Trump insults veterans… AGAIN

He doesn't want you to actually define it. Nor would he be capable of making any use of your definition. Simply saying "define woman" has become a mic drop for these idiots.
Wrong again libby...I'm so waiting. The reason why dems can't do it,is because they would contradict everything they have been telling everyone for the past 8 years. And believe me,I would jump on those contradictions,which is why no dem will define woman. It's a mic drop,because it shows how illogical these morons are. And you support it ..lmao..that makes you more stupid than them. Congratulations
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Wrong again libby...I'm so waiting. The reason why dems can't do it,is because they would contradict everything they have been telling everyone for the past 8 years. And believe me,I would jump on those contradictions,which is why no dem will define woman. It's a mic drop,because it shows how illogical these morons are. And you support it ..lmao..that makes you more stupid than them. Congratulations
That is some authentic frontier gibberish. Thanks for being a part of the demise of conservatism.
That is some authentic frontier gibberish. Thanks for being a part of the demise of conservatism.
And btw libby...I'm not a "Trump cuck"...smh I have never voted for Trump. I didn't want Trump to be the nominee. But, if you support democrats in any way, or fail to condemn them,you are just as guilty of contributing to the destruction of this country. Wake up
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And btw libby...I'm not a "Trump cuck"...smh I have never voted for Trump. I didn't want Trump to be the nominee. But, if you support democrats in any way, or fail to condemn them,you are just as guilty of contributing to the destruction of this country. Wake up
Your reading comprehension is so bad that I’m willing to wager you have in fact voted for Trump multiple times without realizing it.
Wrong again libby...I'm so waiting. The reason why dems can't do it,is because they would contradict everything they have been telling everyone for the past 8 years. And believe me,I would jump on those contradictions,which is why no dem will define woman. It's a mic drop,because it shows how illogical these morons are. And you support it ..lmao..that makes you more stupid than them. Congratulations
You aren't very good at this.
I've drawn a line in the sand over "pedo" and the like. I'm considering doing the same with "cuck." Will that send you guys over the edge?
Anyone who thinks that was an intended insult of soldiers,rather than praise for the recipient,is reaching. I agree it was not necessary,but when he wants to insult someone,he does it directly. Also..obviously there is no benefit to insulting veterans,so that clearly wasn't the intent. Too many butthurt softies around here(dumocrats)
That's the point. He's too stupid to even recognize that it is insulting.
That's the point. He's too stupid to even recognize that it is insulting.
It was not worded well. I never stated anything contradictory. I said it was not intended. Remember, you just said how stupid Trump is, let's see if you keep that same energy after a debate when both Republicans destroy both dems. Will it then be clear that you support the less intelligent of the two?... Why is Harris/Walz distancing themselves from everything Harris has said in the past? Why is Google going back and changing headlines retroactively to make them look better for Harris?....You idiots are so misinformed. The news tells you what they want you to hear,not the truth. When will you idiots understand that?
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It’s not about being offended - it’s impossible to offend me. It’s about knowing right from wrong and not being a cuck for someone that would shoot your mom in front of you if it meant a vote.
There is no way in hell that Trump could load a gun….let alone hit someone.

As MTIOTF like to say….”they are all vote whores”

It’s why I can’t stand Trump….he pretends to be something he is not.

On one side we have someone who wouldn’t piss on DBM if he was on fire (even though he’s a faithful follower of all things Trump)….on the other side is, well, absolute lunacy.

I am thankful every day to live in a part of the country where I see very few people….
Cry me a river, my post was an opinion and one based on a few facts I have in front of me. Maybe you and your soft ass friends can get together and have a pity party?

To know me one would say I'm very laid back and open to any and all ideas or lifestyles, but one thing that IMO is just extremely lame is the easily offended. Welcome to the easily offended group and its minions.
That manlet is one of, if not the softest poster on the interwebs.
Nickname: Charmin
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Did you serve in a military?
What does that have to do with Agent Oranges comments? He’s a f***ing draft dodging coward who feels no shame in denigrating those in uniform who have given their lives to protect his right to say this crap. I have multiple family members who served and they are disgusted. And if you served how could you possibly think what he says about our service members is in any way acceptable. I’m sure you’ll find an excuse. It will show just how pathetic you cultists are. Jim Jones is calling you.
What does that have to do with Agent Oranges comments? He’s a f***ing draft dodging coward who feels no shame in denigrating those in uniform who have given their lives to protect his right to say this crap. I have multiple family members who served and they are disgusted. And if you served how could you possibly think what he says about our service members is in any way acceptable. I’m sure you’ll find an excuse. It will show just how pathetic you cultists are. Jim Jones is calling you.
Imagine having this level of TDS🤣
I can define what a human being is. One of God’s children. You on the other hand seem to hate God’s children that are different.
How so? Different is different...I believe we are all different,and that is a good thing! t's the democratic party that wants us to all be the same. The point is...the democratic party has stripped even the most basic truths of our lives away. It is done on purpose. It has a reason. You are allowing it,and supporting it. Do you honestly believe these millionaire politicians give any shots about the normal people of this country?...If you do you are gullible as can be. When you have no truth,you have nothing,and that is exactly why they are doing it. And you are contributing the the countries demise by not questioning the ridiculous premises and lies that they force upon the American people.
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And btw libby...I'm not a "Trump cuck"...smh I have never voted for Trump. I didn't want Trump to be the nominee. But, if you support democrats in any way, or fail to condemn them,you are just as guilty of contributing to the destruction of this country. Wake up
You sure sound like your a dues paying member of the cult. You gotta get a better argument Republicans been saying the Democrats are destroying the country since the 80’s. Last I checked we are still the most envied country on the planet. Kind of the reason so many people yearn to come here.
You could try Russia or North Korea or Hungary. Orange Jesus thinks they are great.
You sure sound like your a dues paying member of the cult. You gotta get a better argument Republicans been saying the Democrats are destroying the country since the 80’s. Last I checked we are still the most envied country on the planet. Kind of the reason so many people yearn to come here.
You could try Russia or North Korea or Hungary. Orange Jesus thinks they are great.
Really?...Seems to me Biden loves Russia as much as anyone,considering the report that just came out saying he and his family DID take $ from them....and China.
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How so? Different is different...I believe we are all different,and that is a good thing! t's the democratic party that wants us to all be the same. The point is...the democratic party has stripped even the most basic truths of our lives away. It is done on purpose. It has a reason. You are allowing it,and supporting it. When you have no truth,you have nothing,and that is exactly why they are doing it. And you are contributing the the countries demise by not questioning the ridiculous premises and lies that they force upon the American people.
Whoa there Nelly. You lecturing about truth when the god of liars sits atop the Rep party and the elected leaders lie right along with him. Are you just plain ignorant or stupid? How does how one identify themselves affect your life? I know it doesn’t affect me one bit. Not because I accept it but because it’s not my business as long as they do no harm.
You need to move out of the country if you do despise the direction you think we’re heading. Take a look at the current Republican party’s representation in Congress. Pretty old and white. Tell you anything? The party of the past. Not forward looking.
Really?...Seems to me Biden loves Russia as much as anyone,considering the report that just came out saying he and his family DID take $ from them....and China.
You couldn’t possibly be talking about the long awaited impeachment inquiry from the Republicans could you? Laughable. Hasn’t Orange Jesus repeatedly fawned over the dictators in those countries? Yep sure did. Oh and how about his family members getting 4 billion dollars from the Saudis who admitted to dismembering and American journalist. We see clearly who’s for sale.

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