Biden dropping out. Wow. Faster than I thought.

Wait, you guys have been saying for years that Joe has dementia and wasn't fit to be president. Two thirds of democratic voters wanted him replaced a year ago, months before the 2024 primaries began. Now, you say it's the democratic party leaders that unfairly forced him out and you think Joe is capable of running and being president for another 4 years? LOL!
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Wow that was painful.

And yet, 3 weeks ago they were still telling anyone that would listen,that Biden is "sharp" "energetic" "on top of it" "hard to keep up with" "100% confident in his mental acuity". And what's worse,is that none of them even care that they have been lied to and deceived. They just blindly keep supporting the same treatment. It's completely baffling.
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Every time I start reading this thread title I get my hopes up.... Then finish and say, DAMN.
I do love winter apparel. Big bulky, cozy. Go to any Ski resort in the country, the better they dress, the better they ski.

Think I'm going to spring for a Canada Goose this winter. I feel a sufficient amount of time has passed that I wouldn't be following the crowd.
It’s been 20 years. I’m not sure they are fashionable anymore
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It’s been 20 years. I’m not sure they are fashionable anymore
It has not been 20 years. Maybe the company has been around that long but they exploded around 2017 where every cutie in the Loop had their CG Parka on. This was pre-covid when people still went into offices and interacted with each other.

Simpler times.
Bitcoin fixes the problem. The foundational issue is a broken monetary that is causing the tribalism. Everyone feels the pain and are expressing their hurt/anger in their own ways. Democrats point fingers at Republicans and Republicans point fingers. Bitcoin will save the country. It’s why Trump embracing it is such a big deal.
Bitcoin. The future.

It’s why I’m voting for him. There are only a few countries who can front run it and get out debt. I want it to be the U.S. There is nothing else more important. Democrats need to pull their f#cking heads out of their asses and do what is right.
"Crypto check"? Does the guy even understand what crypto is?
"Crypto check"? Does the guy even understand what crypto is?
Not sure. I did watch a podcast and the guy said he talked to a Billionaire’s son who claimed his dad was orange pilled by Trump. Orange pill = Bitcoiner to clarify. Trump is correct on paying off the debt with Bitcoin. It’s a no brainer.
Not sure. I did watch a podcast and the guy said he talked to a Billionaire’s son who claimed his dad was orange pilled by Trump. Orange pill = Bitcoiner to clarify. Trump is correct on paying off the debt with Bitcoin. It’s a no brainer.
It beats paying it off with inflated dollars, but I don't trust Trump to follow through with it anymore than I trust Harris to actually support fracking and border control.
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It beats paying it off with inflated dollars, but I don't trust Trump to follow through with it anymore than I trust Harris to actually support fracking and border control.
I agree, but there is a 0 percent chance Harris will do it.