Interesting stories out of Cali today...


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 28, 2015
Sirhan Sirhan denied parole by Gavin Newsome

Gotta give it to the gov, he actually wrote a pretty good explanation

On to the not so great...

agreed, no reason to keep wasting taxpayer money on this terrorist
I used to like Manson's parole hearings. He was real funny. They'd ask him if he's rehabilitated and he'd answer that he was and that he's changed and that he's a new man. That he bears no resemblance to that man who committed those heinous acts. Then they'd say well Mr Manson what would you do if free. What are your plans? And he'd go I'd like to try to get as much of the gang together as I can and kill so and so lol
I used to like Manson's parole hearings. He was real funny. They'd ask him if he's rehabilitated and he'd answer that he was and that he's changed and that he's a new man. That he bears no resemblance to that man who committed those heinous acts. Then they'd say well Mr Manson what would you do if free. What are your plans? And he'd go I'd like to try to get as much of the gang together as I can and kill so and so lol
I really need a season 3 of Mindhunters.
Sirhan Sirhan denied parole by Gavin Newsome

Gotta give it to the gov, he actually wrote a pretty good explanation

On to the not so great...

I have to believe Amazon/UPS/Whoever do some kind of cost benefit analysis on actually stopping this from happening. Considering they don't stop it from happening (private security, etc) their profits must be astronomical.
Sirhan Sirhan denied parole by Gavin Newsome

Gotta give it to the gov, he actually wrote a pretty good explanation

On to the not so great...

California is third world. A rich elite class that is insulated against the lower classes that surround them and all of their problems. They provide bread and circuses to the masses. The middle class is mostly squeezed out and all that is left is the peasants to live in the squalor awaiting their next gift from the aristocracy.

Hyperbole? A bit. But the underlying point has an undeniable bit of truth to it.
California is third world. A rich elite class that is insulated against the lower classes that surround them and all of their problems. They provide bread and circuses to the masses. The middle class is mostly squeezed out and all that is left is the peasants to live in the squalor awaiting their next gift from the aristocracy.

Hyperbole? A bit. But the underlying point has an undeniable bit of truth to it.
JP nailed it on California. So true.

California is third world. A rich elite class that is insulated against the lower classes that surround them and all of their problems. They provide bread and circuses to the masses. The middle class is mostly squeezed out and all that is left is the peasants to live in the squalor awaiting their next gift from the aristocracy.

Hyperbole? A bit. But the underlying point has an undeniable bit of truth to it.
I wish I was a member of the California rich elite class providing bread and circuses to the masses. Should have gone to acting school, or something
California is third world. A rich elite class that is insulated against the lower classes that surround them and all of their problems. They provide bread and circuses to the masses. The middle class is mostly squeezed out and all that is left is the peasants to live in the squalor awaiting their next gift from the aristocracy.

Hyperbole? A bit. But the underlying point has an undeniable bit of truth to it.
Yes, a bit.


Now, this was only through 2019 and if you expand to the top ten you'll find India on there. I don't know if you can call India 3rd world anymore. California is like 15% of the entire US economy.

Plenty of people focus on the coast but there are a lot of areas in California which aren't as glamorous where "normal" people live.
There are some wonderful places in California
There are. There are also places where needles and feces on the streets are pretty common. Many third world and lesser developed countries have areas of natural beauty...still doesn't mean that for the people living there that the living situation is kind of shitty.
There are. There are also places where needles and feces on the streets are pretty common. Many third world and lesser developed countries have areas of natural beauty...still doesn't mean that for the people living there that the living situation is kind of shitty.
I don’t want to live in any urban or suburban area.
Now…walking Pebble Beach, sign me up
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Hadn't really thought about it. Maybe a big ass laser from a satellite in geosynchronous orbit?
Sounds like you need an Ops guy to execute your big ideas. The EIR on that is going to take forever and the likelihood of tsunami seems fairly significant, particularly since you are going right through those tectonic fault lines. I mean...weren't you even paying attention when you watched San Andreas?
California is third world. A rich elite class that is insulated against the lower classes that surround them and all of their problems. They provide bread and circuses to the masses. The middle class is mostly squeezed out and all that is left is the peasants to live in the squalor awaiting their next gift from the aristocracy.

Hyperbole? A bit. But the underlying point has an undeniable bit of truth to it.
Many Americans would say that you don’t need to live in California for this to be true.
Sirhan Sirhan denied parole by Gavin Newsome

Gotta give it to the gov, he actually wrote a pretty good explanation

On to the not so great...

Yet another way bail reform contributes to supply chain problems … don’t wait for it to appear on retail shelves … nab it before it gets there.

Didn’t Hinkley get out after shooting a sitting president? … not named Kennedy?
Yes, a bit.


Now, this was only through 2019 and if you expand to the top ten you'll find India on there. I don't know if you can call India 3rd world anymore. California is like 15% of the entire US economy.

Plenty of people focus on the coast but there are a lot of areas in California which aren't as glamorous where "normal" people live.
For all the reasons California sucks, claiming they are a third world country is just silly. They are in many ways the driver of our economy, and it's not just the elite. Look at agriculture. The great plains are still important, but California is the breadbasket of America. They provide 12% of all of America's agriculture products - and that's after basically feeding all of China's and Japan's cattle (Cali is one of the best places in the world to grow alfalfa).
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I've never watched it. Good stuff?
True story about criminal minds. If they don’t have a third season no big loss.

Manhunt Unibomber on Netflix was excellent. The FBI profiler convinced a judge that the bombers identity was revealed by his written manifesto which supported probable cause for a search warrant. First time for that. Otherwise they had nothing for a search warrant.
Sirhan Sirhan denied parole by Gavin Newsome

Gotta give it to the gov, he actually wrote a pretty good explanation

On to the not so great...

Wow. How bad would that be if California had not banned plastic straws?
California is third world. A rich elite class that is insulated against the lower classes that surround them and all of their problems. They provide bread and circuses to the masses. The middle class is mostly squeezed out and all that is left is the peasants to live in the squalor awaiting their next gift from the aristocracy.

Hyperbole? A bit. But the underlying point has an undeniable bit of truth to it.
Cool story, bro. '
For all the reasons California sucks, claiming they are a third world country is just silly. They are in many ways the driver of our economy, and it's not just the elite. Look at agriculture. The great plains are still important, but California is the breadbasket of America. They provide 12% of all of America's agriculture products - and that's after basically feeding all of China's and Japan's cattle (Cali is one of the best places in the world to grow alfalfa).
California is still riding its post war boom. But its economic importance is fading. If one wants to see what the third world looks like, California is the place to go if you dont want to leave the US.

You forgot the wine.
California is still riding its post war boom. But its economic importance is fading. If one wants to see what the third world looks like, California is the place to go if you dont want to leave the US.

You forgot the wine.
That’s like saying the universe is just riding its post Big Bang boom. Still pretty large and important even if there is some retraction.
For all the reasons California sucks, claiming they are a third world country is just silly. They are in many ways the driver of our economy, and it's not just the elite. Look at agriculture. The great plains are still important, but California is the breadbasket of America. They provide 12% of all of America's agriculture products - and that's after basically feeding all of China's and Japan's cattle (Cali is one of the best places in the world to grow alfalfa).
I said it was hyperbole...however, making stuff doesn't equate to great place. California, particularly coastal, urban California, is a land of the extremes. There are the have alots and the have next to nothings with not a whole lot in between.