Poor Loser Trump -- loses again

You realize, don't you, that Trump could have been a hero had he done anything at all to improve the healthcare system.

Trump had the votes to do far more than he did. Instead, Trump tried to repeal the ACA without having a replacement proposal in place to take over. When he was defeated by the famous McCain vote, Trump gave up.

Real leaders don't give up on something so important,

Another Republican fumble in that same time period was failing to pass a strict infrastructure bill covering stuff like roads and bridges and little else. Of course, we all know the Republicans complained loudly about the Democrats' infrastructure plan because it added on too many other things -- big deal. Where was the Republican plan in 2017-18 when those smart Republicans controlled fhe House, the Senate and the White House?

For the first half of his presidency, he dealt with a political insurrection that tried to overturn our democratic election. In the second half, he dealt with Covid while dealing with the second round of political insurrection.

You people are seriously bananas. Yes, he didn't get everything he wanted or promised. Shocking that this happened in a democracy. Maybe next time, you shouldn't spend four years trying to destroy a President with lies because you think he is mean and makes you feel bad.
For the first half of his presidency, he dealt with a political insurrection that tried to overturn our democratic election. In the second half, he dealt with Covid while dealing with the second round of political insurrection.

You people are seriously bananas. Yes, he didn't get everything he wanted or promised. Shocking that this happened in a democracy. Maybe next time, you shouldn't spend four years trying to destroy a President with lies because you think he is mean and makes you feel bad.
GOP victimhood at its finest.
You realize, don't you, that Trump could have been a hero had he done anything at all to improve the healthcare system.

Trump had the votes to do far more than he did. Instead, Trump tried to repeal the ACA without having a replacement proposal in place to take over. When he was defeated by the famous McCain vote, Trump gave up.

Real leaders don't give up on something so important,

Another Republican fumble in that same time period was failing to pass a strict infrastructure bill covering stuff like roads and bridges and little else. Of course, we all know the Republicans complained loudly about the Democrats' infrastructure plan because it added on too many other things -- big deal. Where was the Republican plan in 2017-18 when those smart Republicans controlled fhe House, the Senate and the White House?

I thought he was a hero for criminal justice reform. I thought he was a hero for not getting us into another god-forsaken war. I thought he was a hero reducing H1b visas, that Dems love for their corporate whore buddies, that allowed my career to explode, and I am now making four times my salary under Obama.

Thank God he won over this socio-path.
For the first half of his presidency, he dealt with a political insurrection that tried to overturn our democratic election. In the second half, he dealt with Covid while dealing with the second round of political insurrection.

You people are seriously bananas. Yes, he didn't get everything he wanted or promised. Shocking that this happened in a democracy. Maybe next time, you shouldn't spend four years trying to destroy a President with lies because you think he is mean and makes you feel bad.

Lol. That is some funny stuff. U high?
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Wrong. Trump cost himself the election by knowingly duping American citizens about the pandemic after getting briefed in January and February. If he had just simply said let’s get through this folks, mask up and let’s survive this. He would’ve won the election in a landslide. He would’ve been a “war time“ President and we all know they win reelection.
It wouldn't have been enough. Remember when Trump said he would have a vaccine in a year, and everyone called him a liar? He was universally mocked, yet when did it happen we only got crickets from you people. Do you also remember when members of Congress called him racist when he wanted to limit flights from China? Do you despise those leaders?

Also, wearing masks would have fixed things? Do you get your news off of Reddit or late-night talk shows?

Please, there is nothing like a Democrat playing the victim. Biden does it everyday - it's Putin, Trump, the GOP, virus... yet the Dems control Congress & the Presidency and they still are victims.

So like the first 2 years of Trump?


The mean ol' dems were being so mean to Trump because they think colluding with Russia was wrong. Trump was such a victim. lol
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It wouldn't have been enough. Remember when Trump said he would have a vaccine in a year, and everyone called him a liar? He was universally mocked, yet when did it happen we only got crickets from you people. Do you also remember when members of Congress called him racist when he wanted to limit flights from China? Do you despise those leaders?

Also, wearing masks would have fixed things? Do you get your news off of Reddit or late-night talk shows?

Bullshit. Operation warp speed was the one thing Trump did right in the pandemic. The point I’m making is Trump lost credibility as a war president by not attempting to unite the nation. It’s not about masks fixing things or even whether people were willing to wear them. It’s about being presidential. Trump failed to be presidential and he lost the independent vote.
Guess I'm delusional in liking low taxes, low inflation, no wars, controlled borders, low gas prices. Yes I'm delusional in liking those.

when did trump have no wars?

hate to break it to you, but trump also had high gas prices at some points during his presidency. Not that the president has much to do with gas prices anyway.
I think all you have to do is look at his term as President to see why people like him. His policies were effective and he voiced the concerns of many Americans who were tired of the corruption in the media and in DC.

Supporting someone is not being in a cult, any more than you're in a cult for thinking George W. was a good President.

As long as you're convicting him without any evidence, why not accuse him of killing Jimmy Hoffa? Really, you are normally level-headed, but you just make shit up about Trump and I guess you need to do that to justify your hate for him.
People tired of corruption in a cult of the most corrupt administration in history. Makes sense, as always from you.
I appreciate your integrity aloha. You are a man of honor. But there's a bigger picture. We're living it this year. I think trump is horrible too but I would be first in line to vote for him over what we've seen from Biden. This year has been really, really bad from a guy with 50 years in gov. He's just following the wind. Id take trump all day over this.

I think next round it'll be DeSantis. We need you to hold your nose and vote for him. 8 years of any combo of Biden/Harris/warren/AOC/Pete would have dire consequences

And if you think the screaming canceling progressives in AOC and warren and the rest are any less cultish you're crazy. The Squad. Trump. Same shit. Different cult.
Not true at all. Have you EVER seen a bunch of people supporting ANY other candidates driving around with flags all over their trucks, adorning their houses with huge signs, wearing hats and shirts supporting their candidate? Trump is a cult unlike any we have ever seen for an American politician. Psychologists will be studying these people for a long time.
And yet he was a very good President by any measure.

Your 'evidence' was manufactured by a liberal meeting desparate to get Hillary elected.
By any measure. Bless your heart. I doubt that you’ll be alive to read the history books in the lying corrupt Trump regime.
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Not true at all. Have you EVER seen a bunch of people supporting ANY other candidates driving around with flags all over their trucks, adorning their houses with huge signs, wearing hats and shirts supporting their candidate? Trump is a cult unlike any we have ever seen for an American politician. Psychologists will be studying these people for a long time.

The only thing i've seen around here from dems is bumper stickers or decals on cars for biden or bernie back when he was running. No where close to the idiots with huge Trump flags on their trucks. There is still an idiot with a Trump 2020 flag on his house near me as well. Guess he doesn't read the news that the election is over.

The best was the guy that flew his trump flag under his confederate flag. I'm sure he was a high quality individual lol
Not true at all. Have you EVER seen a bunch of people supporting ANY other candidates driving around with flags all over their trucks, adorning their houses with huge signs, wearing hats and shirts supporting their candidate? Trump is a cult unlike any we have ever seen for an American politician. Psychologists will be studying these people for a long time.
Not true. Have you ever seen pink hair with strange pronouns screaming everything is racist? The progressive woke warriors are no less a cult
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when did trump have no wars?

hate to break it to you, but trump also had high gas prices at some points during his presidency. Not that the president has much to do with gas prices anyway.

Always someone else's fault. Coach is the coach. We're on a losing streak and it's already time for a new one
Pretty sure it has nothing to do with the weather. Lmao.
Same weather.... Some want the hell out of crazy blue lockdown states that tax the hell out of them. Having a kid in high school in Illinois during the pandemic would have been awful
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By any measure. Bless your heart. I doubt that you’ll be alive to read the history books in the lying corrupt Trump regime.
TDS has you so obsessed. It would be funny if you weren't so enamored by the worst President in US history and I mean worst by 10 fold.

You also appear to have trouble telling time. ''I doubt that you’ll be alive to read the history books in the lying corrupt Trump regime.'' The Trump ''regime'' is over and Dan still seems very much alive . You are just a piece of rare work and not in a good way.
Not true at all. Have you EVER seen a bunch of people supporting ANY other candidates driving around with flags all over their trucks, adorning their houses with huge signs, wearing hats and shirts supporting their candidate? Trump is a cult unlike any we have ever seen for an American politician. Psychologists will be studying these people for a long time.
You belong to a cult as well, hypocritical, psychotic nutjobs with no self awareness whatsoever. Reading your stupid rants are amusing though.
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You are better than this. Just admit Trump never had a plan and move on.
I am better than you and the brain dead idiot you voted for , that is for certain. Hell if Trump truly had no plan he would still be miles ahead of whatever Biden is doing or actually not doing .
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Always someone else's fault. Coach is the coach. We're on a losing streak and it's already time for a new one


So crime under Trump was trump's fault?
So gas prices when high under trump was his fault?
High prices when Trump had his hissy fit with China was definitely his fault

Too bad Trump wasn't able to send a few missiles into Mexico and then pretend it wasn't him... Maybe he could have just gotten his sharpie out and drew his wall on the map since the real one was such a cluster****.

Just remember your stance the next time a republican is president. It will be fun hearing you say how everything is his fault ;).

So crime under Trump was trump's fault?
So gas prices when high under trump was his fault?
High prices when Trump had his hissy fit with China was definitely his fault

Too bad Trump wasn't able to send a few missiles into Mexico and then pretend it wasn't him... Maybe he could have just gotten his sharpie out and drew his wall on the map since the real one was such a cluster****.

Just remember your stance the next time a republican is president. It will be fun hearing you say how everything is his fault ;).
There's a difference between being the sole factor and A factor. The consequences of Harris and the left's anti cop rhetoric gave rise to funding decreases, changes in earmarks, and an unprecedented number of resignations and early retirements in police departments. This contributed to crime. The endless free cheese and stays contributed to inflation. Biden's campaign attacks and promises re green energy contributed to gas spikes. You do understand they were going up 14 months before Putin.

You just think the parade of horribles is just coincidental and bad luck on every front? Maybe we need someone with better luck.

Any way you cut it this admin is awful and clueless. Virtue signaling is all they care about. I guess our next virtue signal is replacing Psaki.

One would have to be cosmically biased to still support this admin
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Not true. Have you ever seen pink hair with strange pronouns screaming everything is racist? The progressive woke warriors are no less a cult

Where do you hang out? Where are there large, organized "pink hair" rallies?

Are you talking about the "pussy hat" protest? That was five years ago. I haven't seen one since.

Finally, a cult needs a powerful, revered leader. A certain yellow-haired demagogue fits all the criteria. There's no one remotely comparable on the other side.

Stupid false equivalence.

Where do you hang out? Where are there large, organized "pink hair" rallies?

Are you talking about the "pussy hat" protest? That was five years ago. I haven't seen one since.

Finally, a cult needs a powerful, revered leader. A certain yellow-haired demagogue fits all the criteria. There's no one remotely comparable on the other side.

Stupid false equivalence.
Leader not required. Ideology. Learn the meaning of the word. The woke warriors on the left are every bit as much of a cult if not more. Cult of ideology. Sorry that angers you. Go for a walk or something
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Where do you hang out? Where are there large, organized "pink hair" rallies?

Are you talking about the "pussy hat" protest? That was five years ago. I haven't seen one since.

Finally, a cult needs a powerful, revered leader. A certain yellow-haired demagogue fits all the criteria. There's no one remotely comparable on the other side.

Stupid false equivalence.
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Leader not required. Ideology. Learn the meaning of the word. The woke warriors on the left are every bit as much of a cult if not more. Sorry that angers you. Go for a walk or something
A cult of personality, like the Trump cult, absolutely requires a leader. And they've definitely got one!

"The GOP has fomented a personality cult around Trump, similar to authoritarian regimes."

Not long ago you argued Trump should be disqualified from ever again holding public office. More recently you claimed you couldn't care less about Jan 6. Are you a gymnast? That's quite a flip.
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A cult of personality, like the Trump cult, absolutely requires a leader. And they've definitely got one!

"The GOP has fomented a personality cult around Trump, similar to authoritarian regimes."

Not long ago you argued Trump should be disqualified from ever again holding public office. More recently you claimed you couldn't care less about Jan 6. Are you a gymnast? That's quite a flip.

Well, it's tough when you listen to people like Cruz who flip their views faster than Trump can dial their phone number.

I wonder if anyone has come up with a list of GOP politicians/media that were saying how bad Jan 6 was at the time or soon after but then later changed their mind and claimed it as a nothing burger. Wonder what orange man had to do to sway them?
A cult of personality, like the Trump cult, absolutely requires a leader. And they've definitely got one!

"The GOP has fomented a personality cult around Trump, similar to authoritarian regimes."

Not long ago you argued Trump should be disqualified from ever again holding public office. More recently you claimed you couldn't care less about Jan 6. Are you a gymnast? That's quite a flip.
I agree that he has adherents that are cultish. My point is that a cult can be predicated on a leader that binds OR an ideology. The woke warriors are every bit as cultish - predicated on ideology. The trappings of both groups are easily identifiable
I agree that he has adherents that are cultish. My point is that a cult can be predicated on a leader that binds OR an ideology. The woke warriors are every bit as cultish - predicated on ideology. The trappings of both groups are easily identifiable
My point is that the Trump Cult has no domestic parallel in 2022 and is unlike anything I've ever seen in American politics. Very authoritarian-like and, for that reason, beyond troubling.

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