Trump insults veterans… AGAIN

Reality was that nobody could’ve really done anything, except try to talk Joe into bowing out, but 2 years ago or even a year ago, there’s no way he was going to. It took a very embarrassing public display of his faculties to get enough high profile party leaders to try to get him to finally bow out.

Perhaps if you had nominated a strong candidate, instead of one with a multitude of legal indictments and convictions, this wouldn’t be much of a race, regardless of who the dems nominee is. In other words, this scenario is making it apparent just how bad of a candidate DJT is and how the majority of Americans desperately want someone besides him in the WH.
Wrong. If the entire news media,and social media,weren't biased against one candidate,and would actually do their job,Trump would be about to leave after his 2nd term. Play stupid stupid prizes.

PS...recent study shows Google has impacted multiple political races in recent history by being one-sided,and by changing headlines retroactively,to make them look better for democrats. Not my words. Just fact.

Having said that,I would put $ on 50% of what you believe to be true about trump,is 100% complete BS. The news lies to you,and the entire American public. There was a time when Americans were too smart to believe the BS,obviously that isn't the case anymore. Emotions rule all..and the media knows it. All of you look so stupid.
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This is correct, I know tons of veterans and not one will be offended and several are voting for the Hyena. You can clearly tell when Trump is trying to be insulting or taking jabs and this was not one of those.
I agree. It’s just another example of him being a dumbass.
Trump: medal of Freedom is Better than Medal of Honor because the soldiers are in bad shape or dead.
Goes along with his comment (quoted by Jeffery Goldberg, The Atlantic): Americans who died in War are “losers” and “suckers”
Really, really dumb thing to say....Hes terrible at getting his point across, i.e. communicating, etc....

Dude just cannot stay out of his own way
Wrong. If the entire news media,and social media,weren't biased against one candidate,and would actually do their job,Trump would be about to leave after his 2nd term. Play stupid stupid prizes.

PS...recent study shows Google has impacted multiple political races in recent history by being one-sided,and by changing headlines retroactively,to make them look better for democrats. Not my words. Just fact.
I think you, like many conservatives, have trouble realizing that America is more liberal than it is conservative. They win the popular vote just about every election cycle (republicans have won it once since 1988). Again, someday you guys will realize what a colossal mistake you made by elevating a man who has no character and no redeeming qualities. I guess you’re gonna learn the hard way. That’s a shame.
Anyone who thinks that was an intended insult of soldiers,rather than praise for the recipient,is reaching. I agree it was not necessary,but when he wants to insult someone,he does it directly. Also..obviously there is no benefit to insulting veterans,so that clearly wasn't the intent. Too many butthurt softies around here(dumocrats)
With intent, or not, just a ridiculous thing to say.
I think you, like many conservatives, have trouble realizing that America is more liberal than it is conservative. They win the popular vote just about every election cycle (republicans have won it once since 1988). Again, someday you guys will realize what a colossal mistake you made by elevating a man who has no character and no redeeming qualities. I guess you’re gonna learn the hard way. That’s a shame.
Conservatives f#cked up when Nixon took us off the gold standard. As long as liberals can run endless debts and not be forced to raises taxes, they have the upper hand.
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Conservatives f#cked when Nixon took us off the gold standard. As long as liberals can run endless debts and not be forced to raises taxes, they have the upper hand.
Better than Trump increasing spending, lowering taxes (rich & corporations) and exploding the deficit
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Better than Trump increasing spending, lowering taxes (rich & corporations) and exploding the deficit
You can say what you want,but nothing can change the fact that Americans were better off,while Trump was President. None of the lies can change that. None of your emotions can change that. It's obvious who spends more $. That has always been a dem thing..I.e. our current inflation because of BS printing of $ to fund Ukraine to protect their relationship with it's oligarchs who fund the left.

For example...One of those oligarchs is paying Kellyanne Conway 50k a month right now,to sabotage Trump and his campaign. Sorry are ignorant
But no where near the increase in spending - largest increase in deficit ever, bigger than previous 3 administrations combined
Most of that was Covid spending. Biden spent more. Also, the next President will spend more than Biden (excluding his Covid spending).
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You see it on this board and the people with flags, dumb shirts and hats, and punisher stickers. That all makes them feel less weak and part of the team.
That's all part of peer validation which is an important aspect of propaganda and social engineering. Most of these whack job Trumpers have never had any social influence anywhere. They're the weirdos and losers of the world, the ones who stayed home on Fridays because they had no friends. Now, they're part of a like minded cult and are accepted by a group for the first time in their pathetic lives.. and all they have to do is repeat stupid obnoxious shit and they get the attention and love they sorely need. They truly are weirdos ..
Trump: medal of Freedom is Better than Medal of Honor because the soldiers are in bad shape or dead.
Goes along with his comment (quoted by Jeffery Goldberg, The Atlantic): Americans who died in War are “losers” and “suckers”
He said it as a joke. Probably a poor joke, but you could tell he was just trying to play up the importance of the medal.

The Atlantic? The fact you believe anything that rag puts out means you'll believe anything.
That’s why I posted the video. You can listen to him say it. It’s right there.
The video was already posted.

Maybe try to follow the thread or comment on what was already posted on the matter.
Conservatives f#cked up when Nixon took us off the gold standard. As long as liberals can run endless debts and not be forced to raises taxes, they have the upper hand.
Because they have no problem promising free lunches to every large voting bloc. They're catering to illegals now, so you know they'll be getting citizenship with a Democrat administration.
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Reality was that nobody could’ve really done anything, except try to talk Joe into bowing out, but 2 years ago or even a year ago, there’s no way he was going to. It took a very embarrassing public display of his faculties to get enough high profile party leaders to try to get him to finally bow out.

Perhaps if you had nominated a strong candidate, instead of one with a multitude of legal indictments and convictions, this wouldn’t be much of a race, regardless of who the dems nominee is. In other words, this scenario is making it apparent just how bad of a candidate DJT is and how the majority of Americans desperately want someone besides him in the WH.
Wrong again. Harris had more power in her position than any other singular person in the country,and she played along.
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Better than Trump increasing spending, lowering taxes (rich & corporations) and exploding the deficit
Income went up after the tax cuts.

Spending is out of control. You could raise the tax rate to 50% on everyone and it still wouldn't be enough because it would wreck the economy.

Simple solution: freez the budget for a year and only allow 2% increases after tha. Lower taxes again and watch the deficit disappear.
Because they have no problem promising free lunches to every large voting bloc. They're catering to illegals now, so you know they'll be getting citizenship with a Democrat administration.
That’s how it works. Every bailout will get bigger. 2007 it was about a trillion dollars and 8,000 payments for first time home buyers. Covid bailouts were around 5-6 trillion. Biden bailed out student loans for votes.

Harris wants 25k for houses, price controls, increase child credit, medical bailouts, and etc for votes now. Nothing stops this train. People are going to wake up in 2028 from the Trump derangement syndrome and finally realize the Government robbed them and bankrupted the country the past decade.
25k down payment assistance is about the dumbest shit I have ever heard. How can anyone not see that inflation would be exacerbated greatly by her "policies"? And then she has the nerve to blame farmers and grocery stores for "price gouging" when they make about 1.5% profit nationally. She helped create the problem,and now wants to make it worse. She truly believes her supporters are stupid,and I can't blame her.
The money is a direct transfer, taxpayer(borrowed) funds> Big Banking/Mortgage. The only subsidy is to the corrupt, insolvent banks.
Dumb? Your interpretation of what he’s saying is dumb. He’s saying she’s going to win.

What did you think it was, a racist statement? Which one of the geniuses on this are you?

If you’re supposed to be some political wonk that goes on cable news to talk politics, you should be able to pronounce someone’s name. Jesus Christ we had people using the Trump family original last name and all the pubs here lost their shit.
If you’re supposed to be some political wonk that goes on cable news to talk politics, you should be able to pronounce someone’s name. Jesus Christ we had people using the Trump family original last name and all the pubs here lost their shit.
Political wonk? That’s a sitting congresswoman. It’s not like her name is Jane and she’s pronouncing is Jean. It’s an uncommon name and she mispronounced and the Woke Brigade went full on PMS. Because it’s all they have.
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I won’t. But I’ll thank you for being at the front of destroying conservatism. Congrats!
If you don't have enough honor to admit I never said it was fake after saying I said it, then I have zero respect for you.

Not a big deal to you, I'm sure, but you and I both know you are lying.
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