Man it’s suddenly all over my social media now too. Crazy how this stuff spreads so quickly. Now it’s tons of women just randomly saying it to their guys. Lol
New Lincoln Hough commercial out. It's basically 🔥 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris opened our border to drug cartels and criminal illegal aliens putting our families at risk. pic of those two with a masked man holding an assault rifle in the middle. the illegal aliens are overburdening our schools, hospitals and taxpayers. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH scene switch to Lincoln Hough walking the wall and giving some direction to border patrol. some things he sees already. mistakes being made. doubtless. Lincoln says Build The Wall and Deport Criminal Aliens. Lincoln Hough is Tough on Illegal Immigration.

Pure Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's it. Sort of light on content for other stuff in Mo but that's okay. it's early.
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Man it’s suddenly all over my social media now too. Crazy how this stuff spreads so quickly. Now it’s tons of women just randomly saying it to their guys. Lol
Wouldn’t you guess it will all be gone before this time next week?
At Grant’s farm with the boy. The fence that surrounds the property is made from military rifle barrels. I’d like to do that for our Dream Team property
My middle son slammed my youngest son barefoot in the car door on Friday. Needless to say he was in some pain and laid around on Friday. Woke up Saturday and his big toe was blue and pretty nasty. I went upstairs to do a few things and when I come downstairs he was walking in the door. I ask him what are you doing? He said he just rode the really fast thing.

He’d snuck out with his brother and hopped on the back of one of the neighborhood kids little dirt bike. He said he couldn’t walk back because his foot hurt. No shit dude, you’re toe is blue 🤣 I explained to him we don’t ride on those fast things. His response, don’t worry Daddy I held on really tight 🤷🏻‍♂️
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My middle son slammed my youngest son barefoot in the car door on Friday. Needless to say he was in some pain and laid around on Friday. Woke up Saturday and his big toe was blue and pretty nasty. I went upstairs to do a few things and when I come downstairs he was walking in the door. I ask him what are you doing? He said he just rode the really fast thing.

He’d snuck out with his brother and hopped on the back of one of the neighborhood kids little dirt bike. He said he couldn’t walk back because his foot hurt. No, shit dude, you’re toe is blue 🤣 I explained to him we don’t ride on those fast things. His response, don’t worry Daddy I held on really tight 🤷🏻‍♂️
Oh my god!!!!
My middle son slammed my youngest son barefoot in the car door on Friday. Needless to say he was in some pain and laid around on Friday. Woke up Saturday and his big toe was blue and pretty nasty. I went upstairs to do a few things and when I come downstairs he was walking in the door. I ask him what are you doing? He said he just rode the really fast thing.

He’d snuck out with his brother and hopped on the back of one of the neighborhood kids little dirt bike. He said he couldn’t walk back because his foot hurt. No shit dude, you’re toe is blue 🤣 I explained to him we don’t ride on those fast things. His response, don’t worry Daddy I held on really tight 🤷🏻‍♂️

Growing up, my grandparents had a couple mini bikes that my cousin and I would ride around our block and race.

One day my little cousin came over (brother to the other cousin) and wanted to ride. We pulled over and he said he wanted to race me which was cool. We went and did a couple trips and then I parked it. About that time our grandma called us in for lunch so I parked my bike and waited for my other cousin to come around. He wouldn't stop for anything, just kept going and going. My grandma yelled out to my older cousin to get him off the bike so next time around, she ran out in the middle of the street and did the most beautiful close-line I've ever seen. He flipped backwards but never let go of the handlebars, which actually broke off the bike when he landed.

He got in trouble for not listening and we were one bike down for the summer. Seeing that hit though was definitely worth it.
Growing up, my grandparents had a couple mini bikes that my cousin and I would ride around our block and race.

One day my little cousin came over (brother to the other cousin) and wanted to ride. We pulled over and he said he wanted to race me which was cool. We went and did a couple trips and then I parked it. About that time our grandma called us in for lunch so I parked my bike and waited for my other cousin to come around. He wouldn't stop for anything, just kept going and going. My grandma yelled out to my older cousin to get him off the bike so next time around, she ran out in the middle of the street and did the most beautiful close-line I've ever seen. He flipped backwards but never let go of the handlebars, which actually broke off the bike when he landed.

He got in trouble for not listening and we were one bike down for the summer. Seeing that hit though was definitely worth it.
He then jumped up and said thanks granny, I didn’t know where the brakes were!
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OK, fess up - which one of you is this:

Raise Hand GIF by Nick Jonas
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The Hawk Tua girl got fired from her preschool teaching job. But never fear, she is selling merch. I know you guys need some tshirts and hoodies.
That story was clearly made up. Talked about the kids spitting on each other because of Hawk Tuah, etc.
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