major events, I guess I wouldn't be so quick to jump on this. If his numbers do turn south, then he'll definitely be looking for somebody to blame -- and, when he does that, he never does it around any mirrors.
Supposedly Trump was leaning to Youngkin but his boys are friends with Vance.

Youngkin was such a slam dunk.....
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Trump has to be second guessing JD Vance already. Between his views on abortion, hints about his thoughts on the role of women, and his embarrassing takes on race.

Yesterday at a rally he said the left would accuse him of being racist for drinking Diet Mt. Dew. Even the crowd was embarrassed for him. Dude has no original thoughts of his own. No way anyone with self respect changes his stance on Trump the way JD has. Remember when men had character?
we finally found the answer to who in the hell drinks diet mt dew
Biden is dropping out because he's old. Not because he has done a shitty job. Economy is fine.
Biden was forced out by hidden powers. He was not likable enough. There, that covers all the reasons his own people overruled his expressed desire to continue with his campaign.

“Economy is fine” if you look at only a limited number of cherry-picked parameters. You Democrats are used to being hoodwinked from reality. Try Bill O’Reilly’s show some night on YouTube. You won’t be exposed to so much hate and might find it refreshing.
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And she's skipping Netanyahu's address to Congress tomorrow.

That's not a good look.
Exactly. Is there a better thing she can do to perpetuate ongoing strife and death in the Middle East? Biden has checked out. Kamala and the president pro temp of the senate will be AWOL. The squad+Bernie will either actively protest him or organize others to do so.

We are sending the wrong message to Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis at the wrong time. Kamala needs to be there— period. There are more important things than a few votes in Dearborn.
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To those that think Harris is dumb, see how she handled this back n forth with a man much smarter and more prepared than Trump will ever be.
That clip shows she's not dumb, for sure. But what are you impressed by there? Her reading pre-written questions by her staff? Her rudeness in not letting Barr answer? That's not going to happen in a debate.
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To those that think Harris is dumb, see how she handled this back n forth with men much smarter and more prepared than Trump will ever be.

A first year associate at any firm in America could match or exceed that performance. She’s just reading questions. That wasn’t impressive brother
That clip shows she's not dumb, for sure. But what are you impressed by there? Her reading pre-written questions by her staff? Her rudeness in not letting Barr answer? That's not going to happen in a debate.
Im only impressed with the fact that she’s not dumb, which is the narrative some are pushing. Also that she has command of the detailed subject at hand which would come in handy with tackling various issues. That’s all.
Im only impressed with the fact that she’s not dumb, which is the narrative some are pushing. Also that she has command of the detailed subject at hand which would come in handy with tackling various issues. That’s all.
She flunked the bar exam. She often speaks in abstract nonsense when she is off script. During her failed campaign for President, she often displayed knowledge of the issues an inch deep. She is neither knowledgeable or smart.

And electric school busses? Is there a bigger waste of the rare earths that go into electric vehicles than a school bus which set idle most of the time?
Okay. I liked HOW she asked the questions. She’s hot. Sue me! 😊
Love it!!! Post it in the hot murderers thread. Just as a general observation the bar with now Harris trump etc has gotten so low. Bill Clinton could have walked in there without a single note, a Big Mac meal in front of him, and tapped every relevant question without pausing or looking down once while mixing in two or three jokes
Love it!!! Post it in the hot murderers thread. Just as a general observation the bar with now Harris trump etc has gotten so low. Bill Clinton could have walked in there without a single note, a Big Mac meal in front of him, and tapped every relevant question without pausing or looking down once while mixing in two or three jokes
I was always partial to Jodi Arias for hot, crazy murderers. 🤣
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Because if you have no offspring you are inherently living in the here and now. You will do what is pleasurable in the moment and reckon less with future effects of your actions. Or the possible unintended consequences on the world around you. Impulsive. Like a child. Parents are a check on impulse.

You have no vested interest in the future unless you’re really close with your niece and nephew or something, but that would be a pathetic and sad way to live. It just means you want your own child but can’t figure out how.
Trump-Vance campaign are trying to deal with these embarrassing Vance comments. You’re spreading it instead.

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The same standard needs to apply.

Because paying prostitutes for sex while married and sexual assault (grabbing random women by the pussy) is the same as a woman having sex outside of marriage?

To those that think Harris is dumb, see how she handled this back n forth with men much smarter and more prepared than Trump will ever be.

This is her courtroom schtick when she and her staff have the opportunity to prepare to grill a witness..She is pretty good at this, although in this case she really didn't get anywhere with Barr.

Don't, however, conflate this with a debate where the format is completely different.

The majority of her events she better suits the Cukoo fo CocoaPuffs label.

The debate will be a shitshow with two monkeys throwing scat at each other.
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