Poor Loser Trump -- loses again

It's ironic you posted this in a thread whose original post was a link to a story about Trump losing yet another of his many frivolous lawsuits.

All of Trump's 60-70 meritless lawsuits challenging the election were thrown out of court because Trump, Giuliani, Sydney Powell etc. could not provide actual evidence of election fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election. They failed to prove this in dozens of election challenges in court.

Now, nearly two years later, you claim a TV show has proven fraud that would change the election, even though Trump and his well-financed lawyers had already failed to prove that very thing.

Don't you agree it's ironic that you posted your claims in this thread?
Not my claims stuff. There is 4 million minutes of damning evidence all on video. And 2000 scratches the surface theres a lot more than that. Same technique Govt. agencies have used for years to track criminals. It was also a highly organized operation. I'm not gonna argue about it either its something most people with a brain and a pulse knew. These people need arrested and this sham of a government needs brought down.
Right, unfit for President. All we had was low inflation, control over the borders, great unemployment % for all groups, no wars, deregulation, low gas prices... yeah unfit. Today's world has the really fit President.

You forgot delusional followers
Like I said and comprehension has never been your friend. If obama hadn't totally F**ked it up beyond repair it wouldn't be the issue it is. Damn man its 12:30 AM and you sound wound tight as a cheap watch.
You are better than this. Just admit Trump never had a plan and move on.
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Maybe with those he's not suing. The guy is as big a jerk in the corporate world as he is in the political world. I've despised the guy from just about as long as I've known of him which was when he was a Democrat and an obvious a$$hole. I've never fully understood why he got such a strong cult-like following or how he seems to still have one.

I'd bet all I have that he's perfectly OK with abortion on demand up to the day before birth, by the way. After I won that bet, I'd bet it all again that he's actually paid for an abortion.
I think his cult like following is pretty simple. He was unfiltered. People are sick of lifelong politicians never saying what they really believe. Their only interest is the next election and filling their pockets off their political power.

I am no cult follower. I voted for Kasich in the Indiana primary. If I had a do over I’d vote for Trump again over Clinton and Biden. If he runs again and the opposition is the current lineup of liberal idiots, I’ll vote for him again.
I think his cult like following is pretty simple. He was unfiltered. People are sick of lifelong politicians never saying what they really believe. Their only interest is the next election and filling their pockets off their political power.

I am no cult follower. I voted for Kasich in the Indiana primary. If I had a do over I’d vote for Trump again over Clinton and Biden. If he runs again and the opposition is the current lineup of liberal idiots, I’ll vote for him again.
Drain the swamp. All of that got people who can't stand Wash excited. Little did we know he'd replace them with his own family lol, but....and same. I'll vote for Trump over what we have now in a heartbeat
Drain the swamp. All of that got people who can't stand Wash excited. Little did we know he'd replace them with his own family lol, but....and same. I'll vote for Trump over what we have now in a heartbeat
The only way the Pubs will win a national election again is to hire 2,000 mules and send them to
5 key Dem inter cities and out mule the Dems. 😂😂
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The only way the Pubs will win a national election again is to hire 2,000 mules and send them to
5 key Dem inter cities and out mule the Dems. 😂😂
Nah the Dems went too far left. They screwed the pooch. They don't have anyone moderate to run. Republicans win in 22 and 24 is my prediction. We make America great again, again. AOC and the media are destroying the party. They need to be their own party. The progressive party.
Nah the Dems went too far left. They screwed the pooch. They don't have anyone moderate to run. Republicans win in 22 and 24 is my prediction. We make America great again, again. AOC and the media are destroying the party. They need to be their own party. The progressive party.
Hope you’re right. Wouldn’t hurt to have a backup plan, NIL deals for voters. 😂
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The only way the Pubs will win a national election again is to hire 2,000 mules and send them to
5 key Dem inter cities and out mule the Dems. 😂😂
I would worry about locals...Just found an article this morning in LA that a box of ballots was found on a sidewalk...Time to end this vote by mail crap. And time to prosecute the ones that already committed crimes.
Nah the Dems went too far left. They screwed the pooch. They don't have anyone moderate to run. Republicans win in 22 and 24 is my prediction. We make America great again, again. AOC and the media are destroying the party. They need to be their own party. The progressive party.
We need three parties. The progressive party, the regressive party, and the American party.
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At the cost of the rest of us. Funny thing how the '' previously uninsured'' would run to the doctor for a runny nose when it was free meanwhile those of us that got jacked over don't go unless something is broken. There weree ads on radio and bilboards to get the people that had no money touting their free healthcare but no one cared about those of us paying for it. I just don't get why some people think it's everyone's right to have things they can't afford to pay for at the expense of others?

We either pay up front or we pay on the back end. You’d prefer paying for folks to clog up emergency rooms and not paying for them to get actual care? JC never said taking care of the poor would be easy but he did say it would be worth the effort. Lol

PS the “running nose” bit is just silly unless you have actual data to share.
You honestly think I'm being influenced by liberal "media?" Not hardly. I happen to believe my own assessment of Trump and he was unfit to be President.

As to your list, I only agreed with him concerning NATO for pushing NATO countries to meet the 3 percent of GDP minimum on defense spending. That's been our policy for decades and they've not been meeting it. His treatment of NATO allies otherwise was a problem. I disagreed with much of his policy toward China and most especially the tariff tit for tat battle he got into with China and many other countries. I disagreed with his isolationist tendencies and policies. I disagreed on his final tax cut bill. I was all for the cut in corporate taxes and even the reduction in SALT, but the rest was unnecessary and at odds with fiscal responsibility. By the way he made the obviously ridiculous promise to balance the budget during his first team, but he made no effort even to reduce the deficit. The tax bill increased because there was no corresponding reduction in spending. Yes, I believe in energy independence and frankly we were on our way towards that before Trump took office. His mistreatment of anyone and everyone, including solid Republicans, that said a cross word about him was indefensible. His paranoid personality. His rampant dishonesty (Bill Clinton was the most dishonest President in my lifetime before Trump came along was a huge problem. His codling of despots like Kim Jong-un and Putin was embarrassing. I could go on, but Trump somehow has fooled a lot of you into not believing your own eyes. That's what happens in cults.

Per Esper he wanted:

*all US Troops removed from S. Korea
*Permanently close all US Embassies in Africa
*to fire missiles into Mexico
*sit down for tea with Taliban at Camp David on 9/11 anniversary

That's just snippets from one person who had the misfortune of working in his batshit crazy administration. The reports of basically every other cabinet level appointment read more or less the same. Many screws loose with that guy. Unfit is being kind.
Per Esper he wanted:

*all US Troops removed from S. Korea
*Permanently close all US Embassies in Africa
*to fire missiles into Mexico
*sit down for tea with Taliban at Camp David on 9/11 anniversary

That's just snippets from one person who had the misfortune of working in his batshit crazy administration. The reports of basically every other cabinet level appointment read more or less the same. Many screws loose with that guy. Unfit is being kind.
But the usual crew will be here to defend. Always.

Of course, Trump never wanted to win this suit -- he just wanted to raise hell and delay things.

He doesn't understand or accept that other people (like judges) have the right to make actual decisions concerning his affairs (unless, of course, they already agree with him).

Save America, Republicans!! Vote for Trump!!

(Rebuttal posts that mention "Liberals, "Democrats," Progressives" etc. are going to look stupid, so go ahead and post them !!)
What was he trying to delay?
Don’t know yet. I’m certain he wouldn’t be top choice for me in the primaries. We have some very popular conservative Republican Governors without any Trump stink on them and I’d like to see one of them throw a hat in the ring.
Who? Who are these very popular conservative Governors outside of DeSantis? Are you talking about the Republicans from the hill billy states?
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I honestly don't get it. Some of the most adamant anti-abortion people on this board are Trumpsters and they don't care that Trump was pro-choice until he claimed to be a Republican and switched on some red meat issues like abortion. You got to know he's lying about that as he's lied about countless things. Trumpsters are like cult members. I want a Republican to run for President next time, not Trump or a Trumpster.
I'm struggling with this post as the Trump-appointed Judicial nominees appear to be overturning Roe VS. Wade. So why do I care about his personal stance or if he is lying about being Pro-life? All of his actions have been in support of life, so I am good to go.
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At the cost of the rest of us. Funny thing how the '' previously uninsured'' would run to the doctor for a runny nose when it was free meanwhile those of us that got jacked over don't go unless something is broken. There weree ads on radio and bilboards to get the people that had no money touting their free healthcare but no one cared about those of us paying for it. I just don't get why some people think it's everyone's right to have things they can't afford to pay for at the expense of others?
Yeah, Obamacare works pretty well until the subsidies run out.

I think Hutchinson is going to run. To his credit, he's distancing himself from Trump. Even joined Murkowski in condemning the RNC for censuring Kinzinger and Cheney.
That guy will never get more than 10 percent of the vote in any Primary. He is the typical big-government Republican from the hilly billy belt.
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Like I said, no matter what Obama did, Trump campaigned that he would make it better. After getting elected Trump failed to make it better.

After Trump's effort to repeal the ACA failed (without a proposed healthcare replacement), Trump didn't even submit a proposed healthcare plan to replace the ACA.

Trump had no excuse either -- Republicans controlled both the House and Senate, as well as the White House, from 2016 through 2018.

Trump's failure cannot be blamed on Obama.
As far as health care goes, he overpromised for sure. He's not the first politician over overpromise, wouldn't you say?

The GOP has always favored a market-based solution - disclosure of actual costs and competition. That takes time when the entire system is set up for subsidizing by government and insurance monopolies.
I think his cult like following is pretty simple. He was unfiltered. People are sick of lifelong politicians never saying what they really believe. Their only interest is the next election and filling their pockets off their political power.

I am no cult follower. I voted for Kasich in the Indiana primary. If I had a do over I’d vote for Trump again over Clinton and Biden. If he runs again and the opposition is the current lineup of liberal idiots, I’ll vote for him again.
I voted for Rand Paul the first time Trump ran as I was a "never Trumper." But he killed it as a President. It shocked me, but he was good, especially considering the farce of the Russia investigation. Sadly, he became too isolated at the end and surrounded by too many morons(Rudy) providing terrible advice, which cost him the election.

If DeSantis or Trump wins the Primary, I will vote in the general election, but if it is some hack like Hutchison or a Romney type, I will skip voting for President as I have since Bush's re-election year.
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Per Esper he wanted:

*all US Troops removed from S. Korea
*Permanently close all US Embassies in Africa
*to fire missiles into Mexico
*sit down for tea with Taliban at Camp David on 9/11 anniversary

That's just snippets from one person who had the misfortune of working in his batshit crazy administration. The reports of basically every other cabinet level appointment read more or less the same. Many screws loose with that guy. Unfit is being kind.
In other words, the best way to sell a book is to take what was said out of context or make shit up.
As far as health care goes, he overpromised for sure. He's not the first politician over overpromise, wouldn't you say?

The GOP has always favored a market-based solution - disclosure of actual costs and competition. That takes time when the entire system is set up for subsidizing by government and insurance monopolies.
So, please tell me the bill number and filing date of the GOP's legislative proposal of a market-based solution or even the first step toward achieving a market-based solution. I don't think the Republicans have ever tried seriously to improve the healthcare system.

Republicans controlled the House, the Senate and the White House from early 2017 through the end of 2018, so their inaction looks pathetic.
So, please tell me the bill number and filing date of the GOP's legislative proposal of a market-based solution or even the first step toward achieving a market-based solution. I don't think the Republicans have ever tried seriously to improve the healthcare system.

Republicans controlled the House, the Senate and the White House from early 2017 through the end of 2018, so their inaction looks pathetic.

They were too busy putting up fencing along the border.
So, please tell me the bill number and filing date of the GOP's legislative proposal of a market-based solution or even the first step toward achieving a market-based solution. I don't think the Republicans have ever tried seriously to improve the healthcare system.

Republicans controlled the House, the Senate and the White House from early 2017 through the end of 2018, so their inaction looks pathetic.
You can't dismantle a system that has been developed over generations by a one-time vote.

A market-based system is one that removes government control, which is what Trump actually did.

It looks like Biden is following Trump's lead in some areas:

He also took major steps to reduce prescription drug prices:

Which Biden promptly stopped.

You can't dismantle a system that has been developed over generations by a one-time vote.

A market-based system is one that removes government control, which is what Trump actually did.

It looks like Biden is following Trump's lead in some areas:

He also took major steps to reduce prescription drug prices:

Which Biden promptly stopped.

Transparency in that is important. People don't expect an ER bill, a hospital bill, a physician group bill, a facility bill, etc.
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Look at Mr. High Minded, who chastises others for being crude.

You're nothing if not a hypocrite.
Did I hurt your feewings, danc? Can't handle being the butt of a little joke?

Like most internet tough guys, you can dish it out but you can't take it.

Finally, "your nouns are 'ass' and 'hole'" is pretty tame compared to the filth you and your cronies regularly dispense here.
I voted for Rand Paul the first time Trump ran as I was a "never Trumper." But he killed it as a President. It shocked me, but he was good, especially considering the farce of the Russia investigation. Sadly, he became too isolated at the end and surrounded by too many morons(Rudy) providing terrible advice, which cost him the election.

If DeSantis or Trump wins the Primary, I will vote in the general election, but if it is some hack like Hutchison or a Romney type, I will skip voting for President as I have since Bush's re-election year.
Wrong. Trump cost himself the election by knowingly duping American citizens about the pandemic after getting briefed in January and February. If he had just simply said let’s get through this folks, mask up and let’s survive this. He would’ve won the election in a landslide. He would’ve been a “war time“ President and we all know they win reelection.
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Did I hurt your feewings, danc? Can't handle being the butt of a little joke?

Like most internet tough guys, you can dish it out but you can't take it.

Finally, "your nouns are 'ass' and 'hole'" is pretty tame compared to the filth you and your cronies regularly dispense here.
No, I fully expect your hypocrisy and you don't disappoint.
You can't dismantle a system that has been developed over generations by a one-time vote.

A market-based system is one that removes government control, which is what Trump actually did.

It looks like Biden is following Trump's lead in some areas:

He also took major steps to reduce prescription drug prices:

Which Biden promptly stopped.

You realize, don't you, that Trump could have been a hero had he done anything at all to improve the healthcare system.

Trump had the votes to do far more than he did. Instead, Trump tried to repeal the ACA without having a replacement proposal in place to take over. When he was defeated by the famous McCain vote, Trump gave up.

Real leaders don't give up on something so important,

Another Republican fumble in that same time period was failing to pass a strict infrastructure bill covering stuff like roads and bridges and little else. Of course, we all know the Republicans complained loudly about the Democrats' infrastructure plan because it added on too many other things -- big deal. Where was the Republican plan in 2017-18 when those smart Republicans controlled fhe House, the Senate and the White House?

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So, please tell me the bill number and filing date of the GOP's legislative proposal of a market-based solution or even the first step toward achieving a market-based solution. I don't think the Republicans have ever tried seriously to improve the healthcare system.

Republicans controlled the House, the Senate and the White House from early 2017 through the end of 2018, so their inaction looks pathetic.
Can you name the bill number and filing date of the Democrats' legislative proposal that hasn't worsened healthcare? It is almost always true that it is better to do nothing than do something stupid.

Also, read this link on a couple of things Trump tried to do that could be construed as market-based solutions to reduce cost.

Lastly, I'm just throwing this out because Obama is the most overrated president in history, but he allows dorky white progressives to feel superior. What was so sad about this is how excited his base was at this mention, only for it to come out during the election that he had already told drug companies and Canada that he wasn't really going to do it. Of course, the "most honest President" in history said that was a lie.


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