Durham probe

Looks like the Democrat hacks ended up being right.

Or are you still in denial that Durham's investigation has crashed and burned as expected.
Right about what?

You realize the Durham investigation has exposed the facts that the FBI knew the Stelle dossier was bullshit and still used it to get FISA warrants, right?
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I would agree the FBI poor judgment is disturbing. The recent revelations about a significant % of agents sympathetic to the rioters on J6 is not exactly what the public would want either. Actually would any fair-minded person say the conduct displayed to Clinton by the FBI the final weeks before the 2016 election was the conduct, we want from the FBI.
Disturbing? lmao Is that your word for 'illegal' now?
Of course, I don't think the dossier was accurate. Its origins were always suspect (proved to be). I've said so from the beginning. I don't believe that made the investigation into possible connections with Russia illegitimate. There were several and they were rightly suspect. The Russians did try to influence the election in favor of Trump. Russia is not an ally, of course that had to be investigated. The results weren't positive for Trump so Trump and his followers did what they do and tried to discredit it completely by lying about it (well, the totally devoted Trump followers likely believed the lies).

Do I believe in the deep state theories popular among Trump supporters? I do not. Of course, there are some bad apples here and there motivated to action or biased by their political ideology (both ways, incidentally), but it's not some wide-spread issue or any sort of conspiracy by them. Take the FBI, for example. Key people in the FBI have long been Republicans. The majority of the FBI rank and file are almost certainly Republican or Republican leaning because Republicans are generally drawn to law-enforcement more than Democrats are. There is no deep state conspiracy withing the FBI to get Trump or Republicans. It makes no sense. Same with the military. I know from personal experience that the majority of those in the military are Republican or Republican leaning. However, Trump quickly decided he knows more than his military advisors (he doesn't) and disregarded their advice or treated them with the most disrespect I've even seen from a President. Trump turned on each and every Republican that didn't show total devotion and loyalty to him personally. That's not how this is supposed to work. The devotion and loyalty is supposed to be for the constitution and NOT to a President and all his whims. Regardless of personal political affiliation the vast, vast majority of the FBI and military try to do their jobs in a totally apolitical way and have succeeded in doing so, with few exceptions, during our country's history.

Mattis was one of the best SecDefs during my adult lifetime and Trump turned on him. Then Trump's loyalists did the same. That's one of the most disturbing aspects of Trump's administration and Trumpism (devotion to Trump over party or country).

Also, Trump is no leader. In addition to being able to project command presence (he can't and doesn't), leaders have loyalty and respect for their subordinates. Trump has neither for them. None at all. He was unfit for the office.

No, I don't like him. His personal character and behavior are unacceptable. He's unethical and irresponsible with criminal tendencies (the classified documents case is absolutely indefensible - and that's only one example). He's a blight on the Republican party. Other than that, he's superb. ;)
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And Comey was a lifelong Republican, that cut his teeth in the Bush Admin Justice Dept.
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Looks like the Democrat hacks ended up being right.

Or are you still in denial that Durham's investigation has crashed and burned as expected.
So you’re fine if the FBI obtains a FISA warrant on you with a lie and makes your life miserable?
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Your life is already miserable Randy. Just let it go.
Can you at least be honest that the FBI misbehaved regarding the FISA warrant?

Life miserable for sure. Stayed in bed until 9:30 and heading to the golf course in an hour.

Something appropriate about the fact I am sitting on the toilet while responding to you. 😂

Hope you have a nice day.
If true then those involved should be fired.

On the flip side Trump deserved everything he got and more so not like the victim was some poor innocent person.
So assholes deserve misconduct from fbi? And what part of fisa deal don’t you get?
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So assholes deserve misconduct from fbi? And what part of fisa deal don’t you get?

No, asshole felons don't deserve sympathy.

I don't care what anyone does to trump. Sure, there should be repercussions to whoever committed the crime but that doesn't mean I have to feel sorry for the so called victim.
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No, asshole felons don't deserve sympathy.

I don't care what anyone does to trump. Sure, there should be repercussions to whoever committed the crime but that doesn't mean I have to feel sorry for the so called victim.
Didn’t ask you to feel sorry for him. So I guess a white cop that shoots a black criminal with long rap sheet of felonies, got what he deserved?
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Didn’t ask you to feel sorry for him. So I guess a white cop that shoots a black criminal with long rap sheet of felonies, got what he deserved?
Lol. That is already your expressed opinion. Pointing out your hypocrisy?

Why does it have to be a cop? You idiots thought it was ok for Rittenhouse to kill em

Maybe but as I expressed before, the culprit would deserve repercussions for their action. Never said otherwise.
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Lol. That is already your expressed opinion. Pointing out your hypocrisy?

Why does it have to be a cop? You idiots thought it was ok for Rittenhouse to kill em

Maybe but as I expressed before, the culprit would deserve repercussions for their action. Never said otherwise.
Please show me where I said we should feel sorry for Trump. My opinion is it’s not okay for cops, FBI or prosecutors to abuse their powers to go after anyone.

It’s obvious the FBI had nothing to get the FISA warrant and they used information they knew was unsubstantiated to get one.
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Please show me where I said we should feel sorry for Trump. My opinion is it’s not okay for cops, FBI or prosecutors to abuse their powers to go after anyone.

It’s obvious the FBI had nothing to get the FISA warrant and they used information they knew was unsubstantiated to get one.
And as I said, if true then those responsible should have repercussions for it.

You are the one who took issue when I said I don't give a shit about crap that happens to trump because he is a piece of shit felon
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And as I said, if true then those responsible should have repercussions for it.

You are the one who took issue when I said I don't give a shit about crap that happens to trump because he is a piece of shit felon
The Dems have weaponized the FBI & DOJ. You and others don’t seem to give a damn as long Trump and his past associates are on the receiving end.
The Dems have weaponized the FBI & DOJ. You and others don’t seem to give a damn as long Trump and his past associates are on the receiving end.
A republican leads the fbi

And barr was trump's bitch all the way up until Trump tried to steal the election. Don't act like you give one shit about the doj being weaponized because that is what Trump did and YOU DIDN'T F'N CARE.

Doj isn't weaponized now. They are just doing their job
A republican leads the fbi

And barr was trump's bitch all the way up until Trump tried to steal the election. Don't act like you give one shit about the doj being weaponized because that is what Trump did and YOU DIDN'T F'N CARE.

Doj isn't weaponized now. They are just doing their job
You sound like you are about to stroke out. Please let me know what I can do to help.
The Dems weaponized the FBI and DOJ? Were you asleep from 2016 through 2020?

The funny thing is Biden didn't even change the fbi director.

His accusations make little sense other than being pissed someone is going after his golden shower idol. God forbid the doj go after stolen classified documents.
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Burying the Mueller investigation ring a bell?

Here is an article talking about trump's little enabler. But that is ok because it is a gop enabler.

Of course, going after stolen classified materials is where stoll the partisan hack draws the line.
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Burying the Mueller investigation ring a bell?

Here is an article talking about trump's little enabler. But that is ok because it is a gop enabler.

Of course, going after stolen classified materials is where stoll the partisan hack draws the line.
You need a good
Burying the Mueller investigation ring a bell?

Here is an article talking about trump's little enabler. But that is ok because it is a gop enabler.

Of course, going after stolen classified materials is where stoll the partisan hack draws the line.
They were weaponized against Trump not for him.
So you are admitting that they WERE weaponized from 2016 to 2020? Is that what you are saying?

Barr was weaponized because he was taking his marching orders directly from Trump. Ignoring the whole separation thing that had previously been respected.

When Jeff sessions recused himself from the Mueller investigation, trump replaced him with someone he could control.
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You realize you are conversing with two complete idiots that the mere mention of the word trump in any form draws them like moths to a flame right?

You could start a thread about card games or band instruments and they would each have some negative comment before they even knew what it was about. The hatred rules their lives and it shows. It is sad really.

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