It's Walz.

Except she’s not really hot
heath ledger love GIF
Dude you don't have to keep posting nonsense to prove how applicable the term "weird" is...
I can't help it you don't understand cosmic one. Go bask in your whatever it is you believe in. I'm sure that will take you far.
I don't blame him, aligning himself with Kamala he may be committing political suicide. I do think his stance on Israel is stronger than suggested, either that or he likes to align himself on the fence. I don't keep close tabs on Governors so today was the first time I had ever heard of Walz, recent history has shown Governors to not be very good as VP at least in succeeding the President.
What former Governor was VP in the past 50 years other than Pence?
It's interesting to me because I've been and am a Buttigieg fan mainly for how effective he communicates, the same thing that I have been impressed about Walz, but my GF called me out correctly in that they are two different personalities.

She made me think and what I came up with is that Pete reminds me of the most and blatantly obvious successful corporate directors and leaders. He's super polished, has a GQ presentation but also communicates so effectively while displaying his intellectual gifts. So yeah, I was lucky thanks to the opportunities from the Kelley SOB to spend around 20 years in multi million companies and have had amazing successful leaders and beyond terrible leaders and Pete reminded me of the super stars that deservingly rose up the corporate chain.

Walz reminds me of what I'd like to see in myself but he's a much, much better communicator. But I love his humor and how he battles in the political arena, I wish I could be as effective as he is even posting on the WC, but I'm not. Anyway he reminds me of people that I grew up with but it's like he reacts to the political world how I do but explains the reasoning for his reaction so much better than I do.

So I think I see Pete as a big company corporate star that I've worked with while I see Walz as a neighbor handyman, average Joe small town teacher/coach dude who definitely has an opinion but can be super funny and humble.

Season 8 Nbc GIF by The Office

I get it. You think Pete is dreamy and want to bang him.
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That's never going to happen.

Thiel and Musk are probably smart enough to realize this.
Neither one is a hardcore Bitcoiner either. I think they just want less regulations and reasonable spending so they can continue to innovate and help society out.
Are Trump and Vance even for a two-state solution? Don't think the Christian Nationalist/Evangelical element in their base is...
No one is for a two-state solution anymore. The Jews want a one-state solution with most of the Palestinians somehow magically disappeared (or occupied non-citizens with no voting rights), and the Palestinians want a one-state solution with a right of return to ensure they are a perpetual majority. The two-state solution is probably dead.
That may stick with MAGA... But can a 20+ yr vet actually be accused of "ducking out"?
When he never saw combat during that 20 years, and "retires" in the middle of a 6 year commission, as the group leader to boot, the first time they are assigned an actual combat assignment?

I mean...I'll defer to the ex-military here, but that sounds like a textbook definition of ducking out.
That may stick with MAGA... But can a 20+ yr vet actually be accused of "ducking out"?
You don’t fully grasp how awful Walz is….it is right in front of you. Some of the stuff you have, rightfully, complained of Trump doing….Walz has done as well.

Except, for the most part, Walz was a government employee during the acts
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So we're comparing Walz to Vance, and to the extent either influences the outcome of the race I think Walz wins on every measure. He's folksy,authentic and just plain likable. Served 12 yrs in Congress from a swing district and had a knack for building bipartisan coalitions and has friends on both sides of the aisle. Both AOC and Manchin applaud the pick, and I think any Dem will welcome Walz to their state to campaign with them. Can the same be said about Vance?

I think this is the type of video that will play well with non-MAGA and swing voters. We already share the same first name, but watching this video I discovered we also own the same shirt.No matter who wins the election,I predict Walz will be voted the person you'd most likely want to have a beer with...

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So we're comparing Walz to Vance, and to the extent either influences the outcome of the race I think Walz wins on every measure. He's folksy,authentic and just plain likable. Served 12 yrs in Congress from a swing district and had a knack for building bipartisan coalitions and has friends on both sides of the aisle. Both AOC and Manchin applaud the pick, and I think any Dem will welcome Walz to their state to campaign with them. Can the same be said about Vance?

I think this is the type of video that will play well with non-MAGA and swing voters. We already share the same first name, but watching this video I discovered we also own the same shirt.No matter who wins the election,I predict Walz will be voted the person you'd most likely want to have a beer with...

Flush his policies and his time as governor…because the media has branded him “folksy”?
When he never saw combat during that 20 years, and "retires" in the middle of a 6 year commission, as the group leader to boot, the first time they are assigned an actual combat assignment?

I mean...I'll defer to the ex-military here, but that sounds like a textbook definition of ducking out.
Yep, Tampon Tim ducked out
When he never saw combat during that 20 years, and "retires" in the middle of a 6 year commission, as the group leader to boot, the first time they are assigned an actual combat assignment?

I mean...I'll defer to the ex-military here, but that sounds like a textbook definition of ducking out.
The issue was brought up during his 2022 re-election by his GOP opponent who never served...It doesn't seem to have resonated with anyone outside MAGA world...

Heck it was even brought up during his first Congressional race vs an incumbent in a basically Red ditrict. He never claimed he served in combat,although he was deployed to the far reaches, was named Minnesota's Citizen soldier of the year in 1989, and was diagnosed with tinnitus by the VA. He was also the ranking member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee.

Maybe this "horrifying" accusation will stick outside of MAGA world, but I don't think so. None of these claims are new,he's been in office for nearly 2 decades and won every race he's had.All dredging up this attack is going to do is remind independents who don't like Trump about Trump's bonespurs.

I'm not sure this is a case that JD Vance, as someone who served 4 yrs as a combat correspondent and left the Corps as a corporal can successfully prosecute vs a 24 yr veteran, who enlisted at the age of 17, and attained the rank of CSM. What has JD ever done for vets, or what legislative accomplishments has he even had,for that matter?

"Walz' leadership on behalf of his fellow veterans when he was in the U.S. House of Representatives is notable at a time when our all-volunteer force continues to struggle to recruit," Allison Jaslow, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said in a statement praising the choice of a veteran to be vice presidential nominee. "How we care for our veterans is as important to our national security as how we care for our troops, and Walz has a record to prove that he understands that imperative."
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