todays presser some reporter asked trump about his approval rating

Zeke on ignore has greatly improved the quality of discussion here and I am three steps to the left of you. Recommend it.
I reside in a permanent spot in Courtsense’s brain. Much like Obama in Trump’s. I feel quite honored that the only bipartisan person here feels so deeply about me. Hopefully, you can all learn from him and become as fair, unbiased , and independent as he is. Just ask him.
I reside in a permanent spot in Courtsense’s brain. Much like Obama in Trump’s. I feel quite honored that the only bipartisan person here feels so deeply about me. Hopefully, you can all learn from him and become as fair, unbiased , and independent as he is. Just ask him.
I ignored Court long ago. Not for anything egregious, just decided he didn’t add any value for me. Life choice.
I didn’t listen but sounds like today’s presser was a little off the rails again. I did hear the Mitt Romney comment. So nice to hear a compassionate, empathetic leader. Hopefully we have one in 10 months.
After a couple of reasonable events...If you saw yesterday afternoon's presser you saw a vapid waste of time consisting of a semi-coherent rant about his own finances and how much he spent "to be President". It was like a live twitter session.
If you want to watch a real press conference on the Coronavirus watch Gov Cuomo! FACTS are given are he lays out exactly where they are and where they want to be. So encouraging to see what a true leader looks like.
If you want to watch a real press conference on the Coronavirus watch Gov Cuomo! FACTS are given are he lays out exactly where they are and where they want to be. So encouraging to see what a true leader looks like.

The guy has grown on me. He rubbed me the wrong way at first (maybe just the arrogant NY act) but he is doing a good job and i am listening.
Linked from Drudge:

'I know, but what do you want me to do?': Fauci's strikingly honest review of Trump's coronavirus response

Dr. Anthony Fauci's interview with Science magazine began on an inauspicious note. Asked how he's doing right now, Fauci said he was "exhausted" but "good."

"I mean, I'm not, to my knowledge, coronavirus-infected," he said, before adding with a laugh: "To my knowledge, I haven't been fired."

The half-joke was a sign of things to come. What followed were several exchanges that should help people take stock of President Donald Trump's response to the coronavirus. Repeatedly, Fauci tacitly and even openly admitted that comments made by the commander in chief are not true and are not in line with what the nation's leading infectious disease expert is advising.​
Linked from Drudge:

'I know, but what do you want me to do?': Fauci's strikingly honest review of Trump's coronavirus response

Dr. Anthony Fauci's interview with Science magazine began on an inauspicious note. Asked how he's doing right now, Fauci said he was "exhausted" but "good."

"I mean, I'm not, to my knowledge, coronavirus-infected," he said, before adding with a laugh: "To my knowledge, I haven't been fired."

The half-joke was a sign of things to come. What followed were several exchanges that should help people take stock of President Donald Trump's response to the coronavirus. Repeatedly, Fauci tacitly and even openly admitted that comments made by the commander in chief are not true and are not in line with what the nation's leading infectious disease expert is advising.​

Fauci will end up replaced unless his recommendations are congruent with trump’s take on things. The economy will soon trump health in trump’s eyes.
Fauci will end up replaced unless his recommendations are congruent with trump’s take on things. The economy will soon trump health in trump’s eyes.
That's what scares me. Fauci will cross some imaginary line and Trump will push him aside. I doubt he would fire him outright, but he would take away the doctor's place at the podium. Trump's got plenty of people standing up there with him who are more than willing to suck his ass to the degree required.
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That's what scares me. Fauci will cross some imaginary line and Trump will push him aside. I doubt he would fire him outright, but he would take away the doctor's place at the podium. Trump's got plenty of people standing up there with him who are more than willing to suck his ass to the degree required.

Let's hope not.
Any rumor that Fauci and Trump are at odds with eachother are false.

From March 22.
I trust that situation is fluid. Reading between the lines of trump's recent comments, i suspect he isn't going to wait too long to prime our economic pump - health-risk be damned. if fauci believes a diff't course is more prudent, we won't see him at the podium. just an opinion.
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I trust that situation is fluid. Reading between the lines of trump's recent comments, i suspect he isn't going to wait too long to prime our economic pump - health-risk be damned. if fauci believes a diff't course is more prudent, we won't see him at the podium. just an opinion.

That's a fair point. At what point is a cure worse than the disease is a question mwe might have to face.
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That's what scares me. Fauci will cross some imaginary line and Trump will push him aside. I doubt he would fire him outright, but he would take away the doctor's place at the podium. Trump's got plenty of people standing up there with him who are more than willing to suck his ass to the degree required.
At some point it will dawn on Mr. Mango that Dr. Fauci is the one people actually want to hear from and that will be the end. Mango is egotistical, insecure and ignorant; by all accounts Dr. Fauci is none of those things, and that will be his undoing not an imaginary line he crossed.
At some point it will dawn on Mr. Mango that Dr. Fauci is the one people actually want to hear from and that will be the end. Mango is egotistical, insecure and ignorant; by all accounts Dr. Fauci is none of those things, and that will be his undoing not an imaginary line he crossed.
Any explanation why Fauci is absent from tonight's presser?
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Any explanation why Fauci is absent from tonight's presser?

Trump saw the video of him covering a laugh when Trump started talking about the "deep state department", and has been told about Fauci's interview where he admitted to trying to undo some of the damage from Trump's lies. I think it's likely we don't see him on TV again.
Trump saw the video of him covering a laugh when Trump started talking about the "deep state department", and has been told about Fauci's interview where he admitted to trying to undo some of the damage from Trump's lies. I think it's likely we don't see him on TV again.
Has anyone asked? Was he mentioned at all?
He might just have needed some rest. The female doctor (Dr. Brix[?]) looked like she was about to pass out a couple of hours ago...
She said she'd been sick, thought it was a gastro thing, got tested, and was negative.

I still am curious about Fauci's absence, what with the recent press he's gotten about being the rock star of the pressers and him and Trump not being totally in synch.
I love both Pence and Trump talking about going back to work if you’ve been exposed but no symptoms and perhaps social distancing not being a good thing. No wonder Dr. Fauci wasn’t there. And of course the great Trump line, when asked if Fauci agrees with him about reopening the country he said ‘“ He doesn’t not agree .” WTH?
So DR Oz is at the town hall today and still no Dr. Fauci. I expect Dr. Drew to show up tomorrow. He was an early leader at how overblown this all way.