Russia claims to have compromise info on Trump

Of course it's simple - in every election in our history the loser would have been the winner if everyone that voted third party or didn't vote had voted for said loser instead. I say again, so what? It's a useless fact.
The only point is this. If you vote for a contender you own that vote. If you abstain or vote for a sure loser you own the winner.
The only point is this. If you vote for a contender you own that vote. If you abstain or vote for a sure loser you own the winner.
Your point is wrong. I achieved my goal of having nothing to do with the election of Trump (or HRC, if she had won). Are we done now? ;)
IUJIM likes your post. ;)

I could, but that would be moronic because it's very highly unlikely that Johnson's voters would have flipped the election to HRC if Johnson hadn't run. I know you're super smart so you wouldn't be pushing such a theory. If anyone doesn't think you're super smart, they can ask you. You'll tell them you are super smart . . . and very successful, and made a lot of money . . . and drive a cool, expensive car. I mean awesome for you, man. We are all impressed and everyone should know how smart and special you are and that they shouldn't expect moronic posts from you. You're nothing like we get from a mouth breathing hyper-partisan moron that often posts idiotic things here at the WC. For example, this dimwit thinks that voting for Johnson in Ohio cost HRC the state. He claims to have thought this even though the margin of Trump's victory in Ohio was greater than the number of votes Johnson got in Ohio. It was pointed out that every single Johnson vote could be flipped over to HRC and she'd still lose, but that didn't phase the moron. Imagine being that thick! Seriously, it's hard to believe a person that stupid could figure out what the shapes on his keyboard mean, let alone be able to put those shapes together into some semi-coherent sentences on this forum. People here are often stunned by the truly stupid stuff that he believes. Dude, gets all upset when others don't agree with his stupid posts so he gets all emotional and posts really asinine stuff and gets deleted by the moderators. This happens over and over. Hell, he's such an emotional ignoramus that every post he contributed for the first few days after the election was deleted. Frankly, he's a bit cuckoo. He's routinely listed as the worst poster, or one of the worst posters (there is some completion), by the genuinely smart posters on this board - from both sides of the aisle. That should hurt, but he's too stupid to realize he's stupid.

Obviously, that's not you. You're super smart. You're special.

Edited to correct autocorrect errors.
Just a thought, Dave.

The problem with your Stormfront debacle isn't that you shared an article without checking out the source. I mean, that's a problem, but it's not really why people are flabbergasted by what you did. The real problem is that you read an article on Stormfront, and said to yourself, "Yeah, that sounds about right." If you find yourself agreeing with Mein Kampf, it's no excuse that you didn't realize Hitler wrote the book; there's something inherently wrong with you.

Now, I totally understand (and empathize) that it might be frustrating to have deal with the same thing directed at you for years on end (go ask the AOTF, "What's Goat's opinion of Collin Hartman?" and you'll see what I mean), but when you discover that you agree with Nazis, maybe instead of focusing on the fact that you didn't notice they were Nazis, a little self-reflection might be in order.
I am appalled at your post and extremely offended. It is clear (and the reason I have posted little over the last month) that you enjoy offending anyone that disagreed with you. Name on "Nazi" premise that I support. I linked to a comment which has nothing to do with "Nazi". The premise was correct the source was not. .
I am appalled at your post and extremely offended. It is clear (and the reason I have posted little over the last month) that you enjoy offending anyone that disagreed with you. Name on "Nazi" premise that I support. I linked to a comment which has nothing to do with "Nazi". The premise was correct the source was not. .
Dave, IIRC, the article you shared had something to do with race policies. It was clearly written from a white supremacist point of view. "The premise was correct?" Good God, Dave, what is wrong with you? I certainly didn't intend to offend you by suggesting a little self-reflection might be in order, but prepare to be even more offended: a lot of self-reflection is clearly in order. Stormfront is not a website for people who get some things right, but just happen to be Nazis. Every single thing posted there is written from the point of view of white racial superiority. That you can even find something there that you agree with says there is something wrong with you, Dave.
AND, I warned the tinfoil terrors not to get trolled by 4chan. Didn't seem to slow down two or three of the less stable moonbats, though.

Damnit Mas. 4chan had nothing to do with the server communication between Trump and Russia.

Not a damn thing. Stop swallowing talking points and regurgitating them. The 4chan thing happened AFTER this information broke. It was an attempt to get folks to ignore the connection.

Go look at the evidence. It's very curious, if not damning.
In 2014 Trump thought Russia was our biggest problem and what they were doing in Ukraine was horrible:
This thread is EPIC!

There are at least 18 permutations of conversations going on here. And I think every member of the WC has posted!
This thread is EPIC!

There are at least 18 permutations of conversations going on here. And I think every member of the WC has posted!
Get used to it. Trump is going to have many of us left with our jaws on the ground.
Your point is wrong. I achieved my goal of having nothing to do with the election of Trump (or HRC, if she had won). Are we done now? ;)
Are you saying that you had nothing to do with the election of Trump because you voted for Johnson and there weren't enough Johnson voters to swing the election? Could you have also achieved that same goal by abstaining? Just want to clarify. ;)
Are you saying that you had nothing to do with the election of Trump because you voted for Johnson and there weren't enough Johnson voters to swing the election? Could you have also achieved that same goal by abstaining? Just want to clarify. ;)
Yes, I had nothing to do with electing Trump. I had two goals. First, I wanted no responsibility for electing either of the two candidates. Second, I hoped that there would be enough third party votes to send a message to both parties that they need to do a lot better next time. Abstaining wouldn't have allowed me to contribute to my second goal. My votes accomplished all I set out to do.

Edited to answer the question directly and up front.
Last edited:

Yes, I had nothing to do with electing Trump. I had two goals. First, I wanted no responsibility for electing either of the two candidates. Second, I hoped that there would be enough third party votes to send a message to both parties that they need to do a lot better next time. Abstaining wouldn't have allowed me to contribute to my second goal. My votes accomplished all I set out to do.

Edited to answer the question directly and up front.
If your ship is headed toward land whether you positively affirm the current course or only give orders to make tea makes no difference. If you say that running aground was better than the alternative then I say fine. You are responsible for running aground and you own it. But, if you say that you didn't want to be responsible for running aground or changing course so you made tea instead then I say the tea was irrelevant and you are still responsible for running aground. If making tea still somehow makes you feel not responsible then I think you are drinking Johnson's tea. ;)
If your ship is headed toward land whether you positively affirm the current course or only give orders to make tea makes no difference. If you say that running aground was better than the alternative then I say fine. You are responsible for running aground and you own it. But, if you say that you didn't want to be responsible for running aground or changing course so you made tea instead then I say the tea was irrelevant and you are still responsible for running aground. If making tea still somehow makes you feel not responsible then I think you are drinking Johnson's tea. ;)
I understand responsibility and I understand ships. The ship analogy is not relevant. I have zero responsibility for Trump's election - I succeeded in my mission as I always have. ;)
I see that Anonymous has made some tweets that sound like they are going after Trump information. I'm going to say what I said about Clinton's data, stealing information isn't what we should be doing in a free and democratic society that respects personal liberties. Anonymous shouldn't do it, and if they do I hope they get caught (but sadly the truth is they will do it and there is nearly 0% chance the individuals will get caught).
I see that Anonymous has made some tweets that sound like they are going after Trump information. I'm going to say what I said about Clinton's data, stealing information isn't what we should be doing in a free and democratic society that respects personal liberties. Anonymous shouldn't do it, and if they do I hope they get caught (but sadly the truth is they will do it and there is nearly 0% chance the individuals will get caught).
Boy this is going to get ugly. I hate Trump but this just harms America's interests.
Dave, IIRC, the article you shared had something to do with race policies. It was clearly written from a white supremacist point of view. "The premise was correct?" Good God, Dave, what is wrong with you? I certainly didn't intend to offend you by suggesting a little self-reflection might be in order, but prepare to be even more offended: a lot of self-reflection is clearly in order. Stormfront is not a website for people who get some things right, but just happen to be Nazis. Every single thing posted there is written from the point of view of white racial superiority. That you can even find something there that you agree with says there is something wrong with you, Dave.
Your last sentence there..uhh, that has been obvious for quite some time about Dave.
So much of that early information has been proven true. I don't think there is any doubt at this point they have compromising information.
So much of that early information has been proven true. I don't think there is any doubt at this point they have compromising information.
It's become virtually impossible to identify any other explanation for Trump's behavior.

One thing people don't consider when they praise Trump as "not just another politician" is that he hasn't led his life in the way that people who aspire to high office tend to do. John Edwards infamously flamed out over a crazy stupid scandal that would have kept any non-megalomaniac out of a presidential campaign, but people who know they'll be intensely scrutinized tend to lead careful lives.

Trump, on the other hand, has led a life of wretched excess while making his money in sleazy deals with creepy characters. I'd be astonished if he weren't compromised in some way, or if his business dealings could survive the intense scrutiny they'll receive from Robert Mueller.

I have no doubt that Trump has a great deal to hide. The question here is merely how much of what we don't know is known to Vladimir Putin.
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It's become virtually impossible to identify any other explanation for Trump's behavior.

One thing people don't consider when they praise Trump as "not just another politician" is that he hasn't led his life in the way that people who aspire to high office tend to do. John Edwards infamously flamed out over a crazy stupid scandal that would have kept any non-megalomaniac out of a presidential campaign, but people who know they'll be intensely scrutinized tend to lead careful lives.

Trump, on the other hand, has led a life of wretched excess while making his money in sleazy deals with creepy characters. I'd be astonished if he weren't compromised in some way, or if his business dealings could survive the intense scrutiny they'll receive from Robert Mueller.

I have no doubt that Trump has a great deal to hide. The question here is merely how much of what we don't know is known to Vladimir Putin.

It's a safe assumption that the types of people that would do business with someone like Trump don't do business with you unless they have something on you. It's their form of insurance.
I think I was the only one, a couple months ago, that said she'd been right on a couple things, but she has gotten consistently more hysterical. I don't think much of anyone takes her as a credible source. InfoWars, on the other hand....
I know a few who still take her seriously. Not very many, but a few. Mostly the same people who take Bill Palmer seriously.
Since Trump (70% liar according to all fact checkers) says CNN doesn't tell the truth...then for god sakes believe the Russian collaborator!

I am actually saddened by people like you.

CNN has been right all along and Trump has lied all along, yet you're going to toss the truth tower in the garbage vs. the pathological liar?

Got it!!!

Surely CNN is the go to organization?
Stormfront is not a website for people who get some things right, but just happen to be Nazis. Every single thing posted there is written from the point of view of white racial superiority. That you can even find something there that you agree with says there is something wrong with you, Dave.
This is the first paragraph of what the Wikipedia says about Stormfront:

"Stormfront is a white nationalist,[3] white supremacist[4] and neo-Nazi[5] Internet forum that was the Web's first major racial hate site.[6]"

I think I was the only one, a couple months ago, that said she'd been right on a couple things, but she has gotten consistently more hysterical. I don't think much of anyone takes her as a credible source. InfoWars, on the other hand....
Thread hijack...

Zeke, I've been chastised more than once (even here, I believe) for using the term "hysterical" when describing a woman's rantings. Supposedly it's considered extremely sexist and condescending. So what's the deal? Is this like n****r? Is it okay for women to use the term, but not men?

Not trying to pick a fight, either. Just want another view. Heck, SWMBO has given me the hairy eyeball for using the term, and I wasn't even directing it at her!
Thread hijack...

Zeke, I've been chastised more than once (even here, I believe) for using the term "hysterical" when describing a woman's rantings. Supposedly it's considered extremely sexist and condescending. So what's the deal? Is this like n****r? Is it okay for women to use the term, but not men?

Not trying to pick a fight, either. Just want another view. Heck, SWMBO has given me the hairy eyeball for using the term, and I wasn't even directing it at her!

The word hysterical in relation to women was a reference to how they were perceived to act during their menstrual cycles. The medical term hysterectomy is literally translated to "remove the hysteria" or something like that. Remove the uterus, stop menstrual cycles, stop the hysterical behavior.
The word hysterical in relation to women was a reference to how they were perceived to act during their menstrual cycles. The medical term hysterectomy is literally translated to "remove the hysteria" or something like that. Remove the uterus, stop menstrual cycles, stop the hysterical behavior.
I know the etymology. Just was asking about how it's now become verboten, and the double standard (if that's what it is) with Zeke using the term herself. That's been a relatively recent thing, seems to me at least.
I know the etymology. Just was asking about how it's now become verboten, and the double standard (if that's what it is) with Zeke using the term herself. That's been a relatively recent thing, seems to me at least.

Right, but the etymology explains why it's particularly offensive to some women. It has been for as long as I can remember used to degrade. To answer your question, yes, it's kinda like the n-word now. You should watch the clip of Ice Cube on Bill Maher's show after Maher made the "I'm a house n*****" comment. Just picture a woman speaking about the word hysterical. Obviously hysterical isn't as socially unacceptable as the n-word and can still be used freely to describe lots of things. To some women it's different when it's aimed directly at them. I'm not a woman so zeke is more qualified to answer this. I'm just passing on what I've observed and what I've talked to women about over the years.
Right, but the etymology explains why it's particularly offensive to some women. It has been for as long as I can remember used to degrade.
That's where I've been caught up short. I never used to think/know/understand it had a degrading, offensive, sexist connotation. I used it without regard to the sex of the person to describe crazy, irrational, over the top behavior.
Thread hijack...

Zeke, I've been chastised more than once (even here, I believe) for using the term "hysterical" when describing a woman's rantings. Supposedly it's considered extremely sexist and condescending. So what's the deal? Is this like n****r? Is it okay for women to use the term, but not men?

Not trying to pick a fight, either. Just want another view. Heck, SWMBO has given me the hairy eyeball for using the term, and I wasn't even directing it at her!
Ha. I'll have to think about this one. I am familiar with the origins of the word, and the way women were treated for it. It's a hard one, because I have heard it used against women, kind of like the word shrill or bitch, when it was a word that wouldn't be used to describe a man doing the same thing. For example , if a woman is passionate and emotional about something, sometimes she might be called hysterical. I use it for both men and women. Long story short, maybe it's like the n word, and women can use it but men can't? The best I can do is it's more a situational thing IMO. But if you get the hairy eyeball, I'd refrain.
( Speaking of which, I thought hairy eyeball was only a term my family used.....where did that come from? We have already taught my two year old niece how to do it . And she picked up a pick of Trump and wanted to know who he was giving the hairy eyeball too)

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