Trump insults veterans… AGAIN

Wrong again libby...I'm so waiting. The reason why dems can't do it,is because they would contradict everything they have been telling everyone for the past 8 years. And believe me,I would jump on those contradictions,which is why no dem will define woman. It's a mic drop,because it shows how illogical these morons are. And you support it ..lmao..that makes you more stupid than them. Congratulations
I already defined a woman for you dumbass... you also need to work on awareness Dunning-Kruger, those you define as dumb as far more intelligent than you are.

Pay better attention, weirdo.
That is some authentic frontier gibberish. Thanks for being a part of the demise of conservatism.
Unfortunately there’s no such thing as conservatism anymore. Just MAGA. Regardless of what they say, we never stopped being great. So no need for MAGA
Oh so now you’re one of those who think America sucks. I’d say my post was about being patriotic. Guess you can’t understand simple vocabulary or you aren’t patriotic.
Your post is an over-simplified buffoon’s take on reality. Shut up, moron.
That’s what they said about the boards in pre-Nazi Germany.

This isn’t Bush v Gore when there were simply differing opinions on what was best for the country.

I’m not a supporter of the extreme left, at all, but that does not make it the far left equal the far right.
I’m not a supporter of the extreme left, at all, but that does not make it the far left equal the far right.
This is more equivalent to the “left” in Germany saying maybe Jews should be treated like all other Germans and the “right” calling them woke and screaming that concentration camps are the only patriotic means of saving the country.
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What a good little parrot .. ata boy!

Here's a treat, only because the thought of a cracker eating a cracker makes me laugh..


lmao ... what a dumb MF.
Dumb. Eye roll
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You sure sound like your a dues paying member of the cult. You gotta get a better argument Republicans been saying the Democrats are destroying the country since the 80’s. Last I checked we are still the most envied country on the planet. Kind of the reason so many people yearn to come here.
You could try Russia or North Korea or Hungary. Orange Jesus thinks they are great.
Tampon Tim thinks China is great. So does Black Indian VIshnu
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Whoa there Nelly. You lecturing about truth when the god of liars sits atop the Rep party and the elected leaders lie right along with him. Are you just plain ignorant or stupid? How does how one identify themselves affect your life? I know it doesn’t affect me one bit. Not because I accept it but because it’s not my business as long as they do no harm.
You need to move out of the country if you do despise the direction you think we’re heading. Take a look at the current Republican party’s representation in Congress. Pretty old and white. Tell you anything? The party of the past. Not forward looking.
I stopped after the first wrong statement. The god of liars is the media,and you fall for it every day sheep
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I've never understood that, but you are correct, military people seemed to be easily brainwashed. most I've known over the years hated Clinton Obama and Biden but loved the morons who sent them off to war and basically didn't give a shit about them.
That's convenient...except...what war were we in under Trump?

Also...wasn't there much more peace then,than now? Russia didn't invade Ukraine under Trump. Hamas didn't start a war while Trump was in office.

Also...should probably consider than Trump didn't mandate untested and unproven "vaccines" on them. Just because they know how to fight(true patriots,unlike dems) doesn't mean they are stupid. They probably would consider you stupid,as a matter of fact.
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Well, the similarities are there. The left saying let people live their lives the way they want to as long as they don’t hurt others and the right saying people must live their lives as our religion dictates or be punished criminally.
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Are you slow? You seem slow.
You seriously think dems "let people live their lives".....lmao...omg...another media darling. I support Republicans...I am not religious. How is mandating untested and unproven vaccines "letting people live their lives"? And please don't tell me that falls under the "as long as it's not hurting someone else". If that was the case...why did governors in dem states send covid patients to nursing homes? Thats why the death rate was so much higher in highly populated dem states(Michigan,NY). Stop believing what you see on the View and do some actual research. You are ignorant if you truly believe the party that wants to control every aspect of your life(including government issued digital $...ESG...go look it up). Go read the book "You will own nothing" and tell me they are out for your best interest. They just stole your right to vote in a primary,and you still think they are for the people? You are a true dumbass
You seriously think dems "let people live their lives".....lmao...omg...another media darling. I support Republicans...I am not religious. How is mandating untested and unproven vaccines "letting people live their lives"? And please don't tell me that falls under the "as long as it's not hurting someone else". If that was the case...why did governors in dem states send covid patients to nursing homes? Thats why the death rate was so much higher in highly populated dem states(Michigan,NY). Stop believing what you see on the View and do some actual research. You are ignorant if you truly believe the party that wants to control every aspect of your life(including government issued digital $...ESG...go look it up). Go read the book "You will own nothing" and tell me they are out for your best interest. They just stole your right to vote in a primary,and you still think they are for the people? You are a true dumbass
Posting “do some actual research” is a tell that poster has no clue what actual research is or how to conduct it.

The Trump COVID vaccine was tested and proven and that 98+ of the military was vaccinated greatly improved military readiness. Fact.

Democrats didn’t steal a right to vote in the primary. There is no right to vote in the primary. The two main parties decided they would do primaries to determine their nominees a little over a hundred years back. They didn’t have to. They could determine the nominees without a single primary vote as they did until the early 20th century. If Trump had dropped out before the RNC we’d have someone chosen at the RNC running instead. Your talking point is false and stupid as is most everything in your post or that comes out of Trump’s mouth.
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Well, the similarities are there. The left saying let people live their lives the way they want to as long as they don’t hurt others and the right saying people must live their lives as our religion dictates or be punished criminally.
The left isn't letting people live their own lives without hurting others any more than the right is.

2 sides of the same coin.
The left isn't letting people live their own lives without hurting others any more than the right is.

2 sides of the same coin.
This is a MAJOR point of confusion for Tyne right. Guns, masks etc, atleast arguably, affect everyone in a tangible way.
Having books you don’t like in the library, someone marrying a person of the same sex, a woman making a choice about her body, etc., does not affect you.

Yes, I know the right like to say it affects me because those people are doing things that violate my religion and I don’t like that. Not the same.
This is a MAJOR point of confusion for Tyne right. Guns, masks etc, atleast arguably, affect everyone in a tangible way.
Having books you don’t like in the library, someone marrying a person of the same sex, a woman making a choice about her body, etc., does not affect you.

Yes, I know the right like to say it affects me because those people are doing things that violate my religion and I don’t like that. Not the same.
It's not about religion at all with me. You seem to be focused on that one aspect,and it is likely helping you make an ignorant decision. Do you believe we should have books in schools that demonstrate sex acts to 3rd graders? If you do,you are not only stupid,but likely disturbed in a mental capacity that you should probably talk to someone about. Should there be drag shows in schools? Should teachers be asking kids if they wish they were/or want to be the opposite sex? Should men be competing against women in sport?...All of these are 100% common sense decisions,that the left has gotten wrong. Why do you support that? Why do you support political figures who can't define what a woman is? You know why they can't right?...because it would contradict everything they have been pushing on the American people. You seem greatly uninformed. Do some research
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It's not about religion at all with me. You seem to be focused on that one aspect,and it is likely helping you make an ignorant decision. Do you believe we should have books in schools that demonstrate sex acts to 3rd graders? If you do,you are not only stupid,but likely disturbed in a mental capacity that you should probably talk to someone about. Should there be drag shows in schools? Should teachers be asking kids if they wish they were/or want to be the opposite sex? Should men be competing against women in sport?...All of these are 100% common sense decisions,that the left has gotten wrong. Why do you support that? Why do you support political figures who can't define what a woman is? You know why they can't right?...because it would contradict everything they have been pushing on the American people. You seem greatly uninformed. Do some research
You’re just making up sht and lying about the issues so I’m not going to spend 10 minutes typing on my phone to such idiocy. I’m still not sure how Indiana got so left behind the other mid-western states.
This is a MAJOR point of confusion for Tyne right. Guns, masks etc, atleast arguably, affect everyone in a tangible way.
Having books you don’t like in the library, someone marrying a person of the same sex, a woman making a choice about her body, etc., does not affect you.

Yes, I know the right like to say it affects me because those people are doing things that violate my religion and I don’t like that. Not the same.
My guns have no impact on anyone and your book about living as an LGBTQ person has no impact on me, yet the left and right both want more limits on one or the other.

I don't care what any consenting adult does as long as it doesn't hurt innocent people or their property and it's not splashing onto me or mine.
My guns have no impact on anyone and your book about living as an LGBTQ person has no impact on me, yet the left and right both want more limits on one or the other.

I don't care what any consenting adult does as long as it doesn't hurt innocent people or their property and it's not splashing onto me or mine.

So you aren’t opposed to gay marriage. That’s unusual.

And I hate to tell you this but gun control does in fact affect people in a tangible way. Just ask the parents of every kid killed by one.