Poor Loser Trump -- loses again

How is that a cult? Because they believe different than you? Again, there has never been a political cult like Trumpstwrs and it’s not even close. And these morons add to his bankroll by buying his made in China MAGA crap.
How exactly did President Obama f it up? You know, besides helping to save millions with preexisting conditions and allow millions to have affordable healthcare? I know that’s probably a negative in your book.

Had nothing to do with prepandemuc, did it? PS unemployment is lower now, more jobs, deficit has been cut. No wars? You missed it? Inflation is worldwide. But good try.
Wow you are worked up teach. You can't even spell today


Addressing some of your other spastic ramblings.

What war did Trump start? You basically have no clue about 95% of the BS you post but it sure doesnt slow you down. I have no clue what you are even trying to say in your ''prepandemuc'' rant and you don't either.
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What do you disagree with here?
Again you don't want anyone dare tell you what to do with your body but you are totally fine telling others. Who would think people can be such hypocritical morons? Oh that's right you are a liberal and that is what you do
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He killed it as president. I sure wish I could live in Wonderland like some of you people do. It would be a lot easier than reality.
You do live in Wonderland. Most of us wonder every day what world you live in. The world according to Zeke, all knowing in her own mind
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He’s just playing the Stupid False Equivalence game. Seems that’s all he’s got these days. Oh, and “virtue-signaling.”

The progressive wing is absolutely a cult. Aggressive. In your face. Against free inquiry. Censors. Certainly abhors the liberal ideal of pluralism as it's their belief or get out. You're just incapable of looking past your tunnel vision to see it. You don't have to go deep to recognize it's existence
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How exactly did President Obama f it up? You know, besides helping to save millions with preexisting conditions and allow millions to have affordable healthcare? I know that’s probably a negative in your book.
So it was OK to mess it up for a lot of people that had their own so some other people can get it for free? I'm sure it doesn't mean sh*t to you. You get all that for free plus a lot of pd time off every year. Why should you care about people that got saddled with the cost and /or lost their insurance?
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Guilt by association then pretty much entire Trump administration are criminals. Some cops are…
Again, work on your English . You have more conspiracy theories than half the board combined. It really pleases me that Trump was able to irritate you so badly for so long. I'd probably vote for him again just because of that.
So you won't answer - you did buy the liberal Russian Collusion Hoax.

Don't say you weren't influenced by them, because you were.
I’d answer if you explained what you think the Russia Collusion Hoax is. It means many things to cult members. Some are right and some are wrong.

I’m smart enough to recognize media bias and not be influenced by it - right or left. Facts are facts and I rely on those.
Who? Who are these very popular conservative Governors outside of DeSantis? Are you talking about the Republicans from the hill billy states?
Google is your friend. 14 of the 16 most popular governors are Republicans according to most recent polling. Very popular, by the way.

I'm just gonna leave this here. Theres been a slew of people recently visit Ukraine even Jill Biden. People here are suffering and all these assholes care about is lining their own pockets. We need term limits more than anything else right now. These guys, both pubs and dems, get settled in and its just a money game.

I'm struggling with this post as the Trump-appointed Judicial nominees appear to be overturning Roe VS. Wade. So why do I care about his personal stance or if he is lying about being Pro-life? All of his actions have been in support of life, so I am good to go.
Honesty and integrity used to be important to most Republicans. Trumpsters apparently don’t care about either. Congratulations, your cult leader is the most dishonest and integrity free President in my lifetime. That must make you all tingly with pride and happiness.
I voted for Rand Paul the first time Trump ran as I was a "never Trumper." But he killed it as a President. It shocked me, but he was good, especially considering the farce of the Russia investigation. Sadly, he became too isolated at the end and surrounded by too many morons(Rudy) providing terrible advice, which cost him the election.

If DeSantis or Trump wins the Primary, I will vote in the general election, but if it is some hack like Hutchison or a Romney type, I will skip voting for President as I have since Bush's re-election year.
People like you are why President Obama was elected twice. Did that make you happy?

Thanks for Obamacare.
Honesty and integrity used to be important to most Republicans. Trumpsters apparently don’t care about either. Congratulations, your cult leader is the most dishonest and integrity free President in my lifetime. That must make you all tingly with pride and happiness.
I think you're wrong. Read the article that I linked. I don't think it's Trunp. I think it's a subset or type within our party. Sadly. It predates trunp and will last after him. He just galvanized it.
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He’s just playing the Stupid False Equivalence game. Seems that’s all he’s got these days. Oh, and “virtue-signaling.”
Trump eats his fill from the community stew and then pisses in it, expecting us to be grateful. Some of us are and some of us aren’t. Simple as that.

The progressive wing is absolutely a cult. Aggressive. In your face. Against free inquiry. Censors. Certainly abhors the liberal ideal of pluralism as it's their belief or get out. You're just incapable of looking past your tunnel vision to see it. You don't have to go deep to recognize it's existence
Aggressive. In your face. Against free inquiry. Censors. Pretty good description of Trumpoublicans. This might be a very small wing if the progressive branch. It’s the norm of the Republicans party now. And if you aren’t that, they want to kick you out. Just like fearless leader.
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Aggressive. In your face. Against free inquiry. Censors. Pretty good description of Trumpoublicans. This might be a very small wing if the progressive branch. It’s the norm of the Republicans party now. And if you aren’t that, they want to kick you out. Just like fearless leader.
You are far too ate up to engage. Take care. Enjoy Nov. We'll see then....

The progressive wing is absolutely a cult. Aggressive. In your face. Against free inquiry. Censors. Certainly abhors the liberal ideal of pluralism as it's their belief or get out. You're just incapable of looking past your tunnel vision to see it. You don't have to go deep to recognize it's existence
Interesting article.

If the bulk of Republicans are just looking for a winner, then the best way for DeSantis to beat Trump in the primary is to pound him on losing the election in 2020.
You are far too ate up to engage. Take care. Enjoy Nov. We'll see then....
What does November have to do with any of that? If you don’t think Trumpublicans have taken over the party then you aren’t paying attention. How many examples do you need? No one in the world thinks JD Vance really believes the nonsense he’s spouting. But he knows he has to do it to win in this environment. Too ate up? Lol
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Interesting article.

If the bulk of Republicans are just looking for a winner, then the best way for DeSantis to beat Trump in the primary is to pound him on losing the election in 2020.
I'm not sure I'd use the word bulk; but I do agree there is a type within the party that was galvanized by trump. It wasn't Him, it was that he fed into what was already festering. Someone else could carry the baton. That same cult like group think waiting to erupt exists within the Dem party too, as we are witnessing
Well, it's tough when you listen to people like Cruz who flip their views faster than Trump can dial their phone number.

I wonder if anyone has come up with a list of GOP politicians/media that were saying how bad Jan 6 was at the time or soon after but then later changed their mind and claimed it as a nothing burger. Wonder what orange man had to do to sway them?
Well, no, actually, I'm pretty sure Cruz waits for Trump's phone calls before he flips his position. 😬
What does November have to do with any of that? If you don’t think Trumpublicans have taken over the party then you aren’t paying attention. How many examples do you need? No one in the world thinks JD Vance really believes the nonsense he’s spouting. But he knows he has to do it to win in this environment. Too ate up? Lol

You are so hyper partisan that to engage you is like a woodpecker pounding a tree. No matter how poorly the Dems do; no matter how cultish blm and the wokesters behave you will look past it. Your view is cemented; I could type your every thought while doing a million other things. It's pissing in the wind to interact with you. You have zero objectivity. None. Everything is but Trunp or partyline bs. It's stupid to be honest.
Google is your friend. 14 of the 16 most popular governors are Republicans according to most recent polling. Very popular, by the way.

Lots of good choices there....unfortunately unless the fever breaks in the next two years, none will be considered viable.
And Biden told us last July it'll be over. how can some of you be so partisan. I don't get it

They both suck. It's not a mystery. Biden is awful. Trump is awful. The woke cult is a danger to society. The cabella's army is a danger to society. Personal preference is immaterial. They are all inept or unreasonable
Who is your backup choice after Trump and DeSantis?
Aggressive. In your face. Against free inquiry. Censors. Pretty good description of Trumpoublicans. This might be a very small wing if the progressive branch. It’s the norm of the Republicans party now. And if you aren’t that, they want to kick you out. Just like fearless leader.
Karen Bass.

Strong, able contender for the vice president slot next to Joe Biden.

Canceled. Karen Bass canceled.

For saying this in 2010:

“The Church of Scientology, I know, has made a difference, because your creed is a universal creed and one that speaks to all people everywhere,” she says in the video.

“That is why the words are exciting of your founder L Ron Hubbard, in the creed of the Church of Scientology: That all people of whatever race, colour or creed are created with equal rights.”
Aggressive. In your face. Against free inquiry. Censors. Pretty good description of Trumpoublicans. This might be a very small wing if the progressive branch. It’s the norm of the Republicans party now. And if you aren’t that, they want to kick you out. Just like fearless leader.
WTH are Trumpoublicans? You have basically become a cartoon character . Did you get your hair highlighted and they leave the tinfoil in?

You should really consider some form of counseling because it is becoming quite obvious you are going nuts.
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So it was OK to mess it up for a lot of people that had their own so some other people can get it for free? I'm sure it doesn't mean sh*t to you. You get all that for free plus a lot of pd time off every year. Why should you care about people that got saddled with the cost and /or lost their insurance?
Every single person in the U.S. has always had the right to receive medical treatment regardless of their ability to pay. Medical ethics requires this.

The indigent know they can always get free medical treatment at a hospital ER. And yes, more affluent people pay higher bills to the hospitals to make up for the unpaid hospital bills of the indigent (either directly to the hospital or indirectly through their higher premiums for insurance to pay the hospital).

So, you are correct to say that you are getting "saddled" with someone's else medical bills -- but you're blaming the wrong cause. And this would not be prevented by that "market-based" healthcare system that one of your buddies keeps suggesting Sorry.
The progressive wing is absolutely a cult. Aggressive. In your face.
That's not what the author writes at all. He clearly identifies aggression as a key feature of the Cult of Personality which he links to the right:

"The right’s cult is different. Hamilton calls it a cult of personality. That can imply “Trump,” but I think it’s deeper (and Hamilton notes that it’s deeper). It’s a cult of a certain type of personality, one that is relentlessly, personally, and often punitively aggressive. The aggression is mandatory. The ideology is malleable.

What we now call “Trumpism” is really Trump’s imprint on an impulse that pre-existed Trump and is likely to persist well past his presidency. If you pay little attention to talk radio, you’re likely missing the extent of devotion to the cult of aggression."

There's little point in citing an article if you're going to reference it incorrectly.
That's not what the author writes at all. He clearly identifies aggression as a key feature of the Cult of Personality which he links to the right:

"The right’s cult is different. Hamilton calls it a cult of personality. That can imply “Trump,” but I think it’s deeper (and Hamilton notes that it’s deeper). It’s a cult of a certain type of personality, one that is relentlessly, personally, and often punitively aggressive. The aggression is mandatory. The ideology is malleable.

What we now call “Trumpism” is really Trump’s imprint on an impulse that pre-existed Trump and is likely to persist well past his presidency. If you pay little attention to talk radio, you’re likely missing the extent of devotion to the cult of aggression."

There's little point in citing an article if you're going to reference it incorrectly.
Lmao your fixation on Trump is hilarious. Did you see quotes around what I wrote? No. That means I'm not quoting from the article. Those are my words. No quotations. Had I used the author's words I. Would. Quote. The. Author.

The article talks about a cult of IDEOLOGY and the left. That was the point - in keeping with our earlier fruitless discussion. There doesn't have to be a single leader. But of course your brain predictably jumped to Trump Trump Trump and missed all that. Yawn. Cult of ideology. Not a new thing.
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Every single person in the U.S. has always had the right to receive medical treatment regardless of their ability to pay. Medical ethics requires this.

The indigent know they can always get free medical treatment at a hospital ER. And yes, more affluent people pay higher bills to the hospitals to make up for the unpaid hospital bills of the indigent (either directly to the hospital or indirectly through their higher premiums for insurance to pay the hospital).

So, you are correct to say that you are getting "saddled" with someone's else medical bills -- but you're blaming the wrong cause. And this would not be prevented by that "market-based" healthcare system that one of your buddies keeps suggesting Sorry.
Yes and it effects you less if you never use your insurance. What that idiots plan did to normal people's insurance is criminal. You really ,like always, have little idea WTH you are talking about. In a few yrs I went from having a good insurance policy at a decent price to none at all and if I do need to use a hospital I will gladly let you pay your share of it.
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Lmao your fixation on Trump is hilarious. Did you see quotes around what I wrote? No. That means I'm not quoting from the article. Those are my words. No quotations. Had I used the author's words I. Would. Quote. The. Author.

The article talks about a cult of IDEOLOGY and the left. That was the point - in keeping with our earlier fruitless discussion. There doesn't have to be a single leader. But of course your brain predictably jumped to Trump Trump Trump and missed all that. Yawn. Cult of ideology. Not a new thing.
I quoted directly from a piece you cited. If you cite an article an support of an argument, you shouldn't be dismissive of or, worse, distort its major theme.

I used to enjoy engaging with you but your posts have declined to essentially a handful of talking points, phrases du jour - - Trump obsession, virtue-signaling, etc- - and personal attacks. Start referencing "Russian Collusion" and you'll be in danc territory. You're not far away.
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I quoted directly from a piece you cited. If you cite an article an support of an argument, you shouldn't be dismissive of or, worse, distort its major theme.

I used to enjoy engaging with you but your posts have declined to essentially a handful of talking points, phrases du jour - - Trump obsession, virtue-signaling, etc- - and personal attacks. Start referencing "Russian Collusion" and you'll be in danc territory. You're not far away.
Negative. Do you understand how quotes work? You went straight to Trunp trump trump. The reference was that there are cults on both sides. The salient part of our convo. Now you are back-peddling. I've never enjoyed "engaging" with you. You're a hyper partisan poster with tunnel vision. You are basically HickoryBowl. Trump all the time. Moronic really. And why you are an easy target for Danc to slap around. Nevertheless I hope I taught you something about cults. A leader isn't required.
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I quoted directly from a piece you cited. If you cite an article an support of an argument, you shouldn't be dismissive of or, worse, distort its major theme.

I used to enjoy engaging with you but your posts have declined to essentially a handful of talking points, phrases du jour - - Trump obsession, virtue-signaling, etc- - and personal attacks. Start referencing "Russian Collusion" and you'll be in danc territory. You're not far away.
You claimed a cult requires a singular leader, McMurtry posted an article that outlines that it doesn’t. So you should just stop now.
Negative. Do you understand how quotes work? You went straight to Trunp trump trump. The reference was that there are cults on both sides. The salient part of our convo. Now you are back-peddling. I've never enjoyed "engaging" with you. You're a hyper partisan poster with tunnel vision. You are basically HickoryBowl. Trump all the time. Moronic really. And why you are an easy target for Danc to slap around. Nevertheless I hope I taught you something about cults. A leader isn't required.
I quoted directly from a piece you cited. If you cite an article an support of an argument, you shouldn't be dismissive of or, worse, distort its major theme.

I used to enjoy engaging with you but your posts have declined to essentially a handful of talking points, phrases du jour - - Trump obsession, virtue-signaling, etc- - and personal attacks. Start referencing "Russian Collusion" and you'll be in danc territory. You're not far away.

Yes and it effects you less if you never use your insurance. What that idiots plan did to normal people's insurance is criminal. You really ,like always, have little idea WTH you are talking about. In a few yrs I went from having a good insurance policy at a decent price to none at all and if I do need to use a hospital I will gladly let you pay your share of it.
English, please.
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