Durham probe

So the special counsel appointed by Bill Barr to look into why a probe was launched into Donald Trump's campaign concludes that no investigation should have been launched, despite convictions being obtained against some key people in the Trump campaign: Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, etc

His conclusion seems pretty underwhelming to me and really proves nothing. He didn't say that there wasn't guilt just that no investigation should have been made due to weak supporting evidence.
So you’re saying that just because there wasn’t enough evidence to launch an investigation and therefore there probably shouldn’t have been one, that doesn’t mean that he’s not still guilty?

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So you’re saying that just because there wasn’t enough evidence to launch an investigation and therefore there probably shouldn’t have been one, that doesn’t mean that he’s not still guilty?


Um, yea they found guilty people. That's why you guys are trying to attack the investigation rather than results.

It's too bad you don't really care about the guilty side of it.
Is that how law enforcement is supposed to work in the mind of a clown? Launch an investigation based on little to no evidence, ignoring all procedure and point to indictments as proof that the investigation was justified?

Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.

You people are scary.
Even the FBI is saying it’s actions were unacceptable, but apparently that’s still not enough for some people.

It’s pretty incredible.


Durham found that the FBI acted too hastily and relied on raw and unconfirmed intelligence when it opened the Trump-Russia investigation.

He said at the time the probe was opened, the FBI had no information about any actual contact between Trump associates and Russian intelligence officials.

He also claimed that FBI investigators fell prone to “confirmation bias,” repeatedly ignoring or rationalizing away information that could have undercut the premise of their investigation, and he noted that the FBI failed to corroborate a single substantive allegation from a dossier of research that it relied on during the course of the probe.

“An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the FBI to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated for political or other purposes,” the report said, using the FBI’s code name for the Trump-Russia probe. “Unfortunately, it did not.”

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He found what used to be the most respected and competent investigative agency in the world has become a banana republic political strong arm.

Most of what he reported was already out there. Our free and independent press willingly participated in the hoax.

Lesson: When it comes to Trump and people like him, the government/media complex has a moral imperative to destroy him, including turning our institutions into banana republic tools.

And this:

So the special counsel appointed by Bill Barr to look into why a probe was launched into Donald Trump's campaign concludes that no investigation should have been launched, despite convictions being obtained against some key people in the Trump campaign: Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, etc

His conclusion seems pretty underwhelming to me and really proves nothing. He didn't say that there wasn't guilt just that no investigation should have been made due to weak supporting evidence.
The Bannon pardon shows that even Trump doesn’t like or give a shit about MAGAts. Bannon was convicted of fraud and if you think that money didn’t come from mostly Trump supporters, me and George got some oceanfront property in Arizona.
The FBI got pressured by the pending election to make a call which would not likely have been made if more time was available to them to investigate. Should they have made that call given the harm that could have occurred? I'll leave that to history to determine but it definitely threw Trump off his stride coming into office.
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They knew the Steele dossier was complete horseshit funded by Hilary in August of 2016. The election was in November.

Pardon my French, but that’s bullshit.
John McCain is who delivered the Steele report to the FBI, which may have been complete b.s. which supposedly is how the investigation started. I have real doubts about that now with the benefit of hindsight but that was the report given at the time.
So the special counsel appointed by Bill Barr to look into why a probe was launched into Donald Trump's campaign concludes that no investigation should have been launched, despite convictions being obtained against some key people in the Trump campaign: Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, etc

His conclusion seems pretty underwhelming to me and really proves nothing. He didn't say that there wasn't guilt just that no investigation should have been made due to weak supporting evidence.
Those convictions had nothing to do with 'Russian Collusion' - they were process crimes. You know - lying. LIke what Biden did when he said he had no idea what Hunter's business was when he flew Hunter and a business partner to China on AF2 - and then 9 relatives got money from a Chinese entity.

Or lying to obtain a FISA warrent - no jail time.

Or Obama lying when he said he knew nothing of the investigation and then Durham finding he was being briefed on it regularly.

He certainly did find guilt - the FBI, mainly. Even the FBI admitted it when they said 'processes' were changed so it wouldn't happen again. Of course, that will not stop dishonest people like Peter Strojk and James Comey or the entire Clinton campaign from making shit up out of nothing to attack a political opponent.

Anyone who closes his eyes to this has absolutely no moral authority to accuse anyone else of corruption. It's right there in front of their face.
One last try to get Democrats on here to acknowledge this was unacceptable. Are you really okay with the FBI taking a political campaign smear of the opposition and making it a FBI operation for that campaign?

For attorneys in here, is there any way for the Americans harmed by this operation to civilly go after those involved?
They're perfectly fine with the top law enforcement agency in the land making up shit - or being quiet when they knew it was all fake - in order to sway an election.

But that's not threatening Democracty. Nooo-ooooooo.........


Durham found that the FBI acted too hastily and relied on raw and unconfirmed intelligence when it opened the Trump-Russia investigation.

He said at the time the probe was opened, the FBI had no information about any actual contact between Trump associates and Russian intelligence officials.

He also claimed that FBI investigators fell prone to “confirmation bias,” repeatedly ignoring or rationalizing away information that could have undercut the premise of their investigation, and he noted that the FBI failed to corroborate a single substantive allegation from a dossier of research that it relied on during the course of the probe.

“An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the FBI to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated for political or other purposes,” the report said, using the FBI’s code name for the Trump-Russia probe. “Unfortunately, it did not.”

In other words, they were incompetent.

I guess you forgot the part about lying to obtain FISA warrants, which kept the whole line of bullshit going.

Your source of analysis is a joke and leaves out salient points.

But hey - your side won! Celebrate it!
I find the “Don’t worry guys, we’ve fixed the problem already” response from the FBI to be unconvincing.
Well, I think it's pretty obvious they have it fixed when it took them 2 years to admit they have the Hunter laptop and it wasn't 'Russian disinformation'.

That's sarcasm, by the way.
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The FBI got pressured by the pending election to make a call which would not likely have been made if more time was available to them to investigate. Should they have made that call given the harm that could have occurred? I'll leave that to history to determine but it definitely threw Trump off his stride coming into ofoffice.
Not just coming into office. It was used to delegitimize his presidency before he was even sworn in.

Nothing will happen to anyone that matters though. Our betters have a separate set of rules.
They're perfectly fine with the top law enforcement agency in the land making up shit - or being quiet when they knew it was all fake - in order to sway an election.

But that's not threatening Democracty. Nooo-ooooooo.........
TDS makes it all fine.
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Well, I think it's pretty obvious they have it fixed when it took them 2 years to admit they have the Hunter laptop and it wasn't 'Russian disinformation'.

That's sarcasm, by the way.
In 2016 it was Russian collusion. In 2020 it was 50 intel officials denying the laptop.

Both demonstrably false.

For those that question the validity of the “deep state”. How exactly do you classify these actions?
Not just coming into office. It was used to delegitimize his presidency before he was even sworn in.

Nothing will happen to anyone that matters though. Our betters have a separate set of rules.
I agree with you on that point. It did.
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Yes he does.
I've seen plenty of responsible dem posts on twitter that are pretty outraged about what happened. If the shoe was on the other foot and we went after a us citizen (dem) that ran for president, got elected, and had to go through the same thing I would demand justice. Its just wrong!
I've seen plenty of responsible dem posts on twitter that are pretty outraged about what happened. If the shoe was on the other foot and we went after a us citizen (dem) that ran for president, got elected, and had to go through the same thing I would demand justice. Its just wrong!
Not anymore. I will support any lying and cheating in order for Republicans to win an election - just don't get caught.

Isn't that the lessone we've learned?
I agree with you on that point. It did.
Do you want the FBI operating like they did in this case? I hope to God this was a one off because of you know who. But I am not confident they aren’t doing this anytime they please with no fear.
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Not anymore. I will support any lying and cheating in order for Republicans to win an election - just don't get caught.

Isn't that the lessone we've learned?
Well lets look at it this way...Would time have made a difference? Lets say this happened 30 years ago. What would be different?

The problem now DAN is if this is what we can expect moving forward and there is no accountability or ramifications its going to get awful. Its the same with law and order in this country currently. Unless we go back too upholding the law its just going to spin out of control. My fear is we are already there.
Not just coming into office. It was used to delegitimize his presidency before he was even sworn in.

Nothing will happen to anyone that matters though. Our betters have a separate set of rules.
They were just saving democracy and our country. Even the press can lie for such a laudable goal.
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