It's Walz.

If Shapiro turned her down (or backed away before it was offered), then it belies the notion that she wouldn’t pick him because he’s Jewish and a supporter of Israel.
Shapiro is pro-Israel but he's not a fanatic. I just heard him speak very eloquently the other day on why he favors a two-state solution...
Shapiro is pro-Israel but he's not a fanatic. I just heard him speak very eloquently the other day on why he favors a two-state solution...
In my estimation, most people I would describe as fanatics on the issue fall on the other side of it.

There are certainly people who are more hawkish and more dovish. But that’s true of most things related to geopolitics.
So Walz was a congressman and 2 term Governor, unlike Vance who was a "famous" hilbilly author. The point is do you think that none of this "blockbuster news" somehow never emerged in the course of 3 previous elections?

What's interesting to me about Vance is how he plays or played into this fanciful 'New Right' concept.

I literally just heard about this so I don't know much about how accurate what I'm going to say about it is,but from what I can gather, it's a concept that's held and trying to get some push influence from Uber rich tech bros like Thiel and Musk where the fed government is destroyed completely and the states are turned into their individual independent countries.

The rip on it is 'of course multi billionaires would love their own country state where they get to make the rules that best serve their interests while still having the historical relationship that the states have with each other (you know for business interest).

Again I just heard that conversation a few days ago so I admit I don't know shit about it....but that's supposedly why Vance is supported by Thiel because Vance aligns with this supposed 'New Right' belief, from getting to know Thiel when he was a VC for him and when Thiel hired him when he was in school.

Anyway, that was from a conversation on why Vance was picked and why tech bros like him and support him. Who knows if it's accurate but hey, at least they have a game plan if accurate. Lol
So Walz was a congressman and 2 term Governor, unlike Vance who was a "famous" hilbilly author. The point is do you think that none of this "blockbuster news" somehow never emerged in the course of 3 previous elections?
What do you think about the “snitch line”?

What do you think about the $250 million in fraud he was blamed for by the courts?
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My point was he was there if needed. Not his fault if he didn’t get called to serve.
Who's to say he wouldn't have bugged out if his unit had been called up, like he did for the Iraq war?
Yeah, it really does. There's no other way to read that snippet than "Thanks, but no thanks." Why else would he say "I'm having a hard time deciding to leave my current office" -- except as a way to politely decline?

I'd be interested to know what pushed Mark Kelly out. I kind of thought he was her 2nd best option.

Shapiro is playing the long game, as he should being as young as he is.

What's interesting to me about Vance is how he plays or played into this fanciful 'New Right' concept.

I literally just heard about this so I don't know much about how accurate what I'm going to say about it is,but from what I can gather, it's a concept that's held and trying to get some push influence from Uber rich tech bros like Thiel and Musk where the fed government is destroyed completely and the states are turned into their individual independent countries.
That's never going to happen.

Thiel and Musk are probably smart enough to realize this.
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What do you mean by "Democrat politicains" hating Israel? Besides the fact her own husband is Jewish, there are far more Jewish Dems in Congress and Statehouses tahn Pubs. And it's not even close...

Lots of Jewish people, including many within Israel itself are critical of the way the IDF is operating in Gaza. Bibi is about like Trump, popular with a cultish minority and united with far right factions to keep his ass out of prison.
I could care less cosmic. I'm pointing out your whacked out party AGAIN and how it would piss off the base. Now you idiots are trying to justify a guy that is siding kids and lopping off body parts at a young age and removing the parents again. There is a special place in hell for these people and they can't get there soon enough.

As far as the Jews go they are clueless. Non Christ believing Jews have zero understanding of their own God. Let's just put it this way, if King David were here before Christ, Gaza would be wiped out completely and the gravesites would have been dug up and bones smashed to powder. Sounds like a great idea IYAM. All this group of Muslims (Palestinians) want is death and destruction towards everyone on the planet and cannot exist peacefully with others. While we're at it let's treat the reprobate dems the same way before we run ourselves off a cliff. Dems warped ass worldly views are managed and controlled by a being you don't even know, or think exists. Chew on that for awhile.
He’s 51 son. At Napoli that’s a marker. You better have real money at that age or you’re out

Have you looked around DC? Half of them are literal dinosaurs. Grssley, Biden, Feinstein, Pelosi, Sanders, Durbin, Romney, Waters, Pascrell, Rogers, Napolitano, Norton

Shapiro is still using training wheels compared to these.
I could care less cosmic. I'm pointing out your whacked out party AGAIN and how it would piss off the base. Now you idiots are trying to justify a guy that is siding kids and lopping off body parts at a young age and removing the parents again. There is a special place in hell for these people and they can't get there soon enough.

As far as the Jews go they are clueless. Non Christ believing Jews have zero understanding of their own God. Let's just put it this way, if King David were here before Christ, Gaza would be wiped out completely and the gravesites would have been dug up and bones smashed to powder. Sounds like a great idea IYAM. All this group of Muslims (Palestinians) want is death and destruction towards everyone on the planet and cannot exist peacefully with others. While we're at it let's treat the reprobate dems the same way before we run ourselves off a cliff. Dems warped ass worldly views are managed and controlled by a being you don't even know, or think exists. Chew on that for awhile.
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I could care less cosmic. I'm pointing out your whacked out party AGAIN and how it would piss off the base. Now you idiots are trying to justify a guy that is siding kids and lopping off body parts at a young age and removing the parents again. There is a special place in hell for these people and they can't get there soon enough.

As far as the Jews go they are clueless. Non Christ believing Jews have zero understanding of their own God. Let's just put it this way, if King David were here before Christ, Gaza would be wiped out completely and the gravesites would have been dug up and bones smashed to powder. Sounds like a great idea IYAM. All this group of Muslims (Palestinians) want is death and destruction towards everyone on the planet and cannot exist peacefully with others. While we're at it let's treat the reprobate dems the same way before we run ourselves off a cliff. Dems warped ass worldly views are managed and controlled by a being you don't even know, or think exists. Chew on that for awhile.
Dude you don't have to keep posting nonsense to prove how applicable the term "weird" is...
I could care less cosmic. I'm pointing out your whacked out party AGAIN and how it would piss off the base. Now you idiots are trying to justify a guy that is siding kids and lopping off body parts at a young age and removing the parents again. There is a special place in hell for these people and they can't get there soon enough.

As far as the Jews go they are clueless. Non Christ believing Jews have zero understanding of their own God. Let's just put it this way, if King David were here before Christ, Gaza would be wiped out completely and the gravesites would have been dug up and bones smashed to powder. Sounds like a great idea IYAM. All this group of Muslims (Palestinians) want is death and destruction towards everyone on the planet and cannot exist peacefully with others. While we're at it let's treat the reprobate dems the same way before we run ourselves off a cliff. Dems warped ass worldly views are managed and controlled by a being you don't even know, or think exists. Chew on that for awhile.
That's never going to happen.

Thiel and Musk are probably smart enough to realize this.

Some dude named Curtis Yarvin is supposedly the big influence to the gilded class of tech bros and I believe is the main author who wrote this New Right concept that is resonating with the tech bros.

Anyway all of this is unconfirmed talk from a person that I tend to trust answering the question of why Thiel is a huge Vance backer for VP and from the political game in general.

I've never heard of it or Curtis Yarvin but gotta admit, there quite the interesting internet hole you can go down out there if curious. Again most of the deep YouTube chats are over an hour long and I just heard about it so I haven't gone down the information hole on it.....yet.

I agree with you, the concept of destroy the federal government completely and turn the states into countries like Europe is going to take some very effective communication and strategy to make happen.

I mean they definitely have the cash, the forum and fans to try it but, I don't think it could happen right now. Ten to twenty years from now..... different story maybe.

The right has been constantly shitting on the so called administrative state. No doubt.

One think tank calls for testing and hiring all loyalists after firing the so called unloyal employees .

The other one just wants to eradicate the fed govt in its entirety.

In my best Walz, who really wants this? Yes some isolated weirddos sure but your neighbors and communities? Not buying it.
He's a cuck and farther left than Klobuchar. That would have been a better pick IMO. She's intelligent.

Walz comes off as a school teacher, not as someone who should be running a state. His handling of the George Floyd shit show, his vaccine rollout post-COVID (MN was a relative laggard in distribution and access), his state flag swap, his lack of oversight during hundreds of millions of dollars embezzled by shady Somali "non-profits", his support of Omar... these all point to a total clown IMO. Trump should be pleased because he isn't nearly as good as Shapiro, Amy, Witmer, etc.

They had a 17 person committee on the flag project and came back with a flag that 75% of the population dislikes. The Dems are hopeless and helpless.
Yeah but he has a lot of small town intersocial male in him. He's got a big laugh and enjoys making light of himself.

My only personal experience with him is totally insignificant to anything political but the GF and I were walking out two dogs at a leashless dog park right off of the Mississippi River (for JamieD it was Minnehaha falls but the dog park area a little further south from the falls) and I forgot the tennis balls to throw into the water for my 12.5 year old sheepadoodle to loves to jump in and swim to retrieve still (it really sucks that our dogs aren't around that long. He's literally the class of 2012 which seems like a year ago and he and I have gone everywhere in this super dog friendly town when he was this athletic looking but super friendly wide gait runner who now is just Old Man Pete for being 12.5 years old. Actually we thought we were going to lose him last week when he was hit with heat exhaustion just going out to the back to piss. He collapsed and struggled breathing for the first time and then his eyes turned white like he was blind. We got him back recovered and he's back to normal now but that was a huge scare. At 12.5 he's probably likely going to tap out in the next couple of years, which blows but that's part of the journey and relationship.

Anyway back to my Walz social interaction, I'm alone walking down the dog path and a dude who I immediately thought looked like him with two other dudes who looked like security was walking towards me going up the path. He smiled and greeted me by asking how I was doing the on this beautiful day with a big, booming voice confirming it was Walz. I thought it was really nice of him to engage even though I didn't ask him too. It reminded me of the likely daily duty of being a governor in social situations which would be annoying for me.

So I get back to my GF and our 2 pooches and her eyes are wide open and she asks me if I saw Walz. I was like yeah, he greeted me in a very cool and nice manner. She then told me that Maggie (that's her 3 year old sheepadoodle who is a massive living cuddly shaggy girl but is a little too crazy, naughty and aggressive now. Pete was a little crazy and aggressive at her age, but he wasn't this aphex predator that is way too aggressive in how she plays. She's also an alarmist so any sound or change and she barks her head off calling it out) anyway she saw Walz and immediately ran full speed at him. The GF called her but he saw her coming, let out a huge smile and laugh and welcomed her into his arms. The GF was worried his security would kill her when she took off towards him but he loved it and welcomed her into his arms. She said he literally kneeled and smiled to greet her as she ran to him.

How can anyone not think that was a nice and cool moment.

So yeah, he's a legit massive dog lover which again plays into his small town boy roots that he brings up.

Too bad the GF didn't take a pic now. Lol
Can you smoke his pole any harder?

Guess you can. Posted before I saw the next post after this one.
Like when the country needed him in 1990 for the Gulf War and he was there?

You must mean another fellow named Walz because your hero bailed as soon as he realized he actually was expected to deploy:

What a guy...
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You must mean another fellow named Walz because your hero baled as soon as he realized he actually was expected to deploy:

What a guy...
The kind of leader we need.....
“My friend Governor Tim Walz will bring normality back to the most chaotic political environment that most of us have ever seen. All of the candidates were strong and any one of them would have been a great pick, but I can think of no one better than Governor Walz to help bring our country closer together and bring balance back to the Democratic Party. Governor Walz is the real deal. I look forward to continuing to work with him to bring normalcy back to Washington.” Joe Manchin
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Yes but we're not comparing Walz to Trump. We're comparing Walz to Vance. Vance served 4 yrs as a combat correspondent. Walz served 22 yrs in the National Guard including at least one deployment to Iraq. Nothing says he was required to extend past 20 yrs, and as usual MAGA is picking a fight they can't win
You don’t know what you’re talking about. If he’s a senior leader in that organization and he’s trained with and led a unit and bails on them just before a deployment - that’s a selfish act.

I don’t know the full story but the 20 yr stuff is gibberish.
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I don't blame him, aligning himself with Kamala he may be committing political suicide. I do think his stance on Israel is stronger than suggested, either that or he likes to align himself on the fence. I don't keep close tabs on Governors so today was the first time I had ever heard of Walz, recent history has shown Governors to not be very good as VP at least in succeeding the President.