Hunter Biden on trial

He's probably trying to prevent Trump from ordering the DOJ to dig up everything they can in order to find some other reason to prosecute him.
What did we hear for so long through all the Trump investigations?

If he has nothing to hide, he has nothing to fear.

I’ve never been one to really buy the Biden crime family stuff but this is the kind of move that raises my eyebrows.
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What did we hear for so long through all the Trump investigations?

If he has nothing to hide, he has nothing to fear.

I’ve never been one to really buy the Biden crime family stuff but this is the kind of move that raises my eyebrows.
I'm just suggesting how it might look in Biden's head. Not saying there is or isn't more dirt to find. Just that Biden probably fears Trump will never leave Hunter alone unless he gets a Get Out Of Jail Free card.
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It’s coming. I’m sure @Aloha Hoosier is deeply alarmed.

Why would I be alarmed? I've said all along if he was apparently guilty of any crimes, I'd be all in on impeachment while in office or prosecution after he left office. The MAGA Republicans in Congress never got close to finding evidence to meet even the "apparently guilty" threshold. In fact, House Republicans knew they didn't have the goods and just gave up on the idea of impeachment. I've never defended Joe Biden, I've only pointed out bull shit. I care nothing about what happens to Joe Biden legally.
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I think the sweeping pardon has more to do with what Goat said. Biden wanted to spare his son from Trump's DOJ spending time digging anything they could up on his son for the next several years and then holding up whatever they could dig up as proof that he held 'the Biden crime family' accountable.

The standard I 'require' from Biden's accusers is something several accusations against Trump have: credible proof and in some cases convictions. Saying that 'you just know' something or you 'think' something is a certain way without any real proof isn't really common sense - it's wishful thinking bordering on conspiracy theory. Don't you have your law degree?

And try all you want, you won't get an 'emperor has no clothes' moment on Joe Biden from me. Yes, I voted for the guy, but mostly because he wasn't Trump. That's largely where my enthusiasm and loyalty ends with him. I think he did some good things as president and he didn't do any irrevocable damage. In 100 years kids will miss an extra credit question about the one-term president who served as Barack Obama's VP. If actual, real, provable crimes are exposed put him and jail and throw the key away for all I care.
So Biden lied when he said he was pardoning his son because it was a politically motivated prosecution in the first place?
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I hate most pardons. I’ll be hammering Trump if he pardons himself or his kin as well
He's already said he's going to pardon some J6ers.

At least he's up front and not lying about it - the main difference between him and Democrats.
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Then you're misusing the term 'woke.' My stance on the border is far from 'woke' - I know for a fact that I've been critical of Biden's handling of the border and said that it would have fallen on Harris to right size those missteps. We certainly had our differences on inflation. But you're still flat out wrong about me being 'woke' on 'every last issue.'

I hate the term 'woke' but I'm pretty sure you're wrong in how you're defining it. Or at least how you're applying it to who you think I am and what I believe.

The term "woke" can mean different things to different people as even the otherwise liberal leaning Bill Maher loves to get his audience applauding by complaining about the liberals going woke.

Maher's woke attack involves mostly cultural war issues such as swimmers born as males tranisitioning to females and competing in collegiate sports. This is what might be called picking low hanging liberal woke fruit.
" Dems constantly step on their dicks because they are more overly concerned about ettique and their misplaced importance on historical political norms,"

"Dems are focused and burdened by the long standing rules"
Tommy, that is ****ing hilarious from the Party that wants to do away with the filbuster and Harry Reid giving the boot to Senate voting traditions.
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Let's face it.... the people in Washington just aren't very intelligent. It would have been intelligent to do what you said but I'll bet it never entered their mind. However, I don't think I would have trusted Trump to stick to an agreement like that.
Pretty fvcking hilarious you think Trump is the one who wouldn't follow through on his word when Biden has been lying to your face about the pardon since June.
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Our president elect pardoned his son in laws father, who was convicted of tax evasion, illegal campaign donations and then tried to set up his brother in law with a prostitute in a room where it would be recorded.

And our president elect wants him to be our ambassador to France.

I'm sure the same people complaining about Hunter's pardon are the same ones that complained when Trump was pardoning his merry bunch 🙄
Kushner did his time. It's in no way comparable to Hunter.
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Seriously? That sucks and I sincerely hope that's not the case.

Whatever our political disagreements, I think 95% of us would get along just fine in the real world (AKA Meatspace @BradStevens )
Pssshhhtt. He's fine. He's ashamed to show his face around here, since he was so wrong on the election.

I don't think we'd all get along that well. I think we might be more polite in person, but walk away thinking 'that guy's an asshole'
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In addition to pulling us out of a time economic time and healthcare benefits his rhetoric during the inane woke messaging was spot on. I like Obama
Slowest economic recovery ever. Plus, he screwed my wife out of 70% of her pension.

He fvcked over as many people as helped.
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Did he kick the bucket? When did that happen? Did the election results do him in?
I was referring to his extended absence since November 5th. I didn’t mean he actually died. I certainly hope he didn’t.
Not that I know of. But his extended absence is concerning. I believe his health wasn't the best.
I did not know that. Hope he’s ok.
Do I think Biden should have done it, no I don't.

Do I think the people falling over themselves because he did it when nothing was said about who Trump pardoned is being hypocritical, absolutely.

Be consistent is my whole thing.
How can you keep missing the point so completely.

He pardoned Hunter AFTER HE SWORE HE WOULDN'T. Remember how he said he'd 'respect the jury"?

The pardon was a foregone conclusion. Anyone with a working brain knew that. And Democrats gave lip service about what an honest and moral guy Joe was because he would never do such a thing.

You guys were duped. Again.
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Multiple things can be true with the same decision.

While I agree most parents would do something similar, not all would. It seems Joe's lack of quality parenting from the beginning is part of the reason Hunter thinks he can get away with some ridiculous behavior - and that's before you take into account the partying, drugs, etc. At some point, you want your kids to learn lessons and this does nothing to further that for Hunter.

Secondly, I agree that he made this decision for his own benefit and he has the right to do so. It isn't great for the party at all and looks particularly bad given all of the drama around going after Trump and Biden promising not to use his power to help his family. That being said, do you think Biden gives a shit any more? He was basically forced not to run (which was the right decision but he probably doesn't agree) by the party, so I can see him saying, "fvck it, I have to take care of my family and I don't care about the collateral damage because I don't have that long left".

Lastly, it is terrible in terms of setting precedent because it's blatant abuse of power. Everyone likes America because there is far less corruption. This doesn't feel like that.
You think maybe the Biden Thanksgiving dinner conversation went something like this?

Hunter: Please pass the turnkey, Big Guy

Joe: What's with the 'Big Guy' stuff? I'm your dad. Pass the gravy.

Hunter: Oh, I don't know..... just thinking about you not giving me a pardon yet Love the stuffing, mom....
Pardoning Hunter was the right thing to do. Of all the lunacy coming in the next few years, this put a smile on my face. The family first party strikes again.
You had me going until your last sentence.

Well played, sir!
How he doesn’t see that is just shocking to me
He sees it. He wasn't denying he's a total partisan before the election.

But now that Kamala was exposed as an idiot and Joe pardoned Hunter after he said he wouldn't, and now Ohio decides it's not cool to be work any more.

No one likes to be ridiculed and Ohio was one of the ones in front, leading the charge against Trump. Now that he's failed, he likes to pretend he's not one of the biggest woksters here.

It's an amazing transformation!
He sees it. He wasn't denying he's a total partisan before the election.

But now that Kamala was exposed as an idiot and Joe pardoned Hunter after he said he wouldn't, and now Ohio decides it's not cool to be work any more.

No one likes to be ridiculed and Ohio was one of the ones in front, leading the charge against Trump. Now that he's failed, he likes to pretend he's not one of the biggest woksters here.

It's an amazing transformation!
Well we saw Biden for what he was right away. Lyin Biden. Let him pardon his son. Take the whole tasteless clan and get out. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows their legacy. Let Trump and his family resume their rightful place leading this great nation. The Trumps are basically our royal family. Class.