Kamala Marx

I wanted to respond to this.

First of all, I don’t hate lawyers.

I do have a profound disdain for lawyers who make a living on BS lawsuits - especially when they do so under the guise of justice. I find that an Incredibly disingenuous sanitizing of their cynical, destructive racket.

As such, I’m quite proud to have this disdain, as I believe it’s richly deserved. I’m also proud to have disdain for payday lenders and other kinds of predatory actors in our society.

As for other, more reputable kinds of lawyers who actually do make gainful contributions to society, I have no particular beef. But I don’t really see them as “protecting me” in some kind of altruistic way. They’re people I pay to receive services I need, just as I pay accountants, consultants, tech services, insurers, and others.

We have two primary firms we use. And there isn’t an attorney in either of them who would express any issue with me - or me with them. But in no way do I view those relationships as you’ve described. I’m well aware that they’d just as easily represent the other guy in any dispute - and I’d expect nothing less of them.
It's kind of amusing to me that laws are written by lawyers, so that only lawyers (or those who study the law) understand them, and then those lawyers claim they're there to protect you (no offense, Brad).
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Guys like Sowell, George Will and Victor Davis Hanson have been removed from public service by “the politics of oersonal destruction” choices of the DNC.
I wouldn't include George Will with Sowell and VDH.

He's too much a part of the DC establishment.
There is already a solution:

Logan’s Run.

But seriously, I wonder what % of healthcare is going to 80+ year olds trying to squeeze another year or two of life out of a terminal condition?

We already insure a certain level of healthcare that leads people to use ERs (very expensive) instead of preventative care. We thus incentivize poor people to do this. Dumb.

Also, re Sowell, remember that for any of these issues, there is no one solution, only trade offs. Put another way, every system has a cost. If one doesn’t see it with his proposed system or solution, it means he is missing something.
Right. We should dump them in the desert and let them fend for themselves.

I've never understood why ER is so expensive compared to a regular doctors office or surgeon? Because they can?
What incentive do people have to worry about the underlying prices of the goods/services they consume?

The primary goal has been for everybody to have access to whatever they need without any respect to cost. As such, most people don't care -- nor should we expect them to.

The incentive structure is all out of whack, by design. And, while the system itself has become extremely complicated, the reason the incentive structure is distorted isn't that complicated.

The whole thing is crazy. And, as hard as it is to believe, it really hasn't always been this way. But so long as our driving motivation is a mathematical impossibility, we should continue to expect these kinds of perverse what you'd expect to get out of a calculator when you begin with any random number and then type in "÷0" -- as if it responds by asking "What the hell are you asking me to do?"
It definitely hasn't been that way. In the 50s, my uncle made house calls..... and people paid him in cash or whatever they could barter.

I've seen a bill from the hospital for my sister's birth and it was a few hundred dollars (and yes, that was in 50s dollars, but even with inflation it was still cheap).
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It definitely hasn't been that way. In the 50s, my uncle made house calls..... and people paid him in cash or whatever they could barter.

I've seen a bill from the hospital for my sister's birth and it was a few hundred dollars (and yes, that was in 50s dollars, but even with inflation it was still cheap).
Shhh….litigation and administration
You're just saying that because he loathes Trump.
No, I'm saying that because he's part of the DC establishment. Uh, a columnist for WaPo......

The other 2 aren't. He doesn't have near their intellect.

George is, or was, a regular contributor for ABC - you know, the ones who moderated the last Presidential debate.
You're just saying that because he loathes Trump.
PS I always thought Will made good arguments for Conservatism. But before Trump came along, I started to question his - and others - enslavement to ideology.

Ideology is fine when it comes to developing policy in a vacuum. But the world doesn't operate in a vacuum and practicality has to be considered.

Will is one of those guys who lives in a DC bubble and is satisfied being the 'House Conservative', without making any big waves.