Durham probe

Nope. Get out. Get the hell out of this thread right now. You’re not going to read the report, you’re not going to attempt to discuss in an informed manner.

You’re just going to barf tit for tat crap like the above. Get the hell out of here.

In your hyper partisan view, would you say the report was biased or unbiased?
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Oh I'm partisan. But anyone that says Obama is the worst Prez, you can safely add "idiot" after partisan. As I stated above, about every study or poll has Obama ranked between 8 and 15. Sorry to the MAGA crowd here, your cult leader is usually ranked at the bottom. What's sad is people like you fall into The Donald's statement, "I could walk down 5th avenue and shoot someone....." He's lowered the bar for every future President.
GD I have another liberal all stirred up and I go to again the hypocrisy! What good did Obama do? He fed us a horrible healthcare plan we had no choice about, divided the nation , told us to get used to a bad economy?

I can safely add you are an ''idiot'' to your post. I love it you get so stirred up and then call other people names. You are really fun.
Nope. Get out. Get the hell out of this thread right now. You’re not going to read the report, you’re not going to attempt to discuss in an informed manner.

You’re just going to barf tit for tat crap like the above. Get the hell out of here.
Not a good day for Zeke et al.

The final nail in the Russian collusion coffin.
GG, you bring up a good point about the Durham Report when you remind us about the allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election supposedly to help Trump defeat Clinton.

The matter was brought to the attention of Obama at the time and prior to the election, but in the minds of many Obama should have done more.

So far in reading about the recently released Durham Report I don't see anything particularly damaging about the way Obama handled the allegations concerning the Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Welcome any specific allegations contained in the Durham Report to the contrary about Obama's handling of the situation once it was brought to his attention.
Hillary’s campaign made up the Russian collusion notion by cherry picking unrelated facts. It paid an operative (through a law firm) to write it up. The write Up was delivered to the FBI (by said law firm) and the FBI opened an investigation without verifying the write up. Brennan figured this out and advised Obama. Obama did nothing saying let’s see where this goes. It blew up in ways that we all now know about.

In my view, the idea was so prosperous that it was nothing more than a good old fashioned mid 60’s IU boress,

It took on a life of its own. Pulitzers were given for reporting about it. It grew like a sience- fiction blob until Barr said “wait a minute, how did this thing start?” He appointed Durham to find out. Durham reported that it was all bullshit.

The people behind this are not stupid people, many knew it was a boress, but kept it going. The Democrat rubes (Schiff)believed it.

The sad part? Nobody cares. I think we are seeing an end responsible government event. It’s that serious. But many Americans have come to believe that Trump is so bad, this huge boress doesn’t matter.
Hillary’s campaign made up the Russian collusion notion by cherry picking unrelated facts. It paid an operative (through a law firm) to write it up. The write Up was delivered to the FBI (by said law firm) and the FBI opened an investigation without verifying the write up. Brennan figured this out and advised Obama. Obama did nothing saying let’s see where this goes. It blew up in ways that we all now know about.

In my view, the idea was so prosperous that it was nothing more than a good old fashioned mid 60’s IU boress,

It took on a life of its own. Pulitzers were given for reporting about it. It grew like a sience- fiction blob until Barr said “wait a minute, how did this thing start?” He appointed Durham to find out. Durham reported that it was all bullshit.

The people behind this are not stupid people, many knew it was a boress, but kept it going. The Democrat rubes (Schiff)believed it.

The sad part? Nobody cares. I think we are seeing an end responsible government event. It’s that serious. But many Americans have come to believe that Trump is so bad, this huge boress doesn’t matter.
Only news of the Ivan Renko recruitment spread faster.
Hillary’s campaign made up the Russian collusion notion by cherry picking unrelated facts. It paid an operative (through a law firm) to write it up. The write Up was delivered to the FBI (by said law firm) and the FBI opened an investigation without verifying the write up. Brennan figured this out and advised Obama. Obama did nothing saying let’s see where this goes. It blew up in ways that we all now know about.

In my view, the idea was so prosperous that it was nothing more than a good old fashioned mid 60’s IU boress,

It took on a life of its own. Pulitzers were given for reporting about it. It grew like a sience- fiction blob until Barr said “wait a minute, how did this thing start?” He appointed Durham to find out. Durham reported that it was all bullshit.

The people behind this are not stupid people, many knew it was a boress, but kept it going. The Democrat rubes (Schiff)believed it.

The sad part? Nobody cares. I think we are seeing an end responsible government event. It’s that serious. But many Americans have come to believe that Trump is so bad, this huge boress doesn’t matter.
It really makes me angry! You would think people who conspire to do such evil things would be prosecuted and put away! I'm so glad Barr started this investigation and now Durham has delivered the proof. They indeed are great Americans. But help me out, please. I didn't see who has been charged and when they are going to trial. Can you please link the information?
It really makes me angry! You would think people who conspire to do such evil things would be prosecuted and put away! I'm so glad Barr started this investigation and now Durham has delivered the proof. They indeed are great Americans. But help me out, please. I didn't see who has been charged and when they are going to trial. Can you please link the information?
THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES . Anymore questions? Your anger will give you hemorhoids
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The links? didnt golf today or just stupid?
Cray, a little advice. You're on this site day and night ranting about your conspiracy theories. 90% of the posters here understand you have issues and ignore your posts. A few react. If you have the ability and freedom to get out of wherever you live, get outside, go for a walk, and try to find something meaningful to fill your life.
Cray, a little advice. You're on this site day and night ranting about your conspiracy theories. 90% of the posters here understand you have issues and ignore your posts. A few react. If you have the ability and freedom to get out of wherever you live, get outside, go for a walk, and try to find something meaningful to fill your life.
Apparently you are stalking me and have that time, so just how do you know this unless you are on the same time I am? GFY , you know nothing about me. Here is some advice open your eyes and see what you are voting for. Everyone knows you have issues .
Cray, a little advice. You're on this site day and night ranting about your conspiracy theories. 90% of the posters here understand you have issues and ignore your posts. A few react. If you have the ability and freedom to get out of wherever you live, get outside, go for a walk, and try to find something meaningful to fill your life.
FWIW, the “conspiracy theorists”, of which I have no idea if cray is even one, were right all along about everything regarding Russiagate.
It really makes me angry! You would think people who conspire to do such evil things would be prosecuted and put away! I'm so glad Barr started this investigation and now Durham has delivered the proof. They indeed are great Americans. But help me out, please. I didn't see who has been charged and when they are going to trial. Can you please link the information?
Abuse of discretion is not a crime. Even serious abuse of discretion is not a crime. Even wrongfully targeting an investigation by those whose job it is to select targets is not a crime. It’s just bad banana republic government. That’s where we are.
Apparently you are stalking me and have that time, so just how do you know this unless you are on the same time I am? GFY , you know nothing about me. Here is some advice open your eyes and see what you are voting for. Everyone knows you have issues .
Well, just looking at the number of posts, I've cracked 4,000 in 20+ years while you've doubled that in half that time. I assume that there are not a lot of planned activities for residents at your home and screen time is unlimited.
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Abuse of discretion is not a crime. Even serious abuse of discretion is not a crime. Even wrongfully targeting an investigation by those whose job it is to select targets is not a crime. It’s just bad banana republic government. That’s where we are.
Well, that explains everything! Thanks, CO! :rolleyes:
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FWIW, the “conspiracy theorists”, of which I have no idea if cray is even one, were right all along about everything regarding Russiagate.
You know what a conspiracy theory to people like circle are ? Anything that doesn't fit in line with their goose stepping march. Covid was no accident . Anyone that believes it was all a coincidence are the ones that need help. The shot has had all kinds of problems of which I personally dealt with so I don't want anyone telling me about that one. It wasn't the shot it, was the virus running it's course but the shot has left many of us with problems because of it.
Yes, Obama. He claimed to have no knowledge of the Trump investigation at the time, yet he was receiving regular updates.

DANC, appreciate the help.

What was the agency investigating possible Russian interference to which you referred ?
My best friend is a prosecutor in Indiana. He can't believe the state of the DoJ now. He also wanted to be an FBI agent when we were young. I remind him of that now and he thanks God he didn't do it.

Trust me - it's not just a few of us whose belief in the justice system has been changed.
You’re right.
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FWIW, the “conspiracy theorists”, of which I have no idea if cray is even one, were right all along about everything regarding Russiagate.
No they weren't. Durham only attacked the basis for the investigation. Said nothing of the guilt that was found.

The whole purpose of the Durham investigation was to try to minimize the political fallout from russia collusion. Anyone who thinks the final report from that is any less biased is kidding themselves.
FWIW, the “conspiracy theorists”, of which I have no idea if cray is even one, were right all along about everything regarding Russiagate.
Oh god you did it

Maybe you should ask Janet Reno or Eric Holder who saw fit to grant him with responsibilities under their office.

I would say he did what the person writing his paycheck wanted...aka trump/barr. Completely unbiased/non-partisan folk
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By that logic no special counsel can ever be objective because all AG’s and Presidents have political affiliations.

Impugning Durham’s character is the best you can do on this one huh?

Pretty low, even by your standards.

So pretty much on par with what you guys have done to the fbi, the doj, fauci, comey etc

Get off the high horse.