"Turn the page"


Sep 23, 2016
That's the White House message regarding Biden's debate debacle last week.

The problem with the message is that you can't turn the page on age. The unfortunate reality is that Father Time eventually catches up with everyone. That's happened with Biden.

If it was a cold, fatigue from recent travel or just a bad day, his staff would have him out there speaking with reporters, publicly taking questions, talking without a TelePrompter and a script, etc. There's been none of that.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) yesterday became the first Democrat in Congress calling for Biden to step aside. I think that's just the beginning. I'm sticking with my prediction last week that Biden will announce - - by July 22 - - that he's ending his campaign. If I'm wrong and it remains Biden/Trump in November, then selfishness will be Biden's legacy.
Hilarious that their response to this is a TAPED interview with lapdog George Stephanopoulos that will be edited and released over the following days.

Get in front of cameras for a press conference? No chance. They tried that back in February after the Hur report and it was a disaster.
Hilarious that their response to this is a TAPED interview with lapdog George Stephanopoulos that will be edited and released over the following days.

Get in front of cameras for a press conference? No chance. They tried that back in February after the Hur report and it was a disaster.
Cut. Cut. Cut. Mr president stop trying to say his last name. Just stick to the teleprompter
Hilarious that their response to this is a TAPED interview with lapdog George Stephanopoulos that will be edited and released over the following days.

Get in front of cameras for a press conference? No chance. They tried that back in February after the Hur report and it was a disaster.

A live interview/press conference is the only solution for Biden. The fact he hasn't done it tends to collaborate the conventional wisdom. No amount of staged performances is going to offset what occurred.
A live interview/press conference is the only solution for Biden. The fact he hasn't done it tends to collaborate the conventional wisdom. No amount of staged performances is going to offset what occurred.

It depends. Will people actually believe that all is well? No. But with enough time people will be be fed enough canned food to be able to claim that they believe it. That's all that matters. No one who went into last Thursday as a Biden supporter is suddenly going to vote for Trump. They just need enough of a shift in narrative to feel OK about still supporting Biden. A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest, and all that.
It depends. Will people actually believe that all is well? No. But with enough time people will be be fed enough canned food to be able to claim that they believe it. That's all that matters. No one who went into last Thursday as a Biden supporter is suddenly going to vote for Trump. They just need enough of a shift in narrative to feel OK about still supporting Biden. A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest, and all that.
I think he’s just a mean old selfish prick and same for the wife. All this time trying to defraud the public should be used to coach and prop up Harris as I guess she’s the only real option. I’m hard on her, along with everyone else, but she was running for president at one time. Maybe she just got the Yips. Isn’t that the word. Like when cardinals’ pitcher ankiel woke up one day and just randomly started throwing his fastball over the backstop
I think he’s just a mean old selfish prick and same for the wife. All this time trying to defraud the public should be used to coach and prop up Harris as I guess she’s the only real option. I’m hard on her, along with everyone else, but she was running for president at one time. Maybe she just got the Yips. Isn’t that the word. Like when cardinals’ pitcher ankiel woke up one day and just randomly started throwing his fastball over the backstop

You could write an equally unflattering paragraph about Donald Trump. The point is that everyone is all too happy to rationalize the shortcomings of their chosen candidate. No one's mind is being changed.
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You could write an equally unflattering paragraph about Donald Trump. The point is that everyone is all too happy to rationalize the shortcomings of their chosen candidate. No one's mind is being changed.
For sure. But there’s no comparison when it’s health. Bc then who are we voting for. Some unknown proxy. There’s really no equating the two
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It depends. Will people actually believe that all is well? No. But with enough time people will be be fed enough canned food to be able to claim that they believe it. That's all that matters. No one who went into last Thursday as a Biden supporter is suddenly going to vote for Trump. They just need enough of a shift in narrative to feel OK about still supporting Biden. A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest, and all that.
I'm not so sure about that. I think some minds - - - primarily among independents - - could have been changed. With razor-thin margins in swing states, the Biden campaign can't afford to have any minds changed.

But, irrespective of any changed minds or a shift in polling, this is ultimately about enthusiasm and voter turnout. The dampening enthusiasm as a result of Biden's "The Walking Dead" performance can't be calculated but it has to be be significant.
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For sure. But there’s no comparison when it’s health. Bc then who are we voting for. Some unknown proxy. There’s really no equating the two

Maybe. But it seems like a Let's Make a Deal situation. You've seen the barn animal behind door #1. Do you stick with that or take a chance on Door #2?
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It depends. Will people actually believe that all is well? No. But with enough time people will be be fed enough canned food to be able to claim that they believe it. That's all that matters. No one who went into last Thursday as a Biden supporter is suddenly going to vote for Trump. They just need enough of a shift in narrative to feel OK about still supporting Biden. A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest, and all that.

Quoting Simon and Garfunkel certainly gets an A. The problem isn't the true believers. Biden was helped by a sizeable number of "oh my God, Trump is scary" voters. If those people find both scary and stay home, it hurts Biden. Or if they vote 3rd Part as a protest. Given how close some of the states were, there just isn't room for error.

The good news is that Trump makes errors often. So there will become a time that he goes onto the defensive.
Quoting Simon and Garfunkel certainly gets an A. The problem isn't the true believers. Biden was helped by a sizeable number of "oh my God, Trump is scary" voters. If those people find both scary and stay home, it hurts Biden. Or if they vote 3rd Part as a protest. Given how close some of the states were, there just isn't room for error.

The good news is that Trump makes errors often. So there will become a time that he goes onto the defensive.

I do agree that the real danger for Biden is the increased lack of enthusiasm, and potential for fence-sitters to simply opt out. There's almost zero chance anyone is undecided about Trump at this point. You've either already decided to vote for him, or you'd never consider it.

I decided long ago to simply opt out. You've need to hand me a pretty hefty "get out the vote" package to get me to pull the lever for either of these guys. Not that it matters in Indiana.
I'm not so sure about that. I think some minds - - - primarily among independents - - could have been changed. With razor-thin margins in swing states, the Biden campaign can't afford to have any minds changed.

But, irrespective of any changed minds or a shift in polling, this is ultimately about enthusiasm and voter turnout. The dampening enthusiasm as a result of Biden's "The Walking Dead" performance can't be calculated but it has to be be significant.

This was pretty obvious to most of us for years. The left has nobody to blame but themselves, similar to the right re: Trump.
I do agree that the real danger for Biden is the increased lack of enthusiasm, and potential for fence-sitters to simply opt out. There's almost zero chance anyone is undecided about Trump at this point. You've either already decided to vote for him, or you'd never consider it.

I decided long ago to simply opt out. You've need to hand me a pretty hefty "get out the vote" package to get me to pull the lever for either of these guys. Not that it matters in Indiana.
I am identical, I am not voting for either. If I were in PA, it might be a difficult decision. Here in Indiana, I will leave it blank (I've done that before) or vote Libertarian which is downright scary. But they are the evil of 4 lessors I prefer.
If those people find both scary and stay home, it hurts Biden.
I think this is problem. I don't believe Trump actually picked up any voters from last Thursday, but I do think Biden definitely lost some.

I've said this before, but I think a sizeable portion of the electorate hate both options equally, but there are more people who think Trump is batsh!t crazy would would vote for a competent choice over him (I believe this is what happened in 2020). The word 'competent' is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that last sentence.
Easy on Libertarians, Marv. They’re salt of the earth peeps.

Ha. I've voted for the Libertarian candidate in the past, just because I knew it didn't matter. Whenever I take one of those online quizzes that claims to tell you what your political leanings are, I always come out Libertarian. I'd never want to see one in actual power though.
The President of the United States is f#cking anchor man. Literally. And we’re going to run it back 4 more years. Americans are ridiculous.
Watching these people discuss these topics in these threads is ridiculous. Insane. Madness. Without forethought. A road that leads to death and destruction. Complete slavery and communism. There is a portion of this country that is susceptible to this type of grooming and the government has succeeded greatly. IDK what its going to take to snap people out of it.
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Ha. I've voted for the Libertarian candidate in the past, just because I knew it didn't matter. Whenever I take one of those online quizzes that claims to tell you what your political leanings are, I always come out Libertarian. I'd never want to see one in actual power though.
I wish we had a system where a viable third party candidate had even a puncher's chance in a presidential election. As it stands, we have two choices.

If Biden is the Democratic candidate - and I REALLY hope he isn't - I'll vote for him, only because I believe voting Democratic is world's better for the country in this election. I hate it that people like me are forced into that corner, but Trump is a complete moron and his MAGA handlers are going to push the country back decades on any number of issues.
That's the White House message regarding Biden's debate debacle last week.

The problem with the message is that you can't turn the page on age. The unfortunate reality is that Father Time eventually catches up with everyone. That's happened with Biden.

If it was a cold, fatigue from recent travel or just a bad day, his staff would have him out there speaking with reporters, publicly taking questions, talking without a TelePrompter and a script, etc. There's been none of that.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) yesterday became the first Democrat in Congress calling for Biden to step aside. I think that's just the beginning. I'm sticking with my prediction last week that Biden will announce - - by July 22 - - that he's ending his campaign. If I'm wrong and it remains Biden/Trump in November, then selfishness will be Biden's legacy.

On the subject of turning the page why doesn't Trump take on the role of becoming the gracious winner.

Become the Mr. Positive Nice Guy prepared to lead all Americans including those who once supported Biden.
Watching these people discuss these topics in these threads is ridiculous. Insane. Madness. Without forethought. A road that leads to death and destruction. Complete slavery and communism. There is a portion of this country that is susceptible to this type of grooming and the government has succeeded greatly. IDK what its going to take to snap people out of it.
Jesus dude. No one is voting for Beelzebub. If you actually believe half of what you posted, you need to either get off or up your meds. I'm not sure which will help more.
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On the subject of turning the page why doesn't Trump take on the role of becoming the gracious winner.

Become the Mr. Positive Nice Guy prepared to lead all Americans including those who once supported Biden.
That literally runs contrary to anything Trump has ever said or done and goes directly against why his base thinks he's such a cool dude. If he's not going to tear down anyone he disagrees with, bluster about how much of a badass he is and punch down on any number of people, what are the people going to 4th parties where someone will 100% be blowing their fingers off have to say 'F Yeah, 'Merica!' about?
I wish we had a system where a viable third party candidate had even a puncher's chance in a presidential election. As it stands, we have two choices.

If Biden is the Democratic candidate - and I REALLY hope he isn't - I'll vote for him, only because I believe voting Democratic is world's better for the country in this election. I hate it that people like me are forced into that corner, but Trump is a complete moron and his MAGA handlers are going to push the country back decades on any number of issues.
Except you aren't really voting for Biden.
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I wish we had a system where a viable third party candidate had even a puncher's chance in a presidential election. As it stands, we have two choices.

If Biden is the Democratic candidate - and I REALLY hope he isn't - I'll vote for him, only because I believe voting Democratic is world's better for the country in this election. I hate it that people like me are forced into that corner, but Trump is a complete moron and his MAGA handlers are going to push the country back decades on any number of issues.
Biden is the worse option if for no other reason than the mess at the border.

A mess he did a LOT to create and absolutely NOTHING to address for 3 years, until his political realities made it impossible for him to ignore.

If he’s reelected, what do you think the first thing he’s going to do is?

The FBI is already worried that terrorists are coming across the border. 4 more years of Biden sure as hell ain’t gonna help.
Jesus dude. No one is voting for Beelzebub. If you actually believe half of what you posted, you need to either get off or up your meds. I'm not sure which will help more.
I would say the same thing about you every single day it's sickening madness and out of control. Your boy is an authoritarian. You're groomed and don't see it. I'l take the way Trump had things going any day over this madness. Keep supporting your treasonous party!
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I would say the same thing about you every single day it's sickening madness and out of control. Your boy is an authoritarian. You're groomed and don't see it. I'l take the way Trump had things going any day over this madness. Keep supporting your treasonous party!
OK. Outside the haircut I got yesterday and generally taking care of myself, I’m not groomed.

Such a weird take.
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I would say the same thing about you every single day it's sickening madness and out of control. Your boy is an authoritarian. You're groomed and don't see it. I'l take the way Trump had things going any day over this madness. Keep supporting your treasonous party!
I truly believe you're in deep distress or in an emergency situation, which would explain your upside-down flag because that's the only reason to fly the US flag that way. Dial 9/11.

If you're not in deep distress or experiencing an emergency, you're just being a disrespectful ass. Maybe a communist.
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That literally runs contrary to anything Trump has ever said or done and goes directly against why his base thinks he's such a cool dude. If he's not going to tear down anyone he disagrees with, bluster about how much of a badass he is and punch down on any number of people, what are the people going to 4th parties where someone will 100% be blowing their fingers off have to say 'F Yeah, 'Merica!' about?
If you haven't ever been to a 4th of July Party where someone comes close to blowing their fingers off you've never been to a real 4th of July Party...

In my youth we had annual parties that were considered failures if the local sheriffs deputy didn't swing by and politely implore us to stop scaring the neighbors (who lived well over a mile away).

Once they thought someone had blown a nearby bridge 🤣... (what can I say..., strange things happen when a bunch of 20+year olds have legal access to homemade fireworks, black powder and welding gases)..., while also imbibing copious amounts of alcohol...

//That was over twenty years ago for those considering attempting to turn me into the authorities (and "the authorities" were aware at the time [occasionally one of the deputies would swing by our fire pit to take a break (and make sure we remained relatively harmless)...].\\

Good Times... Good Friends... Two are gone now and another is ill so all we do these days is call and wish one another a Happy Fourth and commiserate about our current maladies...

My wife doesn't appreciate the fine art of fireworks and I live in a more civilized suburban area where we'd be on the hook for multiple window replacements if we did that sort of thing now...

Fortunately that was all pre 9-11 ... You'd probably get fast tracked to Guantanamo, just as a precaution, if you did half that sh-t these days... Proudly still have all my fingers and both eyes... Its all in the timing and a solid understanding of blast radius and concussion...

Merica!!! 🍺
There is a tyrannical authoritarian government in charge currently in our republic and there are a few thousand that support him. Stop describing yourself and what you voted for, I'm sure there are psychiatrists that can assist your sickness.
Communist it is. Fix the flag, commie.
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If you haven't ever been to a 4th of July Party where someone comes close to blowing their fingers off you've never been to a real 4th of July Party...

In my youth we had annual parties that were considered failures if the local sheriffs deputy didn't swing by and politely implore us to stop scaring the neighbors (who lived well over a mile away).

Once they thought someone had blown a nearby bridge 🤣... (what can I say..., strange things happen when a bunch of 20+year olds have legal access to homemade fireworks, black powder and welding gases)..., while also imbibing copious amounts of alcohol...

//That was over twenty years ago for those considering attempting to turn me into the authorities (and "the authorities" were aware at the time [occasionally one of the deputies would swing by our fire pit to take a break (and make sure we remained relatively harmless)...].\\

Good Times... Good Friends... Two are gone now and another is ill so all we do these days is call and wish one another a Happy Fourth and commiserate about our current maladies...

My wife doesn't appreciate the fine art of fireworks and I live in a more civilized suburban area where we'd be on the hook for multiple window replacements if we did that sort of thing now...

Fortunately that was all pre 9-11 ... You'd probably get fast tracked to Guantanamo, just as a precaution, if you did half that sh-t these days... Proudly still have all my fingers and both eyes... Its all in the timing and a solid understanding of blast radius and concussion...

Merica!!! 🍺
Have you ever filled a big Trash bag, with Acetylene, tie it off like a balloon and then play volley ball around the camp fire with it? It's pretty cool. :)
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That's the White House message regarding Biden's debate debacle last week.

The problem with the message is that you can't turn the page on age. The unfortunate reality is that Father Time eventually catches up with everyone. That's happened with Biden.

If it was a cold, fatigue from recent travel or just a bad day, his staff would have him out there speaking with reporters, publicly taking questions, talking without a TelePrompter and a script, etc. There's been none of that.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) yesterday became the first Democrat in Congress calling for Biden to step aside. I think that's just the beginning. I'm sticking with my prediction last week that Biden will announce - - by July 22 - - that he's ending his campaign. If I'm wrong and it remains Biden/Trump in November, then selfishness will be Biden's legacy.
Dems went all in on lawfare and it failed. Now they are stuck with an 81 year old guy who has to try and win head to head. They never thought it would come to this. I see no way biden resigns as his wife will not let him.

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