todays presser some reporter asked trump about his approval rating

The question cited above wasn’t the one that triggered trump. The question that triggered wasn’t about the public being scared it was about whether trump provides false hope and false optimism. How is he supposed to answer that other than to say he is Ian optimistic guy which he said. The question was designed to elicit a fight. Trump is a piece of sh&t. We all know that. That fact doesn’t justify a subset of reporters whose objective is to incite him. And to believe otherwise is to allow your hatred of trump to mask the reality of their behavior.
Except false hope is an exceedingly polite way of putting it. What they should have said was lied. Why have you repeatedly LIED to the American public about this serious pandemic? Why have you known about itbsince January and not been prepared? Why were you more worried about your numbers than getting tests available? Why did you say there were only 5 cases and soon they’d be gone? Why have you lied about anyone who wanted to be tested could be tested? Why did you lie about the google information page? Why did you lie about the ships being ready? I think you’re upset about the exact opposite of what you should be upset about. The media is not being tough enough on him. If he doesn’t like a question, he says it’s a nasty question and he refuses to answer it. The public deserves answers,not lies and it’s the media’s job to ask those questions.
Love how he looks around to see who is laughing at his stupid little joke. The worst possible scenario....we almost made it out of his four years without a major tragedy, but this one, and his lying, covering up to protect his numbers, and lack of preparedness is going to reap consequences on this US and economy for quite some time. It’s going to force small businesses out, put people out of work, and oh yeah, kill people. Great job, 63 million of you for electing a clown!
Except false hope is an exceedingly polite way of putting it. What they should have said was lied. Why have you repeatedly LIED to the American public about this serious pandemic? Why have you known about itbsince January and not been prepared? Why were you more worried about your numbers than getting tests available? Why did you say there were only 5 cases and soon they’d be gone? Why have you lied about anyone who wanted to be tested could be tested? Why did you lie about the google information page? Why did you lie about the ships being ready? I think you’re upset about the exact opposite of what you should be upset about. The media is not being tough enough on him. If he doesn’t like a question, he says it’s a nasty question and he refuses to answer it. The public deserves answers,not lies and it’s the media’s job to ask those questions.
you’re allowing your emotions to get the better of you and your opinions. All those questions can be asked in nov when he’s voted out. All acceptable then. Every one of those questions is argumentative and provides us with zero info about what where we are today and what we need to do today.
Matter of opinion. To me it’s simply argumentative. What’s more it’s offensive. It presupposes we need this reporter to be the arbiter of truth and we are too stupid to vet trump ourselves.
You’re riding a hobby horse ass up. Reporter asked a completely legit question and Trump dodged. End of story.
you’re allowing your emotions to get the better of you and your opinions. All those questions can be asked in nov when he’s voted out. All acceptable then. Every one of those questions is argumentative and provides us with zero info about what where we are today and what we need to do today.
Bs. You whining about a self-created single flea when reporters are trying to get the Pres to get real FOR ONCE.
Matter of opinion. To me it’s simply argumentative. What’s more it’s offensive. It presupposes we need this reporter to be the arbiter of truth and we are too stupid to vet trump ourselves.
What's not argumentative is that the POTUS is a habitual liar. How can you possibly discern/vet whether anything he says has merit, and if so, to what extent?

That you feel, you can sift through the BS, is admirable, but there are obviously millions of people who cannot. I would like those people to be exposed to the fact that he's a lying POS every chance they get. To allow him to be an ignorant POS and not call him out on it, perpetuates the problem, and allows him to further his agenda, or whatever other excuse he has for lying. It's almost a form of victim blaming.

The problem is, he's a liar. He shouldn't lie.
Corona virus was real. Trump said it was a hoax. Trumpniks agreed.

Corona virus is still real. Trump babbles. Trumpkniks deflect and blame the media.

Meanwhile, Americans have no leader.

Beginning of story.
What's not argumentative is that the POTUS is a habitual liar. How can you possibly discern/vet whether anything he says has merit, and if so, to what extent?

That you feel, you can sift through the BS, is admirable, but there are obviously millions of people who cannot. I would like those people to be exposed to the fact that he's a lying POS every chance they get. To allow him to be an ignorant POS and not call him out on it, perpetuates the problem, and allows him to further his agenda, or whatever other excuse he has for lying. It's almost a form of victim blaming.

The problem is, he's a liar. He shouldn't lie.

I listened to yesterday's presser and then read later in the evening that many commentators said he lied. I didn't hear any lies. I heard highly un-nuanced statements, including the one about FDA approval of chloroquine, (which the FDA guy nuanced) and a highly optimistic take about the drug's efficacy. But I also heard the same overly optimistic statement from some dude at Stanford. Trump's critics called such statement lies and giving false hope. I don't agree and I think they are being way overly critical.
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Corona virus was real. Trump said it was a hoax. Trumpniks agreed.

Corona virus is still real. Trump babbles. Trumpkniks deflect and blame the media.

Meanwhile, Americans have no leader.

Beginning of story.

Trump is real. You are full of shit.
The question cited above wasn’t the one that triggered trump. The question that triggered wasn’t about the public being scared it was about whether trump provides false hope and false optimism. How is he supposed to answer that other than to say he is Ian optimistic guy which he said. The question was designed to elicit a fight. Trump is a piece of sh&t. We all know that. That fact doesn’t justify a subset of reporters whose objective is to incite him. And to believe otherwise is to allow your hatred of trump to mask the reality of their behavior.

CNN has the video up. The reporter says, What do you say the the Americans who are scared" and starts with some numbers of infected and dead and Trump responds with "I say that you are a nasty reporter".
you’re allowing your emotions to get the better of you and your opinions. All those questions can be asked in nov when he’s voted out. All acceptable then. Every one of those questions is argumentative and provides us with zero info about what where we are today and what we need to do today.
Ah the old emotions thing again. Sorry but I don’t feel the need to bow and be obsequious to dear leader. The questions aren’t supposed to provide us with the information, the answers are. It’s not emotion to call a spade a spade. When he lies, he should be called upon it, especially when people’s lives depend upon it. Perhaps, if he got uncomfortable enough about being called out for these lies, he’d stop doing it. Nomother President has gotten away with constantly and consistently lying to the American public. The only reason the press doesn’t do it more is because they are afraid of his throwing a temper tantrum like he did yesterday. Something no other President would have gotten away with either. Sorry, but we don’t change the rules because we have an incompetent toddler in office, we still ask the difficult questions. You need to take a journalism class or two. Dr. Gray would be spinning in his grave.
So the phrase "Audacity of hope" is simply a vacuous bumper sticker?
No clue what you’re talking about, but my guess is it’s another of your whataboutisms. Don’t bother responding I don’t care.
I listened to yesterday's presser and then read later in the evening that many commentators said he lied. I didn't hear any lies. I heard highly un-nuanced statements, including the one about FDA approval of chloroquine, (which the FDA guy nuanced) and a highly optimistic take about the drug's efficacy. But I also heard the same overly optimistic statement from some dude at Stanford. Trump's critics called such statement lies and giving false hope. I don't agree and I think they are being way overly critical.
How about when he said he didn’t know of any cases where people who have wanted to be tested were not able to do so? I could provide him multiple cases.
CNN has the video up. The reporter says, What do you say the the Americans who are scared" and starts with some numbers of infected and dead and Trump responds with "I say that you are a nasty reporter".
Again that’s out of context. I watched the entire thing. It was the question that came before about false hope that set him off.
CNN has the video up. The reporter says, What do you say the the Americans who are scared" and starts with some numbers of infected and dead and Trump responds with "I say that you are a nasty reporter".
again. Look at something other than cnn. The question that actually pissed him off was the question about providing false hope.
Again that’s out of context. I watched the entire thing. It was the question that came before about false hope that set him off.

again. Look at something other than cnn. The question that actually pissed him off was the question about providing false hope.
So the leader of the free world got “pissed off” at a reporter asking about giving false hope to people? Is there any questions that requires him to tell the truth that doesn’t piss him off?(specifically one that he has already lied about numerous times before). we are close to zero case, this will all blow over etc
So the leader of the free world got “pissed off” at a reporter asking about giving false hope to people? Is there any questions that requires him to tell the truth that doesn’t piss him off?(specifically one that he has already lied about numerous times before). we are close to zero case, this will all blow over etc
My point was and is simply that argumentative questions designed to capture gotcha moment sound bites are wholly political and have a time and a place imo. The 50 questions zeke sets forth above are just that type. Fine in nov, fine in another setting, not okay imo during a presser intended to provide updates. That’s all.
Ah the old emotions thing again. Sorry but I don’t feel the need to bow and be obsequious to dear leader. The questions aren’t supposed to provide us with the information, the answers are. It’s not emotion to call a spade a spade. When he lies, he should be called upon it, especially when people’s lives depend upon it. Perhaps, if he got uncomfortable enough about being called out for these lies, he’d stop doing it. Nomother President has gotten away with constantly and consistently lying to the American public. The only reason the press doesn’t do it more is because they are afraid of his throwing a temper tantrum like he did yesterday. Something no other President would have gotten away with either. Sorry, but we don’t change the rules because we have an incompetent toddler in office, we still ask the difficult questions. You need to take a journalism class or two. Dr. Gray would be spinning in his grave.
Good questions. Not sensational questions.
My point was and is simply that argumentative questions designed to capture gotcha moment sound bites are wholly political and have a time and a place imo. The 50 questions zeke sets forth above are just that type. Fine in nov, fine in another setting, not okay imo during a presser intended to provide updates. That’s all.
I understand, I am guessing many reporters are reacting to comments made by the prez that are inappropriate & not related to the briefing. Doesn’t make it right, but does make it understandable. The prez SHOULD be a leader and stay above the fray
I understand, I am guessing many reporters are reacting to comments made by the prez that are inappropriate & not related to the briefing. Doesn’t make it right, but does make it understandable. The prez SHOULD be a leader and stay above the fray
Agreed on all counts. The reporters questions aren’t designed to elicit info, they are politically calculated to get him to look bad and argue. He is too insecure and narcissistic to act presidential and respond appropriately. The combo leads to wasting much of the public’s time.
Again that’s out of context. I watched the entire thing. It was the question that came before about false hope that set him off.

again. Look at something other than cnn. The question that actually pissed him off was the question about providing false hope.

Right, but then he was given the softball question. There was no reason to fight the last war at that point. He had a perfectly reasonable and valid question but refused to take it.
As to the false hope question, I heard a doctor discussing this sort of issue earlier in the week. He said one of the things they train surgeons on is honesty. Never tell a patient they will mot feel pain, because if they do it seems far worse to them.

I know when I had my two knee replacements the doc was clear, there would be pain. But they can manage it to tolerable levels.

Trump should try to boost spirits. But there needs to be a certain reality behind it.
Right, but then he was given the softball question. There was no reason to fight the last war at that point. He had a perfectly reasonable and valid question but refused to take it.
The question you quoted was his tipping point. Remember it’s not an isolated incident. It’s a piling on such that he walks to the podium on edge an in anticipation of a fight. This is clearly evidenced by the reporter’s question on trading that mentioned two republicans but left out the democrat. It’s the milieu created by our current culture and he lacks the confidence and maturity to be above it. He’s not presidential. At all.
I don't recall Trump's zero cases prediction once the virus reached here. Do you have a link for that?

Here is the link to the press conference in question. While you're watching it, remember almost a month prior, Senators that were in a closed door meeting, began dumping their investments. That is not the tone I get from the press conference. So either the President was misrepresenting the dangers to the American people, or he was misinformed and inept.

I hope we get to see how the Trump/Kushner families portfolios performed over the last few months. That may shed some light on the lying vs ineptitude debate.
you’re allowing your emotions to get the better of you and your opinions. All those questions can be asked in nov when he’s voted out. All acceptable then. Every one of those questions is argumentative and provides us with zero info about what where we are today and what we need to do today.

This is spot on. The room and airwaves need to be cleared of idiots and entertainers who are focused either on getting re elected or getting Biden in. The are adding nothing to the serious conversation.

The Press room would then consist of the Crisis Task Force (sans DT and MP) and about three legitimate Journalists. We would all benefit.
This is spot on. The room and airwaves need to be cleared of idiots and entertainers who are focused either on getting re elected or getting Biden in. The are adding nothing to the serious conversation.

The Press room would then consist of the Crisis Task Force (sans DT and MP) and about three legitimate Journalists. We would all benefit.
The question you quoted was his tipping point. Remember it’s not an isolated incident. It’s a piling on such that he walks to the podium on edge an in anticipation of a fight. This is clearly evidenced by the reporter’s question on trading that mentioned two republicans but left out the democrat. It’s the milieu created by our current culture and he lacks the confidence and maturity to be above it. He’s not presidential. At all.
In regards to the question regarding trading - the prez started it by stating only a Democrat, therefore the reporter only brought up republicans that the prez failed to “remember”
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My point was and is simply that argumentative questions designed to capture gotcha moment sound bites are wholly political and have a time and a place imo. The 50 questions zeke sets forth above are just that type. Fine in nov, fine in another setting, not okay imo during a presser intended to provide updates. That’s all.

You’re so full of sh!t you don’t even realize your bias. There was no problem with the question. The problem is lack of leadership. And the more you continue on with your lame arguments the more credibility you lose. #losing
Again that’s out of context. I watched the entire thing. It was the question that came before about false hope that set him off.

again. Look at something other than cnn. The question that actually pissed him off was the question about providing false hope.
Are you a mind reader now?