It's Walz.

Could be. I think Vance was a bad pick but had Trump picked Tim Scott or Haley I would have golf clapped for that.

In a way I'm glad Shapiro is not on the ticket. If Kamala loses he is clean heading into 2028.
You’re dreaming. A white Jewish dude isn’t getting the Democrat nomination in 28. A lot of 50 and 60 year old moderate/left leaning white dudes are in for a rude awakening after Trump is gone. The Democratic party is a lot more progressive than you realize. It’s only going to get worse.
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He served for 24 years before retiring prior to the Iraq War so that he could serve in Congress. He re-enlisted after 9/11 but didn't see action. I would take that over draft dodging fake bone spurs Trump any day of the week. I find it hilarious that you want to bring that up while supporting Pussy Bone Spurs (aka your Orange God).

But go ahead and suggest Trumpy should be a hypocrite on the matter. .
You're right, Skippy. We shouldn't put out all this information on Waltz because it's still possible Kamala could replace him before the convention.

We definitely don't want that.
Trump and Project 2025 are not synonymous. Turn off the Krassenteins and Meidas Touch and join the real world.
Quite a big revolving door between Trump and the Heritage Foundation. I guess his platform depends on who the highest bidder is that day.

Oh you did a search. I’m convinced. I retract everything.
Good to hear we're on the same page.

You cited Wikipedia. Lol.
He's also speculating.

Look, I'm not saying this had nothing to do with the decision. It may well have. There is no question that Israel/Gaza is a divisive matter right now -- moreso on the Democratic side than on the Republican side. So I'm not being naive here. But it's just not correct to say we know this is why passed over Shapiro -- which is not the same thing as saying it wasn't the reason she passed him over.
Fair. I would wager a large amount it came down to two key things:
  • His pro Israel stance
  • They probably asked him to guarantee he wouldn’t run against Harris in 2028 and he refused
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Quite a big revolving door between Trump and the Heritage Foundation. I guess his platform depends on who the highest bidder is that day.

Good to hear we're on the same page.

Fine. Project 2025 and Trump are synonyms and so are the New Green Deal and all Democrats.

See how stupid you sound?
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There’s a big difference in avoiding military service and being in the military and not deploying (as a leader) so to your unit for personal reasons. Light years apart.
Like many, he drew a paycheck for years until the country needed him and then opted out. As a leader, particularly, that's just not right.
No, we really don't. A lot of people are saying this. But nobody who was involved in the vetting and decision is saying it.

Could this have had something to do with it? Yes, of course. But to say that it's "the" reason -- and that we know it's "the" reason -- is incorrect.
Shut the hell up
Like many, he drew a paycheck for years until the country needed him and then opted out. As a leader, particularly, that's just not right.
Not Iraq!
Is he on record stating he was a CSM?
Don't know, but someone must think he is.

I don't care about his rank. But he evidently was on that path and then quit when his unit was sent to Iraq. That's all I need to know.
Every time I see that Gomez lady, I'm reminded of the Universal Hot Crazy Matrix. She hits some extremes on that chart.

Coordinates: (7, 8)
What a colossal mistake. You're seeing a ton of NeverTrumpers come back home on X. This guy is way too much even for them.

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What Walz brings and has displayed to the country as he's been a campaigning mofo is he's a folksy speaker with an extremely effective communication style.

He's also very effective as a political communicator that understands the power of relatable conversation, which is his core as a politician.

He was the one that knew that you don't call asshole, bully, insecure wannabe facists mean or call them out for being social creepy weirdos and refuses that those beliefs pushed by the extreme right has no consensus because their just weird, creepy insecure beliefs that don't sit or represent the American spirit.

Anyway, effectively explaining why the awkward stuff that Trump declares is just weird talk hurts Trump than saying that he's an asshole.

Walz gets that and has masterfully used that to the point that it's had a greater public impact than calling Trump a mean asshole.

That's how you deal with narcissistic power hungry craven dudes, just highlight and explain how f#$king weird they are.

Another great example was when he was asked to comment on the Kamala race, birther stuff Trump and the right has been going back to.

He brilliantly said 'of course he did, he can't help himself. It is who he is.'. Which is so much more effective than saying he's mean and a racist. Walz didn't act offended, he acted that he wasn't surprised at all.... basically letting the audience bring in the misogyny and racist claim while also priming the audience to look for it and expect when he goes there it's just proof that he is the dumb weird incompetent and insecure loser that he is.

That's how you communicate and campaign.

My other favorite was he was asked about this mention of eliminating the dept of education. He laughed and said he was a small town kid who graduated from a high school that had around 500 total students. The proposal is to privatize our education. Walz was 'do you think venture capitalists are going to support small town rural communities that aren't large enough to turn a profit? Of course not. That's what the department of education role is to guarantee all of our children have equal access to a good school. It's what Americans believe and stand for.'

Again very folksy, small town makeup but is next level when it comes to how to politically communicate and relate to a voter base.

Shapiro's issue is he has terrible numbers from gen Z as he comes across as overly ambitious and too slick. I don't know his back story but I do know my niece and nephew who both just graduated from college despise him politically, but I don't know why other than past Israeli ambitious and war mongering comments?

The Shapiro concern from what I know is youth left vote hate him and I guess he has some comments that greatly offends a big chunk of people that could hurt Michigan but, I thought he was a done deal but happy for Walz only because I've seen Walz campaign and he communicates so effectively while understanding how to communicate and adjust to the audience at a high level.

All while being a folksy, ex school teacher, ex football coach, ex military and ex small town kid.

He knows how to relate and communicate issues that people he's relating to are going through.

He's a campaign super star communicator. That's why he was picked in my POV.
So basically Walz is a nice guy?
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What a colossal mistake. You're seeing a ton of NeverTrumpers come back home on X. This guy is way too much even for them.

Dammit. Now I'm legit worried she'll rescind her pick of Waltz.

Seriously, I am. I mean, in a few hours, more shit has come out on him than I would have thought possible.
CNN's live feed is reporting that some Trump allies are "relieved" she picked Walz over Shapiro. So that's a good sign. :rolleyes:

There was no way Harris could pick a Jew, regardless of his current stance. Shapiro was disgustingly apologizing for pro-Israel comments from 20 years ago. That's where we are with the Democratic party these days.

Walz is an "aww shucks" guy who isn't nearly as effective as Dayton was. I do not think he will show well, but then again, he only has to do better than Vance.
Like when the country needed him in 1990 for the Gulf War and he was there?

I think he means like Trump was there when we needed him for Vietnam... oh wait nevermind, Agent Orange sat that war out but that was ok.
There was no way Harris could pick a Jew, regardless of his current stance. Shapiro was disgustingly apologizing for pro-Israel comments from 20 years ago. That's where we are with the Democratic party these days.

Walz is an "aww shucks" guy who isn't nearly as effective as Dayton was. I do not think he will show well, but then again, he only has to do better than Vance.
I'm not ready to jump on the wokey woke train until I learn more about Walz, but I did say before the Dems needed to call the left's bluff, and best interpretation here is that they punted. Worst is they folded entirely.

Yes, I realize I badly mixed metaphors there.
@JamieDimonsBalls what do you think of your governor?

He's a cuck and farther left than Klobuchar. That would have been a better pick IMO. She's intelligent.

Walz comes off as a school teacher, not as someone who should be running a state. His handling of the George Floyd shit show, his vaccine rollout post-COVID (MN was a relative laggard in distribution and access), his state flag swap, his lack of oversight during hundreds of millions of dollars embezzled by shady Somali "non-profits", his support of Omar... these all point to a total clown IMO. Trump should be pleased because he isn't nearly as good as Shapiro, Amy, Witmer, etc.
Could be. It's also a signal that the Harris campaign is already confident enough about winning Pennsylvania without Shapiro on the ticket.
More likely the protests of him being Jewish thus being a genocidal maniac. Or perhaps that the fact he has his own Hush Money issue to coverup a sexual harassment suit by either a friend or colleague in Pennsylvania government.
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I'm not ready to jump on the wokey woke train until I learn more about Walz, but I did say before the Dems needed to call the left's bluff, and best interpretation here is that they punted. Worst is they folded entirely.

Yes, I realize I badly mixed metaphors there.

I'll add to the confusion with regards to football and cards...

You know, it could also be the case that others decided they didn’t want to be a VP candidate for whatever reason. Like with IU bball recruiting, we always assume we have the pick of whoever we want.
Didn't Shapiro say when your country calls, you answer the call? That was just the other day.

Sounds like he was campaigning for the job.
There was no way Harris could pick a Jew, regardless of his current stance. Shapiro was disgustingly apologizing for pro-Israel comments from 20 years ago. That's where we are with the Democratic party these days.

Walz is an "aww shucks" guy who isn't nearly as effective as Dayton was. I do not think he will show well, but then again, he only has to do better than Vance.
Weren't Shapiro's comments from 20 years ago more derisive of the Palestinian people than supportive of the Israeli people? Something along the lines of them being incompatible with self-government?

Anyway, the CW is that Harris simply couldn't pick a Jewish runningmate in this environment. I'm not saying it's definitely wrong. However, it has to say something that Shapiro was in her final 2, doesn't it? If it's true that a Jewish runningmate is a non-starter, would he have made it that far?
What Walz brings and has displayed to the country as he's been a campaigning mofo is he's a folksy speaker with an extremely effective communication style.

He's also very effective as a political communicator that understands the power of relatable conversation, which is his core as a politician.

He was the one that knew that you don't call asshole, bully, insecure wannabe facists mean or call them out for being social creepy weirdos and refuses that those beliefs pushed by the extreme right has no consensus because their just weird, creepy insecure beliefs that don't sit or represent the American spirit.

Anyway, effectively explaining why the awkward stuff that Trump declares is just weird talk hurts Trump than saying that he's an asshole.

Walz gets that and has masterfully used that to the point that it's had a greater public impact than calling Trump a mean asshole.

That's how you deal with narcissistic power hungry craven dudes, just highlight and explain how f#$king weird they are.

Another great example was when he was asked to comment on the Kamala race, birther stuff Trump and the right has been going back to.

He brilliantly said 'of course he did, he can't help himself. It is who he is.'. Which is so much more effective than saying he's mean and a racist. Walz didn't act offended, he acted that he wasn't surprised at all.... basically letting the audience bring in the misogyny and racist claim while also priming the audience to look for it and expect when he goes there it's just proof that he is the dumb weird incompetent and insecure loser that he is.

That's how you communicate and campaign.

My other favorite was he was asked about this mention of eliminating the dept of education. He laughed and said he was a small town kid who graduated from a high school that had around 500 total students. The proposal is to privatize our education. Walz was 'do you think venture capitalists are going to support small town rural communities that aren't large enough to turn a profit? Of course not. That's what the department of education role is to guarantee all of our children have equal access to a good school. It's what Americans believe and stand for.'

Again very folksy, small town makeup but is next level when it comes to how to politically communicate and relate to a voter base.

Shapiro's issue is he has terrible numbers from gen Z as he comes across as overly ambitious and too slick. I don't know his back story but I do know my niece and nephew who both just graduated from college despise him politically, but I don't know why other than past Israeli ambitious and war mongering comments?

The Shapiro concern from what I know is youth left vote hate him and I guess he has some comments that greatly offends a big chunk of people that could hurt Michigan but, I thought he was a done deal but happy for Walz only because I've seen Walz campaign and he communicates so effectively while understanding how to communicate and adjust to the audience at a high level.

All while being a folksy, ex school teacher, ex football coach, ex military and ex small town kid.

He knows how to relate and communicate issues that people he's relating to are going through.

He's a campaign super star communicator. That's why he was picked in my POV.
Good recap on his positives. Thanks.
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Dipshit made me late for work yet again this morning, all because he decided to go to Lunken Airport during morning rush hour.
Sorry you think you are more important than democracy!
Dipshit made me late for work yet again this morning, all because he decided to go to Lunken Airport during morning rush hour.
This is at least the third time in the past couple of weeks.