It's Walz.

The issue was brought up during his 2022 re-election by his GOP opponent who never served...It doesn't seem to have resonated with anyone outside MAGA world...

Heck it was even brought up during his first Congressional race vs an incumbent in a basically Red ditrict. He never claimed he served in combat,although he was deployed to the far reaches, was named Minnesota's Citizen soldier of the year in 1989, and was diagnosed with tinnitus by the VA. He was also the ranking member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee.

Maybe this "horrifying" accusation will stick outside of MAGA world, but I don't think so. None of these claims are new,he's been in office for nearly 2 decades and won every race he's had.All dredging up this attack is going to do is remind independents who don't like Trump about Trump's bonespurs.

I'm not sure this is a case that JD Vance, as someone who served 4 yrs as a combat correspondent and left the Corps as a corporal can successfully prosecute vs a 24 yr veteran, who enlisted at the age of 17, and attained the rank of CSM. What has JD ever done for vets, or what legislative accomplishments has he even had,for that matter?

"Walz' leadership on behalf of his fellow veterans when he was in the U.S. House of Representatives is notable at a time when our all-volunteer force continues to struggle to recruit," Allison Jaslow, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said in a statement praising the choice of a veteran to be vice presidential nominee. "How we care for our veterans is as important to our national security as how we care for our troops, and Walz has a record to prove that he understands that imperative."
Other than the timing of his exit from the Guard being ambiguously suspect - I don’t think his military service should be under scrutiny.
Lol that was the big Slu rugby bar. Good times for sure. Scrappy crowd but smart good dudes.
Had to have been one of them.

One of the places we got tossed from...ended up running into the guys at the next bar, laughed our asses off and boozed with them...then they get into it with another crew.

Was like the "SEGA hockey after parking lot fight scene in Swingers" combined with the "You're going!" scene from Good Will Hunting. Just got my burger, already ended up scuffling on the floor at some beer joint an hour earlier, and now "we're going" again. ****! 😄
Man there’s nothing like the smell of rubber as your cities are burning. Walz’s wife kept her windows open so she could smell it. Weird.
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I don't blame him, aligning himself with Kamala he may be committing political suicide. I do think his stance on Israel is stronger than suggested, either that or he likes to align himself on the fence. I don't keep close tabs on Governors so today was the first time I had ever heard of Walz, recent history has shown Governors to not be very good as VP at least in succeeding the President.

Yea, I agree re: his stance on Israel. It's a bit disappointing that he felt the need to pander and apologize for past statements and promote the failed notion of a two state solution, as if that has any possibility these days.
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He was picked because he’s no threat to Kamala’s limelight and he’s not Jewish.

DeSantas has a suggested slogan for these left wing nuts. MABA (Make American Burn Again).
He was picked because he’s no threat to Kamala’s limelight and he’s not Jewish.

DeSantas has a suggested slogan for these left wing nuts. MABA (Make American Burn Again).
I'm not going to try and convince you to support his positions (obviously), but after watching him in various platforms tonight, I think you can make the case he is the most dynamic of the group (Harris, Trump, Vance). He talks like the everyday man and is easy to relate to.

Just my opinion.
Yeah but he has a lot of small town intersocial male in him. He's got a big laugh and enjoys making light of himself.

My only personal experience with him is totally insignificant to anything political but the GF and I were walking out two dogs at a leashless dog park right off of the Mississippi River (for JamieD it was Minnehaha falls but the dog park area a little further south from the falls) and I forgot the tennis balls to throw into the water for my 12.5 year old sheepadoodle to loves to jump in and swim to retrieve still (it really sucks that our dogs aren't around that long. He's literally the class of 2012 which seems like a year ago and he and I have gone everywhere in this super dog friendly town when he was this athletic looking but super friendly wide gait runner who now is just Old Man Pete for being 12.5 years old. Actually we thought we were going to lose him last week when he was hit with heat exhaustion just going out to the back to piss. He collapsed and struggled breathing for the first time and then his eyes turned white like he was blind. We got him back recovered and he's back to normal now but that was a huge scare. At 12.5 he's probably likely going to tap out in the next couple of years, which blows but that's part of the journey and relationship.

Anyway back to my Walz social interaction, I'm alone walking down the dog path and a dude who I immediately thought looked like him with two other dudes who looked like security was walking towards me going up the path. He smiled and greeted me by asking how I was doing the on this beautiful day with a big, booming voice confirming it was Walz. I thought it was really nice of him to engage even though I didn't ask him too. It reminded me of the likely daily duty of being a governor in social situations which would be annoying for me.

So I get back to my GF and our 2 pooches and her eyes are wide open and she asks me if I saw Walz. I was like yeah, he greeted me in a very cool and nice manner. She then told me that Maggie (that's her 3 year old sheepadoodle who is a massive living cuddly shaggy girl but is a little too crazy, naughty and aggressive now. Pete was a little crazy and aggressive at her age, but he wasn't this aphex predator that is way too aggressive in how she plays. She's also an alarmist so any sound or change and she barks her head off calling it out) anyway she saw Walz and immediately ran full speed at him. The GF called her but he saw her coming, let out a huge smile and laugh and welcomed her into his arms. The GF was worried his security would kill her when she took off towards him but he loved it and welcomed her into his arms. She said he literally kneeled and smiled to greet her as she ran to him.

How can anyone not think that was a nice and cool moment.

So yeah, he's a legit massive dog lover which again plays into his small town boy roots that he brings up.

Too bad the GF didn't take a pic now. Lol

I haven't been to the falls in a month or two, but they've been gushing hard this year. I'm right near the creek that runs into the falls and it's high water again!

He seems like an normal guy in many respects. I thought Dayton did a better job, but there's been a lot of shit the past four years.
So we're comparing Walz to Vance, and to the extent either influences the outcome of the race I think Walz wins on every measure. He's folksy,authentic and just plain likable. Served 12 yrs in Congress from a swing district and had a knack for building bipartisan coalitions and has friends on both sides of the aisle. Both AOC and Manchin applaud the pick, and I think any Dem will welcome Walz to their state to campaign with them. Can the same be said about Vance?

I think this is the type of video that will play well with non-MAGA and swing voters. We already share the same first name, but watching this video I discovered we also own the same shirt.No matter who wins the election,I predict Walz will be voted the person you'd most likely want to have a beer with...

Future sex change patients. He's secretly adding up the kickbacks.
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Guy purposely set his wedding date on the anniversary of Tiennemen Square? And then took a bunch of kids with him on his honeymoon back to China?

That's not weird? 😄

Jesus Christ where do they get these ****ing guys?
Planet Claire has pink air, all the trees are red, no one ever dies there, no one has a head.
I'm not going to try and convince you to support his positions (obviously), but after watching him in various platforms tonight, I think you can make the case he is the most dynamic of the group (Harris, Trump, Vance). He talks like the everyday man and is easy to relate to.

Just my opinion.
I think you might be right about Walz.

While working today I had Vance’s Rally on the TV. I actually stopped and listened. He was pretty good. Especially the impromptu questions he fielded after the speech.
The adults are talking DDE. Go to bed.
Ooooohhhh a little triggered are we. The guy is a POS and so is Harris. The dem party is killing this country 10 ways to Sunday and it's not funny anymore! Everything you touch turns to crap. You take kids from their parents for a sex change? Give criminals every chance they deserve? WTH is wrong with you.
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Other than the timing of his exit from the Guard being ambiguously suspect - I don’t think his military service should be under scrutiny.

It goes to character...

Here's how a soldier who was directly affected by Walz bugging out feels about it...

And here's the original article that was posted:

Finally here's Megan Kelly (and guests) elaborating a bit on the topic:

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Re-watching Harris introducing Walz...

Together they look like the villains in an upcoming Batman sequel...

This could make for a unique (possibly even a collectible 😉), campaign poster...

The Donald, dressed in Batman's Raven Kevlar holding an American Flag in his Right hand (with it unfurling in the breeze behind him (with rivulets of blood streaming down the Right side of his face from his wounded ear and JD Vance at his side in streamlined MARPAT Kevlar ; looking over and slightly down at the Cackling Commie Kamala who's wearing brick red tights and her sidekick (who does bear a great deal of similarity to the Joker), China Tim... also wearing a brick red ensemble with a Communist Chinese flag emblazoned across the chest ; with a foreground of a drug addict blocked San Francisco sidewalk and a background of a blazing Minneapolis behind them...

Ok you graphic artists out there, get to work.

//To fully understand this joke you need to watch her introduce him and pause the screen when they smile and laugh simultaneously... Never before have I seen two actual living people give off a more perfect aura of future Batman villains...//
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Yeah but he has a lot of small town intersocial male in him. He's got a big laugh and enjoys making light of himself.

My only personal experience with him is totally insignificant to anything political but the GF and I were walking out two dogs at a leashless dog park right off of the Mississippi River (for JamieD it was Minnehaha falls but the dog park area a little further south from the falls) and I forgot the tennis balls to throw into the water for my 12.5 year old sheepadoodle to loves to jump in and swim to retrieve still (it really sucks that our dogs aren't around that long. He's literally the class of 2012 which seems like a year ago and he and I have gone everywhere in this super dog friendly town when he was this athletic looking but super friendly wide gait runner who now is just Old Man Pete for being 12.5 years old. Actually we thought we were going to lose him last week when he was hit with heat exhaustion just going out to the back to piss. He collapsed and struggled breathing for the first time and then his eyes turned white like he was blind. We got him back recovered and he's back to normal now but that was a huge scare. At 12.5 he's probably likely going to tap out in the next couple of years, which blows but that's part of the journey and relationship.

Anyway back to my Walz social interaction, I'm alone walking down the dog path and a dude who I immediately thought looked like him with two other dudes who looked like security was walking towards me going up the path. He smiled and greeted me by asking how I was doing the on this beautiful day with a big, booming voice confirming it was Walz. I thought it was really nice of him to engage even though I didn't ask him too. It reminded me of the likely daily duty of being a governor in social situations which would be annoying for me.

So I get back to my GF and our 2 pooches and her eyes are wide open and she asks me if I saw Walz. I was like yeah, he greeted me in a very cool and nice manner. She then told me that Maggie (that's her 3 year old sheepadoodle who is a massive living cuddly shaggy girl but is a little too crazy, naughty and aggressive now. Pete was a little crazy and aggressive at her age, but he wasn't this aphex predator that is way too aggressive in how she plays. She's also an alarmist so any sound or change and she barks her head off calling it out) anyway she saw Walz and immediately ran full speed at him. The GF called her but he saw her coming, let out a huge smile and laugh and welcomed her into his arms. The GF was worried his security would kill her when she took off towards him but he loved it and welcomed her into his arms. She said he literally kneeled and smiled to greet her as she ran to him.

How can anyone not think that was a nice and cool moment.

So yeah, he's a legit massive dog lover which again plays into his small town boy roots that he brings up.

Too bad the GF didn't take a pic now. Lol
He didn't even do well with small town people in his own state. I get the impression that many of you actually believe that small town and blue collar folks are rubes thing. They aren't dumb. They know that not everyone showing up at your door and with an "Aww shucks" attitude and a small town affectation is one of their guys.

The people in Minnesota from those groups didn't buy into that BS. They know that he is leftist politics more at home in Portland wrapped up in a bow that the left thinks will appear pretty to them. It did not work on Minnesotans outside of the typical Democrat coalition, why are we to believe it is going to work on anyone else?
So we're comparing Walz to Vance, and to the extent either influences the outcome of the race I think Walz wins on every measure. He's folksy,authentic and just plain likable. Served 12 yrs in Congress from a swing district and had a knack for building bipartisan coalitions and has friends on both sides of the aisle. Both AOC and Manchin applaud the pick, and I think any Dem will welcome Walz to their state to campaign with them. Can the same be said about Vance?

I think this is the type of video that will play well with non-MAGA and swing voters. We already share the same first name, but watching this video I discovered we also own the same shirt.No matter who wins the election,I predict Walz will be voted the person you'd most likely want to have a beer with...

All that is possible but those types of voters in Minnesota didn't buy his bullshit in the last election. He won because Minnesota has more voters like you.
He didn't even do well with small town people in his own state. I get the impression that many of you actually believe that small town and blue collar folks are rubes thing. They aren't dumb. They know that not everyone showing up at your door and with an "Aww shucks" attitude and a small town affectation is one of their guys.

The people in Minnesota from those groups didn't buy into that BS. They know that he is leftist politics more at home in Portland wrapped up in a bow that the left thinks will appear pretty to them. It did not work on Minnesotans outside of the typical Democrat coalition, why are we to believe it is going to work on anyone else?
Had a local (Lib) mom describe him to me as I was driving a crew home from Kings Island yesterday morning (I hadn't researched anything yet).

Was told:
  • Governor of Missouri, a typically red state, voted in because he's "from the country"
  • Army Vet with many Mid East combat missions. Decorated.
  • NRA loves him. Gun owner.
  • Won a HS football championship as a HC
  • Former HS teacher
  • Campaign slogan was going to be "From the window, to the Walz". 😄