$4.50 for a dozen eggs here in rural Kentucky

They had to decide if Trump was defaming her. It wouldn't be defamation if the jury thought he was telling the truth.

They saw the evidence and their opinion was that Trump did the deed.

Your opinion is based on no evidence. I will take the jury's opinion over you
So it is not evidence that this woman said multitudes of men raped her? My question is did the judge allow this to be entered into as evidence. If not, then why not?
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If I was 76 years old and hit the ball like Big Don, I'd be out there, too!

Obama wasn't even half the president that Trump was; he was LAZY.
By all accounts trump is obese. Give Obama time as he ages he might pick up enough weight to be half the president trump was. Then again he's easily twice as smart so maybe it all evens out
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By all accounts trump is obese. Give Obama time as he ages he might pick up enough weight to be half the president trump was. Then again he's easily twice as smart so maybe it all evens out
By all accounts? Anybody that has eyes can see he’s a ginormous fata$$. I don’t know about twice as smart. I’d take the over on that one. Trump has the vocabulary of a 6th grader.
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I didnt include gas----which wasnt that bad since i had 50 cent off....Still cost me $46 to fill up. @$2.28 per gallom. Again, that was with 50-cents off.

Grocery prices are absurd. They just are. Cereal at $7? Pack of lunch meat $5-7? Milk at $2.28 Grapes at $2 per pound....tomatoes at $1.99...

I mean it literally cost you $30 to make a simple fukin ham, cheese and tomato sammy...
$7 for cereal? Who the hell would pay that? I rarely pay over $1.99 and never over $2.50 and that's at any WalTucky. That fact right there should tell you how much price gouging is going on...
Never do Grubhub so can't comment and really haven't been to Wendy's in forever but a friend went there recently and said he ordered two number one's with no extras and it was like 28.00. Gone are the days were a fast food meal was reasonable. The price to inflated food prices is less staff, poor service and less money.

I have no idea about Smokeworks? Took the wife out to Texas Roadhouse and we both drank diet cokes and had a meal an it cost just north of $60.00 after tip. I guess my typical 20% tip is going to get trimmed down to 10%, I have to find ways to limit my spending seems like a great place to start.

Oh, I did go to a Subway and their prices are through the roof as well. Funny thing was there was a cup by the register asking for tips, I left a note saying lower your prices. I thought it was a great tip?
Would never pay over $6.99 for a Subway footlong. They have an ongoing special this month where any footlong on the menu (including all of those fancy new ones I'd never pay full price for) is $6.99. Even when they don't have ongoing specials a simple google search reveals coupons that make footlongs $6.99 in the app/online.. Works out to $7.24 w/tax and I'll only pay that price,because that's what they're worth...

Did have an interesting experience a week or so ago when my local store for pickup (main street Bloomfield,IN) somehow switched to main street in Creighton NE. I didn't notice it till after I paid for my order. Disaster on both ends was averted when I called the NE store to cancel. I got a refund and they didn't waste their time/money making a sandwhich that no one was going to be picking up...
those other countries shouldn't have to deal with bidenflation in the first place. We caused their pain by voting in that imbecile (sarcasm).
Not sure you're being funny or are some sort of Trumper. I do think it funny that two of the worst countries experiencing post pandemic inflation at record rates were Putin's Russia and Orban's Hungary. IIRC Trump mentioned both in positive terms during the debate. I wonder if all those debate watchers shaking their heads affirmatively when Trump was calling a Orban a "great leader" have any idea that while people here were complaining about 5% inflation Orban's citizens were dealing with 25% or more...

Hey they don't call Orban Europe's Trump for nothing...Authorian AND an economic "genius" :rolleyes: at the same time...
Eggs are back up again to nearly $4.00 a dozen.

And has anyone else noticed the lack of QC in sizing since the pandemic?

Also, the shells seem more...I dunno...brittle?
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Would never pay over $6.99 for a Subway footlong. They have an ongoing special this month where any footlong on the menu (including all of those fancy new ones I'd never pay full price for) is $6.99. Even when they don't have ongoing specials a simple google search reveals coupons that make footlongs $6.99 in the app/online.. Works out to $7.24 w/tax and I'll only pay that price,because that's what they're worth...

Did have an interesting experience a week or so ago when my local store for pickup (main street Bloomfield,IN) somehow switched to main street in Creighton NE. I didn't notice it till after I paid for my order. Disaster on both ends was averted when I called the NE store to cancel. I got a refund and they didn't waste their time/money making a sandwhich that no one was going to be picking up...

A Subway franchise would literally lose money on every sandwich selling $6.99 footling subs today. It was a money losing promo to get people to use their app

Remember the $5 footlong promotion they ran forever back like a decade ago? Those lost money for every operator, and that was under costs from a decade ago.