Walz first speech as VP pick

I would have a problem with anyone who dodged a draft. But we aren't talking about Biden, and I remember this issue coming up when was VP candidate with Obama. He had multiple deferments because he was in undergrad and law school. I'm going from memory but he was given a final deferment that said he could get called up in time of war or national emergency (I think they got rid of that deferment now). Regardless, we aren't talking about Biden, we are talking about a guy in Walz who spent an awful lot of time trying to serve is country. So far, a whopping two soldiers came out and complained about Walz, both of which came out years and years ago. You only have their word as to the why and how. Neither you nor I have any idea why he retired, when he gave notice of his retirement and what the Army asked him to do. Seems like a prudent thing to do would be "establish actual facts from all sides".

Multiple republicans came out today who served with walz in congress who commended him on his integrity and willingess to engage in bipartisian solutions.

BTW, I appreciate your service, so thank you for that.
They both had student deferments and both draft statuses (stati?) because of medical issues.

No, you're not talking about Biden now, but many who did in the past made this an issue about Trump.

No, I don't know why he chose to retire when he did, but is that the mark of a leader? He's free at any time to explain his reasons. It's telling that he hasn't chosen to do so.

No need to thank me, although I appreciate it. This country has been good to me and I was glad to have served in some small way.
Trips paid for by the Chinese government.....

'Manchurian candidate' is a play on words. But in a world where Trump is controlled by Putin because of a fake dossier, it's not unreasonable to claim Walz would let the Chinese run all over us.
Yeah, it's certainly out of the ordinary, and will be buried by the press...especially if he wasn't over there experiencing the Pacific Rim Job.
A little over the top here. There are some kernels of truth here. But way too much hyperbole. Its going to be a close race. Millions of people will end up loving and hating each candidate. It'll be decided in PA, MI, WI, NV, NC, AZ... Harris will win the popular vote. But it'll be close in all those states...
What parts were hyperbole? I am not predicting a landslide for Harris with anything I wrote. She could still lose, but at the moment she is in the ascendency and I pointed that out. It was also a terrible, horrible, no good week for dump in GA. A state they both desperately need in order to win. The Vance cat ladies blowback is still happening, going to the NABJ and showing off his racism, and then insulting GA GOP Gov Kemp and his wife. Those 3 missteps impact him negatively because he needs 3 groups in GA to help him win: Women, black men, and GA GOP voters that voted for Kemp, but not for him in 2020. He managed to alienate all of them instead.
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No, I don't know why he chose to retire when he did, but is that the mark of a leader? He's free at any time to explain his reasons. It's telling that he hasn't chosen to do so.
The guy that is criticizing him picked up the baton when he left. He worked with the guy. Walz was his immediate superior...and apparently bolted.

I'd like to see the exact timing as well, but the detractor made it seem like he quit right when they got word they were going into the shit.

If that's not the us. Not some untraceable "that was debunked" the exact timeline.

All I've seen is the Cosmic article where the guy providing praise bolted mid-assignment as well claiming "it's no big deal, everybody does it" (including him).

Show me the timeline where he retired before he knew he was getting sent to the shit, and I'll likely slow the suspicion a bit. As it it, shitlib press pieces glossing over it as "debunked" are nonsense.
The guy that is criticizing him picked up the baton when he left. He worked with the guy. Walz was his immediate superior...and apparently bolted.

I'd like to see the exact timing as well, but the detractor made it seem like he quit right when they got word they were going into the shit.

If that's not the us. Not some untraceable "that was debunked" the exact timeline.

All I've seen is the Cosmic article where the guy providing praise bolted mid-assignment as well claiming "it's no big deal, everybody does it" (including him).

Show me the timeline where he retired before he knew he was getting sent to the shit, and I'll likely slow the suspicion a bit. As it it, shitlib press pieces glossing over it as "debunked" are nonsense.
Exactly. There's an easy way to stop the speculation - just explain it himself.

Or have the media look into it. Which won't happen if there's something to it. It will just be ignored.
Now you're just making shit up.

Two years ago I said Biden wouldn't be the nominee. In February of this year, I said he should drop out of the race. I repeated that after the debate. I can provide links if you need them.
I distinctly remember you saying Biden would win and it wouldn’t be close. Essentially what you’re saying now regarding Harris.
Thanks for the heads up Ray!

Ray was one of your MAGA brothers and he’s probably about as dumb as you are. You should be ashamed of turning on him for totally fabricated reasons. He was convicted. You know that, right?
What branch did you serve in?
Is service a requirement for having some knowledge on the subject? My grandpa did 20, was in Korea and Vietnam retired an E-8, my other in the Navy during Korea. Plenty of other family and friends throughout all branches from the 70s through the war on terror. Learned a lot from them.

I followed their advice to not go the enlisted route. After college( graduated 2008) decided it wasn't for me anymore.

As far as medals, how many are there today compared to what they gave out in the past? There's a medal for almost anything.
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I distinctly remember you saying Biden would win and it wouldn’t be close. Essentially what you’re saying now regarding Harris.
You made the claim. Back it up. Produce the post.

In any event, who gives a shit now. He's no longer running. He won't be the nominee, which I predicted two years ago. And I said six months ago he should drop out. Do you want to see those posts?
Ray was one of your MAGA brothers and he’s probably about as dumb as you are. You should be ashamed of turning on him for totally fabricated reasons. He was convicted. You know that, right?
A misdemeanor...Thats Dem msm gaslighting you know that right? Glad you didn't get any time over it even though it should have been the most out of anyone. So this is where they sent you for community service? Carry on Biden soldier.
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Is service a requirement for having some knowledge on the subject? My grandpa did 20, was in Korea and Vietnam retired an E-8, my other in the Navy during Korea. Plenty of other family and friends throughout all branches from the 70s through the war on terror. Learned a lot from them.

I followed their advice to not go the enlisted route. After college( graduated 2008) decided it wasn't for me anymore.

As far as medals, how many are there today compared to what they gave out in the past? There's a medal for almost anything.
Yes they have more ribbons and medals now than during WWII. A military person knows which ribbons and medals come basically for serving. For example, the National Defense Service Medal has been awarded to just about every service member since established by President Eisenhower in 1953 (retroactive to 1950). It’s awarded to every member if we’re in any military conflict while serving. Doesn’t require actually being in the combat zone, and we’ve been involved in conflict constantly since 1950. The Global War on Terrorism counts.

Other ribbons and medals are much more important and require specific acts of the individual to be awarded those.

A blanket, “they hand them out like candy” is false and disrespectful. If I look at any person’s ribbon rack I could say which deserved some real respect for the person having them.
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A misdemeanor...Thats Dem msm gaslighting you know that right? Glad you didn't get any time over it even though it should have been the most out of anyone. So this is where they sent you for community service? Carry on Biden soldier.
Your post proves you are a moron. Feds and informants don’t get convicted for doing their jobs. Period. You are one disloyal and untrustworthy MAGA brother. I’d never join a club with a shit like you in it. And stop disrespecting the flag, asswipe.
Your post proves you are a moron. Feds and informants don’t get convicted for doing their jobs. Period. You are one disloyal and untrustworthy MAGA brother. I’d never join a club with a shit like you in it. And stop disrespecting the flag, asswipe.
Make sure you log your time properly...

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Yes they have more ribbons and medals now than during WWII. A military person knows which ribbons and medals come basically for serving. For example, the National Defense Service Medal has been awarded to just about every service member since established by President Eisenhower in 1953 (retroactive to 1950). It’s awarded to every member if we’re in any military conflict while serving. Doesn’t require actually being in the combat zone, and we’ve been involved in conflict constantly since 1950. The Global War on Terrorism counts.

Other ribbons and medals are much more important and require specific acts of the individual to be awarded those.

A blanket, “they hand them out like candy” is false and disrespectful. If I look at any person’s ribbon rack I could say which deserved some real respect for the person having them.
I just read that he submitted his military retirement papers in February of 2005, submitted paperwork to run for Congress that same month, officially retired from the military in May 2005, then his unit was called up in July of 2005.

If that timeline is correct then a lot of people owe him an apology. And no wonder he doesn't justify their bullshit with a response.
You made the claim. Back it up. Produce the post.

In any event, who gives a shit now. He's no longer running. He won't be the nominee, which I predicted two years ago. And I said six months ago he should drop out. Do you want to see those posts?
Ok, I have neither the time or the desire to slog through multiple pages of your posts so I guess you win.

Have a cookie.
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I just read that he submitted his military retirement papers in February of 2005, submitted paperwork to run for Congress that same month, officially retired from the military in May 2005, then his unit was called up in July of 2005.

If that timeline is correct then a lot of people owe him an apology. And no wonder he doesn't justify their bullshit with a response.
He started the process much earlier than that. You contact the bureau of personnel about a year ahead of time and you are provided a list of things that must be done prior to retirement. Then you submit the official retirement paperwork, and the retirement happens a few months later. If he planned to retire and started the process before there was any notice of a deployment than it truly is a total non-story.
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As much as I giggle about Bush getting bounced, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't voice concern over outside money influencing a congressional election, any localized election actually.
AIPAC money is really not any different than the "Soros money" we hear about.

This is money that shouldn't be in play.

Edit for horrible grammar
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He started the process much earlier than that. You contact the bureau of personnel about a year ahead of time and you are provided a list of things that must be done prior to retirement. Then you submit the official retirement paperwork, and the retirement happens a few months later. I he planned to retire and started the process before there was any notice of a deployment than it truly is a total non-story.
Here is the article I read. Although it doesn't provide links, so who knows. I did read it wrong too. I thought it said he submitted retirement papers in February but it just states that you must file several months prior to retirement.


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