January 6 Question

Thousands of lives destroyed for a non-crime. Hope Dems are happy.

Holy moly! This is huge. I didn't pay any attention to the statute until now.

The statute

(c)Whoever corruptly—

* * *

otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Congress defined corruption in this section to include such things as improper motive. However, that definition does not apply to this subsection but specifically to a different subsection. For this subsection , we must rely on the dictionary definition of corruption which generally requires the offender to receive money or thing of value. I don’t think wanting your guy to win an election qualifies.

The word “corruptly” is in the statute for a reason, congress could have easily left that word out. From what I know, about the facts, the element of corruption can’t be proven, yet we have guys in prison for a very long time. In my opinion, the convictions under this statute get reversed and the Democrats will demand SCOTUS reform.
Holy moly! This is huge. I didn't pay any attention to the statute until now.

The statute

(c)Whoever corruptly—

* * *

otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Congress defined corruption in this section to include such things as improper motive. However, that definition does not apply to this subsection but specifically to a different subsection. For this subsection , we must rely on the dictionary definition of corruption which generally requires the offender to receive money or thing of value. I don’t think wanting your guy to win an election qualifies.

The word “corruptly” is in the statute for a reason, congress could have easily left that word out. From what I know, about the facts, the element of corruption can’t be proven, yet we have guys in prison for a very long time. In my opinion, the convictions under this statute get reversed and the Democrats will demand SCOTUS reform.

Shocking that the media never shows you this video. Jones sniffed out the Fedsurrection from the jump.

Crazy. Alex Jones persistently advocates non-violence. He’s a libertarian at heart and lives by the non-aggression principle.

He also realizes the government holds a monopoly on violence and that it’s a losing battle.

Yet he is caricatured as a violent mad man.
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Shocking that the media never shows you this video. Jones sniffed out the Fedsurrection from the jump.

This reminds me of that old story about the humane hunter that stampeded a herd of buffalo right up to the edge of a tall cliff ... and humanely left it up to each individual buffalo to personally decide whether to jump off. Alex Jones was a stampeder of buffalo and sheep and deserves whatever penalties the court system gives him,

It's predictably silly for dbm to claim "the media never shows you this" followed by a link that begins "MEDIA=twitter" Dbm hasn't a clue what "media" means,
Crazy. Alex Jones persistently advocates non-violence. He’s a libertarian at heart and lives by the non-aggression principle.

He also realizes the government holds a monopoly on violence and that it’s a losing battle.

Yet he is caricatured as a violent mad man.
I'm not sure I've ever seen him referred to as violent.

He is a prolific liar who profited off of telling horrendous, giant lies about the families of slain elementary school kids, and then lied on the stand to try to evade responsibility for his actions, but other than that, I'm sure he's a beautiful human being.
I'm not sure I've ever seen him referred to as violent.

He is a prolific liar who profited off of telling horrendous, giant lies about the families of slain elementary school kids, and then lied on the stand to try to evade responsibility for his actions, but other than that, I'm sure he's a beautiful human being.
At least he's paid his court-mandated penalty to those poor families, right?
Man you post a lot of nonsense. No idea what you think the video Posobiec posted "says". How about this one?

There were definitely Feds in the crowd but that doesn’t necessarily make it a “Fedsurrection”. We would need to know more about their actions day of.

If they were just observing people of interest, whatever, if they were instigating events, well that’s a major problem.