Why we shouldn't refer to Harris and Walz as communists

Had to be. Only word in the post was wacko. But I will believe that you have no idea what happened, believe me that it did. Someone else knows it did.

I dont argue the back and forth as many on here do. I agree with some and think the others are wrong. But from what I see no one is going to change their mind due to what is said on here. What I will suggest is be prepared for what's coming. With the border wide open and who knows what was smuggled in buy who, things could get really bad for all of us. We are going to be hit again, and it could be something that the country will not recover from quickly, maybe not at all. One bomb and one wacko, that's all it will take. The electrical grid is almost completely unprotected. That goes down, then what? People are shooting up substations in my area. Power is down from this for a couple of days. What if a planned attack takes place on many of them at the same time? How big of an area goes down and for how long? Is your water filtration plant protected adequately? SO How many people have enough water to survive even 2 weeks? Food? Some way to defend yourselves? A safe place? Friends and family who have a plan in place? Keep in mind 2 weeks could turn into 6 months or longer. Are you ready democrat, republican, independent? What worries me is so many people dont have enough to survive 3 or 4 days. Thirst and hunger are powerful things and will cause people to do bad things to overcome them. Which means I will have to do things that I dont want to do but will have to do to keep my family and friends safe. Prepare and be ready. Be the one who helps, not the one who takes.
I know many will call me wacko, but I have done what I can do to survive and hope to be able to help others also. Friends and neighbors in my hood have also taken steps to be ready as best we can. Help will not come to you quickly, if at all, from the government no matter who is in charge, no matter what the disaster. Its going to be up to you and if you haven't taken steps to prepare, start now. Great grandma and grandpa had food pantries and a water source. They knew they could not rely on others and took it on themselves to be ready for the unexpected. Were they wrong?
I hope and pray it never comes to this but it seems inevitable. Am I wrong?
Hope this was helpful.
May God bless America and continue to keep us safe.
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