Walz first speech as VP pick

This is the most relevant post thus far from left leaning posters (with apologies to Mark Milton and Ohio Guy) on this topic. I only take umbrage with the notion that people in the GOP, even the most ardent supporters of Trump, don't already realize what a shit human he is. I say that they, like me, vote for him in spite of already knowing he's a shit human. You dance with who brung ya so to speak and while the lesser of two evils may still be evil, he's the evil they can live with.

Nevertheless, your hope that they move on from Trump the shit human has likely been decided by father time and his own lifestyle proclivities. If he loses, he will be in no shape to run it back again in 2028. I reckon, win or lose, this is his GOP swan song.

I must say though if I allow my imagination to wander off into the giggleweeds a bit, what if Trump loses and this sets in motion a full on fracture of the party? Let's say he starts a new political party or usurps an existing one and Don Jr runs in 2028 at the top of that ticket? How much of the current MAGA voter base in the GOP does he siphon off, POTUS-ly speaking? An ironic twist that the "Never Trump" contingent of the GOP in their crusade to save the party could end up bringing about it's demise. But hey on the bright side Trump could finally deliver on his promise to "Drain the Swamp" least the GOP half.

Oh, and my sign reads long haired freaky people need not reply, so no need for the Hickorys and Willdogs to tuck their junk up into their cracks and come in and ask me why.
I understand your sentiment and appreciate that perspective. There is no successor to Donald Trump. Trump has a specific charismatic appeal that many don't. Not for me he didn't, but I understood in 2015-2016, why Trump won. George Orwell's comment still echos "he knows that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene, birth-control and, in general, common sense; they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty-parades"
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This is the most relevant post thus far from left leaning posters (with apologies to Mark Milton and Ohio Guy) on this topic. I only take umbrage with the notion that people in the GOP, even the most ardent supporters of Trump, don't already realize what a shit human he is. I say that they, like me, vote for him in spite of already knowing he's a shit human. You dance with who brung ya so to speak and while the lesser of two evils may still be evil, he's the evil they can live with.

Nevertheless, your hope that they move on from Trump the shit human has likely been decided by father time and his own lifestyle proclivities. If he loses, he will be in no shape to run it back again in 2028. I reckon, win or lose, this is his GOP swan song.

I must say though if I allow my imagination to wander off into the giggleweeds a bit, what if Trump loses and this sets in motion a full on fracture of the party? Let's say he starts a new political party or usurps an existing one and Don Jr runs in 2028 at the top of that ticket? How much of the current MAGA voter base in the GOP does he siphon off, POTUS-ly speaking? An ironic twist that the "Never Trump" contingent of the GOP in their crusade to save the party could end up bringing about it's demise. But hey on the bright side Trump could finally deliver on his promise to "Drain the Swamp" least the GOP half.

Oh, and my sign reads long haired freaky people need not reply, so no need for the Hickorys and Willdogs to tuck their junk up into their cracks and come in and ask me why.

Don't worry, if you had junk, it would already be up Trump's crack. though you're a trumper in denial acting like he is the lesser of 2 evils.
If Trump/Vance can keep to the script for the next 3 months, there's a very, very compelling argument to be made against the Harris/Walz ticket...for anyone that's not pretty entrenched as a very left progressive.

Hammer them for 3 months on their far left record. Use your nicknames if you want. Get nasty on immigration and economy stuff. Scratch your itches to be assholes with that kind of stuff. But in the end, Trump is, to his core, a narcissistic, equal opportunity asshole. So he'll continue to poke and prod at her race, her gender, all the things that satisfy his urges. And it could end up costing him the White House, again. Hopefully if that happens, enough GOP people will wake up and realize what a shit human he is, and move on from him.
What you said will be the plan of the Repubs, along with some crazy conspiracies, name calling, and exaggeration. I don’t agree that they are far left but that’s just me.

The Repub ticket is much further right, which is why Dems need to remind voters of Trump’s and the Repubs’ Project 2025 platform.
All the momentum is with Harris/Walz, and the upcoming DNC will give them another bounce. The weirdo ticket just keeps getting weirder. Racist tropes have already become their strategy because they have no ability or discipline to stay on message. As it becomes more obvious that the walls are closing in and he's not gonna win, dump will fully implode.

Biden was too old and he was going to lose. Harris isn't too old and many more Americans hate dump than want to vote for him. That is simply not the case with Harris. She might not have the best favorability or highest current approval ratings, but nobody has ever been more universally hated than dump. No VP pick has ever had a worse favorability rating than Vance. They also have zero chance of winning any votes from the crowd that hates them. Independents, maybe, but no chance the people that are already saying they hate them are going to vote for them. That puts a ceiling on dump/Vance that isn't on Harris/Walz. Only the minority that is maga hate the dem ticket. Over 50% of the nation hate dump's guts.

I will grant that she is more attractive than Bush, but when she puts on those Mr Magoo classes and speaks-- well, my faux McM baby arm holding an apple just wants to turtle up.
All the momentum is with Harris/Walz, and the upcoming DNC will give them another bounce. The weirdo ticket just keeps getting weirder. Racist tropes have already become their strategy because they have no ability or discipline to stay on message. As it becomes more obvious that the walls are closing in and he's not gonna win, dump will fully implode.

Biden was too old and he was going to lose. Harris isn't too old and many more Americans hate dump than want to vote for him. That is simply not the case with Harris. She might not have the best favorability or highest current approval ratings, but nobody has ever been more universally hated than dump. No VP pick has ever had a worse favorability rating than Vance. They also have zero chance of winning any votes from the crowd that hates them. Independents, maybe, but no chance the people that are already saying they hate them are going to vote for them. That puts a ceiling on dump/Vance that isn't on Harris/Walz. Only the minority that is maga hate the dem ticket. Over 50% of the nation hate dump's guts.
A little over the top here. There are some kernels of truth here. But way too much hyperbole. Its going to be a close race. Millions of people will end up loving and hating each candidate. It'll be decided in PA, MI, WI, NV, NC, AZ... Harris will win the popular vote. But it'll be close in all those states...
In this day and age, truth is only what you want it to be......if people believe he is a couch banger, well he must be one. Genies never go back into the bottle.
Disappointed in you for this take. Truth is only what you want it to be? smdh
For the record, I think Trump probably loses.

But it’s worth noting that you were saying the exact same thing about the election when Biden was the candidate. Right up until you couldn’t do that anymore.
Now you're just making shit up.

Two years ago I said Biden wouldn't be the nominee. In February of this year, I said he should drop out of the race. I repeated that after the debate. I can provide links if you need them.
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Disappointed in you for this take. Truth is only what you want it to be? smdh
I didn't say it was me....I said it relation to the gossip and rumor mongering and what people say and what they want to believe.

Pizzagate will always be true.
Flat earth will always be flat

Nothing you can say or do will change their opinions because they believe them to be factually true, or because they want them to be true.
For a guy with five (5) businesses, you sure do have plenty of time to pick fights and shitpost.
That’s why I have time. Duh. But I’m at the hospital today so yes have even more time. You still hoping Kirkland will pluck you out of the small county prosecutor’s office? Let you defend an MDL 🤣🤣
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Easy to play a game of choosy doosey and then leave off 95% of the story. We can just start with the insane comment about dodging his deployment to Iraq. Military family--father fought in the korean war. Walz enlisted when he was 17 or 18, served in the national guard and had deployments all over the country, not to mention the arctic circle. Worked disaster relief and also spent time overseas. He spent 6 months overseasn following 9/11, won a bunch of medals and retired from the military after 24 years.

The irony is here is that the guy you are supporting was and is one of the biggest pussies on the planet and just couldn't make it to Vietnam because of phony bone spurs that nobody has any record of. Always talks a good game, but never delivers.
I wouldn't take non combat related medals too seriously. Military give out medals like candy. For example, look at Eisenhowers fruit salad compared to a modern general with much less combat experience.
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That’s why I have time. Duh. But I’m at the hospital today so yes have even more time. You still hoping Kirkland will pluck you out of the small county prosecutor’s office? Let you defend an MDL 🤣🤣
Sincerely sorry to hear that. I hope you or whoever you’re there for quickly heals.

I’ve never worked for a small county prosecutor’s office. Why do you constantly make up shit - - about others and yourself?
With the support of Harris/Walz here….we can put to bed the “moderate independent” shtick that permeates the board
The turkeys all stick their heads up, don't they?
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she's a bit heavy there. When she asks you to take a "pitcher" of her and her friends, you will understand. Similarly, her order of a "picture" of Pimms cups will likely drive you off the edge.
Did you say "pitcher" of her and her friends? You have to stop this before this becomes a rated thread. I wanna be a cowboy...Yipeee Yipeee Yi, Yipeee I yo yo

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Easy to play a game of choosy doosey and then leave off 95% of the story. We can just start with the insane comment about dodging his deployment to Iraq. Military family--father fought in the korean war. Walz enlisted when he was 17 or 18, served in the national guard and had deployments all over the country, not to mention the arctic circle. Worked disaster relief and also spent time overseas. He spent 6 months overseasn following 9/11, won a bunch of medals and retired from the military after 24 years.

The irony is here is that the guy you are supporting was and is one of the biggest pussies on the planet and just couldn't make it to Vietnam because of phony bone spurs that nobody has any record of. Always talks a good game, but never delivers.
And yet you have no problem with Biden having the same draft status as Trump for 'asthma' - all at the same time he was supposedly an all-state WR. No record of Joe's asthma, btw.

I'll take the word of his fellow soldiers over Walz's apologists any day. He booked out when the unit he was the leader of all those year was designated for deployment. Spin that any way you want, but that's not the mark of a leader.

Shit, I spent 1 1/2 years 'overseas'. BFD
Literally a Manchurian Candidate
Yeah...I dunno about that. He purposely set his wedding date on 6/4 as some sort of nod to Tiananmen he has to have been kinda anti-CCP?

That said, being as obsessed with China as he was, given the wedding date, taking kids to China on his honeymoon, living there, and all the trips...without even a Hitomi Tanaka looking wife...for a homespun, folksy guy, just seems...what's the word? Weird?
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And yet you have no problem with Biden having the same draft status as Trump for 'asthma' - all at the same time he was supposedly an all-state WR. No record of Joe's asthma, btw.

I'll take the word of his fellow soldiers over Walz's apologists any day. He booked out when the unit he was the leader of all those year was designated for deployment. Spin that any way you want, but that's not the mark of a leader.

Shit, I spent 1 1/2 years 'overseas'. BFD
I would have a problem with anyone who dodged a draft. But we aren't talking about Biden, and I remember this issue coming up when was VP candidate with Obama. He had multiple deferments because he was in undergrad and law school. I'm going from memory but he was given a final deferment that said he could get called up in time of war or national emergency (I think they got rid of that deferment now). Regardless, we aren't talking about Biden, we are talking about a guy in Walz who spent an awful lot of time trying to serve is country. So far, a whopping two soldiers came out and complained about Walz, both of which came out years and years ago. You only have their word as to the why and how. Neither you nor I have any idea why he retired, when he gave notice of his retirement and what the Army asked him to do. Seems like a prudent thing to do would be "establish actual facts from all sides".

Multiple republicans came out today who served with walz in congress who commended him on his integrity and willingess to engage in bipartisian solutions.

BTW, I appreciate your service, so thank you for that.
Yeah...I dunno about that. He purposely set his wedding date on 6/4 as some sort of nod to Tiananmen he has to have been kinda anti-CCP?

That said, being as obsessed with China as he was, given the wedding date, taking kids to China on his honeymoon, living there, and all the trips...without even a Hitomi Tanaka looking wife...for a homespun, folksy guy, just seems...what's the word? Weird?
Trips paid for by the Chinese government.....

'Manchurian candidate' is a play on words. But in a world where Trump is controlled by Putin because of a fake dossier, it's not unreasonable to claim Walz would let the Chinese run all over us.
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