‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill - Florida

Much ado about very little. Anecdotal evidence, a few stories that Fox News and other right wing outlets constantly trumpet to stir the pot to get people and organized groups upset. Do people honestly think teachers WANT to talk about sex, genders, etc with students? Students ask questions, students sometimes have no one else to tsk to, including and sometimes especially their parents. Teachers wants their students to stay safe, not be bullied, and not commit suicide because they have no one to talk to.
I don’t see how this law prevents teachers from discussing bullying with their pupils at any age group.
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Ran religions out of schools? You want religion in schools? Which one? This attack on teachers is already scaring good teachers away and will continue to do so. Hopefully everyone will come to their senses before we are in crisis mode.
The teachers that are scared of this bill are free to mosey their little asses out the door and not look back.

The religion thing flew over your head because you are a member of the cult being discussed.
That’s great, but depends on parents. Sadly, too many people here have zero idea the kind of parents some of our kids have. In jail, living with grandparents, drug addicts. Who do you think is helping these kids?
"Teachers are not indoctrinating kids or trying to raise them."

To support this, Zeke has posted that teachers are going to walk because of bills like the Florida bill that require parental notification and not teaching gender confusion to 5 to 9 year olds and that we should just see some of the unfit parents that teachers have to deal with so somebody has got to do it.

Thank you for making my point for me.
I don’t see how this law prevents teachers from discussing bullying with their pupils at any age group.
It doesn't, which has been my point all along. We always got an anti-bullying message as kids. Ir at least I did and everyone that went to school with me. That is how they sell this. Social Emltional Learning. "We just want kids to feel welcome and not be mean to each other..." That is how they get the empathetic people, those who do not have kids in school, and those who are predisposed to think teachers are great and the most selfless people on the planet to not do any digging at all while they get the stuff they do not want you to question in the door too. Antiracist/equity/CRT adjacent items and then LGBTQXYZ stuff. If you look, they flat out tell you that they want to raise the next generation of activists. Period.

You can provide examples until you are blue in the face and it is a waste of time. The majority of the people who engage in conversations against my POV want this in schools, know it is there, and are too chicken shit to just admit it.
That’s great, but depends on parents. Sadly, too many people here have zero idea the kind of parents some of our kids have. In jail, living with grandparents, drug addicts. Who do you think is helping these kids?
Well it might be an individual teacher here and there, , but it sure as hell is not big city union dominated public school systems.
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"Teachers are not indoctrinating kids or trying to raise them."

To support this, Zeke has posted that teachers are going to walk because of bills like the Florida bill that require parental notification and not teaching gender confusion to 5 to 9 year olds and that we should just see some of the unfit parents that teachers have to deal with so somebody has got to do it.

Thank you for making my point for me.
You are absolutely killing it in this thread.

I’ll listen to the argument that this bill is unnecessary, which I’d counter by saying the people of Florida are free to teach their children however they see fit.

But an “attack” on teachers?

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Kids at that age aren't gay, straight, queer, trans or anything. They are just kids. Their interests are recess, lunch, recess, snacks, singing a song, and going home. Yapping about gay sex, or trans people at these ages is an adult thing, not a kid thing. Let the kids be kids; period! Anything else is a parent thing.
If kids are just kids and none of those things at that age, then why should we reserve to the parents the right to teach them otherwise? Serious question.
If kids are just kids and none of those things at that age, then why should we reserve to the parents the right to teach them otherwise? Serious question.
Not that you’re asking me but I don’t get your question. Why should anyone teach them otherwise, that is, other than what they are at that moment in time.
If kids are just kids and none of those things at that age, then why should we reserve to the parents the right to teach them otherwise? Serious question.
We don’t “reserve” that for the parents. The parents have it. The serious question should be why shift it?
We don’t “reserve” that for the parents. The parents have it. The serious question should be why shift it?
This thread is exhibits 1 through 100 on why Florida felt they had to pass this type of bill. They aren't our children, they are theirs. That is the thought process. And if you dare to raise them in a manner that they don't deem acceptable, why they will undermine your authority in the 7 hours a day you are in school.

Zeke decides who is a fit parent, what is right to morally teach a child, and Goat supports it because if people are what they are then what right do parents have to say differently. And so we are clear what "are what they are" means, these same people will argue with you until they are blue in the face that the world is basically whatever you want to make it. Boys are girls, women have penises, and men have periods.
You’re all going insane about a small number of people…. Like ONE athlete. Who finished first in one race, but 5th and 8th in two others. Certainly not a dominating performance.
Does it matter what place He finished? Do you know anything about swimming? Since there are only 8 swimmers to make the final, ask the lady who finished 9th in prelims of those three events if it mattered to her that this man who took her spot in the final finished 5th and 8th. Maybe the St. Peter’s mens basketball team should all declare they identify as women and play the winner of the UCONN / SC game. That way their “Cinderella” run can continue. Would that be a big deal? After all, it’s just one game and one team. And just wait. It won’t be long before the term Cinderella is cancelled too because it offends someone. Hell. With the way Disney is going, they may just have to cancel all the princesses names.
That’s great, but depends on parents. Sadly, too many people here have zero idea the kind of parents some of our kids have. In jail, living with grandparents, drug addicts. Who do you think is helping these kids?
Please tell us. Let me guess… does it involve the new word of the week… grooming?
Cancel culture is bad. Just ask the Dixie Chicks, Colin Kaeperernick, Jane Fonda, Kathy Griffin, Michelle Wolf, French fries. Yep it’s bad.
This is all bullshit zeke and I’m pretty sure you know that. If there ever was a total and absolute policy irrelevancy in today’s world it’s transgenderism. Biden and the brain trust
he calls an administration are miserable failures at everything. So he paints over his profound incompetence by yelling at states about transgenders? He yells at Putin for the effects of his own dunbassed energy policies? Kids are poisoned by the thousands here because the Mexicans using Chinese products are pushing enough fatal amounts of fentanyl into the United States to kill all of us every month. Young teens are engaged in smash and grabs, armed carjackings, and street corner shootouts at alarming rates while mom and dad are stoned, drunk, high, passed out, or beating each other up. Thousands are on the streets shitting all over the place and shooting up with drugs while we support them with SSI checks. All we get from Biden about this is crickets.

The country is a mess. The federal government and the Biden administration are absolutely useless. All they do is now pontificate about transgenderism because they f*cked up everything else.
It seems you do get it. Why should anyone teach them otherwise? Even parents?

Otherwise meaning what, that kids are other than kids?
Goat apparently thinks parents should not tell boys they are boys and girls they are girls because a fraction of a percent of the truly transgendered people exist in society. No, instead we should confuse the shit out of the vast majority of children to make adults feel better.

It's beyond stupid.
Tell me you’ve never visited a classroom without telling me you’ve never visited a classroom. You sure as hell better hope teachers are teaching morals, politeness, tolerance, etc. Cause way too many are NOT getting it at home.
It's not the school's job to raise kids.

This is where you and your thinking is driving this country into the ground and why Libs won't say what the difference between a man and a woman is.

Just butt out of everyone else's lives and the world will be a much saner place.
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That’s great, but depends on parents. Sadly, too many people here have zero idea the kind of parents some of our kids have. In jail, living with grandparents, drug addicts. Who do you think is helping these kids?

Tell me you’ve never visited a classroom without telling me you’ve never visited a classroom. You sure as hell better hope teachers are teaching morals, politeness, tolerance, etc. Cause way too many are NOT getting it at home.
And thus we come to see Zekes worldview. Teachers are not there to teach you about algebra, alleles, or essay construction.

They are the moral and foundational force in a child’s life. Bullshit.

I don’t want the idiot elementary education major (who couldn’t get into Kelley) that I took home from Kilroys at 3 AM teaching my child morals.

She really thinks she had an impact on these kids lives. It’s sad. Once upon a time we probably crossed paths in some sorority dining room somewhere. The house mom is a sad existence. The girls are polite to their faces and pity them for the miserable spinster lifestyle they lead when their backs are turned.

F the parents. They’re all drug addicts and homophobes. Us educators need to be the ones to mold them. After all we took courses in “Don’t eat the glue 101” and “How to play with blocks”. We understand the world.
Goat apparently thinks parents should not tell boys they are boys and girls they are girls because a fraction of a percent of the truly transgendered people exist in society. No, instead we should confuse the shit out of the vast majority of children to make adults feel better.

It's beyond stupid.
Hm. Until Goat’s says otherwise, your interpretation of goat’s view makes sense.

Couple unspoken problems underlying this discussion.

1. Even the LGBTQ community distinguishes between men and women, between boys and girls, between males and females. Trans woman: “I always knew I was a girl/female.“

2. Homes have unisex bathrooms. Do parents actually “teach“ their young children they are boys or girls? Is buying a girl a dress “teaching“ her she’s a girl?

I disagree with COH. I knew full well when I was four that I was a boy, my neighbor was a girl, and that boy-girl sex had to do with a relationship between me and her, my penis in her vagina. Yes, I was a kid. No, I didn’t think about it in terms of sperm, eggs, and creating a baby. Age-related understanding.

Goat’s serious question seems to translate to, should society distinguish between girl and boy? Should we have only unisex bathrooms? Should Target and Walmart have different sections for boys clothes, girls clothes, women’s clothes, men’s clothes? Reductio ad absurdum.

Or is the real problem not directly related to gender identity? Is the real problem simply intolerance and bullying? Intolerance of ______, bullying because ______. Fill in the blank with fat, stupid, special needs, sexual orientation.
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Basic sex education, as I understand it (not that I’ve ever visited the curriculum), covers the physical aspects of procreation. Gender identity has absolutely nothing to do with that. Distinct topic.
Sure it does. Procreation is biology and science. Gender identity is a departure from biology and science.

100% of the gender identity/confusion advocates are a product of procreative biology and science. Rejecting that is like rejecting gravity.
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Hm. Until Goat’s says otherwise, your interpretation of goat’s view makes sense.

Couple unspoken problems underlying this discussion.

1. Even the LGBTQ community distinguishes between men and women, between boys and girls, between males and females. Trans woman: “I always knew I was a girl/female.“

2. Homes have unisex bathrooms. Do parents actually “teach“ their young children they are boys or girls? Is buying a girl a dress “teaching“ her she’s a girl?

I disagree with COH. I knew full well when I was four that I was a boy, my neighbor was a girl, and that boy-girl sex had to do with a relationship between me and her, my penis in her vagina. Yes, I was a kid. No, I didn’t think about it in terms of sperm, eggs, and creating a baby. Age-related understanding.

Goat’s serious question seems to translate to, should society distinguish between girl and boy? Should we have only unisex bathrooms? Should Target and Walmart have different sections for boys clothes, girls clothes, women’s clothes, men’s clothes? Reductio ad absurdum.

Or is the real problem not directly related to gender identity? Is the real problem simply intolerance and bullying? Intolerance of ______, bullying because ______. Fill in the blank with fat, stupid, special needs, sexual orientation.
You knew that when you were 4?

Who taught you that?
And thus we come to see Zekes worldview. Teachers are not there to teach you about algebra, alleles, or essay construction.

They are the moral and foundational force in a child’s life. Bullshit.

I don’t want the idiot elementary education major (who couldn’t get into Kelley) that I took home from Kilroys at 3 AM teaching my child morals.

She really thinks she had an impact on these kids lives. It’s sad. Once upon a time we probably crossed paths in some sorority dining room somewhere. The house mom is a sad existence. The girls are polite to their faces and pity them for the miserable spinster lifestyle they lead when their backs are turned.

F the parents. They’re all drug addicts and homophobes. Us educators need to be the ones to mold them. After all we took courses in “Don’t eat the glue 101” and “How to play with blocks”. We understand the world.
Why are you so angry?
“Heterosexual grooming.”

These people are insane.
The opinion piece is definitely over the top at times (a point it seems to acknowledge), but what specifically about the concept do you find insane? Do you think society is unbiased between heterosexual and homosexual orientations? You and ce36 bring up an interesting idea for discussion.
Why are you so angry?
Because he is one of “those” guys who had to hang out at Kilroy’s until 3 am before he could find a woman who would go home with him. That tends to cause some serious issues over time.
The opinion piece is definitely over the top at times (a point it seems to acknowledge), but what specifically about the concept do you find insane? Do you think society is unbiased between heterosexual and homosexual orientations? You and ce36 bring up an interesting idea for discussion.
I'll tell ya what I think Hoos. It's the Dems cutting their nose off to spite their face. They take an issue with a low occurrence rate, CRT, Gender Id/orientation at school, and give the Pubs a gift to run with it and exploit it as a massive issue. Desantis has become a master at it. You even wonder about the origin of some of the lawsuits. Like political champerty. The result is to paint Dems like lunatics and the Pubs the sane party (if you can imagine that). In truth it's an issue that impacts a negligible part of society, yet has significant political implications because perception outsizes reality. Progressive issues are destroying the Dems nationally - as will be reflected in Nov. You'd think party leaders by now would figure out a way to compartmentalize these issues/movements and isolate the broader party from it for the sake of winning forthcoming elections
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Sure it does. Procreation is biology and science. Gender identity is a departure from biology and science.

100% of the gender identity/confusion advocates are a product of procreative biology and science. Rejecting that is like rejecting gravity.
I’m talking about basic sex education vs gender identity instruction. My point is that a law about basic sex education is distinct from a law about gender identity instruction. In other words, to cover both you need to stipulate something about both. Am I wrong?
Goat apparently thinks parents should not tell boys they are boys and girls they are girls because a fraction of a percent of the truly transgendered people exist in society. No, instead we should confuse the shit out of the vast majority of children to make adults feel better.

It's beyond stupid.
Nonsense. I'm merely asking questions about assumptions people are making.
So? Does that mean that you do think it is okay for an adult to tell a kid that they are not just a kid, but rather straight, gay, whatever, so long as that adult is the parent?
No. The parent/child relationship is worth the utmost protection. That said not all kids are raised in the way I would do it. Legal or social intervention needs to be vary careful.
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I'll tell ya what I think Hoos. It's the Dems cutting their nose off to spite their face. They take an issue with a low occurrence rate, CRT, Gender Id/orientation at school, and give the Pubs a gift to run with it and exploit it as a massive issue. Desantis has become a master at it. You even wonder about the origin of some of the lawsuits. Like political champerty. The result is to paint Dems like lunatics and the Pubs the sane party (if you can imagine that). In truth it's an issue that impacts a negligible part of society, yet has significant political implications because perception outsizes reality. Progressive issues are destroying the Dems nationally - as will be reflected in Nov. You'd think party leaders by now would figure out a way to compartmentalize these issues/movements and isolate the broader party from it for the sake of winning forthcoming elections
That's an interesting thought, but it's not really responsive to the question I was trying to ask. I'm not particularly interested in how the issue impacts Democrats or Republicans. The politics of the issue isn't even secondary or third or fourth...dary 🤣 to what I'm asking. I can't imagine that hoopsdoc is particularly concerned about Dems losing Congressional seats, so just wondering what specifically about the concept he finds insane.

Is anyone willing to make the argument that American society doesn't fairly strongly "otherize" LBGQT lives? A lot of what I saw in the opinion piece makes the argument that society is most definitely not "not teaching gender or sexual orientation" to young children. Polemics abound in that opinion piece, but it is a decent starting point for the conversation - Is it only a problem when the sexual orientation being pushed is something other than straight cisgender? That seems like a much more interesting topic for conversation than how the issue impacts the balance of power in Congress.
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