Biden dropping out. Wow. Faster than I thought.

Going to be interesting.
I was too fast. Apparently he’s endorsed Harris now. I don’t know if that means his delegates will vote for her at the convention. I don’t believe they are required to.
Also...none of campaign $ can be transferred to Harris. And there's no way they can pass over her. How would that look to their supporters? Plus,this is Obama's call. He said it must be Harris. Several of his former campaign staff now are working with Harris. I hope she takes Joe's place for the 2nd debate.
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It's pretty clear to most of the country that he shouldn't even have access to car keys much less the nuclear codes...
That’s been clear for quite a while.
Positives: good name recognition. May be able to consolidate Black and Hispanic voters which Biden really struggled with

Negatives: Poor approval ratings and polling. Hasn’t done much as VP and had a terrible run in the 2020 primaries.

Like you, I think she is the obvious choice…but still a very risky choice. Being from California is no help, and she’ll have a lot of attacks from Trump that will be hard to deflect
Trump will inevitably say something borderline racist/sexist and the mainstream media will run with it. Harris is a far greater challenge to Trump for that reason alone, imo.
WTF deleted my post about Kamala sleeping her way to the top? Show yourself and then provide evidence of 30+ year differences that weren't done for money, power, fame.

And locked floor’s thread and deleted judge joe brown’s video. So you can post nonstop about trump and his locker room shit but someone does the same for Harris it’s out of bounds? Not a character issue both ways?
Thats some horseshit, whoever is doing it.
@UncleMark answer. He asked you a direct question.

And where is @crayfish. SAY HIS NAME.
It’s Sunday July 21st and still no Cray. Not a single clue as to what happened to him. We don’t even have a body to grieve over and write a proper epitaph for.

It’s an abomination that SOMEONE must answer for.

Sensitive and sweet isn’t exactly my thing. For example, you should never talk about IQs since it’s pretty certain yours is between 70 and maybe 85. Hurt your feelings? Don’t care. 😉
Nope. I’m fine. What do you think about your new candidate Kamala? Is she getting Aloha’a vote in the fall?
  • Haha
Reactions: DANC
Nope. I’m fine. What do you think about your new candidate Kamala? Is she getting Aloha’a vote in the fall?
She’s not my candidate. I’m still most likely doing a write in vote for the first time. What’s your name?
I'm as much an adult as you are a former .gov employee drawing a pension. I have had several family members do their 20 in the services, yet they don't talk about or defend D.C. the way you do.

You may have been a republican at some point...
You should post like an adult.

Your paranoid beliefs about the government aren’t normal or supported in the real world.