January 6 Coo Hilarity

Loony? Says the guy who probably believes the FBI doesn't know who the pipe bomber is. 😂
Good lord dude I've been reluctatnt to crticize you too much,because I figured you were just some batshit crazy old coot longing for the (non-existant) good old days. I say that as someone who'll turn 69 in a few months...

But if what zeke said about you saying you weren't even 40 is true, that means you're ****ing looney tunes. I can't imagine how you're even going to be able to function for the next 30 or 40 yrs in a world where you're not only a minority, but an anamoly as well.

You're (apparently) an old man with a dinosaur brain trapped in a young man's body. It's not going to end well...

Now please no one tell me that DANC isn't at least in his late 60s. Not sure my poor heart could take that much shock in a single day...
Well this lady isn't the most well spoken and sometimes doesn't express clearly what she's trying to say. But she was there and she went to jail- why doesn't Tucker parade her out and call her an expert?

You and some of the others are fond of detailing the poor MAGA grandmas, and claiming they were innocent and not guilty of the charges levied against them. Are you going to claim that this ex-MAGA grandma who went to prison and credits the police for saving her from being crushed by all those friendly tourists is an FBI plant?

This lady is proof that there's still hope. Even for you...

How about some home movies from all those tourists on vacation? Wonder why this footage never made it to the unreleased video that Tucker,Johnson and the rest of MAGA world demanded be released?

I can't tell who the (masked) GOP law makers are who are trying to reason with some absolute fools. The one guy says he's from Texas, and it would be interesting to see how his real life experience dealing with the two loudest idiots translates to how he characterizes the events of that day today...

The woman is (unfortunately) about the level I'd expect of Ashley Babbitt- ignorant, uninformed and spouting nonsense. The man whining about what his kids "lost" and claiming corruption cost his family $400,000 sounds like an idiot.

Presumably his anger is directed towards Biden/dems, but this is Jan 6 2021, and at the time of this "protest" Biden and the Dem Senate hadn't even attained office yet. Presumably, this clamaity befell his family during the previous 4 yrs when Trump was POTUS and the Senate was controlled by Pubs. So exactly what "Govt" is he protesting against?

This type of idiocy epitomizes cult behavior...These folks weren't just strolling around the hallways like tourists. They were trying to force their way into the chambers where lawmakers were conducting business. Hopefully they were identified by some means and ended up being charged...

He's completely deranged. Stole the 2020 election through fraudulent ballot harvesting with no signature verification and a refusal to allow any audit. Is trying to throw his chief political opponent in jail for nothing and keep him off the ballots while he lectures us "peasants" over threats to Democracy. Meanwhile, he has completely destroyed our economy and the worst thing is opening up our border. Millions have come in unchecked and another 9/11 could be coming all because of Biden. This complete imbecile is probably the biggest threat to the USA we've ever seen and then lectures us about "decency". Go FY Joe!
What signatures on what documents do you want to be compared to each other?


Are you proposing that all of the compared signatures must be pen-and-ink signatures, or is it OK with you if some of the compared signatures had been drawn on a digital device screen?
I read in another thread you aren’t even 40 yet. Why do you always sound like crazy 90 year old man who falls for Nigerian Prince scams? You’ve got time to learn, but you really need to learn how to get some reliable news sources. The stuff you believe and post here is beyond batshit crazy.

Good lord dude I've been reluctatnt to crticize you too much,because I figured you were just some batshit crazy old coot longing for the (non-existant) good old days. I say that as someone who'll turn 69 in a few months...

But if what zeke said about you saying you weren't even 40 is true, that means you're ****ing looney tunes. I can't imagine how you're even going to be able to function for the next 30 or 40 yrs in a world where you're not only a minority, but an anamoly as well.

You're (apparently) an old man with a dinosaur brain trapped in a young man's body. It's not going to end well...

Now please no one tell me that DANC isn't at least in his late 60s. Not sure my poor heart could take that much shock in a single day...
The scariest thing about dbm is that he says he is an IU graduate.
To ease my mind I prefer to think of him as someone trying to stir the pot. I mean, no one could be this deranged. It's like Lucy on a steroid binge.
January 6th is very sad and disgraceful day in American history. I don't see how anyone can see it otherwise. The whole world saw us look like a third world country,
The Summer of Love was far worse nation-wide in terms of actual deaths due to rioting and damage to federal buildings. The protesters took over parts of Seattle (Portland?).

If you're worried about what the whole world thinks, they thought that well before J6.
They assembled at both the White House and the Capitol.
Those who remained peaceable and stayed behind the barricades were not branded.
Well, OK, they were branded dumb @ss Trumpsters.
And a guy, Ray Epps, who was leading the charge and telling people to go INTO the Capitol, got off with a misdemeanor and no jail time. He was clearly an instegator, including the night before the J6 riot

Meanwhile, people who did nothing but walk through the Capitol got prison sentences, including a grandmother with cancer.

There are certainly questions about why some were prosecuted and some were not. Including the killer of Ashli Babbitt, who was unarmed, yet was shot while standing next to 2 Capitol Police officers who watched her, doing nothing. A veteran and a 5' female who presented no physical threat to anyone.
He's completely deranged. Stole the 2020 election through fraudulent ballot harvesting with no signature verification and a refusal to allow any audit. Is trying to throw his chief political opponent in jail for nothing and keep him off the ballots while he lectures us "peasants" over threats to Democracy. Meanwhile, he has completely destroyed our economy and the worst thing is opening up our border. Millions have come in unchecked and another 9/11 could be coming all because of Biden. This complete imbecile is probably the biggest threat to the USA we've ever seen and then lectures us about "decency". Go FY Joe!
I wish everyone on the extreme partisan sides would listen to themselves. If you honestly believe all of this, why aren't you doing anything about it? Instead of fighting for your country, fighting against what you describe as essentially a coup, and the ruining of your nation, you post stuff from Twitter on an internet message board?

Similarly, if you really think Trump is Hitler, are you really just going to sit on your couch moaning about it on here, or actually do something about it?

It's difficult not to conclude that every person engaging in this kind of hyperbole on either side is disingenuous, not a patriot, or a coward.
And a guy, Ray Epps, who was leading the charge and telling people to go INTO the Capitol, got off with a misdemeanor and no jail time. He was clearly an instegator, including the night before the J6 riot

Meanwhile, people who did nothing but walk through the Capitol got prison sentences, including a grandmother with cancer.

There are certainly questions about why some were prosecuted and some were not. Including the killer of Ashli Babbitt, who was unarmed, yet was shot while standing next to 2 Capitol Police officers who watched her, doing nothing. A veteran and a 5' female who presented no physical threat to anyone.

Well, I hope he does do prison time, but I doubt it happens.

His case should have been cut-and-dried. He was on video, encouraging people to go into the Capitol. Yet it took over 2 years of people pointing out that he wasn't charged for a midemeanor charge to be filed?

I think anyone with an ounce of objectivity would find that strange.
The right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances

The right to protest without being defamed and branded an insurrectionist or coup attempter.

According to your side, everyone who was there is a criminal. That is a lie. That was todays message - again - even 3 years after the "coo" - even to this day, y'all refuse to discern the ddiffeerence between violence and non-violence on January 6, all the while defending the lotting and burning of BLM addicts.

I was walked through the Kentucky Capital yesterday. The second day of the first legislagtive session since the election. I wanted to see a guy I praticed law with who has been elected Attorney General, and another colleague who was elected to the Supreme Court.

If the protestors outside went too far, and charged the gates, or whatever - by your standards, and the way this January 6 thing has been portrayed - I would be a criminal just for being there. Just to score political points against Trump, you people would prosecute a nun for praying in the Senate Chapel. You think Biden will honor the non-violent January 6 protestors in his Valley Forge speech today? Ever? Anywhere?

You're all a bunch of McCarthy's bitching about McCarthyism! "Are you now or have you ever been a Trumper? Off to the dungeon!"

You haven't named a single person who was "innocent" that was charged for Jan 6 crimes. I know there must be some because some have been found not guilty...

Take for example this latest group of 3 "hostages" indicted for violent acts and just arrested Sat by the FBI. Are you going to claim these folks caught on video attacking officers are "innocent"

I actually think that unlike the true believers that "liked" your post you're too intelligent to believe the nonsense you posted and are just trolling to stir the pot.

Should Biden "honor" these 3 clowns just indicted for acts of violence and rounded up by the FBI today? They're all 3 shown clearly on video, and the chick and the fat ugly guy were actually released with ankle bracelets rior to trial and cut them off and ran. Obviously the DOJ felt they were "trustworthy" and see where that got us. Trump and his "hostage" nonsense...

Since they were all holed up on a "ranch" in FL, I'm guessing someone turned them in to claim the $30,000 reward...

Here's another issue you can address while you're compiling that list of all those "innocent, patriots who were falsely charged", how come so many of them have previous arrests and criminal records for previous offenses? I know I was personally struck by how many had been convicted of "domestic violence", but there are both other petty and serious,violence related crimes as well. Some of them were on parole and committed parole violations.

Do you feel a kindred spirit to this level of scuminess? Maybe you feel that all of those previously charged/convicted of crimes prior to Jan 6 were themselves innocent victims of an oppressive govt as well? Just in the immediate aftermath and immediate arrests WAPO reported in June 22 a third of arrestees had ties to right wing extremist groups and a significant % were misogynistic...

" At least 27 had previous criminal records,[52] with at least nine having been previously accused of, or convicted of, committing violence against women (including one who had served five years in prison for rape and sexual battery), or had been the subject of domestic violence restraining orders.[54] 90% of those arrested were White Americans."

Seems a repeat of Charlottesville, where people merely protesting the removal of Rebel statues (as if that's somehow a worthy cause) found themselves in bed with neo-Nazis, Klanners and self proclaimed Fascists... Funny how that keeps happening, and the catalyst often seems to be Trump...
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What signatures on what documents do you want to be compared to each other?


Are you proposing that all of the compared signatures must be pen-and-ink signatures, or is it OK with you if some of the compared signatures had been drawn on a digital device screen?
"Absentee ballot return envelopes must be signed by the voter under penalty of perjury. Upon receipt, the voter’s signature on the affidavit is compared to the signature on the voter’s registration record. The vote is counted only if the signatures correspond and if the affidavit is found to be sufficient."

They should all be scanned onto a PDF and put out online for the public to view.

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I'd say unbelievable, but there is so much 'unbelievable' Capitol Police action that it really is believable these pipe bombs were planted by government authorities.

Unless you watch the video and don't believe your own lying eyes.
Was the backup plan to halt proceedings and shut down the Capitol if the protesters didn't take the bait and go in the building.
It's a reasonable explanation.

I forget the part about Kamala trying to hide the fact she was at the DNC HQ.

Did she really try to cover that up?
Yes. Biden ordered the text messages between her secret service agents that day deleted. She continually says 1/6 was as bad or worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. However, she never once mentions how a racist Trump supporter almost blew her away with a pipe bomb that day. Wonder why that is.
Yes. Biden ordered the text messages between her secret service agents that day deleted. She continually says 1/6 was as bad or worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. However, she never once mentions how a racist Trump supporter almost blew her away with a pipe bomb that day. Wonder why that is.

And ol' Ray got Probation

So a question or two... If it was an inside job wouldn't the "insiders" know about the surveillance mechanisms in place? And as a result wouldn't they circumvent the cameras and any other surveillance measures in place, assuming it was meant to be a top secret operation.

I love the way this grad student purports to know what is said to the LEO and Secret Service. And btw, why would TRUMP's FBI and Secret service be involve in an effort to keep him from running again on Jan 6, the day Biden was confirmed as winner of EC? We already know that some within the SS were fiercely loyal to Trump. So how come these SS pro-Trumpers, some of whom who are still part of his current protection team didn't blow the whistle on this nefarious plot?

Is this the guy who started the lie about Rudy Freeman and her daughter passing the ginger mint USB's back and forth? Or proclaimed that the cameraman in Detroit who was pulling a wagon containg his equpment was actually carrying in ballots. The upstanding non-Detroiters who were somehow crowded around the outside of an inner city precinct in urban Detroit almost rioted over that one...

Back to the video... Why would pipebombs being found in 2021 "derail" Trump's run in 2024? Was it the Dems who tweeted "Jan 6 will be wild"? Maybe they hacked Trump's account? All I know is that all of the tweets I saw daily urging people to come to DC on Jan6 and take their country back/stop the steal ALL came from pro-Trump, wingnut accounts. Unless they were all hacked into?

Is there any conspiracy theories you gullible whack jobs (not you personally) won't embrace...Tucks calls his show Uncensored. A better name would be UNHINGED...

Btw, did you hear about the "election fraud/misplaced ballots in Virginia? Clear case of one party trying to steal th election. Actually it's a clear example of the fact that people are human and sometimes make (unintentional) errors...

" A northern Virginia county is acknowledging that it underreported President Joe Biden’s margin of victory over Donald Trump there in the 2020 presidential election by about 4,000 votes, the first detailed accounting of errors that came to light in 2022 as part of a criminal case.

The admission Thursday from the Prince William County Office of Elections comes a week after prosecutors from the Virginia Attorney General’s office dropped charges against the county’s former registrar, Michele White."
The bolded begs this question. Would Youngkin's AG have dropped the charges against the woman (who I presume is a democrat) if the audit had showed that Trump was the one who was the victim here? Something tells me this would be plastered all over Fox, and Dinesh would be enroute to the Commonwealth to film "2000 asses, the sequel"...
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"Absentee ballot return envelopes must be signed by the voter under penalty of perjury. Upon receipt, the voter’s signature on the affidavit is compared to the signature on the voter’s registration record. The vote is counted only if the signatures correspond and if the affidavit is found to be sufficient."

They should all be scanned onto a PDF and put out online for the public to view.


So, you want your dbm signature to be posted online so all your enemies can apply for credit cards and other loans in your name?
That contradicts what you posted in your Post No. 51 above.

So, nice try but you dodged answering.
I'm guessing that just like some of the folks profiled in this study, dbm was fine with mail ballots until Trump told him they were evil. After all the GOP had no problem with absentee/mail ballots when they were still exclusively reserved for on duty military and expatriate corporate execs. A demographic that traditionally favors Pubs and a huge tool for the GOP in most elections up to as recently as 2016...

I'm guessing that just like some of the folks profiled in this study, dbm was fine with mail ballots until Trump told him they were evil. After all the GOP had no problem with absentee/mail ballots when they were still exclusively reserved for on duty military and expatriate corporate execs. A demographic that traditionally favors Pubs and a huge tool for the GOP in most elections up to as recently as 2016...

Did MTIOTF spell it "coo" in the thread title because if he wrote "coup" he was afraid MAGA people would think he was talking about a car? Yeah, I know that's spelled "coupe" but you get my point.
That contradicts what you posted in your Post No. 51 above.

So, nice try but you dodged answering.
Absolutely make the signatures public. If not, at least allow both sides to pick a handwriting expert of their own and perform a forensic audit.
I'm guessing that just like some of the folks profiled in this study, dbm was fine with mail ballots until Trump told him they were evil. After all the GOP had no problem with absentee/mail ballots when they were still exclusively reserved for on duty military and expatriate corporate execs. A demographic that traditionally favors Pubs and a huge tool for the GOP in most elections up to as recently as 2016...

During the Civil War, Abe Lincoln himself pulled strings to let soldiers get leave so they could travel home and vote for president.
Absolutely make the signatures public. If not, at least allow both sides to pick a handwriting expert of their own and perform a forensic audit.
Which signatures?
How much would this cost?
Who would pay for it?
It's not a lie, simpleton. The five deaths by suicide of police officers following Jan 6 are "line of duty" deaths pursuant to federal law.

Prolly offed for threatening to tell the truth. F*cking suicide what a joke! It's become a casual thing, death occurred, our government needs burned down!
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He's completely deranged. Stole the 2020 election through fraudulent ballot harvesting with no signature verification and a refusal to allow any audit. Is trying to throw his chief political opponent in jail for nothing and keep him off the ballots while he lectures us "peasants" over threats to Democracy. Meanwhile, he has completely destroyed our economy and the worst thing is opening up our border. Millions have come in unchecked and another 9/11 could be coming all because of Biden. This complete imbecile is probably the biggest threat to the USA we've ever seen and then lectures us about "decency". Go FY Joe!
You can't talk to that psyop sychofant. He's ray epps in disguise!
Believing Biden orchestrated massive voter fraud to defeat Trump is even more moronic than believing Trump lost due to voter fraud, whoever orchestrated it.
You think Biden orchestrated something. Orchestrated would infer a mindful thought process. GD you are further gone than I thought.
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You’re a f’n loon if you believe half that shit. Quit looking at the fringe internet “news” which has made you into (easily) the most uninformed person here.
Another dumb f*cking msm result. GD the world record sits right here on this board! Prolly like, "look Vern, f*cking hook, line and sinker it worked"!
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January 6th is very sad and disgraceful day in American history. I don't see how anyone can see it otherwise. The whole world saw us look like a third world country,
Thats because the whole world knew at that point, this country, which stood for many, was couped and ph*cked! It was a sad day for democracy and the republic! It ended! Thanks for being a msm result and buying the lie they sold you for years!
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