Covid restrictions are on the way back

So I guess our demented president didn’t follow the science yesterday?

And then the demented old man just wonders away. Poor medal of honor recipient looks like he’s thinking WTF. 😂

Broken down by age group.

Yes, a survival benefit for vaccination is seen even in the youngest age group in this analysis (30-49, the dashed blue line vs. the solid light blue line)


data from here: https://hartfordhealthcaremedicalgr...nter/news-detail?articleId=36605&publicid=395
What about CASES, you say?

even 12-19 year olds got some protection

Are the dashed lines above the solid lines? Beuller?

You don't like facts.
"facts". The fact is this was an experimental vaccine. People had good reason to think twice before taking it, especially healthy people. You idiots that belittle healthy people who chose not to inject themselves with an experimental vax are complete and utter wastes of space, imo. Furthermore, those of you who claim the unvaxxed to be morally bankrupt individuals that don't care about anyone except themselves represent everything that is wrong with our country at the moment. If you're one of those people, you suck! I was vaxxed. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't make that choice. I'll never be boosted.

There was so much wrong with what went on during Covid...Hospitals were incentivized to fill ICU beds with Covid patients and further incentivized to put them on ventilators. Therapeutics, like Ivermectin, were prohibited from being prescribed for Covid. This was done so the vaccines could get their emergency status they needed to be administered to the public.

I don't trust most of what we were/are fed regarding Covid, including the cooked-up death chart you provided.

"Facts", there aren't any anymore.
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I can't believe people are still testing for COVID. If you don't feel good, it shouldn't matter what virus it is. Stay home and don't be a dick.
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And what hard did they do? Did Biden kill anyone yesterday when he pulled his down and got in the faces of people?

I don't recall having to deal with a mask mandate recently....maybe you're in a twilight zone?
I can't believe people are still testing for COVID. If you don't feel good, it shouldn't matter what virus it is. Stay home and don't be a dick.

That's part of the problem though.

People don't stay home when they're not feeling well because people, and I'm one of them, are programmed to just power through. I know personally, if I don't have a fever, I'm going to work.

Unfortunately, it's taking getting tested for covid to get people to stay home sick. And that's with me admitting I'm part of the problem.
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That's part of the problem though.

People don't stay home when they're not feeling well because people, and I'm one of them, are programmed to just power through. I know personally, if I don't have a fever, I'm going to work.

Unfortunately, it's taking getting tested for covid to get people to stay home sick. And that's with me admitting I'm part of the problem.
If nothing else, covid did, for awhile at least, open eyes to how important it is to wash hands regularly. It's something that should have been going on all along.
There are cases for which testing is necessary to determine the need for treatment. Agree with "stay home and don't be a dick".

I guess if you are older and feel like you need Paxlovid or whatever. Most people, particularly if they have had it or been vaccinated, really shouldn't care if they are being smart.

Case in point - our coworker who has had it at least once, maybe twice, plus is vaccinated (though likely not current) caught it in Europe (where shit really seems to be going around). He flew back without showing symptoms and shows up at work yesterday, seemingly ok.

He then sends an email this morning saying he feels like shit and wasn't feeling well yesterday, but came in anyway. Oh and he was part of a group of us that went to lunch.

Regardless, I don't care what you have, but rather than tell me you were sick after the fact, why wouldn't he stay home anyway? My guess is that he grew up in an era where it was far more common to come in and deal with it given days off and sick days were a premium.
That's part of the problem though.

People don't stay home when they're not feeling well because people, and I'm one of them, are programmed to just power through. I know personally, if I don't have a fever, I'm going to work.

Unfortunately, it's taking getting tested for covid to get people to stay home sick. And that's with me admitting I'm part of the problem.

And if the test came back negative, what would they do? The answer shouldn't be go the office and spread whatever non-COVID shit you have.

That's my problem. If you have something, stay home. Even if you think it's food poisoning - just stay the f home.
And if the test came back negative, what would they do? The answer shouldn't be go the office and spread whatever non-COVID shit you have.

That's my problem. If you have something, stay home. Even if you think it's food poisoning - just stay the f home.

I had hoped COVID taught us that, but sadly I don't think the lesson stuck. Why should I get sick just because my coworker is sick and refuses to stay home? Heck, if they come in sick I should have the right to go home.
"That’s why the authorities can never be labeled as guilty of disinformation. Not when they lied about Hunter Biden’s laptops, not when they claimed that the lab leak was a racist conspiracy, not when they said that vaccines stopped transmission of the novel coronavirus. Disinformation, now and for all time, is whatever they say it is. That is not a sign that the concept is being misused or corrupted; it is the precise functioning of a totalitarian system."

It's hilarious when the government-controlled sheep (which clearly includes you) try to call those who go against the grain and think for themselves sheep. The hypocrisy here is astounding.

I get it. There's comfort in sticking your head in the sand and trusting the government to do what's in the best interest of its citizens at all times. It takes a lot of pressure off oneself.

Your flock has led you astray. That's not how I choose to live my life.
The key word there is thinking…, you aren’t thinking for yourself. You aren’t thinking period. You’re listening to some crackpots.
My point was the vaccinated died as well. Get it? You can't be this clueless.
Well I guess I’m better at numbers than you are because many, many more non vaccinated died than those vaccinated, until late in the game when most everyone except morons were vaccinated. Obviously you CAN be this clueless. Sorry
Do you see the black line?
Do you see the blue line?
Are they in the same place?


Ideally, yes, the blue line would be flat at zero and it isn't.

But those lines are a little different from one another, aren't they? Or are YOU the clueless one...

If graphs are hard for you, how about THIS one:


0.1 deaths per 100,000
1.1 deaths per 100,000

which one is 10x bigger? Ask your Mom.
Thanks. He’s not very bright. Hope he can understand one of those.
So I guess our demented president didn’t follow the science yesterday?

And then the demented old man just wonders away. Poor medal of honor recipient looks like he’s thinking WTF. 😂

Were you outraged at Trump giving it to 10 people when he knew he had it and almost killing Chris Christie? If so I missed that post. Feel free to find it. And Joe should have had a mask on. The demented stuff makes you look stupid
"facts". The fact is this was an experimental vaccine. People had good reason to think twice before taking it, especially healthy people. You idiots that belittle healthy people who chose not to inject themselves with an experimental vax are complete and utter wastes of space, imo. Furthermore, those of you who claim the unvaxxed to be morally bankrupt individuals that don't care about anyone except themselves represent everything that is wrong with our country at the moment. If you're one of those people, you suck! I was vaxxed. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't make that choice. I'll never be boosted.

There was so much wrong with what went on during Covid...Hospitals were incentivized to fill ICU beds with Covid patients and further incentivized to put them on ventilators. Therapeutics, like Ivermectin, were prohibited from being prescribed for Covid. This was done so the vaccines could get their emergency status they needed to be administered to the public.

I don't trust most of what we were/are fed regarding Covid, including the cooked-up death chart you provided.

"Facts", there aren't any anymore.
Bless your heart. You just keep arguing with zero facts. The vaccine, as has been repeatedly pointed out, had been researched for years. Would it kill you to read about it or do you enjoy spouting misinformation?
"facts". The fact is this was an experimental vaccine.
...before it was fully approved in early 2021 it did get voluntary Emergency Use Authorization. It culminated >20 years of mRNA vaccine development. Nobody that I am aware of required vaccination until it was FULLY APPROVED by the FDA.
I was vaxxed. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't make that choice. I'll never be boosted.
You have a statistically far higher chance for disease and death. Your choice. And to CAUSE disease and death. Your choice. Celebrate your "free-dumbs".
Therapeutics, like Ivermectin, were prohibited from being prescribed for Covid.
On the contrary, dozens of controlled clinical trials were run. Ivermectin and a dozen other repurposed drugs proved to be wholly ineffective at safe doses
I don't trust... the cooked-up death chart you provided.
Funny how multiple groups of competing researchers "cooked up" variations echoing the same results. And researchers desperately want to prove other researchers wrong. It's a VERY competitive field. When there is amazing consensus, you know it's real.

Wow... you have a gift for doling out a "Gish Gallop" of misinformation. A load of crap so voluminous that it takes forever just to refute your hit-and-run bullshit.
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It's hilarious when the government-controlled sheep (which clearly includes you) try to call those who go against the grain and think for themselves sheep. The hypocrisy here is astounding.

I get it. There's comfort in sticking your head in the sand and trusting the government to do what's in the best interest of its citizens at all times. It takes a lot of pressure off oneself.

Your flock has led you astray. That's not how I choose to live my life.
As long as sheep like yourself continue to call me a lib and the left wing nuts continue to call me a trumper…I know I am in a good place.
refuses to stay home?
going to work sick still is a thing tho. anachronistic or not. my horrible ex wife works for lawyers and woudl be expected to show up unless she was bedridden. and covid, let's call it covid lite, is creating a new dynamic as well. now people, some people, many maybe, view it as anything else. i feel like shit. i'll give it a day or two then go back to my life. i'm not going to the doctor. i'm not going to get a test. i don't for a cold i'm not for this. personally i just finished what i'm sure was covid. i've now had it 39 times. this lingered longer than many of the other ones tho. my daughter was sick too.

As a professional scientist for 33 years now, getting scientists to agree on something is about like herding cats. If a rival scientist (yes, scientific rivalries are intense) has a pet hypothesis, you bet your ass I'd like to prove it wrong. The last thing we are is "government controlled sheep". Before the demonization of science started in about 2016, scientists very much tended to be apolitical. Then a corrupt wannbe dictator declared war on truth and there has been backlash. Your cult leader has led you astray. Think. Read. Open your damn eyes and mind.
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Were you outraged at Trump giving it to 10 people when he knew he had it and almost killing Chris Christie? If so I missed that post. Feel free to find it. And Joe should have had a mask on. The demented stuff makes you look stupid
Same ole wutabout 😂
...before it was fully approved in early 2021 it did get voluntary Emergency Use Authorization. It culminated >20 years of mRNA vaccine development. Nobody that I am aware of required vaccination until it was FULLY APPROVED by the FDA.

You have a statistically far higher chance for disease and death. Your choice. And to CAUSE disease and death. Your choice. Celebrate your "free-dumbs".

On the contrary, dozens of controlled clinical trials were run. Ivermectin and a dozen other repurposed drugs proved to be wholly ineffective at safe doses

Funny how multiple groups of competing researchers "cooked up" variations echoing the same results. And researchers desperately want to prove other researchers wrong. It's a VERY competitive field. When there is amazing consensus, you know it's real.

Wow... you have a gift for doling out a "Gish Gallop" of misinformation. A load of crap so voluminous that it takes forever just to refute your hit-and-run bullshit.
Nothing you said was accurate. Not one thing. Do you want to start over?
Same ole wutabout 😂
I think it's valid to expect consistency.

If you are outraged that a president takes off his mask after he has tested negative for COVID, because he nevertheless may have been exposed to a person carrying the virus,

I would think that you would have been outraged that a president refused to wear a mask after he has tested POSITIVE for COVID, and knowingly allowed the disease to spread to others, to avoid embarassment and the rescheduling of a debate. Granted, the timing of Trump's first positive test is uncertain, but members of his team have said that he was postive BEFORE the debate. He infected people in debate prep, at other White House events, and he even exposed his debate opponent and the debate organizers and host. Shameful.
I think it's valid to expect consistency.

If you are outraged that a president takes off his mask after he has tested negative for COVID, because he nevertheless may have been exposed to a person carrying the virus,

I would think that you would have been outraged that a president refused to wear a mask after he has tested POSITIVE for COVID, and knowingly allowed the disease to spread to others, to avoid embarassment and the rescheduling of a debate. Granted, the timing of Trump's first positive test is uncertain, but members of his team have said that he was postive BEFORE the debate. He infected people in debate prep, at other White House events, and he even exposed his debate opponent and the debate organizers and host. Shameful.
The president that has pushed masks shouldn’t have done what he did yesterday.
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Wow, are you being serious? Or is this called Bloom’s version of really bad satire?
It's happening here in Indiana, where it possibly only takes one parent to remove a book from the library or contest curriculum, and legislators have in the case of a library in Fishers, removed ALL the children's books to be reviewed, placing some in the adult section, to tune of $300,000.

So we have untrained individuals trying to dictate how to run a library, wasting tax payer dollars in a grand scale, just because they object to certain books.

Yes, I'm serious. It's making a lot of news, and now you know.

Luckily not in my community because those candidates didn't win.
The president that has pushed masks shouldn’t have done what he did yesterday.
I agree with you. It would have been a good idea to stay masked.

Should Trump have knowing nearly killed Chris Christie? Answer, please.
I agree with you. It would have been a good idea to stay masked.

Should Trump have knowing nearly killed Chris Christie? Answer, please.
Christie has been nearly dead for years. And "Should Trump have knowing nearly killed Chris Christie?", is something a wacko would say. Such a dumb statement.
It's happening here in Indiana, where it possibly only takes one parent to remove a book from the library or contest curriculum, and legislators have in the case of a library in Fishers, removed ALL the children's books to be reviewed, placing some in the adult section, to tune of $300,000.

So we have untrained individuals trying to dictate how to run a library, wasting tax payer dollars in a grand scale, just because they object to certain books.

Yes, I'm serious. It's making a lot of news, and now you know.

Luckily not in my community because those candidates didn't win.
I'm not surprised this is the type of person you've become, because I had you pegged as such since your peegs days, but it's astonishing how far gone you actually are now.
I think it's valid to expect consistency.

If you are outraged that a president takes off his mask after he has tested negative for COVID, because he nevertheless may have been exposed to a person carrying the virus,

I would think that you would have been outraged that a president refused to wear a mask after he has tested POSITIVE for COVID, and knowingly allowed the disease to spread to others, to avoid embarassment and the rescheduling of a debate. Granted, the timing of Trump's first positive test is uncertain, but members of his team have said that he was postive BEFORE the debate. He infected people in debate prep, at other White House events, and he even exposed his debate opponent and the debate organizers and host. Shameful.
Masks don't work dumb dumb
"Should Trump have knowing nearly killed Chris Christie?", is something a wacko would say. Such a dumb statement.
more reading for you:

Christie was in ICU for a week

Chris Christie says it's "undeniable" he got COVID from Trump​

Trump tested postive and went forward with debate prep anyway