Nice post. This is why I keep saying African American slavery is a legacy of the British. We didn’t invent it. We benefited while from the moment of our conception; we debated ending it. I think the original sin thing is a gross oversimplification and gives our kids the wrong message about the debate and ignores the fact that we in fact ended slavery in some states/colonies. Ending slavery in all states wasn’t a simple thing assuming we wanted to keep the colonies united. It finally took a bloody war. I think Lincoln summed up the United message very well in the Gettysburg Address.
We agree that the English brought over slavery. Three times we we faced with a decision, the Declaration, the Articles, the Constitution. Three times we chose to unify with slavery allowed. I am not saying that was a wrong or right decision here. I am saying it is a great discussion point for high schoolers.
It reminds me of 10th grade, my class held a debate for the 4 1860 candidates. I was Breckenridge. Douglass won the election.
1776 portrays the debate interesting-lee. People like Franklin and Adams had a tough decision to make. Where we differ is that the people on the other side did not have an interesting decision. For whatever reason they became fixated that only slavery could bring wealth and could not/would not see any other solution. Ending slavery was a simple thing but they could not see it. I see nothing wrong with pointing out that failure.
Americans died to free slaves. Not all Northern troops fought for that, but Chamberlain is proof some did. The reason that was necessary is some were willing to die to keep slaves. Both sides of that truth are important.