Trump insults veterans… AGAIN

Trump: medal of Freedom is Better than Medal of Honor because the soldiers are in bad shape or dead.
Goes along with his comment (quoted by Jeffery Goldberg, The Atlantic): Americans who died in War are “losers” and “suckers”
He has a point. I would rather be alive than dead.
And, if I am dead, I can't appreciate the MoH. However, the MoH is, A MUCH GREATER HONOR.

And, although I a Nam era vet, I was never deployed to Nam.
They are the human beings that run away from you screaming "WEIRDO CREEPER!" ...

What do I win, weirdo creeper?
Again...another lame attempt at an insult. You really aren't good at this. You should get some help. Maybe ask one of the 5 year olds in your basement...weirdo
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Always nice when mods troll.

Good job encouraging civil discussion.
The mods on this board do more perpetuating and antagonizing as anyone else here. It's like it's own little mainstream media culture. They ban people who don't agree with them,and ignore unprovoked,unnecessary,and insulting comments from people of the same stupidity. Perfect description of the word "cult". Anyone associated, in any way, with Rivals should be embarrassed and ashamed that they let these "mods" anywhere close to their site.
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He has a point. I would rather be alive than dead.
And, if I am dead, I can't appreciate the MoH. However, the MoH is, A MUCH GREATER HONOR.

And, although I a Nam era vet, I was never deployed to Nam.
You won’t be able to appreciate it, but to your son, daughter, spouse, or parent it might mean the world to them. Trump doesn’t understand that we’re all connected to others and everything we do is not a selfish endeavor.
Oh look - the first time you posted, it didn't get a reaction.

But you tried and tried again and got another permanently offended bitter vet to give you a reaction.

Well done, little buddy!
Says THE permanently offended bitter vet.
Aloha, why is that?

Also is it true of both officers and enlisted personnel?
Because of all the disrespect incidents (McCain, Matis, Kelly, dead soldiers, POWs, etc.,), his extreme lack of discipline is a problem for those that are very disciplined, and more. It’s across the board, officers and enlisted, as a Military Times poll shows, though even more so among officers.
the irony that they sell “Warning. No Stupid People” signs
You won’t be able to appreciate it, but to your son, daughter, spouse, or parent it might mean the world to them. Trump doesn’t understand that we’re all connected to others and everything we do is not a selfish endeavor.
You should probably judge more off of action than hyperbole. Democrats have done so much more(and continue to do so) than Trump in the realm of hurting the future of this country. Trump told people to be peaceful. Democrats have called for people to "raise hell in the streets"(which they did). Democrats forced "vaccinations" on our entire society,that have proven to be largely ineffective for 80% of the people forced to get them,including our military,who were discharged if they refused. Democrats also shut down schools for an exorbitant amount of time,which research shows has greatly reduced the literacy rate amongst kids under 12. Democrats continue to push the BS of boys can be girls and vice versa,to the extreme of allowing drag shows in our schools. Democrats continue to push ideas and policies that move our society towards socialism and even communistic ideology. And you think someone being pissed off about "losing" an election,which research also shows was affected to the point of changing the outcome,by the collusion,cooperation,and targeted mission of several government agencies,as the equivalent or worse?They put false information,and changed statements of fact,regarding Hunters laptop in the months leading up to the election, all over the internet and in the news. 17% is the # that said they would have changed their vote,had they known. So you have an entire government, operating in unison, to keep one guy out,while they lie to you in every possible way, steal your right to vote in primary in for candidates,and Trump is what you are worried about? ....smh...that is sad. Very warped and manipulated way of thinking.
They didn't like it? that why he got more votes than the previous election? I stopped after the first stupid thing you said.
I'm not sure what you're saying, since you didn't specify which part of my post you're responding to...

But if you're trying to rehash Trump's tired old talking point about finishing 2nd in 2020 with a record number of votes (for the loser), Joe Biden got nearly 8 Million MORE votes than Trump. Both results are primarily a function of more people voting than ever before. As much as Trump inspired some people to vote for him, he inspired even more to vote against him.

Other than 2016, what election has Trump ever won? And more to the point, what election has MAGA ever won? You (and Trump) are bragging about getting more votes than any loser in history. It's bizarre...
You should probably judge more off of action than hyperbole. Democrats have done so much more(and continue to do so) than Trump in the realm of hurting the future of this country. Trump told people to be peaceful. Democrats have called for people to "raise hell in the streets"(which they did). Democrats forced "vaccinations" on our entire society,that have proven to be largely ineffective for 80% of the people forced to get them,including our military,who were discharged if they refused. Democrats also shut down schools for an exorbitant amount of time,which research shows has greatly reduced the literacy rate amongst kids under 12. Democrats continue to push the BS of boys can be girls and vice versa,to the extreme of allowing drag shows in our schools. Democrats continue to push ideas and policies that move our society towards socialism and even communistic ideology. And you think someone being pissed off about "losing" an election,which research also shows was affected to the point of changing the outcome,by the collusion,cooperation,and targeted mission of several government agencies,as the equivalent or worse?They put false information,and changed statements of fact,regarding Hunters laptop in the months leading up to the election, all over the internet and in the news. 17% is the # that said they would have changed their vote,had they known. So you have an entire government, operating in unison, to keep one guy out,while they lie to you in every possible way, steal your right to vote in primary in for candidates,and Trump is what you are worried about? ....smh...that is sad. Very warped and manipulated way of thinking.
"Very warped and manipulated way of thinking."

Now there's an example of irony to the extreme...
You should probably judge more off of action than hyperbole. Democrats have done so much more(and continue to do so) than Trump in the realm of hurting the future of this country. Trump told people to be peaceful. Democrats have called for people to "raise hell in the streets"(which they did). Democrats forced "vaccinations" on our entire society,that have proven to be largely ineffective for 80% of the people forced to get them,including our military,who were discharged if they refused. Democrats also shut down schools for an exorbitant amount of time,which research shows has greatly reduced the literacy rate amongst kids under 12. Democrats continue to push the BS of boys can be girls and vice versa,to the extreme of allowing drag shows in our schools. Democrats continue to push ideas and policies that move our society towards socialism and even communistic ideology. And you think someone being pissed off about "losing" an election,which research also shows was affected to the point of changing the outcome,by the collusion,cooperation,and targeted mission of several government agencies,as the equivalent or worse?They put false information,and changed statements of fact,regarding Hunters laptop in the months leading up to the election, all over the internet and in the news. 17% is the # that said they would have changed their vote,had they known. So you have an entire government, operating in unison, to keep one guy out,while they lie to you in every possible way, steal your right to vote in primary in for candidates,and Trump is what you are worried about? ....smh...that is sad. Very warped and manipulated way of thinking.
99.9 percent nonsense.
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Nonsense. I’m a veteran and I guarantee I work with and I’m friends with far more veterans than you. It’s an insult, and it’s one of many. It’s indefensible yet his loyal minions try to defend it. Yours was another piss poor attempt.
Cry me a river, my post was an opinion and one based on a few facts I have in front of me. Maybe you and your soft ass friends can get together and have a pity party?

To know me one would say I'm very laid back and open to any and all ideas or lifestyles, but one thing that IMO is just extremely lame is the easily offended. Welcome to the easily offended group and its minions.
Cry me a river, my post was an opinion and one based on a few facts I have in front of me. Maybe you and your soft ass friends can get together and have a pity party?

To know me one would say I'm very laid back and open to any and all ideas or lifestyles, but one thing that IMO is just extremely lame is the easily offended. Welcome to the easily offended group and its minions.
I’m not easily offended at all. Being easily offended is part of the MAGA culture.
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Cry me a river, my post was an opinion and one based on a few facts I have in front of me. Maybe you and your soft ass friends can get together and have a pity party?

To know me one would say I'm very laid back and open to any and all ideas or lifestyles, but one thing that IMO is just extremely lame is the easily offended. Welcome to the easily offended group and its minions.
It’s not about being offended - it’s impossible to offend me. It’s about knowing right from wrong and not being a cuck for someone that would shoot your mom in front of you if it meant a vote.
It’s not about being offended - it’s impossible to offend me. It’s about knowing right from wrong and not being a cuck for someone that would shoot your mom in front of you if it meant a vote.
Its a good thing I didn't try to offend you then. I'm not sure who rattled your cage but it wasn't me.

You do seem to haves such an extreme take on things, I bet you are the guy who thinks someone might try to hit you just to get the next shopping card at the grocery. One man's right is another man's wrong, I guess that is the beauty of it all and the beauty of living in a free country where we can all decide that for ourselves? I don't believe government intervention in all aspects of life is right I see you think differently.
Its a good thing I didn't try to offend you then. I'm not sure who rattled your cage but it wasn't me.

You do seem to haves such an extreme take on things, I bet you are the guy who thinks someone might try to hit you just to get the next shopping card at the grocery. One man's right is another man's wrong, I guess that is the beauty of it all and the beauty of living in a free country where we can all decide that for ourselves? I don't believe government intervention in all aspects of life is right I see you think differently.
That is some authentic frontier gibberish there.
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That is some authentic frontier gibberish there.
Best you got? I'll that that as a your white flag. I understand it is hard to keep going when such gibberish hits home. Good luck at the grocery store, remember there are carts in the parking lot if you need them.
It’s not about being offended - it’s impossible to offend me. It’s about knowing right from wrong and not being a cuck for someone that would shoot your mom in front of you if it meant a vote.
Media triggered nonsense...such a fool.

So you know right from wrong...but can't define woman?

Great thought process
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@UncleMark And @TheOriginalHappyGoat I’d like to formally admit that - as of 19 August 2024 - the inmates have officially taken over the asylum.
The board represents the country in this moment. The morons on both sides dominate. Throw in a healthy dose of genuinely unlikable people and the appeal is waning. It’s probably time to find other work distractions.
Media triggered nonsense...such a fool.

So you know right from wrong...but can't define woman?

Great thought process
@UncleMark And @TheOriginalHappyGoat I’d like to formally admit that - as of 19 August 2024 - the inmates have officially taken over the asylum.

I think someone just went and told the teacher on you while also trying to make a funny :) I received an email today (not sure why?) from the elementary my daughters went to (mind you they are 25 and 24 now) stating they were going to look into combining the bathrooms for males and females. I get information like this and I'm led to believe I'm the inmate? I just sit back and laugh.
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