"Turn the page"

Wow even the far left NYT paints a dire picture for joe. Given joe needs to win by at least a few points to take the EC he is not going to recover. They are going to have to force him out but I doubt he will leave. What a pickle the dems are in.

Political Polls

2024 National GE:Trump 49% (+6)Biden 43%.

Trump 42% (+5)
Biden 37%
Kennedy 8%
Stein 2%
Oliver 1%
West 0%
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Dems went all in on lawfare and it failed. Now they are stuck with an 81 year old guy who has to try and win head to head. They never thought it would come to this. I see no way biden resigns as his wife will not let him.
If Joe's numbers fall to 6-8 points behind Trump he'll be forced to leave by the big donors and the party leaders. I predict a chaotic and disastrous convention in 6 weeks if things look dire and Biden is still in the race.
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On the subject of turning the page why doesn't Trump take on the role of becoming the gracious winner.

Become the Mr. Positive Nice Guy prepared to lead all Americans including those who once supported Biden.
He's incapable of that. He's divisive and destructive by nature.
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Watching these people discuss these topics in these threads is ridiculous. Insane. Madness. Without forethought. A road that leads to death and destruction. Complete slavery and communism. There is a portion of this country that is susceptible to this type of grooming and the government has succeeded greatly. IDK what its going to take to snap people out of it.
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On the subject of turning the page why doesn't Trump take on the role of becoming the gracious winner.

Become the Mr. Positive Nice Guy prepared to lead all Americans including those who once supported Biden.
The odds for that are about the same as for dbm winning Jeopardy!
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Have you ever filled a big Trash bag, with Acetylene, tie it off like a balloon and then play volley ball around the camp fire with it? It's pretty cool. :)
Actually I haven't done the campfire move... I'm surprised that didn't blow up on you...🤣

We found that static electricity would set them off right in our face with distressing results (one guys son had a stewardess tell him his ear was bleeding on a flight back to Camp Pendleton)... We called them "pillow bombs" which is a misnomer even though they're really loud they're really only a threat to the guy setting it off...

The stupidest thing we ever did was attach a road flare to a what was theoretically an empty propane tank (we knew that there would still be some gas in it but it was supposed to be a small amount. 100 yards "seemed" like a safe distance for our little experiment (which wasn't too bright in retrospect). All went as planned initially, lighting the flare (and the propane) with a perfect shot and watching a magnificent jet of LP gas fed flame come out of the container into the heavens..., until the container rolled and began directing the same magnificent jet of flame towards us... That definitely got our complete attention! Fortunately that happened relatively slowly which gave us time to anticipate the possibile threat and move further back... Turned out that thing had to have been over a quarter full given the length of time it burned...
Actually I haven't done the campfire move... I'm surprised that didn't blow up on you...🤣

We found that static electricity would set them off right in our face with distressing results (one guys son had a stewardess tell him his ear was bleeding on a flight back to Camp Pendleton)... We called them "pillow bombs" which is a misnomer even though they're really loud they're really only a threat to the guy setting it off...

The stupidest thing we ever did was attach a road flare to a what was theoretically an empty propane tank (we knew that there would still be some gas in it but it was supposed to be a small amount. 100 yards "seemed" like a safe distance for our little experiment (which wasn't too bright in retrospect). All went as planned initially, lighting the flare (and the propane) with a perfect shot and watching a magnificent jet of LP gas fed flame come out of the container into the heavens..., until the container rolled and began directing the same magnificent jet of flame towards us... That definitely got our complete attention! Fortunately that happened relatively slowly which gave us time to anticipate the possibile threat and move further back... Turned out that thing had to have been over a quarter full given the length of time it burned...

We had a similar experience with Silver Salutes which were a little bigger than the old M80 bombs.

We are in a pontoon boat and a buddy lit one, threw it in a paper bag, and out into the lake. The paper bag blew back into the boat and everyone bailed over the side with the boat engine running. Blew a huge chunk of astro turf off the floor of the boat. One of us caught the boat and snagged everyone.

The look on everyones face when it blew back in? Horror LMAO.
My hot take prediction is that a week from now Joe will not be on the ticket
Dems are going to circle the wagons and act like he’s fine. After his edited and staged interview with Stephanopoulos they will keep him hidden as much as possible. When he speaks he will have his teleprompter. He will F up every time trying to read from it. After he speaks he will turn around and wonder around until someone leads him away. Wash and rinse. We’ve watched it since the day he entered the WH.

Edit: One thing has changed. You guys won’t be able to deny what we’re seeing.
Mr. Joe Biden is fine and capable.
Don't fall for right wing conspiracies.

Support Biden, support all the voters who already selected him, support America.
Ahhh yes, the FBI/CIA "rivals version", of the paid weaponization of the msm. Yeeeessss, right on cue!
Mr. Joe Biden is fine and capable.
Don't fall for right wing conspiracies.

Support Biden, support all the voters who already selected him, support America.
I don’t know if this is a serious comment or not. Sometimes hard to tell these days.

If it is, I think we’re past the “right wing conspiracies” part by now. In fact, writing off observations that Biden was significantly diminished as nothing but a right-wing talking point is a big reason Dems are in this pickle.

Yeah, the right wing has been saying this about Biden for a long time now. That they were, and that it was said in service of their own political interests, doesn’t mean it was inaccurate.
I don’t know if this is a serious comment or not. Sometimes hard to tell these days.

If it is, I think we’re past the “right wing conspiracies” part by now. In fact, writing off observations that Biden was significantly diminished as nothing but a right-wing talking point is a big reason Dems are in this pickle.

Yeah, the right wing has been saying this about Biden for a long time now. That they were, and that it was said in service of their own political interests, doesn’t mean it was inaccurate.
crazed, good to see you back. You are one of the good ones. I’ve always enjoyed engaging with you, especially on things we don’t agree on.
crazed, good to see you back. You are one of the good ones. I’ve always enjoyed engaging with you, especially on things we don’t agree on.

Glad to be back.

I’ve been putting the ignore feature to good use since I have - because I see the WC still has its share of unscrupulous participants who offer all noise and little signal.

But there are still plenty of good ones, too.
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he will turn around and wonder around
wander around

Wash and rinse.
Rinse and repeat. Or lather, rinse, repeat.

Are you okay?

Your post (#64) doesn't comport with reality. Pressure is growing from within the party for Biden to step aside. He didn't help his cause when he reportedly said yesterday, in a meeting with Dem governors, that he "needs more sleep" and will no longer schedule events after 8p.

How about a friendly wager. I'll bet that Biden announces, by 11:59p EDT on Mon July 22, that he's withdrawing from the race and won't accept the nomination. If that happens, I've won the bet and you've lost. If, on the other hand, he remains in the race on July 23, you've won and I've lost. Loser refrains from Cooler posting for thirty (30) days beginning on July 23.

This should be a slam-dunk for you, right? July 22 is only 18 days away. I'm the one going out on a limb here.

So, are you game @stollcpa ? I hope so. The break will do you good!
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