It's Walz.

That's who the Democrat Party is these days - radical left. You guys think MAGA runs the show? Welcome to Somali-land.

Leopards don't change their spots. You guys who have gone along with Democrats because of the Orange Man may finally be opening your eyes.
I wonder if there are any Gen z who see things differently. Any young politicians that aren’t part of the far left

He served for 24 years before retiring prior to the Iraq War so that he could serve in Congress. He re-enlisted after 9/11 but didn't see action. I would take that over draft dodging fake bone spurs Trump any day of the week. I find it hilarious that you want to bring that up while supporting Pussy Bone Spurs (aka your Orange God).

But go ahead and suggest Trumpy should be a hypocrite on the matter. .
I figured they would have brought in someone that at least looks younger to keep hitting at Trump's advanced age.

Not surprised that the conservative spin machine is already on full power going after Walz. Kind of a necessity when you are running shitty candidates and need to pull out all of the stops to make them appear like the preferable choice.
What could I say to change Wake's mind?

Me: Walz pushed for police reform and did X, Y, Z.
Wake: That's just optics and doesn't really change anything. Protests, saving face, yada, yada.
Me: Ok, I disagree. I was just posting what I read on his Wiki.
No. That’s trash.

Police “reform” to people like Walz is defunding, forced DEI hiring (which Wall Street is now shunning) and platitudinous overtures that only create division between police and their people they protect.

You can change my mind by understanding reality.
What Walz brings and has displayed to the country as he's been a campaigning mofo is he's a folksy speaker with an extremely effective communication style.

He's also very effective as a political communicator that understands the power of relatable conversation, which is his core as a politician.

He was the one that knew that you don't call asshole, bully, insecure wannabe facists mean or call them out for being social creepy weirdos and refuses that those beliefs pushed by the extreme right has no consensus because their just weird, creepy insecure beliefs that don't sit or represent the American spirit.

Anyway, effectively explaining why the awkward stuff that Trump declares is just weird talk hurts Trump than saying that he's an asshole.

Walz gets that and has masterfully used that to the point that it's had a greater public impact than calling Trump a mean asshole.

That's how you deal with narcissistic power hungry craven dudes, just highlight and explain how f#$king weird they are.

Another great example was when he was asked to comment on the Kamala race, birther stuff Trump and the right has been going back to.

He brilliantly said 'of course he did, he can't help himself. It is who he is.'. Which is so much more effective than saying he's mean and a racist. Walz didn't act offended, he acted that he wasn't surprised at all.... basically letting the audience bring in the misogyny and racist claim while also priming the audience to look for it and expect when he goes there it's just proof that he is the dumb weird incompetent and insecure loser that he is.

That's how you communicate and campaign.

My other favorite was he was asked about this mention of eliminating the dept of education. He laughed and said he was a small town kid who graduated from a high school that had around 500 total students. The proposal is to privatize our education. Walz was 'do you think venture capitalists are going to support small town rural communities that aren't large enough to turn a profit? Of course not. That's what the department of education role is to guarantee all of our children have equal access to a good school. It's what Americans believe and stand for.'

Again very folksy, small town makeup but is next level when it comes to how to politically communicate and relate to a voter base.

Shapiro's issue is he has terrible numbers from gen Z as he comes across as overly ambitious and too slick. I don't know his back story but I do know my niece and nephew who both just graduated from college despise him politically, but I don't know why other than past Israeli ambitious and war mongering comments?

The Shapiro concern from what I know is youth left vote hate him and I guess he has some comments that greatly offends a big chunk of people that could hurt Michigan but, I thought he was a done deal but happy for Walz only because I've seen Walz campaign and he communicates so effectively while understanding how to communicate and adjust to the audience at a high level.

All while being a folksy, ex school teacher, ex football coach, ex military and ex small town kid.

He knows how to relate and communicate issues that people he's relating to are going through.

He's a campaign super star communicator. That's why he was picked in my POV.
No. That’s trash.

Police “reform” to people like Walz is defunding, forced DEI hiring (which Wall Street is now shunning) and platitudinous overtures that only create division between police and their people they protect.

You can change my mind by understanding reality.

That's how conservatives spin it.
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Sort of disagree. I think perception matters. Woke far left progressive radical would have been softened with a Shapiro pick. Instead she picked a clone. Solidifies what people fear/believe. Actually same can be said with Vance pick

Yeah, it's almost as if she saw the headlines about how bad the Vance pick was and had a "hold my beer" moment.
"So Kamalala picks this uber liberal guy, Walz or Waltz. I don't know his name, never heard of him. Heard he doesn't even like couches and has talked bad about my Project 2025 platform. Anyway, why was he named after a dance? Maybe I'll call him Wally Waltz. Where was I? And where's my line of sudafed?"
Trump and Project 2025 are not synonymous. Turn off the Krassenteins and Meidas Touch and join the real world.
What Walz brings and has displayed to the country as he's been a campaigning mofo is he's a folksy speaker with an extremely effective communication style.

He's also very effective as a political communicator that understands the power of relatable conversation, which is his core as a politician.

He was the one that knew that you don't call asshole, bully, insecure wannabe facists mean or call them out for being social creepy weirdos and refuses that those beliefs pushed by the extreme right has no consensus because their just weird, creepy insecure beliefs that don't sit or represent the American spirit.

Anyway, effectively explaining why the awkward stuff that Trump declares is just weird talk hurts Trump than saying that he's an asshole.

Walz gets that and has masterfully used that to the point that it's had a greater public impact than calling Trump a mean asshole.

That's how you deal with narcissistic power hungry craven dudes, just highlight and explain how f#$king weird they are.

Another great example was when he was asked to comment on the Kamala race, birther stuff Trump and the right has been going back to.

He brilliantly said 'of course he did, he can't help himself. It is who he is.'. Which is so much more effective than saying he's mean and a racist. Walz didn't act offended, he acted that he wasn't surprised at all.... basically letting the audience bring in the misogyny and racist claim while also priming the audience to look for it and expect when he goes there it's just proof that he is the dumb weird incompetent and insecure loser that he is.

That's how you communicate and campaign.

My other favorite was he was asked about this mention of eliminating the dept of education. He laughed and said he was a small town kid who graduated from a high school that had around 500 total students. The proposal is to privatize our education. Walz was 'do you think venture capitalists are going to support small town rural communities that aren't large enough to turn a profit? Of course not. That's what the department of education role is to guarantee all of our children have equal access to a good school. It's what Americans believe and stand for.'

Again very folksy, small town makeup but is next level when it comes to how to politically communicate and relate to a voter base.

Shapiro's issue is he has terrible numbers from gen Z as he comes across as overly ambitious and too slick. I don't know his back story but I do know my niece and nephew who both just graduated from college despise him politically, but I don't know why other than past Israeli ambitious and war mongering comments?

The Shapiro concern from what I know is youth left vote hate him and I guess he has some comments that greatly offends a big chunk of people that could hurt Michigan but, I thought he was a done deal but happy for Walz only because I've seen Walz campaign and he communicates so effectively while understanding how to communicate and adjust to the audience at a high level.

All while being a folksy, ex school teacher, ex football coach, ex military and ex small town kid.

He knows how to relate and communicate issues that people he's relating to are going through.

He's a campaign super star communicator. That's why he was picked in my POV.

I can already tell I'm going to quickly get my fill of the word "folksy."
No. That’s trash.

Police “reform” to people like Walz is defunding, forced DEI hiring (which Wall Street is now shunning) and platitudinous overtures that only create division between police and their people they protect.

You can change my mind by understanding reality.
Do you want to link anything to back your claims or do you want me to do the work? I just did a quick search and I'm not sure there's a reality in all of what you claimed.
We know why she didn’t pick Shapiro.

No, we really don't. A lot of people are saying this. But nobody who was involved in the vetting and decision is saying it.

Could this have had something to do with it? Yes, of course. But to say that it's "the" reason -- and that we know it's "the" reason -- is incorrect.
No, we really don't. A lot of people are saying this. But nobody who was involved in the vetting and decision is saying it.

Could this have had something to do with it? Yes, of course. But to say that it's "the" reason -- and that we know it's "the" reason -- is incorrect.
Ehhh the writing is on the wall. Even wokey woke Van Joned admits it. Watch the clip on Jones from the Erickson pod below. Very telling.

Ehhh the writing is on the wall. Even wokey woke Van Joned admits it.

He's also speculating.

Look, I'm not saying this had nothing to do with the decision. It may well have. There is no question that Israel/Gaza is a divisive matter right now -- moreso on the Democratic side than on the Republican side. So I'm not being naive here. But it's just not correct to say we know this is why passed over Shapiro -- which is not the same thing as saying it wasn't the reason she passed him over.
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