Poor Loser Trump -- loses again

My point is that the Trump Cult has no domestic parallel in 2022 and is unlike anything I've ever seen in American politics. Very authoritarian-like and, for that reason, beyond troubling.
And again that's your bent. I feel the same about the left wing of the Dems. To echo Musk: divisive exclusionary and hateful. And for those reasons, along with their influence, unlike anything I've ever seen. Very troubling. Dangerous even. Controlling and authoritarian. We saw it with the summer of love and Twitter and this new agency being created by the Feds. Scary, scary stuff. IUCrazy May be right. We might have to fight back harder. Our democracy is in danger when one group wants to control everything. Yikes. Scary
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And again that's your bent. I feel the same about the left wing of the Dems. To echo Musk: divisive exclusionary and hateful. And for those reasons, along with their influence, unlike anything I've ever seen. Very troubling. Dangerous even. Controlling and authoritarian. We saw it with the summer of love and Twitter and this new agency being created by the Feds. Scary, scary stuff. IUCrazy May be right. We might have to fight back harder. Our democracy is in danger when one group wants to control everything. Yikes. Scary
Musk just announced that when he takes control of Twitter, Trump is welcome back!😄
For the first half of his presidency, he dealt with a political insurrection that tried to overturn our democratic election. In the second half, he dealt with Covid while dealing with the second round of political insurrection.

You people are seriously bananas. Yes, he didn't get everything he wanted or promised. Shocking that this happened in a democracy. Maybe next time, you shouldn't spend four years trying to destroy a President with lies because you think he is mean and makes you feel bad.
Destroy a president with lies? Trump did that all by himself. He was self destructive in so many ways. Ask about anyone who worked for him.
Still, whatever it was and no matter what you and DANC call it, Trump campaigned and was elected on his promise that he was the only one who could fix the healthcare system. Now, you flatout excuse Trump's failure to improve it at all.

Since you're defending Trump's healthcare efforts, what was the bill number and filing date of Trump's proposed legislation to improve the healthcare system? What do you think are the most beneficial changes Trump made to the healthcare system?
Remember when he kept telling people the new program would be out in a few weeks? And people believed him? Lol. Good stuff!
The thread title is hilarious especially now that 2000 Mules has exposed everything. Biden and Harris need ousted now they did not win. All the Mules need to be arrested and jailed. A full investigation needs to take place only after the fbi, cia and doj get cleaned up. Everything is terribly wrong right now regarding the left. It's all a lie. Everything has been exposed from Clinton to Biden, Harris, Obama, Pelosi, Romney, and many other dems and pubs. We all know it and nothing is being done.
When it’s too crazy for Fox and Newsmax…. Lol.
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Like I said and comprehension has never been your friend. If obama hadn't totally F**ked it up beyond repair it wouldn't be the issue it is. Damn man its 12:30 AM and you sound wound tight as a cheap watch.
How exactly did President Obama f it up? You know, besides helping to save millions with preexisting conditions and allow millions to have affordable healthcare? I know that’s probably a negative in your book.
At the cost of the rest of us. Funny thing how the '' previously uninsured'' would run to the doctor for a runny nose when it was free meanwhile those of us that got jacked over don't go unless something is broken. There weree ads on radio and bilboards to get the people that had no money touting their free healthcare but no one cared about those of us paying for it. I just don't get why some people think it's everyone's right to have things they can't afford to pay for at the expense of others?
I mean people without healthcare should just die. What’s wrong with us.
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Right, unfit for President. All we had was low inflation, control over the borders, great unemployment % for all groups, no wars, deregulation, low gas prices... yeah unfit. Today's world has the really fit President.
Had nothing to do with prepandemuc, did it? PS unemployment is lower now, more jobs, deficit has been cut. No wars? You missed it? Inflation is worldwide. But good try.
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And again that's your bent. I feel the same about the left wing of the Dems. To echo Musk: divisive exclusionary and hateful. And for those reasons, along with their influence, unlike anything I've ever seen. Very troubling. Dangerous even. Controlling and authoritarian. We saw it with the summer of love and Twitter and this new agency being created by the Feds. Scary, scary stuff. IUCrazy May be right. We might have to fight back harder. Our democracy is in danger when one group wants to control everything. Yikes. Scary
The far right and the far left are both symptoms and causative agents in a dying society. Both are trying to make the country better. The main difference is the far left is trying to change our institutions where is the far right is trying to destroy them.
Per Esper he wanted:

*all US Troops removed from S. Korea
*Permanently close all US Embassies in Africa
*to fire missiles into Mexico
*sit down for tea with Taliban at Camp David on 9/11 anniversary

That's just snippets from one person who had the misfortune of working in his batshit crazy administration. The reports of basically every other cabinet level appointment read more or less the same. Many screws loose with that guy. Unfit is being kind.
That’s what gets me. Reports from nearly every single person who worked for him tells us how unfit and ignorant he was. And yet his cult think they know him better. And now that he has apparently gotten away with all of this, I can’t even imagine what he’d attempt in another administration where he wasn’t trying to win another term. Although he’d probably try to do away with term limits, much to the cult’s delight.
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That’s what gets me. Reports from nearly every single person who worked for him tells us how unfit and ignorant he was. And yet his cult think they know him better. And now that he has apparently gotten away with all of this, I can’t even imagine what he’d attempt in another administration where he wasn’t trying to win another term. Although he’d probably try to do away with term limits, much to the cult’s delight.
Trump is a con man par excellence. He has duped his followers into thinking he is unfiltered.

He mocks masks but in truth would prefer to wear a hazmat suit at his rallies.
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I'm struggling with this post as the Trump-appointed Judicial nominees appear to be overturning Roe VS. Wade. So why do I care about his personal stance or if he is lying about being Pro-life? All of his actions have been in support of life, so I am good to
I voted for Rand Paul the first time Trump ran as I was a "never Trumper." But he killed it as a President. It shocked me, but he was good, especially considering the farce of the Russia investigation. Sadly, he became too isolated at the end and surrounded by too many morons(Rudy) providing terrible advice, which cost him the election.

If DeSantis or Trump wins the Primary, I will vote in the general election, but if it is some hack like Hutchison or a Romney type, I will skip voting for President as I have since Bush's re-election year.
He killed it as president. I sure wish I could live in Wonderland like some of you people do. It would be a lot easier than reality.
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That’s what gets me. Reports from nearly every single person who worked for him tells us how unfit and ignorant he was. And yet his cult think they know him better. And now that he has apparently gotten away with all of this, I can’t even imagine what he’d attempt in another administration where he wasn’t trying to win another term. Although he’d probably try to do away with term limits, much to the cult’s delight.
The woke cult is just insane enough to get Trump elected again.
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For the first half of his presidency, he dealt with a political insurrection that tried to overturn our democratic election. In the second half, he dealt with Covid while dealing with the second round of political insurrection.

You people are seriously bananas. Yes, he didn't get everything he wanted or promised. Shocking that this happened in a democracy. Maybe next time, you shouldn't spend four years trying to destroy a President with lies because you think he is mean and makes you feel bad.
Perhaps you shouldn’t support a President who lied every single day, even about life and death things such as the pandemic. Sorry for not wanting a corrupt inept moron who the entire world made fun of to be the face of America.
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I thought he was a hero for criminal justice reform. I thought he was a hero for not getting us into another god-forsaken war. I thought he was a hero reducing H1b visas, that Dems love for their corporate whore buddies, that allowed my career to explode, and I am now making four times my salary under Obama.

Thank God he won over this socio-path.
Oh sparkey. Looks like we’ve got another cult member with us. What’s truly embarrassing is that many of you actually got a degree from IU. My only solace is that it was obviously a long time ago.
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The woke cult is just insane enough to get Trump elected again.
The United States is two errors in campaign judgment from having Republican presidents the entire 21st century. McCain with his fundamentals of the economy are sound and Trump with his pandemic stupidity. Both were in a commanding position in their respective presidential races at the time.

To win the presidency Democrats need their A+ game and that’s not very common.

Even Clinton would’ve lost if it weren’t for Ross Perot.
It wouldn't have been enough. Remember when Trump said he would have a vaccine in a year, and everyone called him a liar? He was universally mocked, yet when did it happen we only got crickets from you people. Do you also remember when members of Congress called him racist when he wanted to limit flights from China? Do you despise those leaders?

Also, wearing masks would have fixed things? Do you get your news off of Reddit or late-night talk shows?

Oh did Trump develop the vaccine? You probably think he did. Remember when he told us we only had 15 cases and it would soon be gone? And he knew better? That’s despicable.
No, unlike Biden's children I do not smoke crack. Also, unlike Biden's daughter, I do not shower with my father.
Jr would like a word about crack. Ivana would like a word about things she does with daddy. Jarred would like a word about corruption. however, the difference you see is that Biden didn’t have any of his children working in his administration.
Oh did Trump develop the vaccine? You probably think he did. Remember when he told us we only had 15 cases and it would soon be gone? And he knew better? That’s despicable.
And Biden told us last July it'll be over. how can some of you be so partisan. I don't get it

They both suck. It's not a mystery. Biden is awful. Trump is awful. The woke cult is a danger to society. The cabella's army is a danger to society. Personal preference is immaterial. They are all inept or unreasonable
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Not true. Have you ever seen pink hair with strange pronouns screaming everything is racist? The progressive woke warriors are no less a cult
How is that a cult? Because they believe different than you? Again, there has never been a political cult like Trumpstwrs and it’s not even close. And these morons add to his bankroll by buying his made in China MAGA crap.
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And Biden told us last July it'll be over. how can some of you be so partisan. I don't get it

They both suck. It's not a mystery. Biden is awful. Trump is awful. The woke cult is a danger to society. The cabella's army is a danger to society. Personal preference is immaterial. They are all inept or unreasonable
Do you have evidence that Biden was knowingly lying? Because we do with Trump. He admitted it.
How is that a cult? Because they believe different than you? Again, there has never been a political cult like Trumpstwrs and it’s not even close. And these morons add to his bankroll by buying his made in China MAGA crap.
The woke cult is predicated on ideology. They have a monolithic way of seeing things that is dangerous and divisive and if you don't like it you get canceled or censored. Very dangerous people. Very scary cult
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There's a difference between being the sole factor and A factor. The consequences of Harris and the left's anti cop rhetoric gave rise to funding decreases, changes in earmarks, and an unprecedented number of resignations and early retirements in police departments. This contributed to crime. The endless free cheese and stays contributed to inflation. Biden's campaign attacks and promises re green energy contributed to gas spikes. You do understand they were going up 14 months before Putin.

You just think the parade of horribles is just coincidental and bad luck on every front? Maybe we need someone with better luck.

Any way you cut it this admin is awful and clueless. Virtue signaling is all they care about. I guess our next virtue signal is replacing Psaki.

One would have to be cosmically biased to still support this admin
Most of what we are dealing with are direct results of the pandemic. Biden has never been in favor of defunding the police and has been very clear about that.
Most of what we are dealing with are direct results of the pandemic. Biden has never been in favor of defunding the police and has been very clear about that.
His moron VP was declaring cops murderers. Guilt by association. His admin. Most of what we are dealing with are terrible policies and rhetoric
I have evidence he was horribly wrong and the death count is now worse under Biden than trump. I have evidence the great unifier failed miserably in unifying America. I have evidence Biden failed miserably in [insert any topic]
Well who could have predicted morons wouldn’t get vaccinated? That’s the only reason the death toll is higher.
Guilt by association then pretty much entire Trump administration are criminals. Some cops are…
The Vice President called cops murderers. Biden didn't like the results of a trial and he called out the justice system. Give me a break. These people are so far removed from being competent
And again that's your bent. I feel the same about the left wing of the Dems. To echo Musk: divisive exclusionary and hateful. And for those reasons, along with their influence, unlike anything I've ever seen. Very troubling. Dangerous even. Controlling and authoritarian. We saw it with the summer of love and Twitter and this new agency being created by the Feds. Scary, scary stuff. IUCrazy May be right. We might have to fight back harder. Our democracy is in danger when one group wants to control everything. Yikes. Scary
Every single thing you are saying describes today Republican Party. But don’t forget trying to overturn an election, directly motivated by leader of said party.
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Every single thing you are saying describes today Republican Party. But don’t forget trying to overturn an election, directly motivated by leader of said party.
That's true amongst the far right. It's no different than AOC and warren screaming to use executive actions. They just want what they want. Both sides are guilty

"Meanwhile, conservative-leaning folks are deciding to leave liberal enclaves in California and New York for this red state in search of less restrictive COVID-19 measures and like-minded political views."

Policies - pro business; no income tax; no lockdown bs

Between 2010 and 2020 it's population grew at double the national rate.

I can go on and on and on. I could link a thousand articles. Fla State governance and pro business politicies are attractive. Freedoms are attractive. Autonomy is attractive. No state income tax. Homestead. Etc.
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Every single thing you are saying describes today Republican Party. But don’t forget trying to overturn an election, directly motivated by leader of said party.
He’s just playing the Stupid False Equivalence game. Seems that’s all he’s got these days. Oh, and “virtue-signaling.”

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