A Tale of Two (four) Presidents....

For as long as I can remember. Cops fireman teachers unions labor. Hard blue. Dems were the party of the working man. Now it’s those who don’t work, minorities, lgbqt, academics
Those who don’t work. Lol. Police have been conservative for a long time.
I think his support for local law enforcement is genuine. Federal law enforcement may be a different story. Understandably as they tried to torpedo his presidency.
You'd think he'd pay what he owes to all the cities/towns for the security costs and other expenses they occurred when he visited during his other campaigns...
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I don't think a pre-election conviction is even necessary. Just having the trial underway, and allowing people to hear the evdience and see it presented will be disaster for Trump. He's already losing among independents, and either of his Federal cases are going to present issues that will cause him to be regarded even less favorably...
Love your optimism.
No idea with the atlantic. Napo endorsed trump over Biden. Napo endorsed Obama twice. Some of you have blinders on with Biden
I just googled. Multiple articles about why police officers have traditionally been conservative.
I just googled. Multiple articles about why police officers have traditionally been conservative.
I just showed you Napo. That’s 300,000 cops. My old firm represented the police association. I have countless cops who are friends. Cops thought Dems had their back. Working men.

I will say it also depends on cities and where the cops are. Stl city is very blue. Other frat orders and associations are different. Generalizations. The Dem party is changing. As is pubs
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I have several relatives who are or have been cops. They all have a Clint Eastwood complex and would never in a million years vote Dem.
YAWN. You are boringly predictable. Of course the shooter is responsible. That's not what I said. But like a good little Republican you pivot into blaming someone else to protect your guns. For Republicans, it's always someone else's fault.

A shooting requires two things: a shooter and a gun. Fewer guns = lower chances a bad guy has a gun. There are far too many guns in this country, and no need for them. Nobody needs to shoot game for the family table anymore. Hardly any gun is used for personal protection and such rare use is dwarfed by the occasions in which Republican-protected guns are used for crimes (which Republicans hypocritically say they oppose).

The Republican Bruen ruling (written by Long Dong Silver Thomas) ignores the fact that, historically, guns were controlled, regulated and/or prohibited by local communities in the US for decades and decades with not a thought that the Second Amendment (which says absolutely nothing about personal protection) even hinted that this was prohibited. What changed ? Three Republican Trump appointees.

Gun violence belongs to the Republicans until they realize they can regulate and reduce guns and still get reelected.

(Here comes McMurtry to get me, just as soon as he checks with Trump and Messi. 3-2-1....)
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The irrational opposition to gun control is a Republican problem.
Irrational gun control is a Democrat problem. Democrats yell, scream, and stomp their feet insisting on more background checks, more waiting periods, and more bans of aesthetics in certain guns. All of that is aimed at the white guys who likely vote for Trump. Meanwhile, the overwhelming issue with gun violence is the young black guy in urban America. We stop gun violence there with stop and frisk, mandatory incarceration for possessing a gun while committing a crime, cash bail for possessing a gun while committing a crime, and using the three strikes acts. The democrats have stopped all of that. Until the Democrats get serious about these things, all you’re pontificating about gun violence is as meaningless as everything else Democrats have done.
Irrational gun control is a Democrat problem. Democrats yell, scream, and stomp their feet insisting on more background checks, more waiting periods, and more bans of aesthetics in certain guns. All of that is aimed at the white guys who likely vote for Trump. Meanwhile, the overwhelming issue with gun violence is the young black guy in urban America. We stop gun violence there with stop and frisk, mandatory incarceration for possessing a gun while committing a crime, cash bail for possessing a gun while committing a crime, and using the three strikes acts. The democrats have stopped all of that. Until the Democrats get serious about these things, all you’re pontificating about gun violence is as meaningless as everything else Democrats have done.
@Stuffshot see above. I don’t understand why you don’t get it
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Irrational gun control is a Democrat problem. Democrats yell, scream, and stomp their feet insisting on more background checks, more waiting periods, and more bans of aesthetics in certain guns. All of that is aimed at the white guys who likely vote for Trump. Meanwhile, the overwhelming issue with gun violence is the young black guy in urban America. We stop gun violence there with stop and frisk, mandatory incarceration for possessing a gun while committing a crime, cash bail for possessing a gun while committing a crime, and using the three strikes acts. The democrats have stopped all of that. Until the Democrats get serious about these things, all you’re pontificating about gun violence is as meaningless as everything else Democrats have done.
West Virginia has 1.8 million people and around 50 gun homicides a year. But it’s a white republican problem. But maga. Absolutely stupid. Biden and the lot are a disaster
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Irrational gun control is a Democrat problem. Democrats yell, scream, and stomp their feet insisting on more background checks, more waiting periods, and more bans of aesthetics in certain guns. All of that is aimed at the white guys who likely vote for Trump. Meanwhile, the overwhelming issue with gun violence is the young black guy in urban America. We stop gun violence there with stop and frisk, mandatory incarceration for possessing a gun while committing a crime, cash bail for possessing a gun while committing a crime, and using the three strikes acts. The democrats have stopped all of that. Until the Democrats get serious about these things, all you’re pontificating about gun violence is as meaningless as everything else Democrats have done.
Did you miss this? @Stuffshot here.
There's hope for the TDS crew after all. You can wake up too.

We right wingers have a hard time not falling for this. We're so desperate to bring a celebrity to our side that it blinds us.

Rappaport was a blowhard before saying shit like this and he's a blowhard now.

Kanye was off his rocker before he put on the MAGA hat and he's off his rocker now.

So if our position is going to be "who cares what stupid celebrities have to say?". And I believe that position to be the correct position when referencing celebrities re: politics.

Let's not broadcast celebrities when they start saying things we view as in our favor.
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We right wingers have a hard time not falling for this. We're so desperate to bring a celebrity to our side that it blinds us.

Rappaport was a blowhard before saying shit like this and he's a blowhard now.

Kanye was off his rocker before he put on the MAGA hat and he's off his rocker now.

So if our position is going to be "who cares what stupid celebrities have to say?". And I believe that position to be correct position when referencing celebrities re: politics.

Let's not broadcast celebrities when they start saying things we view as in our favor.
1) celebs don’t know shit
2) ours are always “huh. I remember that guy. Whatever happened to him”
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1) celebs don’t know shit
2) ours are always “huh. I remember that guy. Whatever happened to him”
Yes our celebrities are all old and/ or weird.

It’s a shame. Just one Brad Pitt, Leo or Matthew McConaughey would do wonders for our brand.

But again. What these people think is meaningless.

But I also still want one on our side.
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