Jewish Community under attack

Who started the wars Israel was involved with where they received land as the prize of winning? Also why would anyone pick countries over Israel which are not as moral as they are? Hamas is lobbing missiles into Civilian areas and then they use their own people as human shields because they know Israelies who just mow everybody down. Which side in that conflict would you choose to support? Which country is worthy of our support?
Arab Israeli Wars, and Jews and Palestinians fought during the British Mandate. Israel certainly played their part in the wars, as much as anybody.

There are people on both sides that want a never ending war and to totally expel the other side from the land: none of these people are worthy of support. There is no difference between a Hamas rocket and Israel bomb in this conflict. There needs to be peace, and the US should support those on either side that want peace. I expect more out of Israel because they are the more powerful side and more able to bring about peace, and they are getting a bunch of US money and should be doing good things with it.
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The US won the land through conquest. Britain already had their own country and somewhere to go, and they were never original inhabitants. The Native Americans, on the other hand, were the native people that lost land and had nowhere else to go. The US has compensated the Native Americans with "some" land, not "all" land, and money, and Native Americans are considered to be US citizens with rights. There is a Takings Clause in the US Constitution: when you become an established nation, you compensate when you take land.

Israel should give the Palestinians Gaza (done), the land Israel stole from Jordan (the West Bank), and make Jerusalem neutral. You could say Egypt also gave the Palestinians Gaza. I wouldn't call Egypt a loser: they held their own in 1973. There is a reason Egypt got the Sinai Peninsula back from Israel, which is why they fought in 1973: you don't give land back when you are a total winner, and Israel didn't experience a total victory in the 1973 war. The peace treaties with Egypt show Israel respected Egypt after 1973.
If you want to claim land rights to Jerusalem, then the Israelis have a claim long before the Palestinians. They took the West Bank after an unsolicited attack, it belongs to Israel now.

This entire conversation boggles the mind. Should we give Texas back to Mexico? We fought and won it decades ago. Either accept the modern day reality or I have no problem with Israel being less “precise” with their attacks on The Palestinian authority.
Religious extremists generally strongly dislike anybody else that doesn't follow similar beliefs, even fellow people that practice the same religion.

It would be wrong to blindly support Israel because not everything that they do is moral and just. Israel won land through conquest and outlasted wars to oust them. Now, Israel is bullying and persecuting the losing party of the land conquest war and has failed to compensate the losing party for the land that Israel took. It would be wrong to use US money to support the bad behavior of Israel.

Israel would love to have peace.

they'd just much rather have the land.

strange how everyone thinks of Israel as our big ally in the area, rather than the one making our situation much tougher all the time.

perhaps by "ally", they mean big customers and demand drivers of the US war industrial complex.
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Israel would love to have peace.

they'd just much rather have the land.

strange how everyone thinks of Israel as our big ally in the area, rather than the one making our situation much tougher all the time.

perhaps by "ally", they mean big customers and demand drivers of the US war industrial complex.
I think by ally they mean proponents of self governance and individual liberties. Ask the 2 million Arabs living in Israel.

How many Jews live in the Arab world by the way?

Who started the wars Israel was involved with where they received land as the prize of winning? Also why would anyone pick countries over Israel which are not as moral as they are? Hamas is lobbing missiles into Civilian areas and then they use their own people as human shields because they know Israelies who just mow everybody down. Which side in that conflict would you choose to support? Which country is worthy of our support?
The Jews in Mandatory Palestine, who became the Israelis, just as much started the 1947 war as anyone else.
If you want to claim land rights to Jerusalem, then the Israelis have a claim long before the Palestinians. They took the West Bank after an unsolicited attack, it belongs to Israel now.

This entire conversation boggles the mind. Should we give Texas back to Mexico? We fought and won it decades ago. Either accept the modern day reality or I have no problem with Israel being less “precise” with their attacks on The Palestinian authority.
You can claim Israel won the West Bank by right of conquest in 1967, but don't pretend any legitimate legal claims can be based on ancient history.

That said, if Israel is sovereign over the West Bank, it is their duty to annex the land and grant full citizenship to its people - which Israel will never do.
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You can claim Israel won the West Bank by right of conquest in 1967, but don't pretend any legitimate legal claims can be based on ancient history.

That said, if Israel is sovereign over the West Bank, it is their duty to annex the land and grant full citizenship to its people - which Israel will never do.
Some day 1967 will be ancient history. The Palestinians can either accept reality or get into a hot war with Israel and see if they can take it back.

But for the love god, let’s stop treating them like they’re not fundamentalists who hide behind civilians.
I remember shortly after people in the press asking the question,"Why do they hate us so much?" In other words it is our fault because we are a bad bad country. People don't realize that the militant muslims hate us because we support Israel. They think of Israel as Satan, but we are the Great Satan because we are more powerful. The question would be is it wrong to support Israel?
They don't hate all of us, mostly just you.

As far as I'm concerned radical Muslims are just another of too many right-wing conservative nutjob factions It's always the same group of people being recruited into these factions.. Rural, religious, uneducated, socially/sexually dysfunctional malcontents. ie conservatives.

Like you ... you're no different than a radical Imam. Except on average they're probably much smarter.
They don't hate all of us, mostly just you.

As far as I'm concerned radical Muslims are just another of too many right-wing conservative nutjob factions It's always the same group of people being recruited into these factions.. Rural, religious, uneducated, socially/sexually dysfunctional malcontents. ie conservatives.

Like you ... you're no different than a radical Imam. Except on average they're probably much smarter.
But that right there is your problem. Acting like Muslim extremists are on par with Christian extremists in their use of deadly force.

It’s blatant bullshit.

Let’s not bring left wing/ right wing into this because those don’t line up as much as you think politically across countries and cultures.

Dylan Roof doesn’t have much in common with Khomeini, and acting like he does is dishonest bullshit.

But then again you’re full of bullshit.
They don't hate all of us, mostly just you.

As far as I'm concerned radical Muslims are just another of too many right-wing conservative nutjob factions It's always the same group of people being recruited into these factions.. Rural, religious, uneducated, socially/sexually dysfunctional malcontents. ie conservatives.

Like you ... you're no different than a radical Imam. Except on average they're probably much smarter.
So, in your beautiful circular logic, they hate themselves..........
Brilliant analysis yet again.

Your obsession with VanPastorMan is really rather creepy.
Should we give Texas back to Mexico? We fought and won it decades ago. Either accept the modern day reality or I have no problem with Israel being less “precise” with their attacks on The Palestinian authority.

"Should we give Texas back to Mexico"?

i'll vote yes on that, and throw in Miss and Bama as well.

that said, who here was alive when we stole Texas?

as for Israel's military greatness, the US is the source of Israel's military power.
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Some day 1967 will be ancient history. The Palestinians can either accept reality or get into a hot war with Israel and see if they can take it back.

But for the love god, let’s stop treating them like they’re not fundamentalists who hide behind civilians.
I'm not. I'm simply pointing out that, if you think Israel has a de jure claim to the West Bank, then it necessarily follows that Israel is violating natural and international law by treating the West Bank as an occupied territory. You can't have it both ways. Either it's an integral part of Israel's legal territory, or it's a foreign occupied land. It can't be one or the other, shifting based on the convenience of context.
Some day 1967 will be ancient history. The Palestinians can either accept reality or get into a hot war with Israel and see if they can take it back.

But for the love god, let’s stop treating them like they’re not fundamentalists who hide behind civilians.
I don't see any difference between Hamas and Israel, especially Israel's far right government. Do you think there aren't any fundamentalists or racists in Israel's government? Do you think Israel really cares more about its civilians than grabbing land and war?

Remove US support, and how strong is Israel? Would Israel want to find out? I'm guessing not, although I'd like to see Netanyahu get his chance. Peace benefits Israel as much as Palestine. I would rather US tax dollars support US citizens than support Israel bullying and persecuting Palestinians. It may take US cutting off Israel to force Israel to pursue peace.
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I don't see any difference between Hamas and Israel, especially Israel's far right government. Do you think there aren't any fundamentalists or racists in Israel's government? Do you think Israel really cares more about its civilians than grabbing land and war?

Remove US support, and how strong is Israel? Would Israel want to find out? I'm guessing not, although I'd like to see Netanyahu get his chance. Peace benefits Israel as much as Palestine. I would rather US tax dollars support US citizens rather than support Israel bullying and persecuting Palestinians. It may take US cutting off Israel to force Israel to pursue peace.
Israel’s government governs 2 million Arabs with full citizenship. They have an Arab party in the Knesset. Can you name an Arab government that does the same for Jews?

Israel is the most ethnically and religiously tolerant country in the Middle East. You are deluded.
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Israel’s government governs 2 million Arabs with full citizenship. They have an Arab party in the Knesset. Can you name an Arab government that does the same for Jews?

Israel is the most ethnically and religiously tolerant country in the Middle East. You are deluded.
I don't know if the Middle East is the best measuring stick for diversity and tolerance or if it takes much to be the "best" in that region. If you want to give Israel a ribbon for that, go for it.
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Israel’s government governs 2 million Arabs with full citizenship. They have an Arab party in the Knesset. Can you name an Arab government that does the same for Jews?

Israel is the most ethnically and religiously tolerant country in the Middle East. You are deluded.
Actually, Lebanon probably has that title.

Can you name an Arab state with enough Jews in it to form a party?
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Fair enough, and I actually had the same thought while I was typing it.

But isn't that exactly what the one-state proponents (like Bennett) want to do in the West Bank?

I'm not that familiar with him to be honest, but this recent article sounds like perhaps he changed or caved in order to try and secure a coalition:

To that end, Bennett told his Yamina party faction members that regarding the West Bank he will continue the same policy as Netanyahu, namely, not annexing territory or setting up new settlements, but also not freezing construction in existing Jewish communities or removing any, according to the report.

Based on quick reading, you are right that historically he opposed a two-state solution and wanted Israeli control.
I'm not that familiar with him to be honest, but this recent article sounds like perhaps he changed or caved in order to try and secure a coalition:

To that end, Bennett told his Yamina party faction members that regarding the West Bank he will continue the same policy as Netanyahu, namely, not annexing territory or setting up new settlements, but also not freezing construction in existing Jewish communities or removing any, according to the report.

Based on quick reading, you are right that historically he opposed a two-state solution and wanted Israeli control.
My understanding - and this mostly comes from NPR, so I don't have a wide variety - is that is will not give up his opposition to a two-state solution; he will merely put it on the back-burner.

Edit: They really want to get rid of Bibi.
My understanding - and this mostly comes from NPR, so I don't have a wide variety - is that is will not give up his opposition to a two-state solution; he will merely put it on the back-burner.

Edit: They really want to get rid of Bibi.

That's probably likely, particularly if he gets into power. I can see anything going after that (not much different than the politicians in this country)
That's probably likely, particularly if he gets into power. I can see anything going after that (not much different than the politicians in this country)
One of the dangers of this type of coalition is that Bennett can toe the line for two years, and then when it is time to rotate, tell the centrists to go f*ck themselves. That's basically what Bibi did to Ganz, he just didn't wait for the deadline.
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Israel’s government governs 2 million Arabs with full citizenship. They have an Arab party in the Knesset. Can you name an Arab government that does the same for Jews?

Israel is the most ethnically and religiously tolerant country in the Middle East. You are deluded.
Don't waste your time on that dumbass.

He's proven he's historically ignorant.
Can you try to read an entire conversation and contribute instead of just making flippant comments that only you and the lowest common denominator think are clever? Thanks in advance.
OK, I read the thread. It's still the most hilarious thing I've read in a long, long time.
Yurovsky was a Lutheran.
Even a cursory review reveals that Yurovsky
Was born a jew, studied the Talmud as a youth, was a devout Marxist and 'converted ' to Lutheran to conceal his origins. It was common among jews in that era.

His superior, Sverdlov, was born into a jewish 'revolutionary ' family who 'converted' to Eastern Orthodoxy for the same purpose as Yurovsky.

Sverdlov ordered the murders of the Romanov family . Yorovsky executed his order.
Even a cursory review reveals that Yurovsky
Was born a jew, studied the Talmud as a youth, was a devout Marxist and 'converted ' to Lutheran to conceal his origins. It was common among jews in that era.

His superior, Sverdlov, was born into a jewish 'revolutionary ' family who 'converted' to Eastern Orthodoxy for the same purpose as Yurovsky.

Sverdlov ordered the murders of the Romanov family . Yorovsky executed his order.
All financed by the Rothschilds
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I think by ally they mean proponents of self governance and individual liberties. Ask the 2 million Arabs living in Israel.

How many Jews live in the Arab world by the way?

There is 1 Jew in Gaza. His name is Avera Mengistu and he is being held hostage by Hamas.
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I'm not that familiar with him to be honest, but this recent article sounds like perhaps he changed or caved in order to try and secure a coalition:

To that end, Bennett told his Yamina party faction members that regarding the West Bank he will continue the same policy as Netanyahu, namely, not annexing territory or setting up new settlements, but also not freezing construction in existing Jewish communities or removing any, according to the report.

Based on quick reading, you are right that historically he opposed a two-state solution and wanted Israeli control.

"To that end, Bennett told his Yamina party faction members that regarding the West Bank he will continue the same policy as Netanyahu, namely, not annexing territory or setting up new settlements, but also not freezing construction in existing Jewish communities or removing any, according to the report".


"we won't be starting phases 12, 13, and 14, of the project, until phases 10 and 11 are complete".
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